ANALOG BEVICES INe ANALOG DEVICES WEE Db MM O81b400 0028947 4 MANA 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying CMOS D/A Converters PM-7545/PM-7645 FEATURES * Preadjuated Full Seale... 1 LS8 Maximum Galn Error * Low Gain Tanparature Coafilelant wens 2PM * Small 20-Pin 0,3" Wide DIP * PM-7h45 TTL Compatlbte for,, mV * PM-7645 TTL and 6Y CMOS Compatible for , = 15 * High B30 Aasletanoe * Avallabte in Ole Form ORDERING INFORMATION ' PACKAGE: 22-A[y EaTEHDED fMLP MILTTARTY INSUST ANAL DOMMERGIAL GAIN ERROR TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE TRRPRRATURE 1, 2a FCS Otero O70 Bs 4 Fo #1 LEB PRIS50F PMIS4260 PGP #1 La PREL5EA PRUS45FA - +7 LEB PMTeeS BRC PMSF - i Lk = PRGS45FPC - +a - PRGSS5FS . +i LEB PTH AR Ala see PRTaa5GF #1 LEE PeTHaAl PRTea3F A . +1L56 - Phi EPP . #1-LEG, - Piucrgesh Po . 2-LSE - El - For denna sroctepsed in botal complienen to MIL-STO-GEd, ne abe Bart aunt, Genaal lieta-p dor 00) deca eheert, T Burin is awailible on corimarcal and ideal lerigoriueseante partein QaDF, slastic DP, and Tosser pacha pad. CHOSS REFERENCE TEMPERATURE Fie AG FANG PMTMEAR ADTS4GU0 PhTSMSER ADTEGSUD PMITSEBR ACTESTD MILITARY PMFSHEBR ADTSS550) PMTEHEER ADTEIso00 PMIFE48 FR: ADTEESC PM7S48FR ADTESS84 INDUSTRIAL PMTE45FR, ADTESAG PMTE45OR ACBL PMTE4EFP ADTS45L4 PMIFSd5RP ADT55KH COMMERCIAL PM TE45FP ADT525JH PMFe45FRG ADTSGRF GENERAL DESCRIPTION The PM -7845PAl-Te46 are 12-Eet COMOS Multiplying GAs with Internal data labohes. Digital data ts input in 201i wide date fonmat, whale Chand Wir oonbrel Inpulsareactyelow, Guring thie ime the achesane transparent allowing deg iba input direct BOTS Or bo he DAG. When WR le returned to bogie high, thea current cata word in the latch is saved. The PM-7545 operates trom4te 1S valt pewer supplies, oferlng TTL logit compl bl lity at Wing of S and CAS logic compal- leiity at Wp al IBY. The PiM-7 646 Is soealflod for operation at Voo of 15, afering TTL logee input compatibility PIN CONNECTIONS 20-PIN EPOXY Dp (P=Siucthiny 20-FiN HERMETIC 0 (A-Surtfite) 20-PIN' SOL (3-Sullixy 20-CONTACTLOC (RC-Sutllx) FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Fed Ta RES Tear Varro WL PL PD on IRPST DATA LATCHES He OGITAL-TO- ANALOG CONVERTERS 2-879oo ANALOG DEVICES INC 4@E D MM O8Lb400 0028948 & MANA PM-7545/PM-7645 T-1-09-12 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (7, = 426C, unless otherwise noted. A PACKAGE TYPE 8, [Hole 1h Big MHI Vpyry Oot XG ss messeresteresemstenteuneremtssennetims sonnet tents 0.5, 417V Sore: Herne De " " eat Digital [agra Wiodlbaeg BG CHAD oppsessssmssrenssscessonessonsee 0.3, Von 2-Pin Pests CHP 4P] ae a sc AVGMID be GOP ctor tects tusimasscasenererer noose OD, tiCoaine LOC (RC, TC] aa a4 stay Vovpeee Veiga 2 CRG assssstentssentirstrenttsenttenttrerstennen aon 2-Pin SOL (Bi) a8 25 cw Ven 1 BG sastectcssssssnssesingnsinnvenmcsnene ARS, Veo BhGostecl PLGG (PC) 74 aa can wing Tarmparabire ange MOTE! Military (AF, BR) Girard 5, se ssicssseentsssnnss SEG bo 12 G ts Sb mpesifed fev wore! Sone mound on nae tsce We apace fe industrial (ER, FR, FP, FPO, PS) Grades... 0 to 48556 ran pace) a paciled Cormmmarala) (GP) Grae. ee asecterceesteevreene _ OO io e708 cance fe evinhed circu board for BOL and ALOS pecages. JUNGHON TEMP STEIN crete ee TO 1. Saat above tog Dated onder Abssluls Rhiinum Andsga? my ena Sora @ Tarp ae ae ectssntsremssrenersamersemenss HSS fo + 15080 peerenar Carriage bo the derwiod. This bee etrets rating oniy and kuncoed Lead Temperature (Soldering, G0 aed)......a6cenon CG eplraiitd al of above TL) dpeciliea tian [a ra) implied, Bepowure te above micdmum roling condlona lor quien dad eavises mony abiae! daylse agli y, 2, Oo natopply tages: higher thew or leas hen GMD potential on arp tee minal Breet Vs e 8. The digital [rpuls ana tener proleciid, howe, pacmasent damage may SctuT 04 np Mched Ltie hom Aigh-anaigy olecinctatofalds. Koaperiiain Sendueive fear at all Orta antl nied Moni, Led proper erie handing endcid unas, 4. Presa Beat Beefs PHT g 2! re Rerig elf nara chad tear, ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at V,, m5 Weep et TOV, Voy, 2 OV, AGN = DSN OV; T, 2 55"C to +1 2550 apply tor PM-TEASARVBR; T, - 40C to 485C apply for PM-TSSSERUFEVPPIFPOUFS; T, = OC +7080 apply for PIM-TE4SGP, unlass eth- arvize noted. 18 operaiing characteristics are shown ani the dollowing pages. PM -TSa5A/E/G PA-TS45 BF PARAMETER W7MEOL 8 86 MM 0816800 0028950 4 MANA | PM-7545/PM-7645 T-51-09-12 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at V,, = +15V, Vio pe +10, V2 OV, AGND = OGND = OV; T, = 88C ba +128C amply for PM-7ivP M-7 E450 RBA; T, 40C bo +85C apply tor PM-7545/P he f848ER/FRIFPIFPOPS; T, = 00 to+70C apply dor PME TE45/P-TS4SGP, unleas olharwisa nated, PM-TS45A0E/G PaETE4SRF PM-T646 ARG PRLTRSHF PARAMETER aYMBOH. COM CATOR IH TP wax Ma Te WA UKGTE STATIC ACCURACY Aeedufion Hl 12 = ws i = _ Bite Acieivo Ancuraty IAL Ta = Pull Terme, Panga - _ 1a =- =_ bir Lae Oi leraniiel Ty Full Teme. ange _ Mordirea tery Fab [Fiabe i = +i = _ zi i. Gat Error a Ther eeo - _ ti - = I theirs 2, 3) ree Tyo Full Tarmg, Penge = = 3 _ _ 4 Lisa Carin: Tern pa raters Cet gd ort TGGipe [Pete i] = +2 Fe _ bs" i ppn"o AG rmeceatre 0 Sep phy Aejection Tam tied - = = doe = = CL oe AGnInf fap rae T," Ful Temp, Amage! too = soo - - fiw li Tan Hao, IR = nt . _ _ * Gatpul Leakags I All Oigited Inga = ov nA Gurrent at QuT Lr Ta= Pull Temp. Range Age Vier igng = = Bi) = _ ou EJFA OH varsbons = 1 a = = ao es ee ee ee eee ae] DPHAMIC PER POR RA MCE Propega lien Batre Tas ees _ _ _ _ [iota 4, & 6 7h tpn (COLT (Levees 2 OTE, Cage 1) = a ns T= Full Teng. Range Curent Salling Time ty [Be VE LS69 (Mota 4] - 1 - _ 1 ai lou Load = 1a, Teter ia ener a T= Ful Temp. Range ~ _ oe ~ ~ ooo nile inte Vigge = AGI [Moe dp T= Full Temp. Range AG Piedra A ai | ugh FT Voce = te, f= dae - 4 - - 5 _ mp our AL Di gitwi [pul = or AEFERBACE PUT ing! Ad thera T= Full Tenp, Range I [Pin 19 be CHOY Paws Ifigrat Pha a ees r ' ws ? " 1 kik ANALOG OUTPUTS _ Gutput Capaciianes Ty= Full Teri. Parga [Hose df Cay DE-DE sy A = OB = ov - - a0 = = a] ra Qour D80-D81) Ving. AR =e Gy - m0 - = "O DdGITAL IRPUTS Input High Voltage Vie V5 _ - 5 - = T, = Full Temp. Puinga, PRTSas ing Low Vole Yum A pa. _ - 1s _ _ Ls leu High Madre Fine ba _ 74 _ - inet Low Yoikags Von Ta5 Full Tomp. Range, Peta _ _ on ~ on y Ty 2 t 2550 - = 1 - = 1 i Ppt Cane te Ty "Full Temp. Range - - " = 7 ia ne Inga Capacitance iy Ty @ Full Tomp. Ranga _ _ A _ _ a = BAoOb A, FA, 75 eu Oghotg a] 2-679 OGTALTO-ANALOG CONVERTERS REV,ANALOG DEVICES INC oe WeE Db MM 0436800 0024551 & MANA T=51-09-12 PM-7545/PM-7645 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at V,=+15, , FE4(P hl: 7B455P, unkese otheanwlee noted. Goaveodt = - 10M, Y ior PM-7545/PM-7645ARVBR; T, ~i0C1o +88"0 apply tor PM-PSd5iP a = OV, AGHD = BOND = oV;T, =-5E%Gto +1280 apply SER/FRUFPHPP VFS; T, = OSG to +70C-apply bor PM PRT HEA PM-75455/F PRT AEG PM 764 56)F PAFLAWETER MOL cOMOMONS Min rhe WAX ME TY MAX UNITS POWER SUPPLY To = Poll Tarnig, Flaca 'po [All Aghia Arygos Ving OF Vigged - f mA Supply Curran Ta = +28"C - e 109 = 2 imo 2 loo Ty = Pell Tanip, Range = 5 100 = 65 1 BA (All Dipti Inga bt OF ot Wied SAT OHMS CHARS TERSSTICE Sa Thenirey Caiegra rr UATE AG PMATRaS BAF Chorin 4 ap Ghp Salen by Tye tee ea Fo = mo 17a _ Wirina Shetiips Tiere a Ta "Fall Tarp. Ranga a6 4a - 200 40 - "a Chip Babeot to Weta oki Tima lew Ty, Full Taap. Marge 0 = o - = rd Writa Pole Ty +o a=) ee - iao ma - eh wWedth ha T= Full Temp. Panga a 17a Bg m0 = Data Setup Ty tag a oi = Es) = Tins fos TF ull Temp. Range 10 Be - 1a an _ ne Dale Held Tima tow Ta, Full Terri. Plairay 10 = = % - = rik SWITCHING CHARACTERISTIC Bau Ting dagen PeATEe AAG PULs BR (Mobes. 4, 6.) Chip Balael ie \ Te Heo it) - = er _ - aria: Bedup Tare ce J, * Full Tame. Age an8 _ Ha - - me hike Balaest ba _ _ Write Mold Tima tea Ta = Pull Temp. Aange q o rea Ole Pulag Ty = +25" 1h = _ i = - na yeeetn bad T,= Foil Tamp. Ange Ho = - a0 - ws Din Seing ' Tw=teo 1 = - a5 _ _ Tita 0 Ty, = Fuoli Tanip. Panga ang - = aca - - m Guha Hold Tiere nea T= Full Tamm, Pharrga Ww - - ib - fc MOTHER 1, TI motolon oc cear hall Lorvige rire reig i, BME gral lpi OY ip! or Ugg toe B, inchides Ihe allecis of ppm sie. gain Eo, % ogio [niprata ate WOE gaa, Rypieg impart eureerh fmt +26") lie leseh hae Using eerie Flee, Cite) regisier bececned wath 0070 1071 1011, a iv are be lw. adjudie ong bbe circuits of Figeres 4 and & 2, Semple fagled al 429C lo armors 2c pled, _ & GUARANTEED and KOT TESTEOL GRip atest 69 mathe cotncidentor preserd baleae arelior allie ete fH: & From digital pul change lo Hal final analog oatpul. hat i, beg Bap A ts REY. C EYGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS 2-677ANALOG DEVICES INC W2E D MM O&LG800 0028952 4 MMANA PM-7545/PM-7645 T+51-09-12 DICE CHARACTERISTICS a 0 -a = DB ee ores | eal die ae Baa Feo 7 : i GuT tL O84 = AGN tf OBS 4, BOND i, OBE 4. Devil (BB) 4, DEH 5, Dee , O80 (Len) 5. Dee th, CF 7, OBB i. WA 1. oar 7. Von 1 DEG ih Vege 10 Ds i. Arn DRE BIE O02 0,100 inch, 10200 ag, iif (250% 2.547, .58 aq. mm} WAFER TEST LIMITE at Ta = 26C, Woo = b8 ort Vaer = +104, Your = 0M AGND = OGND =O PM-THUEG/PM-T eas. PARAMETER AMEOL CONDI Tons LiIIT site Ralsiee Accuracy TT Esipei ni Linaerity Error ae LSE MAK Ditharoati et San ievtantty DAL par LAB MAX Gain Error Gras CAC Latches Loaded with (ML D0 111 48 LSS MAX Segui Leakage lana BG bales Loaded ith DCO? S00 000 _ mA MAX eul Aeeal eno Fier Pad 1H mis EM MO MAN Digital inpat Ving = oY i High Yew Von" jay PT only Ws wand Cigtal Input Mg = Hv oe Low vee Meas = ty MME ore 1s WAR mcs Vo 1SY PRA ont a4 wind | oa neat Vea, Vo = [SW PMMA only oe * MAK laput Currant tw Yin = OY OF Hors a a MAD : All Opi tal Ingeaibe Wye OF Van i Bu ppiy Curang loo All Ciba tal leet OF 88 gn tg mA MAR 00 Supply Ra}ection . - sQeb/avern pag Mino uot ih MAM MOTE Electrical tots are partons ai waler probe io ihe livia ahewn. Ge bo rirlaliona In dadembly foetheds aed normed yield loa, ald ator packaging ie not guaranteed ber etandeed pradual ica, Goasull facbory to apellibe dpe eae breed on dice bet qualitication lhesgh nampa lol gases and naalirtg. 2-078 OGTTAL-TOAMALAG CONVERTERS AREY, # of ANALOG DEVICES INC 4eE > 0816800 DO284953 T MANA T-51-09-12 PM-7545/PM-7645 TYRICAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vpg = +5V af 154 AGND = DGD <0M Veer = +10 OUT <0; Ta 2576, uriees clhorwige moied. (Mote 1} PM-T85G/Fa-THSG PARAMETER: ay400L GO MCWT Grea TYPICAL UnITS Digae! Inpait Oa pacdienca Ow _ t pF Oulu Capacitance Coun Daa Labestena Loaded with 000 Oe O00 boy oF GAG Leteras Loaded with 1700 1780 1144 110 Propagation Delay Vou = 1 1a (higten 3, 4p 0 Weg = SW PRAISE amily im " 2 | HOTEBI 1. These chorecieridios ase lor cersign quisance only and ara no] du beet [o bea @& From digital input change bo oe of Anal analag culpul 2. CMT ied = SOO, Ogg 1aefl 4, Ge = Ai =, Gedda GET <0 to pn oF Viog OK TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS PULL-SCALE GAIM ERROR LOGI THRESHOLD VOLTAGE OUTPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT va TEMPER ATURE vi SUPPLY VOLTAGE ve TEMPERATURE a Hh +t & & & KM GE TERLACPLAPFE Pod TEE PATE eo SUPPLY GUARENT SUPPLY CUARENT 48 TEMPERATURE va TEMPERATURE PM-7545 Pil -Te48 OGITAL-TOANALOGCONPERTERS 2-879ANALOG DEVICES INC PM-7545/PM-7645 PARAMETER DEFINITIONS RELATIVE ACCURACY Sometimes refarrad to 88 ndpalnt nonfineaity, and is a Meare dt the maxim deviation {romastralght |Ing passing throvgh ihe endpoints of the DAC transfer function. Relative Accuracy la monsuned after the zerd and full-scale points have been adjugied, and ia nonnafly axpreeeed in LSB or as a parcantage of full anal, DIFFERENTICL MOMLIMEARITY This is the differance between the moasurad change and the eal change between any two adjacent codes, A differential noniinearty af 7 LGB masini over te full aperating bom Reaiure nange will anaure that a devioa Is monclonic tthe OUT GUE wall [thase for an Increase In digital cece apaliac), GAIN ERROR Galor hullacala orror bs the amounted eat puberrer bebeoan the Ideal output and the actual cutout, The ideal output i Vper mime] LSB, The galn error is adjuatable to cero using dxternal ragkelarce, OUTPUT CAPACITANCE The capacitance from OUT bo AGAD: PROPAGATION CME Ay This la maaaured from tha digital input change to tha analog Output currant reaching Oc of Hs final value. DIGITAL CHARGE INJECTION This |e. mpasureofthe amount of charge injected ta the analog output fram the digital Inputs, ehen the digital Inputs change Blakes. It id the area of tha glitch and lp speci hed In ove ft lp moasured wilh Vege = AGHAD, z W2E D MM 0416800 0028954 1 MMANA T-51=09-12 LOGIC INFORMATION WHITE CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM Any Yon CF ORT r in {~"}- | a a "om Men me oot eta Hae a MODE SELECT WRT ei HOLE Meo iy BE Av0 9 Lilet, is ees crree 2 OF WE aia, OAT A oy 7D ET ey eae, FBS O11) LOOMED CesT; vee ini beg BATA PRESENT WHEW Won El asg0 HH TATE, AOERS, nd pty y= Tie PES by in aLerabar ii FISD AWD PALL TOM MAO eas Pri HE PS are oe Tramba meander sapaacice cevis neal THE Pe LE A ee He ce A DA CONVERTER SECTION FIGURE tT: Simeliied IW8 Caroult of PM-PSa5 BLAN-IN CIRGLAT MALT Pa ag MY cut in aD he anna | i a 4} Lt] LED) = ki ma me Ah ar oz fg eh oa Hind . _ a (i! Min = nya Beer 2-580 ONGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVEATERS Figure ehovwi.a simpdified olroultad the 04 Canvartreection and Figure? gives an aparcelmaia oqulyalant switeh circuit. Ais baplealy 11k: The blnory-weighbed currents are awiiched between OUT and AGMD by N-channel ewtichas, thie maimvdalning a constant currant In each ladder leg independant of ihe ewiteh stata, The capacitance atthe OUT terminal, Gai, ie code deg ardent and varies from 7OoF fall switches io AGM) to 150pF [all switches i OUT). Ores af tha cunmant gwitehiaa ia aha in Figura 2 The input resistance at Veer (Figure 1) is always equal to Rio (Aioq fe ihe ASR ladder charactarlatics reeled arice and is. equal to value A }, Since the input resistance at the Vo_er pln ie Gonshand, the raterance barminal can be driven by a rederence WO OF a Pele renoe Current,.ac onde, of poalthe or mapertive polarity, (lt a current source is used, 9 kew-bameerature enetfialent ecctornal Ripg [a recommended to define scoala dactor,) FEW, CANALOG DEVICES INC af T-51-09-12 PM-7545/PM-7645 The Internal feedback resistor (Aes) hes a normally closed awiteh In serles as shown in Figure 1. This ewileh improves ferformande over bamperaiure and power supply rajacthoan however when the clroull ls mat powered up theawitoh assumes an open shale, AIGUARE 2: heChannel Curent Steering Seich sO Laned nok oo a co oT DIGITAL SECTION Figure 2 shows Ibo digital struciurs for ome bit The digital algnala CONTROL and CONTROL are generaled from and FIGURE 2: Olgital input Structure not required. Capacitor G1 provides phage compensation and help prevent owenhoot and ringing whenualng high apeed op Sep. The circu of Figures 4 and 6 hee constant Input impedance at the Viger terrrilnadl, The olrouit of Figure 4 can either be used a 4 fiboed reference A connerier so that provides an analog cuiput valtape inthe ren geet Oh py (Be ia non d inbroduced by the opamp); or vipy gan be an ac signal in which case ihe circuit behaved 28 an fitenuabor (2-Quadrant Multiplier), Veg canbe any yoblage In the range 20 "2 Vy S420 volla (previded tha op amp can handle auch voltages} since Viper ls permiilbed ic exceed Woo. Table 2 shows the code mlationahie for the elreuit of Figure 4. FIGURE 4 Urilpolar inary Operation Ve inka TH ee pee TUT a TH PUT GPRS COMP ROL CATE The Inout butlers are almphe CAMS linverbers deelgned such Ehat when the PETS is operated wiih Wop = 6Y, the buffers convedl TTLinpul evels (2.44 end Cay} into Oh0OS logic vale. Whar the digital Input lair the regia af 10 vole beddvolbs, fhe Input buffers opardbe if thelr lingar raghen ard draw current fram the power supphy) Fo minimize power supply ouments, Its recommended that tha digital Fipul walkages be a cloes io the Supp fails (Von and OGNO) as ls prectcally possible. The PM-TS46 may be opera bed wilh any dup ply volbege Inthe range 6S Vpo = 18 volts. WIth Vg = +154, the Input lagic levels are , CMOS compailble andy be, 15 and We The PabTade operdies with Vpg = 15 ony: ihe bulera convert TTL Input vale (a and O04) Into CHIOS logic henvals BABIC APPLICATIONS Pigures4.and 6 show almplaunipolar and blpetar clroults ualmg ihe PMT S45 M-T8d8, Resistor A is used to trim far tu ecale. The faloving versions (Ph-F545AR, PM-TS45ER, Phe hans 2 guerantesd maximum galn error 1 LOB af +26" and Voo = tH, and in. many applloations the goln trim reslstors.are REV. TABLE k Ascommended Trim Aeaigtor value we. Grades TRIM RESISTOR CH HP FAB GRERAR Ail _ 2 1H ant Fc2 GAC) 340) BAfi TABLE fl: Lindpolar Binary Code Table for Clreult of Figure 4 BINARY NUMBER IN DAG REGISTER ANALOG OUTPUT W010 Wnt ttt Aig { 4098 1000 ono )= oD Mpg * f zoe = =f 000 9000 o0a1 Vipg {ate} on0o 0000 6000 0 Volts SGTALTO-ANALOG CONVERTERS 2.887 W2E D MM 0826800 0024955 3 mMANAANALOG DEVICES INC PM-7545/PM-7645 Figure and Table 3 Iliuatrata ihe recommended cirault anc code relationship for blpelar operation. Thee O44, function leet Lada offset binary code. The Inverter Uy on ihe MSE line, converts 2-complmant input code ba offset binary code. The inverter Uy may be omilied If the Inversion ia dona in software, AS, Fad A met match within 0.07% and should be the sane hype of resistors (preferably whro-wound or metal foil}, so that their temperature condiickania maton, Mismatch of RS value ta Fl causes both offeed and full scale.arror, Miamatoh of Aste Aa and AD causes full scale arrac. TABLE (I: 2's Complamant Code Table for Cireult of Figura DATA INPUT AKALOG OUTPUT On atid oat Min * =0ur co0g 6 ood Vin * fat co0o nod = ooo o Volts Wi 44m 1m Vin {ag} io oon ono Nyy { BOB FIGURE &: Bipolar Operation (2's Complament Coda) of W2E D MM O8Lb400 0028956 5 mmANA T-51-09-12 APPLICATION HINTS QuipulOifes: COS Gk converters exhibits code-depandent SUIpUT redlbenoe that coupes code-dependent error voltage at ihe cutput of the ampitier. The maximuen amplitude of thie offeal, which adds to the D4 converter nonlinearity, is 87 Vigg where Veg ia the amplifier input-ofeat voliage, To maintain monotonic operation, [tls recomended thal Vice be no greater than 4046 of 1 LSB over the temperature ranges of operalion. General Ground Management AG or transient voltages bee tween AGNO and (GND can cause mode infection ints the Bnalog outpul, The. almpleat method of anauring thal yolagesat AGND and DGNO ara equal is to He AGNO and OGMD fogether at the PM-Ti4a/ PMA T8465, [tis resonimended that bo diodes (1NO14 or equivalent) be connected in inverse parallel Detwaon AGN and OGND ping in complex systems where AGHDO and OGM tie on ihe backplane. Digital Giliches: When Wrand GS are both tow, the latohes are trang parent and the OA converter inputs fallow the dada inputs. Some bus systema do not always have data valld for the whole Peeted during which WA le bow, This will allow invalid data to brlefly appear atihe OAC Inputs during the wile cycle, This can S8l56 Unwanted glitches atthe GAG output Retiming the write putes Wir, ao that A omy oocur whee data la valid, will eliminate ihe problem, ATA iaPiir 2-582 ONGITAL-TOMAALOG CONVERTERS REV. ANALOG DEVICES INC WEE D a a PM-7545/PM-7645 INTERFACING THE PM-TSa5/PM-7h45 TO MICROPROCESSORS Tha Pil -765 can be dirotly inberaoed to alt her an Boor 14-bit mioroprocossor via ita 12-bit wide data latch using the OS and WA cortral algnale. AN G-bR proceesor interface configuration laghawn in Figured, (uses te mamiory acdraaiet, one forthe lower 8-bils and ona for the upper 4-blis of date into the CG va the latch, FIGURE 6; 8-BIt Proceaaor to PATE) T8485 interfeo T-51-09-12 Conneotign bo an 8-bet procasbor with afull 1-bit wide addreta Bue (BUCK 8 the 8800, S080, ZB be shiovasn in Figure 7, Tha 12 lower agdiness lines are fad directly bo the Pi-T848; this allows the PM-T845 to un 4k byiea for ite address location. The address fleld) of ihe inatructon ia organized so thet ihe lower 12-bits contaln the BAG date. Gata le written info the D0 using adlnigha write Inetruction. FIGURE 7; Connecting the PMT RS/T845 bo an B-Blt Mloro- peacesecr vie thee Adress: Bus i EABIT Pra, he at ff CID Dan vi wa F 10) = OCOD: ADO Po LH REV, C OANTAL-TOANALOG CONVERTERS 2-587 MH O41L400 0028957 7 MANA