6ds_62003_0110_en_am5: 010314J
16A type (Silver alloy contact)
.187 Quick-connect terminal
1) Bottom COM terminal
2-1) Side COM terminal
Remarks: 1. Also .187 Quick-connect/solder terminal is available. When ordering, change the eighth digit of part number C to A.
<ex.> .187 Quick-connect terminal .187 Quick-connect/solder terminal
AM51610C5 AM51610A5
2. .250 Quick-connect terminal is available. When ordering, change the eighth digit of part number C to D.
<ex.> .187 Quick-connect terminal .250 Quick-connect terminal
AM51610C5 AM51610D5
Actuator Operating force, max. Contact arrangement Contact arrangement
Pin plunger
1.96N AM51610C53N AM51620C53N AM51630C53N
2.94N AM51610C63N AM51620C63N AM51630C63N
3.92N AM51610C73N AM51620C73N AM51630C73N
Short hinge lever
2.16N AM51611C53N AM51621C53N AM51631C53N
3.14N AM51611C63N AM51621C63N AM51631C63N
4.12N AM51611C73N AM51621C73N AM51631C73N
Hinge lever
1.18N AM51612C53N AM51622C53N AM51632C53N
1.77N AM51612C63N AM51622C63N AM51632C63N
2.35N AM51612C73N AM51622C73N AM51632C73N
Long hinge lever
0.59N AM51613C53N AM51623C53N AM51633C53N
0.88N AM51613C63N AM51623C63N AM51633C63N
1.18N AM51613C73N AM51623C73N AM51633C73N
Simulated roller lever
1.18N AM51614C53N AM51624C53N AM51634C53N
1.77N AM51614C63N AM51624C63N AM51634C63N
2.35N AM51614C73N AM51624C73N AM51634C73N
Short roller lever
1.18N AM51615C53N AM51625C53N AM51635C53N
3.14N AM51615C63N AM51625C63N AM51635C63N
4.12N AM51615C73N AM51625C73N AM51635C73N
Roller lever
1.18N AM51616C53N AM51626C53N AM51636C53N
1.77N AM51616C63N AM51626C63N AM51636C63N
2.35N AM51616C73N AM51626C73N AM51636C73N
Actuator Operating force, max. Contact arrangement Contact arrangement
Pin plunger
1.96N AM51640C53N AM51650C53N AM51660C53N
2.94N AM51640C63N AM51650C63N AM51660C63N
3.92N AM51640C73N AM51650C73N AM51660C73N
Short hinge lever
2.16N AM51641C53N AM51651C53N AM51661C53N
3.14N AM51641C63N AM51651C63N AM51661C63N
4.12N AM51641C73N AM51651C73N AM51661C73N
Hinge lever
1.18N AM51642C53N AM51652C53N AM51662C53N
1.77N AM51642C63N AM51652C63N AM51662C63N
2.35N AM51642C73N AM51652C73N AM51662C73N
Long hinge lever
0.59N AM51643C53N AM51653C53N AM51663C53N
0.88N AM51643C63N AM51653C63N AM51663C63N
1.18N AM51643C73N AM51653C73N AM51663C73N
Simulated roller lever
1.18N AM51644C53N AM51654C53N AM51664C53N
1.77N AM51644C63N AM51654C63N AM51664C63N
2.35N AM51644C73N AM51654C73N AM51664C73N
Short roller lever
2.16N AM51645C53N AM51655C53N AM51665C53N
3.14N AM51645C63N AM51655C63N AM51665C63N
4.12N AM51645C73N AM51655C73N AM51665C73N
Roller lever
1.18N AM51646C53N AM51656C53N AM51666C53N
1.77N AM51646C63N AM51656C63N AM51666C63N
2.35N AM51646C73N AM51656C73N AM51666C73N