SPECIFICATION MOSFET Power DEVICE NAME 25K2918-01 TYPE NAME SPEC. No. Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. Matsumoto Factory Fuji Electric Co_Lid. MK H04-004-07 ONOMA APPROVED NAME DATE as DRAWN CHECKED ply 99 9109019 Hy JO lvasU2 Ua} Sseidee ayy WoulM s$esodind GupMIepNUeW syd Oy Pasn sOWAL Ed pajyd AUB JO SSN @YI 50] JSABOSIeY Aga AVE UW pasO[asip Jo Lua] pardod pesnpada soyueu aq yeys Ady) PIV Og 2u19%;3 Hny 10 Apadoid ay 3] Ujerey VOnewWOyUy sy PUB POPP Bw SateThis materiol and the Information herein Ig the property of Fujl Electne Co.Lid. They shalt be neither reproduced, copied, lant, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party.ner used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co. Lid, 1. Scope This specifies Fuji power MOSFET 2SK2918-0O1T 2. Construction N-channel enhancement mode power MOSFET 3. Application for switching 4. Outview T0-220 Outview See to 5/11 page 5. Absolute maximum ratings at Tc=25C (unless otherwise specified) Description Symbol | Characteristics | Unit Drain-source vol tage Ves 200 Vv Drain-gate voltage Vosr 200 V Continuous Drain current lp + 20 A Pulsed drain current 1 opuise + 80 A Gate-source voltage Ves + 30 V Maximum power dissipation Po 80 WwW Operating and storage Ten 150 C temperature range Tate -55 ~ +150 *C 6. Electrical characteristics at Tc=25C (unless otherwise specified) Static ratings Characteristics Description Symbo | Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. Drain-source lo =1mA breakdown voltage | BVoss | Ves=OV 200 V Gate threshold lo =I1mA voltage | Ves(th) | Vos Ves 2.5 3.0 3.5 V Zero gate voltage | loss | Vos=200V| Ten= 25 10 | 500 | wa drain current Ves= OV loss T en=t25C 0.2 1.0 mA Gate-source Ves=30V leakage current lass Vos= OV 10 100 nA Drain-source on- lo =I10A state resistance Ras(on) | Ves=10V 100 130 mQ DWG.NO. Fuji Electric Co.Lid. 71 H04-004-03Fuji Elecinc Co Ltd. They shalt be neither reproduced. copied. lent, of disclosed in any way whatsoever for tha use of any third partynor used lor the manufacturing purposes without This material and the information heretn fs the property of * the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co,. Ltd, Dynamic ratings Characteristics Description Symbo | Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. Forward lo = 10A transconductance gifs Vos= 25V 7.0 15.0 S Input capacitance | Ciss 1800 2700 pF Vos=25V Output capacitance | Coss Ves= OV 320 480 pF f =I1MHz Reverse transfer capacitance Crss 80 120 pF: t d(on) 15 25 ns Turn-on time Vec=150V tr Ves= 10V 60 90 | ns lo = 20A td(off) | Res= 109 65 100 ns Turn-off time tf 60 90 ns | Reverse diode Characteristics Description Symbo | Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max, Avalanche L=100 4H Ten=25C capability lav *See Fig.1 and 2 20. 0 A Diode forward i. =2* lon on-vol tage Vso Ves=OV. Ten=25C 1. 06 1.59 V Reverse recovery ls = or time ter Vos =OV 145 ns -dl-/dt=100A/us Reverse recovery Ten=25C charge Q-- 900 LC . Thermal resistance Characteristics : Description Symbol Conditions Unit | Min. Typ. Max. R then-c 1.56 | C/W | Thermal resistance Rthen-a 75.0 C/W | Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. DWG.NO, > ow NA H04-004-03Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Test ctrcuit Li | ke D.U. T am 1 s Ves Seo Vec=1/10 + Vos L= 100zH ] pulse | a Af SA? ad Qperating waveforms 0 Vos 7 Vos 0 I> Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. DWG.HO. 4h 0257-R-003ahis materiol and the Information herein Is the property of Fuyi Electne Co Lid They shall be neither reproduced. copied ent, of disclosed in any way whatsoaver for the use of any ied party.nor used for the manufac luring purposes without he express writen consent of Fuji Electric Co., Lid. FUJI POWER MOS FET TYPE : 25K 2918 - Ol 10 8 ; , 4.520.2 , | 1340.2 | NJ to: See Note: 1. as | > L o : [rademark | / is Lot No. LS ne CTT Type name Lr | | h 7 = } ; on) 4 1.20.2 | S 5 of ~ mM a | PRE-SOLDER | ! @ |i} 0.8 oF 0.4 *o 2.5420.2 2.54+0.2 | [.2.720.2 4 CONNECTION coo @ GATE | | | (@) DRAIN 0D @ @ SOURCE Note: 1. Vestn selected code. JEDEC : TO-220AB Note: 1. Guaranteed mark of avalanche ruggedness. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. Ai Fuji Electric Co,Ltd. OWG.NO. H04-004-03Cc o os 0 a w oO u o = o oO Safe operating area =0.01, Te=25C ID=f(VDS) :D PIT"9D 9/,19973 I 10 JUasu0S Wo)) [4M seeds oy yRou.ps sesodund Oup napus oy; so} pasn sou Ayed psy) Aue jo oan ey) 10) aeasoejeym dem Aue uj pesojoeip 10 Jue! penloo "paonposdes seujjeu oq peye Asys pyT'-og 942399/9 Jing Jo Ajiedosd ayy Gy Ujosay UOPEUVO;U) OY) PUR jeyseyPuU BED Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd.Typical output characteristics |D=7 (VDS):80us pulse test, Tch=25C Sf ay iVeS=20Y I= , | | SS _ on on am 15. OY 4, 5V 40y YDS [V] Typical transfer characteristic [D=T (VGS) :80 us pulse test, VDS=25V, Tch=25C - 8 = = 10 ID [A] 0.1 ' | Ay m4 Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. DHG. NO. | | Y 0257-R-003aefs [s] RDS (on) Q] 8 _ 0.1 1 6 10 1D [A] 0.8 0.6 Typical transconductance gfs=f (1D) :80us pulse test, VDS=25V, Tch=25C ee cee ee | ee eee eb een eee fo ewe cee | cone ee ee eee ef ee ee ee | j 1 oo | Typtcal drain-source on-state resistance RDS (on) =7 (1D) : Teh=25C i | ee d 4-0V4..5V 9. 0V_ | 5 SY Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. OWG. NO. { 4 | ia | | Y 0257-R-O03aDrain-source on-state resistance RDS (on) =7 (Tch) : ID=10A, VGS=10V 3 i | werner as ee ee poner oy oe wma. 7! fo. enna a | 2 | o 7 g S 50 0 50 400 180 Teoh [C] Gate threshold voltage VGS (th) =f (ch) : 1D=1mA, VDS=VGS . iar] | ieee | = = ina x _ = - a LYS. oo N = 4 =o [ Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. DAG. NO. Y OZ57-R-003aTypical capacitances G=f (VDS) : VGS=0V, f=1MHz 1&1 in C [F] |! | | | yy | 100p [I~ 2 ull be eer ee _ 10p 0.01 01 1 40 100 VDS [] Typical gate charge characteristices VGS=T (Qg) : 1D=20A OF R YDS=0 ete 160 150 FA] SDA OF 8 100 Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. OG. NO. 1/4 i ae C2E7-R-002aForward characteristic of reverse diode |F=f (VSD) 804s pules test 8 - 7 mr ee TT AY 10 IF [A] 0.1 0.01 0.0 O5 1.0 VSD [A] Transient therma! impedance Zthch=f (t) parameter :D=t/T 1.5 10 10 10, = =, 10 407 | 10 t [s] . 2 1! Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. g Mh Y 0257-R-003a