STA8058 TESEOTM high performance GPS multichip module (MCM) Data brief production data Features GPS multichip module: - STA2058 TESEO Baseband - STA5620 RF Front-end Complete embedded memory system: - Flash 256 KB + 16 Kbytes - RAM 64 Kbytes. 66-MHz ARM7TDMI 32 bit processor High performance GPS engine (HPGPS) SBAS (WAAS and EGNOS) supported Sensitivity (-146 dBm acquisition, -159 dBm tracking) Time to first fix (1 s reacquisition, 2.5 s hot start, 34 s warm start, 39 s cold start) Description Accuracy (2 m autonomous) Extensive GPS receiver interfaces: 32 GPIOs, 4 UARTs, 2 SPIs, 2 I2Cs, 1 CAN 2.0, 1 USB 1.1, 1 HDLC and 4 channels ADC Compatible with L1 signal (C/A code) ST proprietary technology - CMOS Flash embebbed technology for STA2058 - BiCMOS Sige technology for STA5620 STA8058 TESEO MCM is a fully embedded GPS engine integrating STA2058 TESEO baseband. and STA5620 RF front-end. The embedded Flash memory enables the equipment manufacturer to load the entire GPS software (including tracking, acquisition, navigation and data output) after customising its interfaces to his needs. LFBGA104 (7x11x1.4 mm) LFBGA104 lead-free package -40 C to 85 C operating temperature range Table 1. Evaluation kits: - STA8058 module reference designs (17x19 mm and 25x25 mm) - Evaluation board hosting STA8058 module A standard GPS library is available from ST. By combining the ARM7TDMI microcontroller core with on-chip Flash/RAM, 16-channel GPS correlator DSP, RF Front-end and an extensive range of interfaces on single package solution, the STA8058 provides a highly-flexible and costeffective solution for GPS applications. Device summary Order code Package Packing Automotive grade CAN STA8058 LFBGA104 (7 x 11 x 1.4 mm) Tray No No STA8058TR LFBGA104 (7 x 11 x 1.4 mm) Tape and reel No No STA8058A LFBGA104 (7 x 11 x 1.4 mm) Tray Yes Yes STA8058ATR LFBGA104 (7 x 11 x 1.4 mm) Tape and reel Yes Yes September 2013 Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 This is information on a product in full production. For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office. 1/14 1 Contents STA8058 Contents 1 Features summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1 Logic symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 System block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3 LFBGA104 ball out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.4 Power supply pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4 Package information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2/14 Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 STA8058 1 Features summary Features summary ARM7TDMI 16/32 bit RISC CPU based host microcontroller running at a frequency up to 66 MHz. Complete Embedded Memory System: - Flash 256 Kbytes + 16 Kbytes (100 KB erasing/programming cycles) - RAM 64 Kbytes. 16 channel High performance GPS correlation DSP. ST propietary technology: - CMOS Flash embedded technology for baseband - BiCMOS Sige for radio front-end SBAS (WAAS and EGNOS) supported. -40 C to 85 C operating temperature range. 104-pin LFBGA104 package. Power supply: - 3.0 V to 3.6 V operating supply range for input/output periphery - 3.0 V to 3.6 V operating supply range for A/D converter reference - 1.8 V operating supply range for core supply provided by internal voltage regulator with external stabilization capacitor or by external supply voltage - 2.4 V to 3 V operating supply range for RF front-end section Reset and clock control unit able to provide low power modes (WAIT, SLOW, STOP, Standby) and to generate the internal clock from the external reference through integrated PLL. 32 programmable general purpose I/O, each pin programmable independently as digital input or digital output; 30 are multiplexed with peripheral functions; 16 can generate an interrupt on input level/transition. Real time clock module with 32 kHz low power oscillator and separate power supply to continue running during stand-by mode. 16-bit Watchdog timer with 8 bits prescaler for system reliability and integrity. One CAN module compliant with the CAN specification V2.0 part B (active) and bit rate can be programmed up to 1 MBaud. Four 16-bit programmable timers with 7 bit prescaler, up to two input capture/output compare, one pulse counter function, one PWM channel with selectable frequency each. 4 channels 12-bit sigma-delta analog to digital converter, single channel or multi channel conversion modes, single-shot or continuous conversion modes, sample rate 1 kHz, conversion range 0-2.5V . Three serial communication interfaces (UART) allow full duplex, asynchronous, communications with external devices, independently programmable TX and RX baud rates up to 625K baud. One UART adapted to suit smart card interface needs, for asynchronous SC as defined by ISO 7816-3. It includes SC clock generation. Two serial peripheral interfaces (SPI) allow full duplex, synchronous communications with external devices, master or slave operation, max baud rate of 5.5Mb/s. One SPI may be used as multimedia card interface. Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 3/14 Features summary 4/14 STA8058 Two I2C interfaces provide multi-master and slave functions, support normal and fast I2C mode (400 KHz), 7/10 bit addressing modes. One I2C Interface is multiplexed with one SPI, so either 2 x SPI + 1 x I2C or 1 x SPI + 2 x I2C may be used at a time. Enhanced interrupt controller supports 32 interrupt vectors, independently maskable, with interrupt vector table for faster response and 16 priority levels, software programmable for each source. Up to 2 maskable interrupts may be mapped on FIQ. Wake-up unit allows exiting from powerdown modes by detection of an event on two external pins (one is active high and other is active low) or on internal Real Time Clock alarm. USB unit V1.1 compliant, software configurable endpoint setting, USB suspend/resume support High level data link controller (HDLC) unit supports full duplex operating mode, NRZ, NRZI, FM0 and MANCHESTER modes, and internal 8-bit Baud Rate Generator. RF front-end features: - LOW IF (4 MHz) architecture - Compatible with GPS L1 signal - VGA gain internally regulated - On chip programmable PLL - SPI interface Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 STA8058 Pin description 2 Pin description 2.1 Logic symbol Figure 1. Power Pads STA8058 TESEO MCM symbol V18 [2] Xtal (IN,Out,Clk) V33 [7] SPI (DI,DO,CS, CLK) V27 [8] Enable (Chip,RF) VSS [10] Mode GPS_CLK VSSRF [11] Sign AVSS AVDD V18BKP RF Pads TESEO MCM RF_IN AGC_CNTR IF_TEST GPSCLK Clock & Reset JTAG Port P0.[15:0] CK RSTINn GeneraI Purpose I/O P1.[15:0] JTDI JTCK JTMS nSTDBY_I RTCXTO RTCXTI JTRSTn JTDO RTC & WKUP Pads WAKEUP BOOTEN USBDP USBDN GPSDAT Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 USB Pads 5/14 Pin description 2.2 STA8058 System block diagram Figure 2. STA8058 TESEO baseband block diagram $0 !2-4$-) #05 + &LASH $0 34# *4!' $0 62%' $0 2##5 !2- .ATIVE "53 + 2!- (0'03 CH CORRELATOR %MARALD $30 !0' "2)$'% $0 !0' "2)$'% !0' "2)$'% 0,, !& )NTERRUPT #ONTR )# !& BIT !$# )# !& 30) !& 30) !& 5!24 !& 5!24 !& 5!24 !& 5!24 !& ;53"= $0 ;#!.= !& ($,# !& 4)-%2 !& 4)-%2 !& 4)-%2 24# $0 /3#),, !& 7AKEUP !& 7!4#( $/' )/ &ULLY 0ROG )/ 0/243 !0" "53 !& !0" "53 4)-%2 /NLY FOR 34!! AND 34!!42 '!0'#&4 6/14 Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 MODE RF_EN SPI_DI SPI_DO SPI_CS/ SPI_CLK TEST_CLK TEST_EN1 TEST_EN2 RF_IN hce Buffer SPI Interface Test Logic RFA test_clk lo48_clk xtal_clk reset gps_clk sign mag 0 90 Polyphase Filter / 48 /N CP CHIP_EN Reset Generator Combiner IF filter XO xtal_clk /2 /R PFD mag AGC XI Xtal Osc Variable LO96 gps_clk sign mag gce CMOS Drivers gce & rfe Xtal xce sample_mode (1:0) 2 bits if_out_en ADC AGC_CTRL IF_TEST XTAL_CLK GPS_CLK MAG SIGN Figure 3. IR Mixer enabled by rfe & speci fic enables STA8058 Pin description STA5620 RF front-end 7/14 8/14 ,.! /NLY FOR 34!! AND 34!!42 Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 84!,?). !'#?#.42 -/$% )&?4%34 2&?). 6332& ;= 6332&?! ;= 6332&?)/ 6?0,,;= 6 '03?#,+ 84!,?#,+ 2&?%. #()0?%. 6?2& ;= 34! 2& &RONT %ND 3?3#,+ 30)?#,+ '03#,+ #+ !6$$ 6)/?0,, 6 ;= 6"+0 6;= 633 ;= ("1($'5 633;= 633?"+0 633?2%' !633 633)/?0,, 34! "ASEBAND 6?2%'?"+0 '0)/ '0)/ '03?$AT 3?-)3/ 30)?$/ 3IGN 3?-/3) 3?33. 30)?$) 30)?#3 24#84/ 24#84) *4$) *4#+ *4-3 *4234N *4$/ "//4 "//4 "//4%. .34$"9?). .234). 7AKE?5P 002. 0003 53";= #!.;= ($,#;= 30);= )#;= 5!243 ;= 4IMERS ;= !$#;= Figure 4. 4#8/ 3!7 &ILTER 34! 4ESEO -#- 4HE TWO DICE MUST BE INTERCONNECTED EACHOTHER AT BOARD L LEVE Pin description STA8058 STA8058 TESEO MCM block diagram STA8058 Pin description 2.3 LFBGA104 ball out Table 2. Ball out for LFBGA104 package A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VSS AVSS AVDD V18BKP RTCXTO RTCXTI V33REG_BKP GPSDAT nJTRST RF_EN VSS18 V18 VSSBKP NSTDBY_IN V33 VSSREG GPSCLK P1.4/ P1.5/ NRSTIN PO.15/ WAKEUP CK P0.5/ S1_MOSI VSS VSS JTCK JTDO P1.9/ PRN.11 P1.6/ T1_OCMPB VSS18 P0.13/ U2_RX/ T2.OCMPA JTMS JTDI P1.10/ USBCLK P0.3/ SO_SSN/ I1.SDA V18 P0.14/ U2_TX/ T2.ICAPA V33 P0.4/ S1_MISO P0.9/ UO_TX/ BOOT.0 P0.11/ U1_TX/ BOOT.1 BOOTEN SIGN PO.12/ SCCLK PO.8/ UO_RX/ U0.TX P0.10/ U1_RX/ U1.TX V33 11 12 XTAL_OUT XTAL_IN 13 VSSRF P1.2/ B T3_OCMPA/ GPS_CLK CHIP_EN V27PLL V27PLL V27PLL XTAL_CLK VSSRF V27PLL V27RF MODE VSSRF VSSRF VSSRF_A IF_TEST VSSRF VSSRF VSSRF VSSRF VSSRF_A V27RF V27RF V27RF VSSRF VSSRF:IO V33 V27RF VSSRF AIN.2 P1.1/ P1.0/ C T3_ICAPA/ T3_OCMPB/ T1_ICAPA T1_ICAPB AIN.1 AIN.0 P1.3/ P1.7/ D V33IO_PLL T3_ICAPB/ T1_OCMPA SPI_DI P0.6/S1_SCLK SPI_CLK AIN.3 E VSSIO_PLL P1.8/PPS F P1.11/ CANRX(1) USBDP G P1.12/ CANTX(1) USBDN H VSS P1.13/ HCLK/ IO.SCL P0.1/ P0.0/ SO_MOSI/ SO_MISO/ P0.7/S1_SSN U3.RX U3.TX P1.14/ HRXD/ IO.SDA P1.15/ HTXD P0.2/ SO_SCLK/ I1.SCL SPI_CS SPI_DO AGC_CNTR RF_IN 1. Only for STA8058A and STA8058ATR. 2.4 Power supply pins Table 3. Power supply pins Symbol I/O V33 - Digital supply voltage for I/O circuitry (3.3 Volt) VSS - Digital ground for I/O circuitry V33IO-PLL - Digital supply voltage for I/O circuitry and for PLL reference (3.3V) D1 VSSIO-PLL - Digital ground for I/O circuitry and for PLL reference E1 V33REG_BKP - Digital supply voltage for backup block I/O circuitry and for Ballast I/O (3.3V) A7 VSSREG - Digital ground for Ballast I/O B7 V18 - Digital supply voltage for core circuitry (1.8 Volt): When using the internal voltage regulator, this pin shall not be driven by an external voltage supply, but a capacitance of at least 10F (Tantalum, low series resistance) + 33nF (ceramic) shall be connected between these pins and VSS18 to guarantee on-chip voltage stability. B3, F5 VSS18 - Digital ground for core circuitry B2, E5 - Digital supply voltage for backup block (RTC, oscillator, Wake-up controller - 1.8 Volt): when using the internal voltage regulator, this pin shall not be driven by an external voltage supply, but a capacitance of at least 1F shall be connected between this pin and VSSBKP to guarantee on-chip voltage stability. V18BKP Function Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 LFBGA104 B6, F7, G10, H9, H11 A1, D4, D5, H1 A4 9/14 Pin description Table 3. STA8058 Power supply pins (continued) Symbol I/O VSSBKP - Digital ground for backup logic B4 AVDD - Analog supply voltage for the A/D converter A3 AVSS - Analog supply ground for the A/D converter A2 V27RF - Analog supply voltage for RF chain (2.7V) V27PLL - Analog supply voltage for PLL embedded into RF part (2.7V) B11, B12, B13, C12 VSSRF - Analog supply ground for RF core A13, C11, D11, D13, E11, E12, F11, F12, G13, H13 VSSRF_A - Analog supply ground for RF amplifier VSSRF_IO - Analog supply ground for RF IO circuirty Note: Function LFBGA104 C13, G10, G11, G12, H12 D13, F13 H10 V33 and V33IO-PLL are all internally connected. Same for VSS and VSSIO-PLL. All VSS, VSS18, VSSBKP, AVSS,VSSRF,VSSRF_A and VSSRF_IO pins must be tied together to the common ground plane, taking care of noise filtering, especially on AVSS ,VSSRF , VSSRF_A and VSSRF_IO 10/14 Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 STA8058 3 Electrical characteristics Electrical characteristics See STA2058 (Teseo Baseband) and STA5620 (RF Front-end) datasheet for related data. Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 11/14 Package information 4 STA8058 Package information In order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in different grades of ECOPACK(R) packages, depending on their level of environmental compliance. ECOPACK(R) specifications, grade definitions and product status are available at: ECOPACK(R) is an ST trademark. Figure 5. LFBGA104 (11x7x1.4mm) mechanical data and package dimensions mm inch DIM. MIN. TYP. A A1 MAX. MIN. TYP. 1.400 0.210 MAX. 0.0551 0.0083 A2 0.990 A3 0.200 A4 0.0390 0.0079 0.800 0.350 D 10.900 11.000 11.100 0.4291 0.4331 0.4370 E 0.400 0.0315 b D1 0.450 0.0138 0.0157 0.0177 9.600 6.900 OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA 7.000 0.3780 7.100 0.2717 0.2756 0.2795 E1 5.600 0.2205 e 0.800 0.0315 F 0.700 0.0276 Body: 11 x 7 x 1.4mm ddd 0.100 0.0039 eee 0.150 0.0059 fff 0.080 0.0031 LFBGA104 Low profile Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array 8054244 B 12/14 Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 STA8058 5 Revision history Revision history Table 4. Document revision history Date Revision Changes 25-Oct-2007 1 Initial release. 19-Mar-2009 2 Updated Table 1: Device summary on page 1. Updated ECOPACK description in Section 4: Package information on page 12. 23-Oct-2012 3 Updated Table 1: Device summary Updated Figure 2: STA8058 TESEO baseband block diagram and Figure 4: STA8058 TESEO MCM block diagram Updated Table 2: Ball out for LFBGA104 package 17-Sep-2013 4 Updated Disclaimer Doc ID 14095 Rev 4 13/14 STA8058 Rev 4 Please Read Carefully: Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries ("ST") reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice. All ST products are sold pursuant to ST's terms and conditions of sale. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein. UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ST DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF ST PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN: (A) SAFETY CRITICAL APPLICATIONS SUCH AS LIFE SUPPORTING, ACTIVE IMPLANTED DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITH PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS; (B) AERONAUTIC APPLICATIONS; (C) AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS OR ENVIRONMENTS, AND/OR (D) AEROSPACE APPLICATIONS OR ENVIRONMENTS. WHERE ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR SUCH USE, THE PURCHASER SHALL USE PRODUCTS AT PURCHASER'S SOLE RISK, EVEN IF ST HAS BEEN INFORMED IN WRITING OF SUCH USAGE, UNLESS A PRODUCT IS EXPRESSLY DESIGNATED BY ST AS BEING INTENDED FOR "AUTOMOTIVE, AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY OR MEDICAL" INDUSTRY DOMAINS ACCORDING TO ST PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS. PRODUCTS FORMALLY ESCC, QML OR JAN QUALIFIED ARE DEEMED SUITABLE FOR USE IN AEROSPACE BY THE CORRESPONDING GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST. ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries. Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners. (c) 2013 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Philippines - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America 14/14 Doc ID 14095 Rev 4