LC Series WAG UL Recognized CSA Certified Ca pacltance components enhance the Tittering performance Inthe LS models. Avaliable with black or Slave Inductance, the addktlonal chip capacitors provide addttianal fitering on eacn ling. The series features shields with a board ground or spring finger LC Models panel Interface, Typical insertion loss in dB Line-te-ground (stop band) in a 50 ohm circuit Specifications Fraquency-MHz Contacts 30 68O 80 100 2on 4500 1000 Material: Phosphor bronze Plating: 50 micrainches gold Bamler underplati ng: 100 micrainches nickel =-Femite Sleeves | 28 40 S51 400 270 24 a Resistance: Initial: 20 milllonms maximum Femte Blocks a0 410 5 408 24 After durability testing (500 mating cyclasi: 30 milllohms maximum Typical insertion loss in dB Capacitors Line-to4ine (pass band) in a 50 ohm circuit Standard value a20 PF Standard tolerance +20 7 5 10 30 S0 FO 100 Ferrites Ferrite Sleeves, 4 B81 24 30 40 Type: HIQN rasisthity, nickel zine ceramic Sleeves: Single-aperatura cylinders Black: Multl-aperature ractanguiar prism -_-Ferrite Blocks 1 8 V4) 28 8 Shield Material Solder-plated copper alloy Pricing Housing Material Consult your local Gorcom sales representative for pricing. Glass-fllad polyester (ULS4V-0) Part Neo. Part Neo. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage _ __ L Une-to-lne and lin-to-ground 1000 VAC Tor RI11-2LE 17-5 R11 1-6Li22-5 176 60 Seconds RI11-2L01-B R_I11-8Li 2-6 . . . . RI11-2LE2-5 RI45-6Li21-5 Printed Circuit Board Retention RI11-2L02-B R145-6LC1-B After soldering: 20 Ib. minimum RI11-4L01-B R145-6LC2-B RI11-4Lie2-5 RI45-8LiC1-5 RI11-4L02-6 RI45-8L01-B : RI11-6L01-5 FJ45-8Lo2-5 Medel qd PC board t 137 ta 133. odel dimensions an ard layout on pages 1 PITLBLCT.B 4s BLC2B Libertywill, IL (847) 680-7400 _