4Fibre-optic Selection Guide
Plastic Fibre-optics
Plastic Fibre-optic Specifications
Sensing Range:
Refer to the range specifications shown on the
fibre-optic drawing pages.
Temperature Extremes:
Temperatures below -30º C will cause embrittlement
of the plastic materials but will not cause transmis-
sion loss. Temperatures above +70º C will cause
both transmission loss and fibre shrinkage.
Repeated Bending/Flexing:
Life expectancy of plastic fibre-optic cable is in
excess of one million cycles at bend radii of no less
than the minimum specified and a bend of 90º or
less. Avoid stress at the point where the cable
enters the sensor (“control end”) and at the sensing
end tip. Coiled plastic fibre-optic assemblies are
recommended for any application requiring recipro-
cating fibre motion.
Operating Temperature:
-30 to +70° C unless otherwise specified.
Chemical Resistance:
The acrylic core of the monofilament optical fibre
will be damaged by contact with acids, strong
bases (alkalis) and solvents. The polyethylene jacket
will protect the fibre from most chemical environ-
ments. However, materials may migrate through the
jacket with long term exposure. Samples of fibre-
optic material are available from Banner for testing.
Minimum Bend Radius:
8mm for 0,25 mm diameter fibres;
12 mm for 0,5 mm diameter fibres;
25 mm for 1 mm diameter fibres;
38 mm for 1,5 mm diameter fibres.
OPTICAL FIBRE: plastic monofilament
PROTECTIVE JACKET: black polyethylene, unless
otherwise stated
steel (SS) or nickel-plated brass (NI Pltd BR)
PROBE END TIPS: annealed (bendable) T304 stain-
less steel
ANGLED END TIPS: hardened T304 stainless steel
FERRULED END TIPS: T303 stainless steel
STAINLESS STEEL SHEATH: T302 stainless steel
designator (same for all
plastic fibres)
MODIFICATION designator:
MXX =Sensing end tip length
STYLE designator:
B= Bifurcated fibre
I= Individual fibre
FIBRE LENGTH designator:
3= 3 ft. = ±914 mm
6= 6 ft. = ±1829 mm
15 = 15 ft. = 4572 mm
1= 0,25 mm
1X4 = 0,25 mm x 4
1X8 = 0,25 mm x 8
1X16 = 0,25 mm x 16
1X32 = 0,25 mm x 32
2= 0,5 mm
3= 0,75 mm
4= 1 mm
6= 1,5 mm
CONTROL END designator (describes end of
fibre that attaches to the sensor):
T= Terminated (for D12)
T1 = Terminated (for Q45, OMNI-BEAM)
TS = Terminated stainless steel (for D12)
TS1 = Terminated S.S. (for Q45, OMNI-BEAM)
U= Unterminated straight cable*
UC = Unterminated Coiled cable
SENSING END designator:
A= Angled
AT = Angled Threaded
AF = Angled Ferrule
AP = Angled Probe
CF = Coaxial Ferrule
CT = Coaxial Threaded
EFP = Extended Ferrule Probe
F= Ferrule
FM = Ferrule Miniature
FMP = Ferrule Miniature Probe
FP = Ferrule Probe
L= Lensed
P= Probe
PF = Probe Ferrule
PM = Probe Miniature
PMSB = Probe Miniature Side view
PS = Probe Side view
PSB = Probe Side view Bendable
PSM = Probe Side view Miniature
R= Rectangular
RS = Rectangular Side view
T= Threaded
TA = Threaded Angle
TF = Threaded Ferrule
TR = Threaded Rectangular
U= Unterminated
* Plastic fibres having the letter “U” in the suffix of their model numbers have unterminated control ends, and may be cut by the customer to the required
length. Use cutters supplied with fibre-optic cable. Individual plastic fibres are sold in pairs. Fibres listed in this brochure are standard; modifications are avail-
able by special order.
Numbering scheme for Banner plastic fibres