HN29WT800 Series, HN29WB800 Series
is at VIH, the device is in the standby mode and its power consumption is reduced. Data
input/output are in a high impedance (High-Z) state. If the memory is deselected during block erase or program,
the internal control circuits remain active and the device consume normal active power until the operation
Deep Po w erdown : Wh en
is at VIL, the devic e is in the dee p powerdown mode and its power consumption is
substantially low. During read modes, the memory is deselected and the data input/output are in a high
impedance (High-Z) state. After return from powerdown, the CUI is reset to Read Array and the Status Register
is cleared to value 80H. During block erase or program modes,
low will abort either operation. Memory
array data of the block being altered become invalid.
Functional Description
The dev ice o per atio ns are selected by writing s p ecif ic s o f tw ar e comman d in to th e C U I .
Read Array Command (FFH): The device is in read arr ay mo de o n in itial dev ice p o w er up an d after ex it from
deep power down, or by writing FFH to the CUI. The device remains in Read Array mode until the other
command s ar e w r itten .
Read Device Identifier Command (90H):Though PROM programmers can normally read device identifier
codes by raising A9 to high voltage, multiplexing high voltage onto address lines is not desired for
microprocessor system. It is an other means to read device identifier codes that Read Device Identifier Code
Command (90H) is written to the command latch. Following the write of the Read De vice Identifier command
of 90H, the manufacturer code and the device code can be read from addresses 00000H and 00001H,
Read Status Register Command (70H): The Status Register is read after writing the read status register
command of 70H to the CUI. The contents of Status Register are latched on the later falling edge of
must be toggled every status read.
Clear Status Register Command (50H): The Eras e S tatu s an d P r o gr am S t atus bits ar e s et to H ig h by th e Write
State Machine and can be reset by the Clear Status Register command of 50H. These bits indicates various
failur e con d itio ns.
Block Erase/ Confi rm Command (20H/D0H): Automated block erase is initiated by writing the Block Erase
of 20H followed by the Confirm command of D0H. An address within the block to be erased is required. The
WSM ex ecu tes iter ativ e erase puls e app licatio n and er as e v er ify o p eratio n .
Suspend/Resume Command (B0H/D0H): Writing the suspend command of B0H during block erase operation
interrupts the block erase operation and allows read out from another block of memory. Writing the suspend
comm and of B0H during progra m opera t i on int e rrupts the progra m ope ra t ion a nd a ll ows rea d out from a not her
block of memory. The devic e continue s to output stat us register dat a when read, after t he suspend comma nd is
written to it. Polling the WSM status and suspend status bits will determine when the erase operation or
program operation has been suspended. At this point, writing of the read array command to the CUI enables
reading data from blocks other than that which is suspended. When the resume command of D0H is written to
the CU I , th e WS M will continu e w ith th e erase or pr og r am p ro ces ses.