Pin DescriptionName
20 VDDb Output Amplifier Supply, Quadrant b
21 V2B Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 2, Bottom
22 V1B Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 1, Bottom
23 V4B Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 4, Bottom
24 V3B Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 3, Bottom
25 DevID Device Identification
26 V3T Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 3, Top
27 V4T Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 4, Top
28 V1T Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 1, Top
29 V2T Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 2, Top
30 VDDd Output Amplifier Supply, Quadrant d
31 VOUTd Video Output, Quadrant d
32 GND Ground
33 RDd Reset Drain, Quadrant d
34 Rd Reset Gate, Quadrant d
35 OGd Output Gate, Quadrant d
36 H2SLd Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 2, Storage, Last Phase, Quadrant d
37 H2Bd Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 2, Barrier, Quadrant d
38 H1Bd Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 1, Barrier, Quadrant d
39 H1Sd Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 1, Storage, Quadrant d
40 H2Sd Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 2, Storage, Quadrant d
41 SUB Substrate
42 H2Sc Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 2, Storage, Quadrant c
43 H1Sc Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 1, Storage, Quadrant c
44 H1Bc Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 1, Barrier, Quadrant c
45 H2Bc Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 2, Barrier, Quadrant c
46 H2SLc Horizontal CCD Clock, Phase 2, Storage, Last Phase, Quadrant c
47 OGc Output Gate, Quadrant c
48 Rc Reset Gate, Quadrant c
49 RDc Reset Drain, Quadrant c
50 GND Ground
51 VOUTc Video Output, Quadrant c
52 VDDc Output Amplifier Supply, Quadrant c
53 V2T Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 2, Top
54 V1T Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 1, Top
55 V4T Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 4, Top
56 V3T Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 3, Top
57 ESD ESD Protection Disable
58 V3B Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 3, Bottom
59 V4B Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 4, Bottom
60 V1B Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 1, Bottom
61 V2B Vertical CCD Clock, Phase 2, Bottom
62 VDDa Output Amplifier Supply, Quadrant a
63 VOUTa Video Output, Quadrant a
64 GND Ground
1. Liked named pins are internally connected and should have a common drive signal.