SOA 1300MRI Optical Amplifier Module 1.30 m -Window REV 09/01 Features Specifications @ (T submount = 20C) High gain Model Unit Low polarization dependence Low ripple High output saturation power 1.30 m wavelength window mA 0 250 C 10 35 Maximum Gain (G dB 21 ma x ) m ax Opt. Sat. power (3dB) @ G Noise Figure @ G The SOA1300MRI is a pigtailed module containing a SOA1300CRI optical amplifier chip. The module operates in the 1.30 m window and is designed to have high gain, low polarization dependence, low ripple and high output saturation power. The module includes a Peltier element and a 10 k thermistor for device temperature stabilization. The module uses SMA connectors for the electrical connection of the amplifier and has 1 m fibre pigtails. Optionally available are Optical connectors, PM fibres and internal Bias-T. m ax 3 dB Optical Bandwidth dB 0.2 1.0 0.5 1.5 9 13 dBm 6.0 nm Gain center wavelength @ G m ax Model nm Unit 30 1290 mA 0 Operating device temperature C 10 Maximum Gain (G dB 18 Gain ripple @ G ma x ) m ax Pol. Dependence* Opt. Sat. power (3dB) @ G Noise Figure @ G m ax 3 dB Optical Bandwidth m ax 1.0 2.5 10 15 dBm 5.0 nm 30 1290 Package specifications Unit 74, 26, 20 mm Max. Peltier current 1.8 A Thermistor @ 25C 10 k SM-Pigtail length 1.0 m Opto Speed reserves the right to make changes in design, specifications and other information at any time without prior notice. Information in this data sheet is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracy or omission. 0 Operating device temperature C 10 Maximum Gain (G dB 15 Gain ripple @ G ) dB m ax Pol. Dependence * Typ m ax 35 17 0.5 dBm 3 dB Optical Bandwidth nm Gain center wavelength @ G nm m ax 2.0 3.5 4.0 dB ma x Max 250 dB Opt. Sat. power (3dB) @ G Noise Figure @ G 1320 SOA1300MRI/B mA ma x 35 20 0.3 Min The Module includes Thermistor/TEC with a LEMO Connector and a SMA Power supply connector. 250 0.5 Unit Supply current Max dB nm Gain center wavelength @ G Typ dB dB ma x 1320 SOA1300MRI/A Min Supply current 22 dB dB ma x Model Packaging Max Operating device temperature Gain ripple @ G Product Description Typ Supply current Pol. Dependence * Dimensions L, W, h SOA1300MRI/P Min 11 17 30 1290 1320 Opto Speed Ticino SA Via Cantonale, CH-6805 Mezzovico, Switzerland Tel. +41 91 935 52 52, Fax +41 91 935 52 62,