www.ittcannon.com 231
Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters).
Dimensions subject to change.
The Micro Line - .050" Contact Spacing
Test Data
The Cannon MICRO Series established the stan-
dards for performance and reliability in mircominia-
ture interconnects. Exceptionally versatile, MICRO
connectors are available in rectangular, circular, and
strip configurations, with 3 amp MICROPIN™/
MICROSOCkET™ contacts on .050(1.27) centers,
or with special arrangements of power and coaxial
The heart of the Cannon MICROPIN/MICROSOCK-
ET contact system is a multi-element Twist Pin
Contact recessed with and insulating housing. The
rugged, cylindrical sockets are mounted in the
exposed half of the connector. When connector
halves are mated, the chamfered sockets are first
aligned by the connector body, then guide the spiral
MICROPIN contacts into proper and positive align-
ment, even under worst-case tolerance conditions.
This is Cannon's POS-A-LINE connectors design.
• Contact rating - 3 amps max.
• Contacts centers - .050(1.27).
• Wire sizes - #24 thru #32 AWG, stranded or
• Contact termination - multiple indent crimp.
• Contact retention -fixed via epoxy.
• Contact materials and finish - Copper alloy,
gold-plated per MIL-G-45204, Type II, Grade C,
Class 1 over copper flash.
• Mating/unmating force - 8 oz. per contact,
max./0.5 oz. per contact min.
The table below summarizes the results of key tests
performed in accordance with MIL-STD-1344,
where applicable. Data is applicable to standard
connectors with standard termination. Variations
may affect this data, so please consult the factory
for further information on your requirements.
The multiple spring elements of the MICROPIN,
then under compression, form a multi-point contact
system of high mechanical and electrical integrity.
Contacts will provide a high degree of reliability
over hundreds of mating and unmating cycles, and
have proven themselves in applications that range
from commercial products to equipment that has
been landed on the moon.
Dielectric Withstanding
Voltage Method 3001:
Insulation Resistance Method 3003
900 VAC at sea level
300 VAC at 70,00' altitude
Solder Pots and Shielded
Cable 600 VAC at sea level
150 VAC at 70,000' altitude
No breakdown
No breakdown
No breakdown
No breakdown
5,000 megohms minimum
No physical damage
No physical damage
No loss of continuity > 1 µsec
No physical damage
No loss of continuity > 1 µsec
No mechanical or electrical defects
Insulation resistance > 100 megohms
Shall be cable of mating and unmating,
and meet contact resistance requirements
8 milliohms maximum
10 milliohms maximum
5 lb. minimum axial load
- 55˚C to +125˚C
50 G's, 3 axes, 6 millisecond
duration sawtooth pulse
20 G's, 10-2,000 Hz. 12 hrs
48 hours
At 3 amps
At 1 milliamps
Thermal Shock Method 1003. Condition A:
Physical Shock Method 2004, Condition E:
Vibration Method 2005, Condition IV:
Durability 500 cycles of mating and
unmating, 500 CPH max.
Moisture Resistance Method 1002, Type II omit steps 7a & 7B
Salt Spray Method 1001, Condition B:
Contact Resistance
(MIL-STD-202) Method 307
Contact Retention Per MIL-C-83513
Method Criteria of Acceptance