NLP65 Series Single, dual and triple output LOW TO MEDIUM POWER AC/DC POWER SUPPLIES * * * * * * * * 65-75W AC/DC Universal Input Switch Mode Power Supplies 1 5.0 x 3.0 inch card and 1.26 inch package (1U applications) Smallest industry standard package EN61000-3-2 compliance option (HCC) Overvoltage and short circuit protection 65W with free air convection cooling EN55022, EN55011 conducted emissions level B EN61000-4-2,-3,-4, -5, -6 immunity compliant Enclosure and cover kit options The NLP65 series is a 65W universal input AC/DC power supply on a 5 x 3 inch card with a maximum component height of 1.26 inches for use in 1U applications. Each model has the option of input harmonic current correction in the same package size making the series ideal for product designs that will need to comply with EN61000-3-2 legislation. The NLP65 provides 65W of output power with free air convection cooling which can be boosted to 75W with 20CFM of air. The NLP65, with full international safety approval and the CE mark, meets conducted emissions EN55022 level B and has immunity compliance to EN61000-4-2,-3,-4, -5, -6. The series is available in a factory installed enclosure with an IEC connector and output connector on flying leads plus a cover kit for self-installation is also available as an accessory. The NLP65 series is designed for use in low power data networking, computer and telecom applications such as hubs, routers, POS terminals, internet servers, cable modems and PABX's. This list is not exclusive as the generic feature set of the NLP65 series with industry standard output configurations provides a solution for most low power applications including many industrial applications. 2 YEAR WARRANTY SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are typical at nominal input, full load at 25C unless otherwise stated OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS EMC CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Total regulation (Line and load) Main output Auxiliary outputs Rise time At turn-on Transient response Main output 25% step at 0.1A/s 2.0% 5.0% 1.0s, max. 5.0% or 250mV max. dev., 1ms max. recovery to 1% Temperature coefficient 0.02%/C Overvoltage protection Main outputs Short circuit protection Cyclic operation Minimum output current Single and multiple 125%, 10% (See Note 6) Universal input, (See Note 2) NLP65-76xx version only Input frequency range 120VAC 230VAC Safety ground leakage current 120VAC, 60Hz 230VAC, 50Hz Input current 120VAC, 230VAC, 120VAC, 230VAC, Input fuse UL/IEC127 EMC CHARACTERISTICS 17A max. 32A max. with PFC with PFC without PFC without PFC 1.05A 0.51A 1.40A 0.80A Perf. Perf. Perf. Perf. criteria criteria criteria criteria 1 1 2 2 120VAC, 60Hz 230VAC, 50Hz 16ms @ 65W 78ms @ 65W Efficiency 120VAC, 65W 72% typical Isolation voltage Input/output Input/chassis 3000VAC 1500VAC Switching frequency Fixed 100kHz, 5kHz Approvals and standards (See Notes 9, 13) MTBF EN60950, VDE0805 IEC950, UL1950, BABT CSA C22.2 No. 950 283g (10 oz) MIL-HDBK-217F 150,000 hours min. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Thermal performance (See Notes 1, 3, 10) rms rms rms rms 250VAC S 3.15A Level B Level A Perf. criteria 1 Perf. criteria 1 3 3 3 3 Hold-up time 0.7mA 1.4mA (11,12) EN55022, FCC part 15 EN55022, FCC part 15 EN61000-4-2, level 3 EN61000-4-2, level 4 level level level level Weight 120 to 370VDC 47Hz to 63Hz Input surge current (cold start) Conducted emissions Radiated emissions ESD air ESD contact 85 to 264VAC EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-6, GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Continuous INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Input voltage range Surge Fast transients Radiated immunity Conducted immunity (11,12) Operating ambient, 0C to +70C (See derating curve) Non-operating -40C to +85C 50C to 70C ambient, Derate to convection cooled 50% load 0C to 50C, ambient, 65W convection cooled 0C to 50C ambient, 75W 20CFM forced air (See Note 10) Peak (0C to +50C, 60s) See table Relative humidity Non-condensing Altitude Operating Non-operating Vibration (See Note 5) 5Hz to 500Hz Shock per MIL-STD-810E 5% to 95% RH 10,000 feet max. 30,000 feet max. 2.4G rms peak 516.4 Part IV File Name: NLP65.PDF Rev: 15 Jan 2002 NLP65 Series Single, dual and triple output LOW TO MEDIUM POWER AC/DC POWER SUPPLIES 65-75W AC/DC Universal Input Switch Mode Power Supplies 2 For the most current data and application support visit OUTPUT CURRENT OUTPUT VOLTAGE +5V (IA) RIPPLE MAX (1) 7.5A PEAK (3) FAN TOTAL (4) (10) REGULATION 9.1A 8.0A 50mV 2.0% +12V (IB) 2.5A 3.3A 3.0A 150mV 5.0% -12V 0.65A 0.81A 0.8A 120mV 5.0% +5V (IA) 7.5A 9.1A 8.0A 50mV 2.0% +15V (IB) 2.2A 2.9A 2.5A 150mV 5.0% -15V 0.65A 0.85A 0.8A 150mV 5.0% +5V (IA) 7.0A 9.1A 8.0A 50mV 2.0% +24V (IB) 2.0A 2.6A 2.0A 240mV 5.0% +5V (IA) 7.0A 9.1A 8.0A 50mV 2.0% 6 7 8 GROUND NLP65-7608 NLP65-9608 NLP65-X608G NLP65-7610 NLP65-9610 NLP65-X610G NLP65-7620 NLP65-9620 NLP65-X620G NLP65-7629 NLP65-9629 NLP65-X629G PIN (12, 14) 2.5A 3.3A 3.0A 150mV 5.0% 13.0A 12.0A 50mV 2.0% NLP65-7605 NLP65-9605 NLP65-X605G +12V 5.4A 7.0A 6.5A 120mV 2.0% NLP65-7612 NLP65-9612 NLP65-X612G +15V 4.4A 5.7A 5.3A 150mV 2.0% NLP65-7615 NLP65-9615 NLP65-X615G +24V 2.7A 3.5A 3.5A 240mV 2.0% NLP65-7624 NLP65-9624 NLP65-X624G 9 5 CORRECTED 10.0A 1 4 HARMONIC CORRECTED +5V N 3 NON-HARMONIC +12V (IB) Notes 2 (6) Natural convection cooling. Models NLP65-X629, NLP65-X608, NLP65X610 must not exceed 62.5 Watts continuous output power with natural convection. Model NLP65-X620 not to exceed 65 Watts continuous output power with natural convection. Model NLP65-763V3 must not exceed 33 Watts continuous output power. When the input voltage is less than 90VAC the operating temperature range is 0C to +40C. The ripple and regulation specifications may not be met. Peak output current lasting less than 60 seconds with duty cycle less than 5%. During peak loading, output voltage may exceed total regulation limits. Figure is peak-to-peak for convection power rating. Output noise measurements are made across a 20MHz bandwidth using a 6 inch twisted pair, terminated with a 10F electrolytic capacitor and a 0.1F ceramic capacitor. Three orthogonal axes, random vibration 10 minutes for each axes, 2.4G rms 5Hz to 500Hz. A minimum load on the main output is required for proper start up. For multiple outputs and single +5V output, the minimum load on the +5V is 0.2A. For single outputs greater than +5V the minimum load is 0.1A. To maintain stated regulation then: for single output units I 0.2A for multiple output units 0.25 I(A)/I(B) 5, for I(A) 0.2A. For optimum reliability, no part of the heatsink should exceed 120oC, and no semiconductor case temperature should exceed 130oC. CAUTION: Allow a minimum of 1 second after disconnecting line power when making thermal measurements. International Safety Standard Approvals 10 11 12 13 14 15 Model Numbering Options 1 VDE0805/EN60950/IEC950 File No. 10401-3336-1096 Licence No. 93678 UL1950 File No. E136005 2 CSA C22.2 No. 950 File No. LR41062C Approval No. 606975 This product is only for inclusion by professional installers within other equipment and must not be operated as a stand alone product. Maximum continuous output power for all multiple output models must not exceed 75 Watts with 20CFM forced air cooling. Conducted and radiated emissions testing were performed using the standard EN55022 set-up with a stand alone NLP65 unit placed on a grounded metal plate with a line choke on the AC input and ground wires (i.e. the wires are looped through an EMI suppression toroid). For system compliance it is usually necessary to install an `off-the-shelf' AC inlet with an integral line filter in the system chassis or to install a line choke on the input wires as close as possible to AC entry point of the system chasssis. Please contact the applications group at Artesyn for assistance with EMI compliance. The NLP65 units with the suffix `G' is the ground pin and ground choke option. J2, L6 and JP10 are included. J2 is a safety agency approved grounding pin, L6 is a ground choke and JP10 is a jumper. This option is intended for use in non-metallic chassis applications where grounding is not possible via the mounting screws. The ground choke is provided to assist system EMC compliance. When performing conducted emissions testing on stand alone units, the `G' option is required to meet level B. To order simply add the suffix `G' to the standard model number, e.g. NLP657608G, NLP65-9608G. This option is available for both the PFC and nonPFC versions. All models require a minimum mounting stand-off of 0.25 inches (6.35mm) in the end use product. These standard models are available with an enclosure. To order an enclosed version, see model numbering options below. No PFC version, EN61000-3-2 is not applicable to this model. 3 4 The enclosure version includes: IEC connector, on/off switch, wire harness output connector and fitted cover. To order, please add the suffix `E' to the end of the model number, e.g. NLP65-X608E. See NLP65 enclosure for details. A Safety earth ground pin and ground choke are available as an option. To order, please add the suffix `G' to the end of the model number, e.g. NLP65-X608G. To order a snap-on cover (unfitted), order the part number NLP65C. To order a mounting bracket (unfitted), order the part number NLP65MB. File Name: NLP65.PDF Rev: 15 Jan 2002 NLP65 Series Single, dual and triple output LOW TO MEDIUM POWER AC/DC POWER SUPPLIES 65-75W AC/DC Universal Input Switch Mode Power Supplies 3 For the most current data and application support visit Mechanical Notes A All dimensions are in inches (mm). 5.00 (127.00) 4.550 (115.57) 0.225 (5.715) J1 J3 3 N 1 L 1 3.00 (76.20) 6 2.550 (64.770) T1 J2 C19 MAXIMUM COMPONENT HEIGHT 1.26 (32.00) TOLERANCE: .xxx 0.005" .xx 0.02" Mounting Hole Diameter 0.156 (4.00) ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (mm) INPUT PIN CONNECTIONS J1 Pin 1 AC Line Pin 2 No Pin Pin 3 AC Neutral J2 (ON `G' SUFFIX ONLY) Pin 1 Safety Ground J3 Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 OUTPUT PIN CONNECTIONS SINGLE -XX05 ONLY SINGLE V (A) No Connection V (A) V (A) V (A) V (A) Return Return Return Return Return No Connection Input and output connectors Mating connectors AC (J1) connector type Molex 26-60-4030 type. AC (J1) mating connector type Molex 09-50-3031 or equivalent with Molex 08-50-0105 or equivalent crimp terminals. DC (J3) connector type Molex 26-60-4060 type. DC (J3) mating connector type Molex 09-50-3061 with Molex 2478 phosphor bronze crimp terminals or equivalent. DUAL V (B) V (A) V (A) Return Return N/C TRIPLE V (B) V (A) V (A) Return Return V (C) DERATING CURVE Output Power (Watts) 75W 20 CFM FORCED AIR COOLING 65W NATURAL CONVECTION COOLING Note: The input and output connectors are the same as those used on NFS40, NFN40, NAL40, NAN40 and NLP40. 0C 38W 32W 10C 20C 30C 40C 50C 60C 70C Data Sheet (c) Artesyn Technologies(R) 2002 The information and specifications contained in this data sheet are believed to be correct at time of publication. However, Artesyn Technologies accepts no responsibility for consequences arising from printing errors or inaccuracies. Specifications are subject to change without notice. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information contained herein. File Name: NLP65.PDF Rev: 15 Jan 2002