Table 4. Mechanical characteristics
• Analog acceleration output pin loading = 3.3 nF capacitors on X and Y axes, with 8.2 nF capacitor on Z axis (HBW
• Analog acceleration output pin loading = 9.1 nF capacitors on X, Y and Z axes (LBW configuration)
• No analog acceleration output pin loading other than external BW setting capacitor
• No BYP pin loading other than bypass capacitor and 150 μA DC current draw through resistive divider.
1. Limits verified by characterization only.
2. High and Low Bandwidth modes are configured in non-volatile Memory (NVM) at the factory
2.3 Electrical Specifications
Table 5. Electrical characteristics
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply voltage1VDD — 1.71 2.8 3.6 V
Active supply current IDD — — 180 — µA
Shutdown supply current IDD–SD — — 30 — nA
Voltage supplied at BYP pin1VBYP IBYP ≤ 150 µA 1.45 1.5 1.55 V
Output impedance (XYZ
outputs)1RO— 8 10 12 kΩ
Bandwidth1, 2, 3BW
High BW device — 2700(XY)
600(Z) —
Low BW device — 1100(XY)
600(Z) —
BYP output capacitor value CBYP External capacitor 70 100 500 nF
Logic high input level on EN, g-
Select, ST pins1VIH — 0.75 * VDD — VDD V
Logic low input level on EN, g-
Select, ST pins1VIL — 0 — 0.3 * VDD V
Turn-on time1, 2, 4TON — 660 — µs
g-Select transition delay3Tg-Select — 340 — µs
Operating temperature range1TOP — –40 — +105 °C
Test conditions (unless otherwise noted):
• VDD = 2.8 V
• Output load = 3.3 nF capacitors on X and Y axes, with 8.2 nF capacitor on Z axis (HBW configuration)
• Output load = 9.1 nF capacitors on X, Y and Z axes (LBW configuration)
• Output loading other than external capacitor: high impedance
• No electrical loading on BYP pin other than output capacitor and 150 μA (max)
• DC output current for ADC reference input
• T = 25°C, ±2 g range (for ±2/8 g product), ±4 g range (for ±4/16 g product)
1. Limits verified by characterization only.
2. Apply VDD first. Then, Turn-on time is defined by the delay between when the EN pin is set to high and the time at
which a pin's output value reaches 90% of its final value.
3. g-Select pin transition from high to low. Time for output value to reach 90% of final value.
Device Characteristics
10 Xtrinsic FXLN83xxQ 3-Axis Low-Power Analog-Output Accelerometer, Rev2.0,
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.