2004 New Water-proof Type Power Switch with Built in Detector Switch SDKR Series 2004 New Ouruni-bodywaterproofcombinationswitchforAC(powersupply)and DC(detector)powercontributestothecost-effectivedesign. Features Applications Waterproofpowerswitch(ConformstoIECIP67) Oneswitchclosurewithbuilt-inACpowerswitchand DCcircuitryswitch. Built-inDCswitchenablestheauto-power-offfunction usingrelay-integratedcircuitry. Small-sized composite construction permits high densitymountingonaprintedcircuitboard. A set with an auto-off function, requiring no standby power, for washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers,dehumidifiers,kerosenefanheaters,etc. Rating Items Rating ACswitch 1A125VAC,0.5A250VACResistiveLoad DCswitch 10mA5VDCResistiveLoad Products line and Typical Specifications Items ProductsNo. Specifications SDKRA10100 Circuitarrangement SPST Totaltravel 1.5mm Operatingforce Terminalstyle Operating Operatinglife 2.51.5N ForPCboard Momentary 100,000cycles Unit:mm PCboardmountingholedimensions ViewedfromthedirectionA Style 15 15 1A125V 4-R 2 0.5A250V ON stroke A Full stroke C 1. 6.7 8 1.6 13 10 2.9 o1 13 12.3 11.5 9 Momentary o2.4 6 Initial position .6 h 0.8 1 1.6 3.5 3 0.5 5.4 4.2 8 AC switch terminal No. 1 AC switch terminal No. 1 0.5 6 2.5 PC board mounting face DC switch terminal No. a 10mA 5VDC 6 8 o le 0.8 0.8 4o1 .2 ho le DC switch terminal No. b Circuit DiagramViewed from the Direction A AC switch DC switch 1 1 b a CAUTION 1. Theproductisnotforunderwateruse. 2. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, products in this catalog have been designed andmanufacturedforuseinordinaryelectronicequipmentanddevices,suchasAV equipment, electric home appliances, office machines, and communications equipment. Equipment manufacturers are consequently advised that when these products are planned for equipment that requires a high degree of safety and reliability, especially those apparatuses like medical equipment, aviation and aircraft equipment,spaceequipment,andburglaralarmequipment,themanufacturersshould assure equipment safety by providing protection circuits and redundant circuitry and shouldfullystudythesuitabilityofsuchproductsfortheintendedequipment. 3. Specificationindicatedinthiscatalogisoutlineonly.Whenemployingtheproduct, useofanofficiallyauthorizedspecificationforsupplycontractisrecommended. 4. Names for products and companies and titles of specifications indicated in this cataloguearemostlytrademarksorregisteredtrademarksoftheirrespectiveowners. 5. Pleasecontactusforanyenquiriesandqueriesonourproductsandtheiruses. 6. ThiscatalogisvalidtilltheendofDecember2004. Formoreinformationpleasecontact:SalesorProductsInformationCenter. 1-7,YUKIGAYA-OTSUKA-CHO,OTA-KU,TOKYO,JAPAN145-8501 PHONE:035499-8154DIRECT Homepagehttp://www.alps.co.jp/ 2004 New Dimensions