240 Series DIN Panel Meters
An extensive range of specialist
measuring meters in 4 case sizes
Shock resistant taut band suspension
Vibration-proof Hi-Q damping
Slide in dials for 90°current, voltage and
frequency on models 242, 243 and 244
Terminal covers supplied as standard
Low cost
Local indication
Ease of installation
Minimal training
Low maintenance
Customised options and features
Distribution systems
Generator sets
Control panels
Energy management
Building management
Utility power monitoring
Process control
Motor control
LRS and BV Approvals.
An extensive range of 48, 72, 96 and 144mm DIN style panel meters offering
measurement of all electrical and electronic parameters. Meters are shock resistant
and vibration proof and supplied with terminal covers. A selection of slide in dials
and customised options are available.
In Crompton Instruments’ world-patented ‘Hi-Q’ taut band suspension, all the
delicate parts of the traditional instruments are eliminated. There are no pivots, no
jewel bearings, no hair-springs and no air damping vane. Instead, a tough platinum
ribbon suspends the moving element between front and rear tension springs.
Specially contoured pads are fitted to the ends of the spindle, and the working gap at
each end is filled with a high quality silicon fluid. The pads, together with the fluid
reservoir, form a system which acts as a resilient built-in shock absorber. This
provides both rotational and longitudinal damping as the moving element floats on
oil with no bearing friction and is effectively cushioned against shock and vibration.
360° Synchroscopes and power factor meters have robust pivot and jewel bearings
with oil damping.
Dials, Scales and Pointers
Standard dials are matt white with black printed scales and bar knife-edge pointers.
Black dials with white or yellow scales and pointers are also available.
Interchangeable slide in dials are used on models 242, 243 and 244 90° moving iron,
moving coil and frequency meters.
General options include red supplementary pointers, red indexes (quadrant scales),
red, green or blue lines, bands or segments, finely spaced divisions, multi-scales,
special scales and captions to customer' requirements.
Internal illumination is available in the following models:
• 244 and 246 shortscale moving coil and moving iron vane.
• 243, 244 and 246 longscale moving coil and moving iron vane.
Through dial (Translucent) illumination on 244 and 246 models.
Edge illumination on 243, 244 and 246 models.
Replaceable 6, 12 or 24V lamps are used on all models except 243 longscale meters,
where the lamps are internal.
Performance BSEN60051
Measuring Ranges DIN 43701
Accuracy Overload BSEN60051
Dimensions DIN 43700
Scale Marking Generally DIN43802
Magnetic Influence BSEN60051
Safety IEC414
Terminals Clamp strap M4 up to 25A. Clamp strap M8 over 25A
Humidity Range Up to 95% RH (non condensing)
Test Voltage @50Hz 2kV RMS for 1 minute
Overload AC Current x 1.2 continuous x 10 for 5 seconds
Overload AC Voltage x 1.2 continuous x 2 for 5 seconds
Frequency See main pages for other instruments
Damping Time Less than 3 seconds is standard. More heavily damped
movements are available on request.
Standard Calibration 23°C
Operating Temperature -20°C to +60°C
Enclosure Code IP54 as standard (to BSEN60529). IP55 consult factory
Terminals IP20B with terminal cover or terminal
boots fitted
Case Grade UL94V0
Base Grade UL94V1
240 Series DIN Panel Meters
DIN 16257 symbol meaning for
calibration position
Inclined 60°
Inclination of dial surface to the
horizontal e.g 60°.
Required orientation must always be
stated when ordering if other than
vertical mounting is required.
Specification Continued
Case Dimensions and panel cutout conform to IEC473, DIN
43700. Models 242, 243 and 244 have cases and bezels
injection moulded in flame retardant engineering
thermoplastic, recognised by Underwriters Laboratory
materials specification. All 246 models have pressed
steel cases.
Bezel Slim-line DIN43802 black as standard
Bezel Window Standard sheet glass, with zero adjusters where
appropriate. Non reflecting glass or polycarbonate
shatterproof windows are available.
Installation Installations in switchboard panel or mosaic
arrangement on equipment or machine with a panel
thickness of up to 40mm in a horizontal or vertical
plane. Installation Category III
Fixing on Panel Models 242, 243 and 244 – 2 corner fixing clamps and
tensioning thumb screws
Model 242 – available with a one piece ‘push on’ clamp.
Model 246 - 2 side fixing spring clips
Mounting Position Normal vertical mounting or as indicated on the scale
in accordance with DIN 16257. A deviation of ±15° is
Lloyds Shipping (LRS), Bureau Veritas (BV), EMC and LVD
Model 242 243 244 246
Bezel ‘A’ 48 x 48 72 x 72 96 x 96 144 x 144
Panel cut-out ‘B’ 45 x 45 68 x 68 92 x 92 138 x 138
Scale Length: 90° 42 65 94 145
Scale Length: 240° 72 112 150 230
Maximum overall depth ‘C’:
Ammeters and Voltmeters A.C. & D.C.*
64 64 64 60
Ammeters and Voltmeters with switch*
Dual Meters* 64
Elapsed Time Meter/Hours Run* 64 64 64
Maximum Demand Indicator* 64 64 60
Combined MDI & MI Indicator* 64 60
Maximum Demand Indicator with relay*
Frequency Meter 90°* 64 64 64 60
Frequency Meter 240°* § § 120 125
Phase Angle, Power Factor Meter 90°* § § 107 §
240°* § § 107 §
M.C. Indicator with separate transducer*
64 64 64 60
Dynamometer 360° Synchroscope* 120 125
Dynamometer 360° Power Factor Meter*
Phase Sequence Indicator* 64 64
Position Indicator* § § 120 125
Speed Indicator* 64 64 64 60
Temperature Indicators* 120 125
Quadra Meters* 64
Impulse Counters* 64 64 64
Wattmeter, Varmeter 90° § § 107 125
Wattmeter, Varmeter 240° § § 107 125
Model 244-21Y & 244-21Z 142
LED Synchroscope & Synchro Check Relay
LED 360° Synchroscope 80
§ Indicator Only
* If separate terminal cover is used add 20 mm to dimension C
Not available
Panel cut-out
Maximum Panel
thickness 10mm
240 Series DIN Panel Meters
Moving Iron A.C. Ammeters and Voltmeters
Designed to measure A.C. current or voltage, these meters indicate true r.m.s. values
and are substantially independent of system waveform. Scales are calibrated down
to 20%, and ammeters can have overload scales x2, x3, x5 or x6 for motor start duty.
Ammeters can be supplied for use with -/1A or -/5A current transformers, whilst
voltmeters can be scaled for use with voltage transformers. Heavy damping is
available as an option. Meters can be used to measure D.C. at reduced accuracy.
Specification – Short Scale
Accuracy: Class 1.5
Frequency: 50 or 60Hz, (400Hz on request)
Burden at 50Hz: Ammeters: 0.5VA
Voltmeters: Up to 4.5VA maximum
Ratings: Ammeters: 0.5A to 100A A.C. direct connected (40A for
242-75A and 246-07A). Maximum system voltage
720V A.C. Low load / high middle maximum 10A
Voltmeters: 6V to 600V
Product Codes – Short Scale
Bezel Size mm 48 72 96 144
Scale length mm 42 65 94 145
Product Codes
A.C. ammeter 242-75A 243-02A 244-02A 246-07A
x2 overload ammeter 242-752 243-022 244-022 246-072
x3 overload ammeter 242-753 243-023 244-023 246-073
x5 overload ammeter 242-755 243-025 244-025 246-075
x6 overload ammeter 242-756 243-026 244-026 246-076
Low load ammeter 243-02H 244-02H
A.C. voltmeter 242-75V 243-02V 244-02V 246-07V
Low middle voltmeter 243-02M 244-02M
Specification – Long Scale
Accuracy: Class 1.5
Frequency: 50 or 60Hz, (400Hz on request)
Burden at 50Hz: Ammeters: 1.5VA
Voltmeters: 4.5VA maximum
Ratings: Ammeters: 0.5A to 25A A.C. direct connected
Maximum system voltage 720V A.C. Low load / high
middle (maximum 10A)
Voltmeters: 6V to 600V A.C.
Product Codes – Long Scale
Bezel Size mm 48 72 96 144
Scale length mm 72 112 150 230
Product Codes
Ammeter 242-03A 243-03A 244-03A 246-03A
x2 overload ammeters 242-032 243-032 244-032 246-032
x3 overload ammeters 242-033 243-033 244-033 246-034
x5 overload ammeters 242-035 243-035 244-035 246-035
x6 overload ammeters 242-036 243-036 244-036 246-036
Low load ammeters 243-03H 244-03H
Voltmeter 242-03V 243-03V 244-03V 246-03V
A.C. Ammeter
A.C. Voltmeter
240 Series DIN Panel Meters
Frequency Meters
These Frequency meters use an integral electronic converter and a moving coil
indicator. This meter is easy to read with an accuracy Class 0.5.
Accuracy: Class 0.5
Ratings: 100V-125V A.C
200V-250V A.C.
380V-440V A.C.*
500V A.C.*
*For voltages above 380V use 242-013 with a 253-THZ,
in place of 242-41S
Models available for use with V.T.s
Frequency 0.5%: 45/55Hz,
Other scalings available on request
Burden: 4VA Maximum
Product Code
Bezel Size mm 48 48 72 72 96 96 144 144
Scale length mm 42 72 65 112 94 145
Product Code
242-41S 242-053 243-41S 243-053 244-41S 244-41L 246-41S 246-41L
Dual Frequency Meters
Two instruments in one case can be used to measure a wide range of frequencies.
These dual instruments save both panel space and assemly time. The 244-41D is an
ideal component in sychronising applications.
Accuracy: Class 0.5
Ratings: 100V-125V A.C
200V-250V A.C.
380V-440V A.C.
500V A.C.
Models available for use with V.T.s
Frequency 0.5%: 45/55Hz,
Burden: 4VA Maximum
Product Code
Bezel Size mm 96
Scale length mm 65
Product Code 244-41D
240 Series DIN Panel Meters
Moving Coil D.C. Ammeters and Voltmeters
Moving Coil Meters are suitable for all D.C. systems. The linear scale is calibrated
down to zero and the accuracy maintained down to 10%. High currents are measured
with separate shunts and suitably scaled indicators. Suppressed, centre and offset
zero models are available.
Accuracy: Class 1.5
Ratings: Ammeters: 100µA to 25A, (200µA for 05 model)
4/20mA suppressed zero
40A for model 243/244-01A
Voltmeters: 50mV to 600V
1/5V suppressed zero
50, 60, 75, 100, 150mV for use with shunts
Impedance: Ammeters: 75mV internal shunt above 60mA
Voltmeters: 1000/V above 1V
Further details on our T-Sheet T118 available on request.
Product Codes – Short Scale
Bezel Size mm 48 72 96 144
Scale length mm 42 65 94 145
Product Codes
Ammeters 242-89A 243-01A 244-01A 246-10A
Ammeters suppressed zero
242-89R 243-01R 244-01R 246-10R
Voltmeters 242-89V 243-01V 244-01V 246-10V
Voltmeters suppressed zero
242-89S 243-01S 244-01S 246-10S
Product Codes – Long Scale
Bezel Size mm 48 72 96 144
Scale length mm 72 112 150 230
Product Codes
Ammeter 242-05A 243-05A 244-05A 246-05A
Ammeters suppressed zero
242-05R 243-05R 244-05R 246-05R
Voltmeters 242-05V 243-05V 244-05V 246-05V
Voltmeters suppressed zero
242-05S 243-05S 244-05S 246-05S
Moving Coil Dual D.C. Ammeters and Voltmeters
Dual instruments can be used to measure a wide range of currents and voltages,
and save both space and time by requiring only one panel cut-out.
The 244-80M allows for independent measurement of two D.C. currents in one case.
The 244-80E allows for independent measurement of two D.C. voltages in one case.
Accuracy: Class 1.5
Ratings: D.C. Current: 100µA to 25A direct connected
4/20mA suppressed zero.
D.C. Volts: 50mV to 600V
1/5 volt suppressed zero
50, 60, 75, 150mV for use with shunts.
Product Codes
Bezel Size mm 96
Scale length mm 94
Product Code
Ammeters 244-80M
Voltmeters 244-80E
D.C. Ammeter
D.C. Voltmeter
Dual D.C. Ammeter
Dual D.C. Voltmeter
240 Series DIN Panel Meters
Temperature Indicators
Longscale Indicators to read temperature values, usually remotely with RTD or
thermocouple sensors supplied by the customer. RTD (Resistance Temperature
Detector) indicators measure the change in resistance of the sensor. A 2 or 3 wire
system may be used. Thermocouple indicators accept standard millivolt input
signals. Cold junction compensation is provided and thermocouple break indication
is incorporated.
Accuracy: Class 1.5 - Indicator only. RTD indicator suitable for
10copper 100platinum, 100 & 120nickel sensors
Power in RTD is 100µW approximately. Thermocouple
indicator suitable for J (0-700°C), K (0-1200°C)
50maximum Circuit Resistance.
Auxiliary Supply: Model 45R: from 63.5V to 480V A.C. at 50/60Hz
Model 45T: 110, 115, 220, 240, 380, 400, 480V A.C.
and 12, 24, 48, 110, 125V D.C.
Burden: -45R 2VA, -45T 3VA
Product Codes
Bezel Size mm 96 144
Scale length mm 150 230
Product Codes
RTD 244-45R 246-45R
Thermocouple 244-45T 246-45T
Process Indicators
Used to check process functions locally or remotely at centralised controls. These
moving coil instruments offer a wide variety of electrical and mechanical readouts
operated by transducer, tachogenerator, thermocouple, resistance bulb or other D.C.
analogue signals. Suppressed, centre and offset zero models are available on request.
Accuracy: Class 1.5
Ratings: 1, 2, 5, 10 & 20mA. 4/20mA suppressed zero.
Burden: See our technical data sheet T118.
Product Codes – Short Scale Models
Bezel Size mm 48 72 96 144
Scale length mm 42 65 94 145
Product Codes
A.C. Current 242-89A 243-01A 244-01A 246-10A
A.C. Voltage 242-89V 243-01V 244-01V 246-10V
Speed 242-892 243-012 244-012 246-102
Frequency 242-893 243-013 244-013 246-103
Phase Angle 242-894 243-014 244-014 246-104
Watts 242-895 243-015 244-015 246-105
VArs 242-896 243-016 244-016 246-106
VA 242-897 243-017 244-017 246-107
Product Codes – Long Scale Models
Bezel Size mm 48 72 96 144
Scale length mm 72 112 150 230
Product Codes
A.C. Current 242-05A 243-05A 244-05A 246-05A
A.C. Voltage 242-05V 243-05V 244-05V 246-05V
Speed 242-052 243-052 244-052 246-052
Frequency 242-053 243-053 244-053 246-053
Phase Angle 242-054 243-054 244-054 246-054
Watts 242-055 243-055 244-055 246-055
VArs 242-056 243-056 244-056 246-056
VA 242-057 243-057 244-057 246-057
Thermocouple Indicators -45TG
RTD Indicators -45RG
Catalogue Numbering System
Guide to Catalogue Numbering System – Example Code: 244 – 03AG – LSPK – C6 – ER
01 Short-scale AC and DC
02 – Short-scale AC
03 Long-scale AC and DC
05 Long-scale AC and DC
07 Edgewise AC DC
08 – Long-scale AC
10 Edgewise AC and DC
11 – Long-scale DC
12 Phase sequence meter
13 360 rotating iron PFI
14 – Synchroscope
15 Elapsed time meter
16 – Thermal demand
21 – Wattmeter
30 – Meter relay
31 – VArmeter
41L – Frequency meter
41S – Frequency meter
42 Power factor meter
45 – RTD temperature
92 – Shunts
94 – Current transformers
HW Kilowatt hour class 1.0
KH – Kilowatt hours
KW –
Kilowatt hours class 2.0
A Amperes DC
B – Rectified amperes
C Center zero amps
D Zero offset current
F – Amperes AC
G – Volts AC
H – High middle
K DC input non electrical
L VAr self contained
N Center zero voltage
P Zero offset voltage
R Live zero current
S Live zero voltage
V – Volts DC
W – Rectified voltage
Y Expanded scale AC
Z Expanded scale DC
2 2 x overload ammeters
3 3 x overload ammeters
5 1-phase 2-wire watts
6 6 x overload ammeters
8 3-phase 3-wire watts
9 3-phase 4-wire watts
A ANSI C39.1
B BS 89
I ANSI fixing captions
J – Japanese instrument
LA – 1A
LS – 5A
PZ – 150V
RX – 300V
SJ – 600V
PN – 120V
RP – 240V
SE – 480V
QQ – 120V 5A
QS – 240V 5A
QT 480V 5A etc
BX Volt free relay contacts
FA – 1mA
HG – 4/20mA
PK – 0/100
PZ – 0/150
RL – 0/200
RX – 0/300
SC – 0/400
SJ – 0/600
SS – 0/1000
TM – 0/2000
UB – 0/4000
UJ – 0/5000 etc
(AC Meters)
C4 – 400Hz
C5 – 50Hz
C6 – 60Hz
C7 – 50/60Hz
244 03 A G LS PK C6
This guide is not inclusive of all catalogue numbers and should be
used for reference only, as improper combinations can be achieved.
016 Fiesta
075 – Short-case switchboard
077 – Standard switchboard
078 – Hi-shock sealed
079 – 83/4" switchboard
083 – 2" sealed
084 – 21/2" sealed
242 – 48mm DIN
243 – 72mm DIN
244 – 96m DIN
246 144mm DIN
E242 48mm short-scale
E243 72mm short-scale
E244 96mm short-scale
Indicate as
Glossary of Terms
MI Moving iron, also called ‘iron vane’ in the North American market for measuring AC amps and volts.
MC Moving coil for measuring DC amps and volts.
Taut band suspension A meter movement held under tension, usually on a ligament.
Ligament The taut band.
Pivot and jewell (P&J) A movement which rotates on a spindle, and pivots within an oil filled jewel. This type of movement
typically offers excellent vibration resistance characteristics.
Short-scale Angle of deflection for a movement is usually 90 degrees but ANSI is 100 degrees in some products.
Long-scale Angle of deflection for a movement is usually 240 degrees but is frequently referred to as 270 degree.
FSD Full scale deflection.
ES End scale.
Input Electrical value from which the measurement is derived to achieve the full scale deflection of
the movement.
Linear A term used to state that the input is constant, allowing for an even scaling.
Non linear The opposite of linear, giving a scale shape which will cramp at some point on the dial. Usually
inaccurate below 20% of the full-scale value.
Logarithmic scaling A log scale usually derived from a non linear DC output.
Scale The graphical representation of the value being measured.
Dual arc More than one set of figures on a dial plate.
Dial plate/scale plate Surface on which the dial is drawn.
Calibration chart A chart matching input values to scale mark, mainly used for complicated scales.
Enclosure rating Usually expressed in the form of IP rating or as NEMA in America. This states the product,
resistance to the ingress of moisture and dust.
DIN European standard meter shape. It is based on multiplies of 24mm, i.e. 48, 72, 96, 144 mm.
ANSI American National Instrument Standard.
JIS Japanese Instrument Standard.
BS89 Old British Standard usually refers to rectangular meter or “Fiesta” style products.
Switchboard meter General term for long-scale instruments.
Panel meter General name for short-scale instruments.
Analogue indicator Generic term for instruments usually refers to a low accuracy meter. An indicator only.
Analogue Instruments
DIN Panel Meters
Page 1 of 2
Ref: DIN – Rev 1 – Sept 02
The product should be panel mounted using the mounting
hardware supplied. Consideration should be given to the
space behind the unit to allow for bends in the connecting
cables. The terminals on the meter rear should be
protected from liquids.
The unit must not be mounted where it can be subjected
to direct sunlight, and vibration should be kept to a
minimum. Connection wires must be sized to comply with
local regulations and must be terminated on tags suitable
for screw connection. The product has no internal fuse,
therefore; external fuses must be used for safety
protection under fault conditions.
During normal operation, voltages hazardous to life
may be present at some of the terminals of this unit.
Installation and servicing should be performed only
by qualified, properly trained personnel' abiding by
local regulations. Ensure all supplies are de-
energised before attempting connection or other
Terminals should not be user accessible after
installation and external installation provisions must
be sufficient to prevent hazards under fault
Never open circuit the secondary winding of an
energised current transformer.
This product complies with:
International standard: IEC1010-1
For UK: BS EN 61010-1 (IEC1010-1)
Fusing and connections
This unit must be fitted with external fuses in voltage
supply lines. Voltage input lines must be fused with a
quick blow fuse 1A maximum. Choose fuses of a type
and with a breaking capacity appropriate to the supply
and in accordance with local regulations.
Permanently connected use.
Normal condition
Basic insulation
Installation category II
Pollution degree 2
This product is intended as part of a permanent
Low Voltage Directive BSEN 61010-1
For use in altitudes up to 2000m
Temperature 0-40 degree C Maximum relative humidity
80% for temperature up to 31º C decreasing linearly to
50% RH at 40ºC
Operating temperature to retained stated product
accuracy 0-40ºC
Electromagnetic Compatibility
This unit has been designed to provide protection against EM
(electro-magnetic) interference in line with requirements of
EU and other regulations. Precautions necessary to provide
proper operation of this and adjacent equipment will be
installation dependent and so the following can only be
general guidance:-
Avoid routing wiring to this unit alongside cables and
products that are, or could be, a source of interference.
The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject to
excessive interference. In some cases, a supply line
filter may be required.
To protect the product against incorrect operation or
permanent damage, surge transients must be controlled.
It is good EMC practice to suppress differential surges to
2kV or less at the source. The unit has been designed
to automatically recover from typical transients, however
in extreme circumstances it may be necessary to
temporarily disconnect the auxiliary supply for a period
of greater than 5 seconds to restore correct operation.
Screened communication and small signal leads are
recommended and may be required. These and other
connecting leads may require the fitting of RF
suppression components, such as ferrite absorbers, line
filters etc., if RF fields cause problems.
It is good practice to install sensitive electronic
instruments that are performing critical functions in EMC
enclosures that protect against electrical interference
causing a disturbance in function.
Tyco Electronics UK Limited
Crompton Instruments
Freebournes Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 3AH, UK
Phone: +44 1376 509 509 Fax: +44 1376 509 511 http://energy.tycoelectronics.com
The Information contained in these installation instructions is for use only by installers trained to make electrical power installations and is intended to describe the
correct method of installation for this product. However, Tyco Electronics has no control over the field conditions, which influence product installation.
It is the user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the installation method in the user's field conditions. Tyco Electronics' only obligations are those in Tyco
Electronics' standard Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will Tyco Electronics be liable for any other incidental, indirect or consequential damages
arising from the use or misuse of the products. Crompton is a trademark.
Analogue Instruments
DIN Panel Meters
Ref: DIN – Rev 1 – Sept 02
48 x 48 45 x 45 4
72 x 72 68 x 68 4
96 x 96 92 x 92 4
144 x 144 135 x 135 4
Analogue Instruments
DIN Instruments 240 Series & ANSI
Switchboard Meters 070 Series
LED Synchroscope & Synchrocheck
Relay with Dead Bus
Page 1 of 2
Ref: IWYSNC – Rev 6 – Sept 02
Products Covered
Model Description
244-14A) Single Phase or 3 phase 3/4 Wire LED
077-14A) - synchroscope
244-14L) Single Phase or 3 phase 3/4 wire LED
077-14L) - Synchroscope and Synchro check relay
244-14G) 244-14L with voltage difference input range
244-14H 244-14D with voltage difference input range
244-14D) Single phase or 3-phase 3/4 wire LED
077-14D) -Synchroscope and Synchro check relay with
244 models may be mounted in a panel of any thickness up
to a maximum of 12mm. Mounting is by two clamps and
077 Models may be mounted in a panel thickness up to a
maximum of 8mm (5/16”). Mounting is by 4 x 1/4 - 28 UNF
studs and nuts.
For all models consideration should be given to the space
required behind the units to allow for bends in the
connecting cables. Additional protection to the panel may
be obtained by the use of an optional gasket. The terminals
at the rear of the case should be protected from liquids.
Units should be mounted in a reasonably stable ambient
temperature and in any event where the temperature is
within the range 0-60 ºC.
The unit should not be mounted where it is subjected to
excessive direct sunlight; vibration should be kept to a
minimum. Connection wires should be sized to comply to
local regulations and should be terminated in tags suitable
for the crew connections provided, labels are fixed to the
units and carry full connection information and data including
type number, input voltage, current, frequency and supply as
appropriate. The products do not have internal fuses
therefore external fuses must be used for safety protection
under fault conditions.
Fusing and connections
1. This unit must be fitted with external fuses in voltage
supply lines.
2. Voltage input lines must be fused with a quick blow
fuse 1A maximum.
3. Choose fuses of a type and with a breaking capacity
appropriate to the supply and in accordance with local
During normal operation, voltages hazardous to life may
be present at some of the terminals of this unit.
Installation and servicing should be performed only by
qualified, properly trained personnel' abiding by local
regulations. Ensure all supplies are de-energised
before attempting connection or other procedures.
It is recommended adjustments be made with the
supplies de-energised, but if this is not possible, then
extreme caution should be exercised.
Terminals should not be user accessible after
installation and external installation provisions must be
sufficient to prevent hazards under fault conditions.
This unit is not intended to function as part of a system
providing the sole means of fault protection - good
engineering practice dictates that any critical function be
protected by at least two independent and diverse
Screw torque
Main terminal screws should be tightened to 1.35Nm or 1.0
ft/lbf only. Detachable terminal connector screws should be
tightened to 0.9Nm or 0.7 ft/lbf only. Where fitted, terminal
covers are held in place by miniature self tapping screws
into plastic. These screws should be tightened by hand
only, sufficiently to secure the terminal cover and prevent it
Electromagnetic Compatibility
This unit has been designed to provide protection against
EM (electro-magnetic) interference in line with requirements
of EU and other regulations. Precautions necessary to
provide proper operation of this and adjacent equipment will
be installation dependent and so the following can only be
general guidance:-
Avoid routing wiring to this unit alongside cables and
products that are, or could be, a source of interference.
The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject to
excessive interference. In some cases, a supply line
filter may be required.
To protect the product against incorrect operation or
permanent damage, surge transients must be
controlled. It is good EMC practice to suppress
differential surges to 2kV or less at the source. The unit
has been designed to automatically recover from typical
transients, however in extreme circumstances it may be
necessary to temporarily disconnect the auxiliary supply
for a period of greater than 5 seconds to restore correct
Screened communication and small signal leads are
recommended and may be required. These and other
connecting leads may require the fitting of RF
suppression components, such as ferrite absorbers, line
filters etc., if RF fields cause problems.
It is good practice to install sensitive electronic instruments
that are performing critical functions in EMC enclosures that
protect against electrical interference causing a disturbance
in function.
Tyco Electronics UK Limited
Crompton Instruments
Freebournes Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 3AH, UK
Phone: +44 1376 509 509 Fax: +44 1376 509 511 http://energy.tycoelectronics.com
The Information contained in these installation instructions is for use only by installers trained to make electrical power installations and is intended to describe the
correct method of installation for this product. However, Tyco Electronics has no control over the field conditions, which influence product installation.
It is the user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the installation method in the user's field conditions. Tyco Electronics' only obligations are those in Tyco
Electronics' standard Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will Tyco Electronics be liable for any other incidental, indirect or consequential damages
arising from the use or misuse of the products. Crompton is a trademark.
Analogue Instruments
DIN Instruments 240 Series & ANSI
Switchboard Meters 070 Series
LED Synchroscope & Synchrocheck
Relay with Dead Bus
Ref: IWYSNC – Rev 6 – Sept 02
Setting Up and Maintenance
Units are adjusted before despatch and therefore no
adjustments are required. Unless a fault develops, the unit
requires little attention. During routine servicing and
inspection of the associated equipment, the unit should be
inspected to normal standards for this class of equipment.
For example remove accumulations of dust and check all
connections for tightness and corrosion. In the event of a
repair being necessary, it is recommended that the unit be
returned to the factory or to the nearest Crompton
Instruments Service Centre, (details on page 2). Should
repair be attempted then replacement components must be
of the same type, rating and tolerance as those used in the
original circuit. It is important that should calibration be
deemed necessary, say after repair, then this should only be
attempted if the required high accuracy equipment is
available. With any enquiry please quote the full model
number found on the side of the label. The unit must be
recalibrated after repair.
The operation as a Synchroscope
The 244-14A and 077-14A synchrocopes provide illuminated
indication of the actual phase difference between the
generator GEN voltages and the busbar voltage. If the LED
display rotates clockwise the generator frequency is too high
and must be reduced and visa versa if the LED display turns
The operation as synchrocheck relay
The 244-14L/G and 077-14L synchroscopes are based on a
microcontroller, which interprets the input signals and
displays the phase and voltage information on a series of
light emitting diodes (LED’s).
Twenty four red LED’s are arranged in a ring simulating the
traditional 360° analogue movement. Only one LED is lit at
any one time indicating the phase difference between the
busbar (BUS) and generator (GEN) signals. The unit will
operate correctly at any frequency within its range.
The voltage levels of the two input signals are continuously
measured and compared with the user adjustable voltage
difference setting. If the measured difference is outside the
allowable range, the ring of LED’s will be extinguished and
the red GEN LED will be lit. If the voltage difference is within
range the green GEN LED will be lit and the ring of LED’s
will indicate the phase relationship.
Once the BUS and GEN signals become coincident, the unit
will wait for an adjustable time delay before lighting the
green triangular SYNCHRONISED LEDS and operating the
relay. The ring of LED is also extinguished which means the
user will only see green LED’s when the generator GEN is
synchronised with the BUS.
The rear pot adjustments should be set to suit operational
The Operation as Synchro Check Relay with Dead Bus
The 244-14D/H and 077-14D operate in the same way as
the 244-14L and 077-14L Synchro check relays with the
addition of a dead bus option. This optional feature enables
the relay to energise with a GEN supply only thus allowing
the generator to power the BUS during a supply failure.
Connection Diagrams
Model 244-14A 360° LED Synchroscope & Models 244-
14L/D/G/H 360 LED Synchroscope and Synchro Check
Relay Ratings
Single pole changeover 250V, 5A a.c. resistive.
Model 077-14A 360° LED Synchroscope & 360 LED
Synchroscope and Synchro Check Relay Models 077-
NC = Normally closed
CO = Common
NO = Normally open
Terminals 1,3 & 4 are not used
on Model 244-14A.
L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3
Terminals 3, 10 and 12 are not
used on Model 077-14A.
5 1
NC = Normally closed
CO = Common
NO = Normally open