Accessories Mounting Supports (R) Description Special mounting supports have been designed for the integration of power supplies into switch boards, control panels, printed circuit boards, etc., using adapters for chassis-, DIN-rail, or PCB mounting. The 19-inch cassette type DC-DC and AC-DC converters can also be chassis mounted with frontal access by means of a special Chassis Mounting Plate, attached to the converters. The Universal Mounting Bracket also fits to most of these cassette type converters, allowing for either vertical chassis or DIN-rail mounting. Table of Contents A Bracket Kit, consisting of a PCB with screw terminal connectors and a bracket suitable for either chassis- or DINrail mounting, is available either for PCB mountable PSR and PSA Switching Regulators with option "Y" pins or for small DC-DC converters 1 - 15 Watt. For isolation of the PCB-mountable converters from a double sided PCB, the use of Isolation Pads is recommended, as described below. Note: All dimensions are in mm, unless otherwise specified. Page Page Description ............................................................................ 1 Chassis Mounting Plates ...................................................... 2 DIN- and Chassis Mounting Brackets .................................. 4 Universal Mounting Bracket ................................................. 9 Isolation Tags for PCB Mounting ........................................ 11 PCB Tags for PCB Mounting .............................................. 11 BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 1 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) Chassis Mounting Plates For chassis mounting of 19" cassette-style converters, where only frontal access to the mounting screws is given, special chassis mounting plate adapters are available according to the following table and figures 1 to 3. Table 1: Mounting Plate survey Case size Converter series Type Item no. Delivery content K02 K 1, PSK 1 Mounting plate K02 Mounting plate, 4 countersunk screws S02 S 1, PSS Q01 Q Q03 LPC Q04 P Q01 Q Q03 LPC Q04 P M02 M H02 H 1 1 Mounting plate Q Mounting plate M Mounting plate, 4 countersunk screws, 4 washers Option B1 necessary European Projection 11.2 12021 7.5 6.5 13 140 125 M4 x 10 17.3 133.4 168 30 Option B1 necessary for K and S Series 5 Fig. 1 Mounting plate K02 Aluminium, black finish BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 2 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) 168 4.5 4.5 12022 European Projection M3 x 6 6 18 140 1040.1 128 3.6/7.5 x 90 115 12701 115 3 14 26 20 16.8 Fig. 2b Retention Clip [HZZ01209] 133 16.3 115 25.5 6.5 4.5 11.2 12020 6 Fig. 2a Mounting plate Q with integrated connector retention facility using the Retention Clip [HZZ01209] Aluminium, black finish 103.5 M3x 6 Washer 18.5 128 140 4.5/9 x 90 European Projection 127 166 19.5 3 Fig. 3 Mounting plate M Aluminium, black finish BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 3 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) DIN- and Chassis Mounting Brackets PCB mounting as well as cassette style converters can be chassis- and/or DIN-Rail mounted by means of Mounting Bracket adapters. For selection and item numbers refer to table below. Note: Customized adapters for other case sizes are available upon request. Each item number gives a direct indication of the kind of mounting, the type of converter, i.e. the case size, or the output power as well as the possible pinnings and options according to the relevant converter data. The adaptors are divided into two mechanical types: CMB and DMB. Table 2: Mounting Bracket survey A1 [mm] A2 [mm] Converter case size 95.0 90.0 A01 Converter series Chassis-mounting Part no. DIN-mounting Part no. Delivery content PSR, PSA (Vi max = 40, 60, 80 V) CMBA01-iRY/80 DMBA01-iRY/80 PSA (Vi max = 144 V) CMBA01-iRY/144 DMBA01-iRY/144 PCB, screw teminal blocks, 4 diodes, capacitor C1 and C- or D-bracket with screws 72.5 67.5 2"x2" IMR6, IMR15 IMP6, IMP12 CMB2x2-BCFG DMB2x2-BCFG 50.0 45.0 DIL 24 IMP1, IMP3, IXP3 IMX4 Option K CMB3W-123 DMB3W-123 72.5 67.5 1"x2" IMX7, IMS7 IML10 CMB IMS/X7 DMBIMS/X7 PCB, screw teminal blocks, and C- or D-bracket See Basic Kit C/DMB IMX/S7 12023 A1 4 4 60 83 85 11.5 12024 13.3 38 3.2 A2 12 Fig. 4 CMB chassis mounting bracket dimensions Bracket: Aluminium, black finish BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Fig. 5 DMB DIN-rail mounting bracket dimensions Bracket: Polycarbonate, black Page 4 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) CMB: Chassis Mounting Bracket The kit consists of a PCB for the converter, a set of screw terminals allowing for easy electrical connection and two aluminium profiles, attached to the PCB by means of four screws, which serve as the chassis mounting bracket. Four different versions according to table 2 are available. Details on the layout of the PCBs and diagrams are given in the description below. DMB: DIN-Rail Mounting Bracket The DMB kit differs from the CMB version by a bracket suited for DIN-rail mounting (according to EN 50022). The black plastic body of the bracket holds the PCB by means of a snap-in device. Four different versions according to table 2 are available. Details on the layout of the PCB's and diagrams are given in the description below. 12026 C/DMBA01-.. Electrical Description MB A01-iRY This bracket is designed for non-isolated Switching Regulators of the PSR and PSA series in the A01 case size, equipped with option Y. Technical details and further information, e.g., max. input voltage etc., are described in the PSR and PSA data sheets. The use of the optional inhibitand R-function (external output voltage adjustment with R1) is possible, and the device can be driven either from a DCsource or from a transformer secondary voltage. - AC-input: The recommended transformer secondary voltage is 48 VAC for PSR/PSA (with Vi max = 80 V) and 72 VAC for PSA (withVi max = 144 V) Input Exception: Input voltage for PSR54 (PSA55) is 20 VAC. 1 X1 Vi Gi Note: PSR54 (PSA55) and PSR362 require an additional capacitor (C2) of at least 470 F. i 1 + C2 + C1 D3 D4 D1 D2 X2 G R Go Vo Output - DC-input: Consider the forward voltage drop across the rectifier diodes (also providing reverse polarity protection). Capacitor C1 compensates the negative input impedance of the converter in case of long connection wires. R1 Fig. 6b C/DMBA01- .. print layout X1 - 1 D1 12025a D3 Gi- D2 D4 C2 + C1 Vo+ Go- X1 - 4 PSR/PSA A01-iRY + Vi+ X2 - 3 X2 - 2 R1 R i X2 - 1 X1 - 3 C/DMB2x x 2-BCFG Electrical Description This bracket allows the mounting of isolated DC-DC converters IMR6, IMR15, IMP6 and IMP12 in 2"x2" cases with either one or two output voltages of 5, 12 or 15 V. The technical details are given in the data sheets of IMR6, IMR15, IMP6, IMP12. Depending on the application input transient protection may be incorporated (e.g. an appropriate Transzorb diode D1). X1 - 2 Fig. 6a C/DMBA01- .. circuit diagram BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 5 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) 12027a X1 - 4 D1 X2 - 1 Vo (Vo+) Vi+ IMR 6 IMR 15 Vi- IMP 6 (COM) IMP 12 X1 - 1 X1 - 2 X2 - 2 voltages. The pin configuration of the converter groups single, double, and dual, and all technical converter details are described in the data sheets. Depending on the application input transient protection may be incorporated (e.g. an appropriate Transzorb diode D1) . X2 - 3 12030 X1 - 3 SD MB 3W-123 X2 - 4 Go (Vo-) Input Output 1 3 4 C2 D1 C1 C3 X2 2 X1 Fig. 7a C/DMB2x2-BCFG circuit diagram 1 4 12029a 3 2 1 MB 2x2 BCFG Input Vi- Output X1 2 SD Fig. 8b C/DMB3W-123 print layout 4 X2 Vi+ 3 2 Basic Kit CMBIMX/S7 1 For use with 1"x2" DC-DC converter types: IML10, IMS7 and IMX7 D1 Fig. 7b C/DMB2x2-BCFG print layout C/DMB3W-123 Electrical Description This bracket is designed for galvanically isolated DC-DC converters of the IMP1, IMP3 and IXP3, IMX4 and IMS6 (both with option K) series in DIL 24 cases with one or two output The basic kit contains the following: - Two mounting rails, 83 mm - Four screws M 2.5x6 - Four nuts M 2.5 - PCB ZGN 09601 A - Three 2-pole terminal blocks (2x for X1 terminal, 1x for X3 terminal) - One 3-pole terminal block for X2 terminal - Three wire jumpers 5.08 mm (positions B1, B4, B5) - One wire jumper 10.16 mm (position D1) - Six wire jumpers 6.8 mm (positions L2, L4, L6) - Circuit diagram no. YSK25300 S3 01 Basic Kit DMBIMX/S7 For use with 1"x2" DC-DC converter types: IML10, IMS7 and IMX7 12028a X1 - 2 X1 - 4 20 1 2 SD Vi+ Vi+ D1 X1 - 1 23 24 Vi- Vi- Vo+ Vo- Vo2 13 Vo+ 15 IMP 1 Go2 16 IMP 3 11 IXP 3 COM 10 COM Go+ 9 Vo1/Vo- 12 X2 - 4 X2 - 3 X2 - 2 X2 - 1 The basic kit contains the following: - DIN-mounting support for 35 mm DIN-rail systems - PCB ZGN 09601 A - Three 2-pole terminal blocks (2x for X1 terminal, 1x for X3 terminal) - One 3-pole terminal block for X2 terminal - Three wire jumpers 5.08 mm (positions B1, B4, B5) - One wire jumper 10.16 mm (position D1) - Six wire jumpers 6.8 mm (positions L2, L4, L6) - Circuit diagram no. YSK 25300 S3 01 C1 C2 C3 Fig. 8a C/DMB3W-123 circuit diagram for all pin configurations BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 6 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) Application-Specific Circuitry Mounting Instructions for Basic Kit The assembly C/DMB IMX/S7 offers a variety of additional external circuitries which may be implemented onto the PCB ZGN09601 A. See circuit diagram YSK 25300 S3 01. Please also consult the IMS/X7 data sheet. Single output units IML10, IMS7, and IMX7: - Solder the wire jumpers into positions as below: 1. D1 (10.16 mm) 2. B1 (5.08 mm), inhibit. Note: This jumper should be fitted, if the inhibit is not actively used. An open inhibit disables the converter. 3. L2-A and L2-B, L6-A and L6-B (6.8 mm) 4. L4-A and L4-B (6.8 mm), only necessary, if the R-input is used. Depending upon the application the following pheripheral additions can be made: - Reverse polarity protection by a series diode D1. - Improved input transient protection according to IEC/EN 61000-4-5, level 2, by chokes L1 or L2-A, L2-B (EMC version) and capacitor C1. - Solder terminal blocks 5. X1: Position Vi+/ Vi-, 2-pole terminal block 6. X1: Position i/n.c., 2-pole terminal block (only necessary in the case of remote inhibit) 7. X3: Position Vo+/ Vo-, 2-pole terminal block 8. X2: Position n.c., R, Vo-, 3-pole terminal block only necessary in the case of Vo adjustment by e.g. an external voltage source) - Remote inhibit. Note: If the inhibit is not actively used the inhibit has to be connected to Vi- by jumper B1. - External output voltage trimming/adjustment Single output units: a) Vo - adjustment in the range of 70/75 - 100% of Vo nom by resistors RX3 or RX4 or combinations of RX3/RX4. - Solder the selected DC-DC converter - Mount PCB onto rails by using the 4 screws and nuts or snap PCB onto the DIN mounting support. - Perform function test b) Vo - adjustment in the range of 100 - 105% of Vo nom by resistors RX1 or RX2 or combinations of RX1/RX2. Double output units: Double output units IML10, IMS7, and IMX7: a) Vo - trimming by resistor R2 in the range of 100 - 105% of Vo nom - Solder the wire jumpers into positions as below: 1. D1 (10.16 mm) 2. B1 (5.08 mm), inhibit b) Vo - trimming in the range of 70/75 - 100% of Vo nom by a current diode together with a Zener diode D2 applicable for 24/48 IMS 7 and 20/40 IMX 7 types. Note: This jumper should be fitted, if the inhibit is not actively used. An open inhibit disables the converter. 3. L2-A and L2-B, L6-A and L6-B, L4-A and L4-B (all 6.8 mm) - For applications with both outputs in parallel: 4. Place/solder jumpers B4 and B5, (5.08 mm) - Improved electromagnetic emission EN 55022, class B, lead length to load 1 m (class A for 110IMX7 types). This requires all capacitors and output chokes as per circuit diagram YSK 25300 S3 /01 whereby the coupling capacitor C10 connected to Vi- via jumper B2 is foreseen for 24/48IMS/L types and 20/40/70IMX7 types. - Solder terminal blocks 5. X1: Position Vi+/ Vi-, 2-pole terminal block 6. X1: Position i/R (Trim), 2-pole terminal block (only necessary in the case of remote inhibit or output voltage trimming by an external voltage source) 7. X3: Position Vo1+/ Vo1-, 2-pole terminal block 8. X2: Position n.c/Vo2+/Vo2-, 3-pole terminal block For 110IMX7 types the coupling capacitor C11 or C12 should be used connected to Vo+ via jumper B3. Notes: - For single-output models or double-output models with both outputs in parallel, one filter set (L5 or L6-A/L6-B) together with C7 and C9 is sufficient. - Solder the selected DC-DC converter - Mount PCB onto rails by using the 4 screws and nuts or snap PCB onto the DIN mounting support. - Perform function test - Reduced output ripple (by approx. factor 5) by using chokes L3/L5 together with electrolytic capacitors C8/C9. - Wire jumpers B2 and B3 should not be mounted together onto the PCB as this would cause a short circuit. - The coupling capacitors C10 or C11/12 should be Y2 ceramic types to maintain the outputs SELV. - Application specific assemblies are available on request. BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 7 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) IMX7, IMS7, IML10 X1 D1 BYV27-200 L1 + L2 - A n.c. 1 + Vi L3 Vo2+ 13 [R] + B1 R1 X1 i Vo2+ 12 [Vo-] 3 C3 470 n 63 V R2 R C4 1 63 V i D2 ZPD 16 V 4 Vo1+ 11 [Vo+] R [n.c.] B2 B3 C5 470 n 63 V RX4 B5 RX3 Vi- RX2 2 L2 - B X1 Vi + C2 150 n 250 V D3 E - 2025N - X2 12036a RX1 X1 C11 100 100 V 14 C6 1 63 V L4 - A L4 - B Vo1- 10 [Vo-] X2 - L5 L6 - A X3 + C9 + 180 Vo1 50 V L6 - B X3 C7 470 n 63 V B4 X2 + C8 + 180 Vo2 50 V - 1 for 70IMX7 use 160 V, for 110IMX7 use 220 V C10 Ker Y2, 4.7 n, 250 V C11, Y2, 47 n, 250 V [ ] = single-output models C12, Y2, 60 n, 250 V Fig. 9a C/DMB circuit diagram with IMX7, IMS7, and IML10 12037 Input B1 R2 D2 C3 IMS/X 7 C12 C11 B3 D3 R1 B2 C10 Output B4 C9 x X3 R (n.c.) C7 i Vi- X1 C6 Vo1- (Vo-) L5 L6 Vo1+ (Vo+) Vo2- (Vo-) C4 Vo2+ (R) Vi+ C5 L2 L1 C2 Fig. 9b C/DMB arrangement of the terminals on the PCB for IMX7, IMS7, and IML10 BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 x C2 RX4 RX3 RX2 RX1 B5 L3 L4 n.c. X2 C8 x Note: Where the pin/terminal designations for single-output models deviate from double-output models, they are shown in brakets. Page 8 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) Universal Mounting Bracket (DIN- and Chassis Mounting) UMB-LHMQ A special Universal Mounting Bracket has been designed for vertical or upright chassis- and DIN-rail mounting of the 19" cassette style converters shown in table 3. 49 12031 4 7.5 14 M4 Fig. 10 DIN-rail clamp Steel, galvanized Table 3: Mounting bracket survey Converter series L04 PSL H02, M02 H, M Q01, Q03, Q04 Q, LPC, P Bracket Item no. Delivery content UMB-LHMQ Alu-profile, two screws and a DIN-rail clamp with screw 12032 168 84 20.5 127 158 20.5 5 20 5 29 Converter case size 4.5 5.5 10 5 4 3 14 M4 (3x) Fig. 11 VMB universal mounting bracket Aluminium, untreated BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 9 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) DMB-K/S, DMB-MHQ By means of these DMB mounting kits, the S, K, PSS, PSK (DMB-K/S) and the M, H, Q, LPC, P (DMB-MHQ) converters can be adapted to the DIN-rail. The kit consists of two aluminium brakets to be mounted on each side of the converter, including a clamp. The DMB-K/S kit contains two different sets of screws for the adaption of the brakets either to S/PSS or K/PSK converter types. The design of the kit is made such that the fixture is very tight, and as a result the assembly can also be used for mobile applications. Table 4: Mounting bracket survey Case size Converter Type series item no. S01 S02 K01 K02 PSS S PSK K DMB-K/S M02 H02 Q01 Q03 Q04 M H Q1 LPC1 P1 DMB-MHQ 1 Not together with screw-style connectors STV-H15-FSR(-G) [HZZ00107] Fig. 12 Schematic view: Assembly of DMB-K/S CMB-S This mounting kit allows for chassis mounting of the S and PSS Series converters, if access is only possible from the front of the chassis. Note: If space conditions are very tight, option B1 or B can be used instead of the heat sink. Refer to the data sheets of the respective converters. This kit uses parts of the DMB-K/S kit since it consists of the same two brakets but without the clamps and fitted the other way round on the heat sink. Table 5: Mounting bracket survey Case size Converter Type series Part no. S01 S02 PSS S CMB-S BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 10 of 11 Accessories Mounting Supports (R) Isolation Pads for PCB Mounting In applications, where PCB mounting converters are placed on top of double sided boards, the use of Isolation Pads is recommended. These fibre pads avoid short circuits and provide excellent protection against possible damage to tracks. For selection and item numbers refer to table below. Table 6 : Isolation Pad survey Case size Converter Isolation pad Dimensions series [mm] Item no. A01 PSR, PSA Isolation A 70 x 50 x 0.3 B02 PSB Isolation B 107 x 71 x 0.3 ISLOATIONB,B02 C03 PSC Isolation C 152 x 86 x 0.3 ISOLATIONC,C03 2"x2" IMR 6/15 Isolation 2"x2" 53 x 53 x 0.3 ISOLATIONA,A01 ISOLATION2"x2" PCB-Tags for PCB Mounting Switching Regulators in B02 or C03 cases may also be mounted directly onto PCBs. The connection between the converters' fast-on pins and the PCB can be easily made by means of PCB-Tags. Delivery content: Part number: 10 pieces LOETGABEL(10x) 1 17 5 7 12035 5 1 5.08 Fig. 13 PCB-Tag NUCLEAR AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS - Power-One products are not designed, intended for use in, or authorized for use as critical components in life support systems, equipment used in hazardous environments, or nuclear control systems without the express written consent of the respective divisional president of Power-One, Inc. TECHNICAL REVISIONS - The appearance of products, including safety agency certifications pictured on labels, may change depending on the date manufactured. Specifications are subject to change without notice. BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 11 of 11