4.4.4 Adjacent Key Suppression (AKS) Technology
Adjacent Key Suppre ssion ( AKS) technology i s a patented me thod used to detect which touch obj ect is touched when
objects are located close toge ther. A touch in a group of AKS obj ects is only ind icated on the objec t with the stronges t
touch delta. This is assumed to be the intended object. Once an object in an AKS group is in detect, there can be no
further detections within that group until the object is released.
AKS is configured using the Key T13 object (refer to the AT42QT1085 Protocol Guide for more information).
Note: If a touch is in detect and then AKS is enabled, that touch will not be forced out of detect. It will not go
out of detect until the touch is released. AKS will then operate normally.
4.5 Operating Modes
4.5.1 Introduction
The basic operating modes are: Active, Idle and Sleep.
Cycle time for Idle and Active is set by the Power Configur ation T7 obj ect, with special cases of 255 for free run and 0
for Sleep.
If a touch is detected, the device switches to free run mode and attempts to perform the detect integrator noise filter (DI)
function to completion; if the DI filter fails to confirm a detection the device goes back to Idle mode.
If a key is found to be in detection the part switches to Active mode. If the key is enabled for reporting, a message is
generated and CHANGE is asserted (pulled low).
MISO in LP Mo de:
During the sleep portion of LP mode, MISO floats.
Command During LP Mode:
Once set to Sleep (cycle time = 0), the device carries out no acq uisitions until the cycle
time is changed to >0.
Note: The SS pin must be pulled high in order for the device to enter its lowest power sleep mode. If SS is
held low, the device enters a higher power Sleep mode to enable SPI communications.
4.5.2 Sleep Mode
Sleep mode offers the lowest possible current drain, in the low microamp region. In this mode n o acquisitions are
In Sleep mode Output GPIOs are held in their final state before going to sleep:
With a 0% PWM the GPIO is Off during sleep
With a 100% PWM the GPIO is On during sleep.
If any other PWM is applied then the state is indeterminate (could be On or Off).
If a haptic effect is playing at the time when Sleep mode is entered, the eff ect is paused and resumed upon exitin g
Sleep mode if the trigger condition remains true.
4.5.3 Supply Sequencing
Vdd and AVdd should be powered by a single supply. Make sure that any lines connected to th e device are below or
equal to Vdd during power-up. For example, if RESET is supplied from a different power domain to the QT1085 Vdd
pin, make sure that it is held low when Vdd is off. If this is not done, the RESET signal could parasitically couple
power via the QT1085 RESET pin into the Vdd supply.
4.6 Debugging
The QT1085 provides a mechanism for obtaining raw data for development and testing purposes by reading data
from the Debug Signals T4 object. Refer to the AT42QT1085 Protocol Guide for more information on this object.