tyco Flectronics Z-PACK 2mm FB (Futurebus+) Connectors ANP 4 Row, Signal Modules, Vertical Pin Assemblies (Continued) Vertical Pin Assemblies with Solder Leads 0.725 +0.075 Dia. Typ. (Plated-Thru Hole) 4.00' 3 Spaces at 4A t 2.00=6.00 4 POFOOOCO OSD PO OOHOH HHO OOG COOP OOCO OD POOH OOCHOHOHS 12.00" FOGG HH OOS SOSCHHOOOHGCOSD COOK GHHHOO HS OOOOH O HOOD 2.00 +| L SN +0.10" | 1.50 500 , Dia. Typ. (Drilled Hole} Recommended PC Board Hole Layout per IPC-D-300, Type Il, Class C (Component Side) Dimensions apply to solder lead versions only. Part Numbers Number of Dimensions Solder Lead Length of 4.25mm Solder Lead Length of 3.20mm Seating Positions A B Mating Post Lengths (mm) Mating Post Length (mm) Tooling 5.00 5.75 6.50 7.25 6.50 24 11.88 10.00 536513-1 536549-1 536501-1 _ 536536-1 8511-1 48 23.88 22.00 536513-2 536549-2 536501-2 536551-2 536536-2 58511-2 72 35.88 34.00 _ _ 4-536501-1 _ 1-536536-1 1-58511-4 96 47.88 46.00 536513-3 536501-3 _ 536536-3 8511-3 120 59.88 58.00 _ _ 536501-6 _ _ 58511-6 144 71.88 70.00 536513-5 _ 536501-5 _ _ 58511-5 168 83.88 82.00 _ _ 536501-7 _ _ 8511-7 192 95.88 94.00 536513-4 _ 536501-4 536551-4 536536-4 58511-4 216 107.88 106.00 _ _ 536501-9 _ _ 58511-8 240 119.88 118.00 _ _ 536501-8 _ _ 58511-9 264 131.88 130.00 _ _ 1-536501-0 _ _ 1-58511-0 Vertical Pin Assemblies with Press-Fit Leads Part Numbers Number of Dimensions Lead Length of 4.25mm Seating Positions A B Mating Post Lengths (mm) Tooling 5.00 .75 6.50 7.25 8.00 24 11,88 10.00 536514-1 536524-9 536504-1 36542-1 536515-1 58511-1 48 23.88 22.00 536514-2 536524-2 36504-2 536542-2 536515-2 8511-2 72 35.88 34.00 _ _ 1-536504-2 _ _ 1-58511-4 96 47 88 46.00 536514-3 536524-3 536504-3 536542-3 36515-3 58511-3 120 59.88 58.00 536514-6 536524-6 36504-6 536542-6 _ 58511-6 144 71.88 70.00 536514-5 _ 536504-8 _ _ 58511-5 168 83.88 82.00 _ _ 536504-5 _ _ 58511-7 192 95.88 94,00 536514-4 536524-4 536504-4 536542-4 536515-4 58511-4 216 107.88 106.00 _ _ 1-536504-0 _ _ 58511-8 240 119.88 118.00 _ 36524-1 36504-9 _ _ 58511-9 264 131.88 130.00 _ _ 1-536504-1 _ _ 1-58511-0 Part Numbers shown are tin-lead piated part numbers. See pages 31-33 for ROHS Compliant Part Numbers. Catalog 65358 Revised 2-05 www.tycoelectronics.com Dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Specifications subject to change. USA: 1-800-522-6752 Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 South America: 55-11-3611-1514 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 dapan: 81-44-844-8013 UK: 44-141-810-8967