Product Specification
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©2003-2009 Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. Document No. 70-0104-07 │ UltraCMOS™ RFIC Solutions
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Data Sheet Identification
Advance Information
The product is in a formative or design stage. The data
sheet cont ains design target specifications for pr oduct
development. Specifications and features may change in
any manner without notice.
Preliminary Specification
The data sheet contains preliminary data. Additional data
may be added at a later date. Peregrine r eserves t he right
to change specificat ions at any time without notice in order
to supply the best possible product.
Product Specification
The data sheet contains final data . In the event Peregrine
dec ide s to cha nge the spe c ific a tions, Pereg rine will not ify
cust omers of the intended changes by iss u ing a DCN
(Document Change Notice).
The inform ation in t his dat a sheet is believed to be r eliable.
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No pat ent rights or licenses to any circuits described in this
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Peregrine’s products are not designed or intended for use in
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applications int ended t o support or sustain life, or in any
application in which t he failur e of the Peregrine product could
create a situation in which pers onal injur y or death might occur.
Peregr ine assum es no liability for damages, including
consequential or incident al damages, arising out of the use of
its product s in such applicat ions.
The Per egr ine name, logo, and UTSi are regist er ed t r ademarks
and Ultr aCMOS, HaRP, MultiSwitch and DuNE are trademarks
of Peregr ine Semiconductor Corp.
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