va | BELA HER! @RLZJ Series (P=400mW Package : LL-34) vz W) Zz in Peds | Zeer votes 5 fanee me fe LL RLZJ 3.6 [_340~3.65 3.55~3.80 5 130 5 ic RLZJ 3.9 3.70~3.97 387~4.10 - 5 130 5 1c 1c RLZJ 43 4.00~4.23 4.13~4,35 4.25~4.50 5 130 5 1c io. RLZJ 47 4.40~4.63 4.53~4.76 4.66~4.90 5 130 5 wc ic RLZJ BA 4.80~5.07 4.97~5.24 5.14~6.40 5 130 5 6 15) 5.6 5.30~5.63 5.43~5.81 5.61~6.00 5 80 5 5 25 RLZJ 6.2 5.80~6.20 6.00~6,39 6.19~6.60 5 50 5 2 3.0, RLZJ 68 6.40~6.80 6.60~7.02 6.82~7.20 5 30 5 2 38 | 75 7.00~7.43 7.23~7.66 7.46~7.90 5 30 8 2 40 | RLZJ 8.2 7.70~8.16 7.96~8.43 8.23~8.70 5 30 5 2 5.0 RLZJ 0.1 8.50~9.00 8.80~9.30 9.10~9.60 5 30 5 2 6.0 RLZJ 10 9.40~9.93 9.73~10.26 10.06~10.60 5 30 5 2 7.0 RLZJ " 10.40~10.98 10.73~11.26 11,06~11.60 5 30 5 2 8.0 RLZJ 12 11.40~11.93 11.73~12.26 12.06~12.60 5 35 5 2 9.0 RLZJ 13 12.40~13.08 12.88~13.57 13.37~14.10 5 35 5 2 10.0 RLZJ 15 13.80~14.63 14.33~15.11 14.81~15.60 5 40 5 2 11.0 ALZJ 16 15.30~16.10 15.80~16.60 16.30~17.10 8 40 5 2 12.0 RLZJ 18 16.80~17.76 1746~18.43 18.13~19.10 5 45 5 2 13.0 RLZJ 20 18.80~19.78 19.48~20.46 20.16~21.20 5 50 5 2 15.0 RLZJ 22 20.80~21.88 21.48~22,56 22.16~23.30 5 55 5 2 17.0 RLZJ 24 22.80~24.11 23.61~24.92 24.42~-25.60 5 60 5 2 19.0 Notes : 1. Zener voltage measured 40ms after application of voltage. nN (Unit : mm) LL-34 CATHODE BAND When ordering, specify the rank of the diodes. Otherwise, the diodes of rank A, B or C are supplied. @Product Designation * When ordering, specify the type. * Check each code against the tables shown below. Fill a space with the next character. Rj} - Zi J||T E 6 A Series Prefix L _L 1|/3 Nominal Zener voltage Ranking Packaging Package Code Sprocket hole side TE-11 Cathode LL-34 TE-12 Anode 2,500 7 ~ eo = 2 = = oS a fiufieyoe, Gubeyoe gi & suoneayoeds ii 0 _T = = 3 = a | B = _ | 163 173