For more information
Serial Clock Input/Output (SCK)
The serial clock signal present on SCK (Pin 38) is used to
synchronize the data transfer. Each bit of data is shifted
out the SDO pin on the falling edge of the serial clock.
In the Internal SCK mode of operation, the SCK pin is an
output and the LTC2446/LTC2447 create their own serial
clock. In the External SCK mode of operation, the SCK
pin is used as input. The internal or external SCK mode is
selected by tying EXT (Pin 3) LOW for external SCK and
HIGH for internal SCK.
Serial Data Output (SDO)
The serial data output pin, SDO (Pin 37), provides the
result of the last conversion as a serial bit stream (MSB
first) during the data output state. In addition, the SDO
pin is used as an end of conversion indicator during the
conversion and sleep states.
When CS (Pin 36) is HIGH, the SDO driver is switched
to a high impedance state. This allows sharing the serial
interface with other devices. If CS is LOW during the
convert or sleep state, SDO will output EOC. If CS is LOW
during the conversion phase, the EOC bit appears HIGH
on the SDO pin. Once the conversion is complete, EOC
goes LOW. The device remains in the sleep state until the
first rising edge of SCK occurs while CS = LOW.
Chip Select Input (CS)
The active LOW chip select, CS (Pin 36), is used to test the
conversion status and to enable the data output transfer
as described in the previous sections.
In addition, the CS signal can be used to trigger a new
conversion cycle before the entire serial data transfer has
been completed. The LTC2446/LTC2447 will abort any se-
rial data transfer in progress and start a new conversion
cycle anytime a LOW-to-HIGH transition is detected at the
CS pin after the converter has entered the data output state.
Serial Data Input (SDI)
The serial data input (SDI, Pin 34) is used to select the
speed/resolution input channel and reference of the
LTC2446/LTC2447. SDI is programmed by a serial input
data stream under the control of SCK during the data
output cycle, see Figure 3.
Initially, after powering up, the device performs a conver-
sion with IN+ = CH0, IN– = CH1, REF+ = VREF01+, REF– =
VREF01–, OSR = 256 (output rate nominally 880Hz), and
1× speed mode (no latency). Once this first conversion is
complete, the device enters the sleep state and is ready to
output the conversion result and receive the serial data input
stream programming the speed/resolution, input channel
and reference for the next conversion. At the conclusion
of each conversion cycle, the device enters this state.
In order to change the speed/resolution, reference or
input channel, the first 3 bits shifted into the device are
101. This is compatible with the programming sequence
of the LTC2414/LTC2418/LTC2444/LTC2445/LTC2448/
LTC2449. If the sequence is set to 000 or 100, the follow-
ing input data is ignored (don’t care) and the previously
selected speed/resolution, channel and reference remain
valid for the next conversion. Combinations other than
101, 100, and 000 of the 3 control bits should be avoided.
If the first 3 bits shifted into the device are 101, then the
following 5 bits select the input channel/reference for the
following conversion (see Table 3). The next 5 bits select
the speed/resolution and mode 1× (no latency) 2× (double
output rate with one conversion latency), see Table 4. If
these 5 bits are set to all 0’s, the previous speed remains
selected for the next conversion. This is useful in appli-
cations requiring a fixed output rate/resolution but need
to change the input channel or reference. In this case,
the timing and input sequence is compatible with the
When an update operation is initiated (the first 3 bits are
101) the next 5 bits are the channel/reference address. The
first bit, SGL, determines if the input selection is differential
(SGL = 0) or single-ended (SGL = 1). For SGL = 0, two
adjacent channels can be selected to form a differential
input. For SGL = 1, one of 8 channels is selected as the
positive input. The negative input is COM for all single
ended operations. The global VREF bit (GLBL) is used to
determine which reference is selected. GLBL = 0 selects
the individual reference slaved to a given channel. Each
set of channels has a corresponding differential input
reference. If GLBL = 1, a global reference VREFG+/VREFG–
is selected. The global reference input may be used for
any input channel selected. Table 3 shows a summary of
input/reference selection. The remaining bits (ODD, A1,
A0) determine which channel is selected.