IRK.41, .56 Series
Bulletin I27131 rev. G 10/02
IT(AV) Max. average on-state
current (Thyristors) 45 60 180o conduction, half sine wave,
IF(AV) Maximum average 45 60 TC = 85oC
forward current (Diodes)
IO(RMS)Max. continuous RMS
on-state current.
As AC switch
ITSM Max. peak, one cycle 850 1310 t=10ms No voltage
or non-repetitive on-state 890 1370 t=8.3ms reapplied
IFSM or forward current 715 1100 t=10ms 100% VRRM
750 1150 t=8.3ms reapplied
940 1450 t=10ms TJ = 25oC,
985 1520 t=8.3ms no voltage reapplied
I2t Max. I2t for fusing 3.61 8.56 t=10ms No voltage
3.30 7.82 t=8.3ms reapplied
2.56 6.05 t=10ms 100% VRRM
2.33 5.53 t=8.3ms reapplied
4.42 10.05 t=10ms TJ = 25oC,
4.03 9.60 t=8.3ms no voltage reapplied
I2√t Max. I2√t for fusing (1) 36.1 85.6 KA2√s t=0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied
VT(TO) Max. value of threshold 0.88 0.85 Low level (3)
voltage (2) 0.91 0.88 High level (4)
rtMax. value of on-state 5.90 3.53 Low level (3)
slope resistance (2) 5.74 3.41 High level (4)
VTM Max. peak on-state or ITM = π x IT(AV)
VFM forward voltage IFM = π x IF(AV)
di/dt Max. non-repetitive rate TJ = 25oC, from 0.67 VDRM,
of rise of turned on ITM =π x IT(AV), Ig = 500mA,
current tr < 0.5 µs, tp > 6 µs
TJ = 25oC, anode supply = 6V,
resistive load, gate open circuit
ILMax. latching current 400 TJ = 25oC, anode supply = 6V,resistive load
TJ = TJ max
TJ = TJ max
Parameters IRK.41 IRK.56 Units Conditions
100 135
(1) I2t for time tx = I2√t x √tx(2) Average power = VT(TO) x IT(AV) + rt x (IT(RMS))2(3) 16.7% x π x IAV < I < π x IAV
(4) I > π x IAV
On-state Conduction
IHMax. holding current 200
Initial TJ = TJ max.
150 A/µs
1.81 1.54 V
Voltage Ratings
Type number
VRRM , maximum VRSM , maximum VDRM , max. repetitive IRRM
Voltage repetitive non-repetitive peak off-state voltage, IDRM
Code peak reverse voltage peak reverse voltage gate open circuit 125°C
-V V VmA
04 400 500 400
06 600 700 600
08 800 900 800
IRK.41/ .56 10 1000 1100 1000 15
12 1200 1300 1200
14 1400 1500 1400
16 1600 1700 1600
half wave,
Initial TJ = TJ max.
TJ = 25°C