IR2109(4) (S) & (PbF)
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Dynamic Electrical Characteristics
VBIAS (VCC, VBS) = 15V, VSS = COM, CL = 1000 pF, TA = 25°C, DT = VSS unless otherwise specified.
Symbol Definition Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
ton Turn-on propagation delay — 750 950 VS = 0V
toff Turn-off propagation delay — 200 280 VS = 0V or 600V
tsd Shut-down propagation delay — 200 280
MT Delay matching, HS & LS turn-on/off — 0 70
trTurn-on rise time — 150 220 VS = 0V
tfTurn-off fall time — 50 80 VS = 0V
DT Deadtime: LO turn-off to HO turn-on(DTLO-HO) & 400 540 680 RDT= 0
HO turn-off to LO turn-on (DTHO-LO) 4 5 6 usec RDT = 200k (IR21094)
MDT Deadtime matching = DTLO - HO - DTHO-LO — 0 60 RDT=0
— 0 600 RDT = 200k (IR21094)
Note 1: Logic operational for VS of -5 to +600V. Logic state held for VS of -5V to -VBS. (Please refer to the Design Tip
DT97-3 for more details).
VB High side floating supply absolute voltage VS + 10 VS + 20
VSHigh side floating supply offset voltage Note 1 600
VHO High side floating output voltage VSVB
VCC Low side and logic fixed supply voltage 10 20
VLO Low side output voltage 0 VCC
VIN Logic input voltage (IN & SD) VSS VCC
DT Programmable dead-time pin voltage (IR21094 only) VSS VCC
VSS Logic ground (IR21094 only) -5 5
TAAmbient temperature -40 125 °C
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
Recommended Operating Conditions
The input/output logic timing diagram is shown in figure 1. For proper operation the device should be used within the
recommended conditions. The VS and VSS offset rating are tested with all supplies biased at 15V differential.