S7-1500, ET 200MP, ET 200SP,
ET 200AL, ET 200pro
Function Manual
Documentation guide
Product overview
Communications services
PG communication
HMI communication
Open User Communication
S7 communication
Point-to-point link
OPC UA communication
Connection resources
Diagnostics and fault
Communication with the
redundant system
Industrial Ethernet Security
with CP 1543-1
Siemens AG
Division Digital Factory
Postfach 48 48
09/2018 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2013 - 2018.
All rights reserved
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by
personnel qualified
for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
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All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
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Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 3
Purpose of the documentation
This function manual provides you with an overview of the communication options, the
CPUs, communication modules and processors and PC systems of the SIMATIC S7-1500,
ET 200MP, ET 200SP, ET 200AL and ET 200pro systems. This function manual describes
the connection-oriented, asynchronous communication.
The documentation covers the following:
Overview of the communication services
Properties of the communication services
Overview of the user activities for setting up the communication services
Basic knowledge required
The following knowledge is required in order to understand the Function manual:
General knowledge of automation technology
Knowledge of the industrial automation system SIMATIC
Knowledge about how to use STEP 7 (TIA Portal)
Scope of the documentation
This documentation is the basic documentation for all products of the SIMATIC S7-1500,
ET 200MP, ET 200SP, ET 200AL and ET 200pro systems. The product documentation is
based on this documentation.
4 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
What's new in the Communication Function Manual, Edition 10/2018 as compared to
Edition 12/2017?
What's new?
What are the customer benefits?
Where can I find information?
New contents Description of communica-
tion with the redundant
system S7-1500R/H
You receive information on the particulari-
ties of communication with the redundant
system S7-1500R/H
Section Communication with
the redundant system S7-
1500R/H (Page 283)
Scope of the function man-
ual expanded to include the
redundant system
Functions with which you are familiar from
the SIMATIC S7-1500 automation system
are implemented for the redundant system
Redundant System S7-
1500R/H System Manual
What's new in the Communication Function Manual, Edition 12/2017 compared to Edition 09/2016
What's new?
What are the customer benefits?
Where can I find the infor-
New contents OPC UA Companion Speci-
Through OPC UA Companion Specifica-
tion, methods can be specified in a uni-
form and manufacturer-neutral way. Using
these specified methods, you can easily
integrate devices from various manufac-
turers into the plant and the production
Setting up a secure connec-
tion to a mail server over the
CPU interface
You can set up a secure connection to a
mail server without additional hardware.
Section Secure OUC via e-mail
(Page 109)
Secure communication over
Modbus TCP
You can establish secure TCP connec-
tions between a Modbus TCP client and a
Modbus TCP server.
Section Secure OUC with
Modbus TCP (Page 108)
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 5
What's new in the Communication Function Manual, Edition 09/2016 compared to Edition 12/2014
What's new?
What are the customer benefits?
Where can I find the infor-
New contents OPC UA server OPC UA is a uniform standard for data
communication and is independent of any
particular operating system platforms.
OPC UA uses integrated safety mecha-
nisms on various automation systems, for
example with data exchange, at applica-
tion level, for the legitimation of the user.
The OPC UA server provides a large
amount of data:
Values of PLC tags that clients can
Data types of these PLC tags
Information about the OPC UA server
itself and the CPU
In this way, clients can gain an overview of
the tag management and can read and
write values.
Secure Open User Commu-
Secure data exchange with other devices. Section Secure Open User
Communication (Page 94)
Certificate handling in STEP
You can manage certificates for the follow-
ing applications in STEP 7:
OPC UA server
Secure Open User Communication
Web server of the CPU
Section Managing certificates
with STEP 7 (Page 46)
Deactivating SNMP for the
You can deactivate SNMP for the CPU.
This can make sense under certain condi-
tions, for example if the security guidelines
in your network do not permit SNMP.
Section Disabling SNMP
(Page 60)
6 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
We refer to "STEP 7" in this documentation as a synonym for the configuration and
programming software "STEP 7 as of V12 (TIA Portal)".
"S7-1500 CPUs" also refers to the CPU variants S7-1500F, S7-1500T, S7-1500TF,
S7-1500C as well as S7-1500pro CPUs, ET200SP CPUs as well as the SIMATIC S7-1500
SW controller.
This documentation contains pictures of the devices described. The figures may differ
slightly from the device supplied.
You should also pay particular attention to notes such as the one shown below:
A note contains important information on the product, on handling of the product and on the
section of th
e documentation to which you should pay particular attention.
Security information
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement and continuously maintain a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens' products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be
connected to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is
necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network
segmentation) are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
visit (https://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity).
Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more
secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are
available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no
longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customers' exposure
to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed under (https://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity).
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 7
Siemens Industry Online Support
You can find current information on the following topics quickly and easily here:
Product support
All the information and extensive know-how on your product, technical specifications,
FAQs, certificates, downloads, and manuals.
Application examples
Tools and examples to solve your automation tasks as well as function blocks,
performance information and videos.
Information about Industry Services, Field Services, Technical Support, spare parts and
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Your personal working area in Industry Online Support for messages, support queries,
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This information is provided by the Siemens Industry Online Support in the Internet
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solutions on the basis of Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) and Totally Integrated Power
You can find catalogs for all automation and drive products on the Internet
8 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Table of contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Documentation guide ............................................................................................................................ 12
2 Product overview .................................................................................................................................. 17
3 Communications services ..................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Overview of communication options ...................................................................................... 22
3.2 Communications protocols and port numbers used for Ethernet communication ................. 25
3.3 Overview of connection resources ......................................................................................... 30
3.4 Setting up a connection ......................................................................................................... 30
3.5 Data consistency .................................................................................................................... 34
3.6 Secure Communication .......................................................................................................... 37
3.6.1 Basics of Secure Communication .......................................................................................... 37
3.6.2 Confidentiality through encryption.......................................................................................... 40
3.6.3 Authenticity and integrity through signatures ......................................................................... 43
3.6.4 Managing certificates with STEP 7 ........................................................................................ 46
3.6.5 Examples for the management of certificates. ....................................................................... 50
3.6.6 Example: HTTP over TLS ...................................................................................................... 56
3.7 SNMP ..................................................................................................................................... 60
3.7.1 Disabling SNMP ..................................................................................................................... 60
3.7.2 Example: Disabling SNMP for a CPU 1516-3 PN/DP ............................................................ 61
4 PG communication ................................................................................................................................ 63
5 HMI communication .............................................................................................................................. 65
6 Open User Communication ................................................................................................................... 67
6.1 Overview of Open User Communication ............................................................................... 67
6.2 Protocols for Open User Communication .............................................................................. 68
6.3 Instructions for Open User Communication ........................................................................... 70
6.4 Open User Communication with addressing via domain names ........................................... 75
6.5 Setting up Open User Communication via TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP and ISO ...................... 77
6.6 Setting up communication over FDL ...................................................................................... 83
6.7 Setting up communication with Modbus TCP ........................................................................ 86
6.8 Setting up communication via e-mail ..................................................................................... 89
6.9 Setting up communication via FTP ........................................................................................ 90
6.10 Establishment and termination of communications relations ................................................. 93
Table of contents
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 9
6.11 Secure Open User Communication ........................................................................................ 94
6.11.1 Secure OUC of an S7-1500 CPU as TLS client to an external PLC (TLS server) ................. 94
6.11.2 Secure OUC of an S7-1500 CPU as TLS server to an external PLC (TLS client) ................. 97
6.11.3 Secure OUC between two S7-1500 CPUs ............................................................................. 99
6.11.4 Secure OUC via CP interface ............................................................................................... 103
6.11.5 Secure OUC with Modbus TCP ............................................................................................ 108
6.11.6 Secure OUC via e-mail ......................................................................................................... 109
7 S7 communication .............................................................................................................................. 114
8 Point-to-point link ................................................................................................................................ 123
9 OPC UA communication ..................................................................................................................... 128
9.1 What you need to know about OPC UA ............................................................................... 128
9.1.1 OPC UA and Industrie 4.0 .................................................................................................... 128
9.1.2 OPC UA for S7-1500 CPUs .................................................................................................. 128
9.1.3 General features of OPC UA ................................................................................................ 130
9.1.4 From the Classic OPC interface to OPC UA ........................................................................ 131
9.1.5 Addressing nodes ................................................................................................................. 132
9.1.6 Mapping of data types........................................................................................................... 136
9.1.7 What you need to know about OPC UA clients .................................................................... 138
9.2 Security at OPC UA .............................................................................................................. 143
9.2.1 Security settings .................................................................................................................... 143
9.2.2 Certificates pursuant to ITU X.509 ........................................................................................ 144
9.2.3 Certificates with OPC UA ...................................................................................................... 147
9.2.4 Creating self-signed certificates ............................................................................................ 148
9.2.5 Generating PKI key pairs and certificates yourself ............................................................... 149
9.2.6 Secure transfer of messages ................................................................................................ 152
9.3 Using the S7-1500 as an OPC UA server ............................................................................ 155
9.3.1 Useful information about the S7-1500 CPU OPC UA server................................................ 155 The OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPUs ........................................................................... 155 End points of the OPC UA server ......................................................................................... 157 Runtime behavior of the OPC UA server .............................................................................. 159 Diagnostics of the OPC UA server ....................................................................................... 161
9.3.2 Configuring access to PLC tags ........................................................................................... 163 Managing write and read rights ............................................................................................ 163 Managing write and read rights for a complete DB .............................................................. 165 Accessing OPC UA server data ............................................................................................ 166 Export OPC UA XML file ....................................................................................................... 167
9.3.3 Configuring the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU .......................................................... 168 Enabling the OPC UA server ................................................................................................ 168 Access to the OPC UA server .............................................................................................. 170 General settings of the OPC UA server ................................................................................ 172 Settings of the server for subscriptions ................................................................................. 173 Handling client and server certificates .................................................................................. 175 Handling of the client certificates of the S7-1500 CPU ......................................................... 180 Generating server certificates with STEP 7 .......................................................................... 183 Editing the security settings of the OPC UA server. ............................................................. 186 User authentication ............................................................................................................... 189 Users and roles with OPC UA function rights ....................................................................... 190 Licenses for the OPC UA server ........................................................................................... 192
Table of contents
10 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
9.3.4 Providing methods on the OPC UA server .......................................................................... 193 Important facts about server methods ................................................................................. 193 Boundary conditions for using server methods .................................................................... 196
9.3.5 OPC UA server interface configuration ................................................................................ 198 What is a server interface? .................................................................................................. 198 Create a server interface ..................................................................................................... 199 Using OPC UA companion specifications ............................................................................ 202 Missing namespaces ........................................................................................................... 217 Coordinating write and read rights for CPU tags ................................................................. 218 Consistency of CPU tags ..................................................................................................... 220 Notes on configuration limits when using server interfaces ................................................. 222
9.4 Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client .................................................................... 223
9.4.1 Overview and requirements ................................................................................................. 223
9.4.2 Useful information about the client instructions ................................................................... 224
9.4.3 Number of client instructions that can be used simultaneously ........................................... 226
9.4.4 Example configuration for OPC UA ..................................................................................... 227
9.4.5 Creating client interfaces ..................................................................................................... 228
9.4.6 Determine server interface online ........................................................................................ 237
9.4.7 Using multilingual texts ........................................................................................................ 241
9.4.8 Rules for the access to structures........................................................................................ 243
9.4.9 Using connection parameter assignment ............................................................................ 245 Creating and configuring connections ................................................................................. 245 Handling of the client certificates of the S7-1500 CPU ........................................................ 249 User authentication .............................................................................................................. 252 Using a configured connection ............................................................................................. 253
10 Routing ................................................................................................................................................ 260
10.1 S7 routing ............................................................................................................................. 260
10.2 Data record routing .............................................................................................................. 265
11 Connection resources .......................................................................................................................... 267
11.1 Connection resources of a station ....................................................................................... 267
11.2 Allocation of connection resources ...................................................................................... 271
11.3 Display of the connection resources .................................................................................... 275
12 Diagnostics and fault correction ........................................................................................................... 279
12.1 Connection diagnostics ........................................................................................................ 279
12.2 Emergency address ............................................................................................................. 282
13 Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H ...................................................................... 283
13.1 System IP addresses ........................................................................................................... 284
13.2 Response to Snycup ............................................................................................................ 289
13.3 Response to primary-backup switchover ............................................................................. 289
13.4 Connection resources of the redundant system S7-1500R/H ............................................. 290
13.5 HMI communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H ............................................. 292
13.5.1 HMI connection via the system IP address .......................................................................... 292
13.6 Open User Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H ................................. 294
13.6.1 Setting up an Open User Communication connection via the system IP address .............. 295
Table of contents
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 11
14 Industrial Ethernet Security with CP 1543-1......................................................................................... 300
14.1 Firewall .................................................................................................................................. 301
14.2 Logging ................................................................................................................................. 302
14.3 NTP client ............................................................................................................................. 302
14.4 SNMP .................................................................................................................................... 303
14.5 VPN ....................................................................................................................................... 303
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 304
Index................................................................................................................................................... 316
12 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Documentation guide
The documentation for the SIMATIC S7-1500 automation system, for CPU 1516pro-2 PN
based on SIMATIC S7-1500, and for the distributed I/O systems SIMATIC ET 200MP,
ET 200SP and ET 200AL is divided into three areas.
This division allows you easier access to the specific information you require.
Basic information
System manuals and Getting Started manuals describe in detail the configuration,
installation, wiring and commissioning of the SIMATIC S7-1500, ET 200MP, ET 200SP and
ET 200AL systems; use the corresponding operating instructions for CPU 1516pro-2 PN.
The STEP 7 online help supports you in configuration and programming.
Device information
Product manuals contain a compact description of the module-specific information, such as
properties, terminal diagrams, characteristics and technical specifications.
Documentation guide
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 13
General information
The function manuals contain detailed descriptions on general topics such as diagnostics,
communication, Motion Control, Web server, OPC UA.
You can download the documentation free of charge from the Internet
Changes and additions to the manuals are documented in product information sheets.
You will find the product information on the Internet:
S7-1500/ET 200MP (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/us/en/view/68052815)
ET 200SP (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/us/en/view/73021864)
ET 200AL (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/us/en/view/99494757)
Manual Collections
The Manual Collections contain the complete documentation of the systems put together in
one file.
You will find the Manual Collections on the Internet:
S7-1500/ET 200MP (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/86140384)
ET 200SP (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/84133942)
ET 200AL (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/95242965)
With "mySupport", your personal workspace, you make the best out of your Industry Online
In "mySupport", you can save filters, favorites and tags, request CAx data and compile your
personal library in the Documentation area. In addition, your data is already filled out in
support requests and you can get an overview of your current requests at any time.
You must register once to use the full functionality of "mySupport".
You can find "mySupport" on the Internet (https://support.industry.siemens.com/My/ww/en).
"mySupport" - Documentation
In the Documentation area in "mySupport" you can combine entire manuals or only parts of
these to your own manual.
You can export the manual as PDF file or in a format that can be edited later.
You can find "mySupport" - Documentation on the Internet
Documentation guide
14 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
"mySupport" - CAx data
In the CAx data area in "mySupport", you can access the current product data for your CAx
or CAe system.
You configure your own download package with a few clicks.
In doing so you can select:
Product images, 2D dimension drawings, 3D models, internal circuit diagrams, EPLAN
macro files
Manuals, characteristics, operating manuals, certificates
Product master data
You can find "mySupport" - CAx data on the Internet
Application examples
The application examples support you with various tools and examples for solving your
automation tasks. Solutions are shown in interplay with multiple components in the system -
separated from the focus on individual products.
You will find the application examples on the Internet
TIA Selection Tool
With the TIA Selection Tool, you can select, configure and order devices for Totally
Integrated Automation (TIA).
This tool is the successor of the SIMATIC Selection Tool and combines the known
configurators for automation technology into one tool.
With the TIA Selection Tool, you can generate a complete order list from your product
selection or product configuration.
You can find the TIA Selection Tool on the Internet
Documentation guide
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 15
SIMATIC Automation Tool
You can use the SIMATIC Automation Tool to run commissioning and maintenance activities
simultaneously on different SIMATIC S7 stations as a bulk operation, independently of the
TIA Portal.
The SIMATIC automation tool provides a variety of functions:
Scanning of a PROFINET/Ethernet plant network and identification of all connected CPUs
Address assignment (IP, subnet, gateway) and station name (PROFINET device) to a
Transfer of the date and programming device/PC time converted to UTC time to the
Program download to CPU
Operating mode switchover RUN/STOP
CPU localization by means of LED flashing
Reading out CPU error information
Reading of CPU diagnostic buffer
Reset to factory settings
Updating the firmware of the CPU and connected modules
You can find the SIMATIC Automation Tool on the Internet
With SIEMENS PRONETA (PROFINET network analysis), you analyze the plant network
during commissioning. PRONETA features two core functions:
The topology overview independently scans PROFINET and all connected components.
The IO check is a fast test of the wiring and the module configuration of a plant.
You can find SIEMENS PRONETA on the Internet
Documentation guide
16 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
SINETPLAN, the Siemens Network Planner, supports you in planning automation systems
and networks based on PROFINET. The tool facilitates professional and predictive
dimensioning of your PROFINET installation as early as in the planning stage. In addition,
SINETPLAN supports you during network optimization and helps you to exploit network
resources optimally and to plan reserves. This helps to prevent problems in commissioning
or failures during productive operation even in advance of a planned operation. This
increases the availability of the production plant and helps improve operational safety.
The advantages at a glance
Network optimization thanks to port-specific calculation of the network load
Increased production availability thanks to online scan and verification of existing systems
Transparency before commissioning through importing and simulation of existing STEP 7
Efficiency through securing existing investments in the long term and optimal exploitation
of resources
You can find SINETPLAN on the Internet (https://www.siemens.com/sinetplan).
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 17
Product overview
CPUs, communications modules and processors, and PC systems of the S7-1500, ,
ET 200MPET 200SPET 200pro and ET 200AL systems provide you with interfaces for
communication via PROFINET, PROFIBUS and point-to-point connections.
CPUs, communications modules and communications processors
PROFINET and PROFIBUS DP interfaces are integrated in the S7-1500 CPUs. The
CPU 1516-3 PN/DP for example has two PROFINET interfaces and one PROFIBUS DP
interface. Other PROFINET and PROFIBUS DP interfaces are available by using
communications modules (CM) and communications processors (CP).
PROFINET interface (X2) with 1 port
PROFINET interface (X1) with 2-port switch
PROFIBUS DP interface (X3)
PROFINET interface (X1) with 3-port switch
Figure 2-1 Interfaces of the CPU 1516-3 PN/DP and CPU 1512SP-1 PN
Product overview
18 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Interfaces of communications modules
Interfaces of communications modules (CMs) extend the interfaces of CPUs (for example,
the communication module CM 1542-5 adds a PROFIBUS interface to S7-1500 automation
PROFIBUS DP interface
Figure 2-2 PROFIBUS DP interface of the CM 1542-5 and CM DP
Product overview
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 19
Interfaces of communications processors
Interfaces of communications processors (CPs) provide an additional functionality compared
with the integrated interfaces of the CPUs. CPs allow special applications, for example the
CP 1543-1 provides Industrial Ethernet security functions for protecting Industrial Ethernet
networks via its Industrial Ethernet interface.
Industrial Ethernet interface
Figure 2-3 Industrial Ethernet interface of the CP 1543-1
Product overview
20 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Interfaces of communications modules for point-to-point connections
The communication modules for point-to-point connections provide communication via their
RS 232-, RS 422- and RS 485 interfaces, for example, Freeport or Modbus communication.
Interface for point-to-point connections
Figure 2-4 Example of interface for point-to-point connection at the CM PtP RS422/485 BA
Product overview
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 21
Interfaces of interface modules
PROFINET and PROFIBUS DP interfaces of the interface modules (IM) in ET 200MP,
ET 200SP and ET 200AL are used to connect the distributed I/O ET 200MP, ET 200SP and
ET 200AL to PROFINET or PROFIBUS of the higher-level IO controller or DP master.
PROFINET interface with 2-port switch
Figure 2-5 PROFINET interfaces IM 155-5 PN ST (ET 200MP), IM 155-6 PN ST (ET 200SP), and
IM 157-1 PN (ET 200AL)
Communications services
The communications services described below use the interfaces and communication
mechanisms provided by the system via CPUs, communication modules and processors.
22 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Communications services
Overview of communication options
Overview of communications options
The following communications options are available for your automation task.
Table 3- 1 Communications options
Communications options
Via interface:
PG communication
On commissioning, testing, diagnostics
HMI communication2 On operator control and monitoring X X -
Open communication via TCP/IP2 Data exchange via PROFINET/Industrial Ether-
net with TCP/IP
X - -
Open communication using ISO-on-TCP2 Data exchange via PROFINET/Industrial Ether-
net with ISO-on-TCP
X - -
Open communication via UDP2 Data exchange via PROFINET/Industrial Ether-
net with UDP
X - -
Communications services
3.1 Overview of communication options
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 23
Communications options
Via interface:
Open communication via ISO (only CPs with
PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet interface)
Data exchange via
PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet with the ISO
X - -
Open communication with FDL (only
CM 1542-5 as of firmware V2.0)
Data exchange via PROFIBUS with the FDL
- X -
OPC UA server (only via internal
PROFINET interfaces of the CPU)
Data exchange with OPC UA clients X - -
Communication via Modbus TCP Data exchange via PROFINET with Modbus
TCP protocol
X - -
E-mail Sending process alarms via e-mail
X - -
FTP (only CPs with
PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet interface)
File management and file access via FTP (File
Transfer Protocol); CP can be FTP client and
FTP server
X - -
Fetch/Write (only CPs with
PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet interface)
Server services via TCP/IP, ISO-on-TCP and
Via special instructions for Fetch/Write
X - -
S7 communication Data exchange via PROFINET/PROFIBUS with
the S7 protocol.
X X -
Communications services
3.1 Overview of communication options
24 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Communications options
Via interface:
Serial point-to-point connection Data exchange via point-to-point with Freeport,
3964(R), USS or Modbus protocol
Via special instructions for PtP, USS or Mod-
bus RTU
- - X
Web server Data exchange via HTTP(S), for example for
X - -
SNMP (Simple Network Management Pro-
For monitoring and error recognition of IP net-
works, possibly parameterization of the IP net-
work components via standard SNMP protocol
X - -
Time-of-day synchronization Via PN/IE interface: CPU is NTP client (Network
Time Protocol)
X - -
Via DP interface: CPU/CM/CP is time-of-day
master or time slave
- X -
IE - Industrial Ethernet
2 Observe the special characteristics for S7-1500R/H
Information on S7-1500R/H
You can find information on the communication possibilities with the redundant system
S7-1500R/H in the section Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
(Page 283).
Additional information
Application example: CPU-CPU communication with SIMATIC controllers (compendium)
You can find the application example on the Internet
This FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/102420020) describes
how to configure fetch/write communication via CP1543-1 with S7-1500.
Additional information about the Fetch/Write services is available in the STEP 7 online
You can find additional information on the PtP link in the function manual CM PtP -
Configurations for Point-to-Point Connections
You will find the description of the web server functionality in the function manual Web
server (http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/59193560).
You will find information about the standard protocol SNMP on the Service & Support
pages on the Internet (http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/15166742).
You will find information about time-of-day synchronization in this FAQ
Communications services
3.2 Communications protocols and port numbers used for Ethernet communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 25
Communications protocols and port numbers used for Ethernet
This section provides an overview of the supported protocols and port numbers used for
communication over PN/IE interfaces. For each protocol the address parameters, the
respective communications layer as well as the communications role and the
communications direction are specified.
This information makes it possible to match the security measures for protection of the
automation system to the used protocols (for example firewall). Because security measures
are limited to Ethernet or PROFINET networks, the tables do not include PROFIBUS
Port numbers used
The specified port numbers are the standard port numbers used by the S7
-1500 CPU. Many
communication protocols and implementations enable you to use other port numb
The tables below show the different layers and protocols that are being used.
The following table shows the protocols supported by the S7-1500 CPUs, ET 200SP CPUs
and the CPU 1516pro-2 PN. The S7-1500 software controllers also support the protocols
listed in the following table for the Ethernet interfaces that are assigned to the software
Table 3- 2 Layers and protocols of the S7-1500 CPUs and software controllers (via PROFINET interface of the CPU)
Port num-
(2) Link layer
(4) Transport
PROFINET protocols
Discovery and
basic configu-
ration protocol
Not relevant (2) Ethertype
Discovery and
DCP is used by PROFINET to discover PROFINET
devices and provide basic settings.
Link Layer
Not relevant (2) Ethertype
0x88CC (LLDP)
Link Layer
LLDP is used by PROFINET to discover and manage
neighbor relationships between PROFINET devices.
LLDP uses the special multicast MAC address: 01-80-
Media Redun-
dancy Protocol
Not relevant (2) Ethertype
0x88E3 (IEC
medium re-
MRP provides control of redundant transmission paths
by means of a ring topology.
MRP uses standard-compliant Multicast MAC ad-
Clock Protocol
Not relevant (2) Ethertype
send clock and
time synchro-
nization, based
on IEEE 1588
PTC provides a time delay measurement between
RJ45 ports and thus send clock synchronization and
time synchronization.
PTCP uses standard-compliant Multicast MAC ad-
Communications services
3.2 Communications protocols and port numbers used for Ethernet communication
26 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Port num-
(2) Link layer
(4) Transport
Not relevant (2) Ethertype
Cyclic IO data
The PROFINET IO frames are used to transmit IO
data cyclically between PROFINET IO controller and
IO devices via Ethernet.
Context Man-
34964 (4) UDP PROFINET
less RPC
The PROFINET Context Manager provides an end-
point mapper in order to establish an application rela-
Connection-oriented communications protocols
Simple mail
transfer proto-
25 (4) TCP Simple mail
transfer proto-
SMTP is used for sending e-mails.
(SMTP over
465 (4) TCP Secure SMTP SMTP is used for sending e-mails over secure con-
SMTP with
(4) TCP Simple mail
transfer proto-
col with the
SMTP com-
SMTP with STARTTLS is used for sending e-mails
over secure connections.
transfer proto-
80 (4) TCP Hypertext
transfer proto-
HTTP is used for communication with the CPU-
internal web server.
(according to
RFC 1006)
102 (4) TCP ISO-on-TCP
ISO-on-TCP (according to RFC 1006) is used for
message-oriented data exchange with remote CPU or
software controller.
S7 communication with ES, HMI, OPC server, etc.
Network time
123 (4) UDP Network time
NTP is used for synchronization of the CPU system
time with the time of an NTP server.
Simple net-
work man-
162 (trap)
(4) UDP Simple net-
work man-
SNMP is used for reading and setting of network
management data (SNMP managed Objects) by the
SNMP Manager.
Secure Hyper-
text transfer
443 (4) TCP Secure Hyper-
text transfer
HTTPS is used for communication with the CPU-
internal web server via Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Control Proto-
502 (4) TCP Modbus/TCP
Modbus/TCP is used by MB_CLIENT/MB_SERVER
instructions in the user program.
Communications services
3.2 Communications protocols and port numbers used for Ethernet communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 27
Port num-
(2) Link layer
(4) Transport
Open Platform
Unified Archi-
4840 (4) TCP Based on the
TCP/IP proto-
Communication standard ranging from the enterprise
level to the field level.
Open User
Secure OUC
1 ... 1999
can be used
to limited
(4) TCP
(4) UDP
Open User
Secure Open
User Commu-
nication (TLS)
OUC instructions provide connection establishment,
connection termination and data transfer based on the
socket layer.
2000 ...
5001 ...
can be used
to limited
Internet Group
Not relevant (3) Network layer Internet Group
Network protocol for the organization of multicast
Reserved 49152 ...
(4) TCP
(4) UDP
- Dynamic port area used for active connection end
point if the application does not determine the local
port number.
Note: The open communication provides direct access to the UDP/TCP for the user. The user is responsible for observ-
ing the port restrictions/definitions of the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
2 Do not use ports for OUC, which are already used by other protocols
The following table shows the protocols that are supported by the S7-1500 software
controller via the Ethernet interfaces assigned to Windows.
Table 3- 3 Layers and protocols of the S7-1500 Software Controller (via Ethernet interface on the Windows side)
Port num-
(2) Link layer
(4) Transport
PROFINET protocols
Discovery and
basic configu-
ration protocol
Not relevant (2) Ethertype
Discovery and
DCP is used by PROFINET to discover PROFINET
devices and provide basic settings.
Communications services
3.2 Communications protocols and port numbers used for Ethernet communication
28 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Port num-
(2) Link layer
(4) Transport
Connection-oriented communications protocols
Simple mail
transfer proto-
25 (4) TCP Simple mail
transfer proto-
SMTP is used for sending e-mails.
transfer proto-
Adjustable 1 (4) TCP Hypertext
transfer proto-
HTTP is used for communication with CPU-internal
web server. You can change the port number to avoid
conflict with other web servers on Windows.
If you want to use web server access, you must acti-
vate the port in the Windows Firewall.
(according to
RFC 1006)
102 (4) TCP ISO-on-TCP
ISO-on-TCP (according to RFC 1006) for S7 commu-
nication with PG/PC or HMI.
Open User
Secure OUC
1 ... 1999
can be used
to limited
3, 4
(4) TCP
(4) UDP
Open User
Secure Open
User Commu-
nication (TLS)
OUC instructions provide connection establishment,
connection termination and data transfer based on the
socket layer.
If you want to use OUC, you must activate the ports in
the Windows Firewall.
2000 ...
5001 ...
can be used
to limited
3, 4
Internet Group
Not relevant (3) Network layer Internet Group
Network protocol for the organization of multicast
Reserved 49152 ...
(4) TCP
(4) UDP
- Dynamic port range that is used for the active connec-
tion end point, if the application does not determine
the local port number.
If you wish to use this communication, you must acti-
vate the ports in the Windows Firewall.
Default setting for Windows assigned interfaces: 81
Note: The open user communication provides direct access to the UDP/TCP for the user. The user is responsible for
observing the port restrictions/definitions of the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
Do not use ports for OUC, which are already used by other protocols.
4 Do not use ports for OUC, which are already used by other Windows applications.
Communications services
3.2 Communications protocols and port numbers used for Ethernet communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 29
The following table shows the protocols that are supported in addition to those listed in the
tables for the S7-1500 communications modules (e.g. CP 1543-1).
Table 3- 4 Layers and protocols of S7-1500 communications modules
Port number
(2) Link layer
(4) Transport
PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet protocols
Connection-oriented communications protocols
File transfer
20 (data)
21 (control)
(4) TCP File transfer
FTP is used for the transmission of files (only in con-
nection with CP 1543-1).
File transfer
20 (data)
21 (control)
(4) TCP File transfer
SecureFTP is used for the transmission of files by
means of a TSL connection (only in connection with
CP 1543-1).
Dynamic Host
68 (4) UDP Dynamic Host
DHCP is used to retrieve the IP Address Suite from a
DHCP server when starting up the IE interface.
Secure NTPv3
Network time
123 (4) UDP Network time
Secure NTP is used to synchronize the CP 1543-1
internal system clock with an NTP server.
Simple net-
work man-
162 (trap)
(4) UDP Simple net-
work man-
SNMPv3 permits the CP 1543-1 to read network man-
agement data (MIBs) from SNMPv3 agent with au-
Special consideration S7-1500 MFP:
Port 111: The S7-1500 MFP uses Port 111 to the NFS service for internal communication.
Communications services
3.3 Overview of connection resources
30 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Overview of connection resources
Connection resources
Some communications services require connections. Connections allocate resources on the
CPUs, CPs and CMs involved (for example memory areas in the CPU operating system). In
most cases one resource per CPU/CP/CM is allocated for a connection. In HMI
communication, up to 3 connection resources are required per HMI connection.
The connection resources available depend on the CPU being used, the CPs and CMs and
must not exceed a defined high limit for the automation system.
Available connection resources in a station
The maximum number of resources of a station is determined by the CPU.
Each CPU has reserved connection resources for PG, HMI and web server communication.
There are also resources available that can be used for SNMP, e-mail connections, HMI, S7
communication as well as for open communication.
When are connection resources allocated?
The time for allocation of connection resources depends on how the connection is set up,
automatic, programmed or configured (see section Setting up a connection (Page 30)).
Additional information
You will find more detailed information on the allocation of connection resources and the
display of connection resources in STEP 7 in the section Connection resources (Page 267).
Setting up a connection
Automatic connection
STEP 7 sets up a connection automatically (for example PG or HMI connection) if you have
connected the PG/PC interface to an interface of the CPU physically and have made the
interface assignment in STEP 7 in the "Go online" dialog.
Communications services
3.4 Setting up a connection
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 31
Setting up a programmed connection
You set up the programmed connection in the program editor of STEP 7 in the context of a
CPU by assigning instructions for communication, for example TSEND_C.
When specifying the connection parameters (in the Inspector window, in the properties of the
instruction), you are supported by the easy-to-use user interface.
Figure 3-1 Programmed setup
Communications services
3.4 Setting up a connection
32 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Setting up a configured connection
You set up the configured connection in the network view of the Devices & networks editor of
STEP 7 in the context of a CPU or a software controller.
Figure 3-2 Configured setup
Communications services
3.4 Setting up a connection
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 33
Effects on the connection resources of the CPU
You can often choose between a configured or a programmed connection. Programmed
connection setup allows connection resources to be released following data transfer. Like
routed connections, programmed connections are not guaranteed, meaning that they are
only established when resources are available. With configured connection setup, the
resource is available after download of the configuration until the configuration changes
again. Corresponding resources are therefore reserved for connection establishment via
configured connections. The "Connection resources" table in the Inspector window of the
CPU displays an overview of connection resources already used and those still available.
How do I set up a connection?
Table 3- 5 Setting up the connection
Programmed setup
Configured setup
Programming device connection
HMI connection X - X
Open communication via TCP/IP
- X X
Open communication via ISO-on-
TCP connection
- X X
Open communication via UDP
- X X
Open communication via ISO con-
- X X
Open communication via FDL
- X X
Communication via Modbus TCP
- X -
E-mail connection
FTP connection
S7 connection*
* Note that for an S7
-1500 CPU with firmware version lower than V2.0, the use of PUT/GET commu-
nication must be enabled in the properties of the CPU. You can find more information on this topic
in the STEP 7 online help.
Additional information
You will find further information on the allocation of connection resources and the display of
connection resources in STEP 7 in the section Connection resources (Page 267).
Communications services
3.5 Data consistency
34 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Data consistency
Data consistency is important for data transfer and you need to take this into account when
configuring the communication task. Otherwise, malfunctions may occur.
A data area which cannot be modified by concurrent processes is called a consistent data
area. This means that a data area which belongs together and which is larger than the
maximum size of the consistent data area can consist in part of new and of old data at the
same time.
An inconsistency can occur when an instruction for communication is interrupted, for
example by a hardware interrupt OB with higher priority. This interrupts the transfer of the
data area. If the user program in this OB now changes the data that has not yet been
processed by the communication instruction, the transferred data originates from different
The following figure shows a data area that is smaller than the maximum size of the
consistent data area. In this case, when transferring the data area, it is ensured that there is
no interruption by the user program during data access so that the data is not changed.
The source data area is smaller than the maximum size of the consistent data area (
). The
instruction transfers the data together to the destination data area.
Maximum size of the consistent data area
Figure 3-3 Consistent transfer of data
Communications services
3.5 Data consistency
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 35
The following figure shows a data area that is larger than the maximum size of the consistent
data area. In this case, the data can be changed during an interruption of the data transfer.
An interruption also occurs if, for example, the data area needs to be transferred in several
parts. If the data is changed during the interruption, the transferred data originates from
different times.
The source data area is larger than the maximum size of the consistent data area (
). At time
T1, the instruction only transfers as much data from the source data area into the destination
data area as fits in the consistent data area.
At time T2, the instruction transfers the rest of the source data area to the destination data
area. After the transfer, data from different points in time exist in the destination data area. If
the data in the source data area has changed in the meantime, an inconsistency may result.
Maximum size of the consistent data area
Figure 3-4 Transfer of data larger than the maximum consistency area
Example of an inconsistency
The figure below shows an example of changing data during the transfer. The destination
data area contains data from different points in time.
Maximum size of the consistent data area
Figure 3-5 Example: Changing data during the transfer
Communications services
3.5 Data consistency
36 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
System-specific maximum data consistency for S7-1500:
No inconsistency occurs if the system-specific maximum size of the consistent data is kept
to. With an S7-1500, communication data is copied consistently into or out of the user
memory in blocks of up to 512 bytes during the program cycle. Data consistency is not
ensured for larger data areas. Where defined data consistency is required, the length of
communication data in the user program of the CPU must not exceed 512 bytes. You can
then access these data areas consistently, for example from an HMI device by
reading/writing tags.
If more data than the system-specific maximum size needs to be transferred consistently,
you yourself must ensure the data consistency with suitable measures in the user program.
Ensuring data consistency
Use of instructions for access to common data:
If the user program contains instructions for communication that access common data, for
example TSEND/TRCV, you can coordinate access to this data area yourself, for example
using the "DONE" parameter. The data consistency of the data areas that are transferred
with an instruction for communication can therefore be ensured in the user program.
Measures in the user program
To achieve dat
a consistency, you can copy transferred data to a separate data area (for
example, global data block). While the user program continues to work with the original data,
you can transfer the data saved in the separate data area consistently with the
ation instruction.
For the copying, use uninterruptible instructions such as UMOVE_BLK or UFILL_BLK. These
instructions ensure data consistency up to 16 KB.
Use of PUT/GET instructions or Write/Read via HMI communication:
In S7 communication with the PUT/GET instructions or Write/Read via HMI communication,
you need to take into account the size of the consistent data areas during programming or
configuration. In the user program of an S7-1500 as server, there is no instruction available
that can coordinate the data transfer in the user program. The data exchanged using
PUT/GET instructions updates the S7-1500 while the user program is running. There is no
point in time within the processing of the cyclic user program at which the data is exchanged
consistently. The length of the data area to be transferred should be smaller than 512 bytes.
Additional information
You will also find the maximum amount of consistent data in the device manuals of the
communications modules in the Technical Specifications.
You will find further information on data consistency in the description of the instructions
in the STEP 7 online help.
Communications services
3.6 Secure Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 37
Secure Communication
Basics of Secure Communication
For STEP 7 (TIA Portal) as of V14 and for S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware V2.0, the options
for secure communication have been broadened considerably.
The attribute "secure" is used for the identification of communication mechanisms that are
based on a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) (for example RFC 5280 for Internet X.509 Public
Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List Profile). A Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) is a system that can issue, distribute and check digital certificates. The
digital certificates issued are used in the PKI to secure computer-based communication. If a
PKI uses asymmetric key cryptography, the messages in a network can be digitally signed
and encrypted.
Components that you have configured in STEP 7 (TIA Portal) for secure communication use
an asymmetric key encryption scheme with a Public Key and Private Key. TLS (Transport
Layer Security) is used as the encryption protocol. TLS is the successor for the SSL (Secure
Sockets Layer) protocol.
Objectives of secure communication
Secure communication is used to achieve the following objectives:
i.e. the data are secret / cannot by read by eavesdroppers.
i.e. the message that reaches the recipient is the same message, unchanged, that the
sender sent. The message has not been altered on the way.
End point authentication
i.e. the end point communication partner is exactly who it claims to be and the party who
is to be reached. The identity of the partner has been checked.
These objectives were in the past primarily relevant to IT and networked computers. Now,
industrial machinery and control systems with sensitive data are at equally high risk, as they
are also networked, and consequently pose strict security requirements for data exchange.
Protection of the automation cell by means of the cell protection concept through firewall, or
via connection through VPN, for example with the security module, was common in the past
and remains so.
However, it is becoming increasingly necessary to also transfer data to external computers in
encrypted form via Intranet or public networks.
Communications services
3.6 Secure Communication
38 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Common principles of secure communication
Independent of the context, secure communication is based on the concept of the Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) and contains the following components:
An asymmetric encryption scheme that allows:
Encryption or decryption of messages using public or private keys.
The verification of signatures in messages and certificates.
The messages/certificates are signed by the sender/certificate subject with their
private key. The recipient/verifier checks the signature with the public key of the
sender/certificate subject.
Transport and storage of the public key using X.509 certificates:
X.509 certificates are digitally signed data that allow public key authentication in terms
of the bound identity.
X.509 certificates can contain information that describes in more detail or restricts use
of the public key. For example the date as of which a public key in a certificate is valid
and when it expires.
X.509 certificates contain information about the issuer of the certificate in secure form.
The following paragraphs give an overview of these basic concepts, which are required for
managing certificates in STEP 7 (TIA Portal), for example, and for programming
communication instructions for secure Open User Communication (sOUC).
Communications services
3.6 Secure Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 39
Secure communication with STEP 7
STEP 7 as of V14 provides the required PKI for the configuration and operation of secure
The Hypertext Transfer Protokoll (HTTP) turns into Hypertext Transfer Protokoll Secure
(HTTPS) with the help of the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol. Since HTTPS is a
combination of HTTP and TLS, it is called "HTTP over TLS" in the corresponding RFC.
You can see in the browser that HTTPS is being used; this is indicated by the URL
"https://" instead of "http://" in the address bar of the browser. Most browsers highlight
such secure connections.
Open User Communication turns into secure Open User Communication. The underlying
protocol is also TLS.
E-mail providers also offer access over the "Secure SMTP over TLS" protocol to increase
the security of e-mail communication.
The figure below shows the TLS protocol in the context of communication layers.
Figure 3-6 TLS protocol in the context of communication layers
Secure communication with OPC UA
An OPC UA server is implemented in S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware V2.0. OPC UA Security
also covers authentication, encryption and data integrity with digital X.509 certificates and
also uses a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Depending on the requirements placed by the
application, you can select different security levels for the end point security. You will find the
description of the OPC UA server functionality in the section AUTOHOTSPOT.
Communications services
3.6 Secure Communication
40 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Confidentiality through encryption
Message encryption is an important element of data security. When encrypted messages are
intercepted by third parties during communication, these potential eavesdroppers cannot
access the information they contain.
There is a wide range of mathematical processes (algorithms) for encrypting messages.
All algorithms process a "key" parameter to encrypt and decrypt messages.
Algorithm + key + message => encrypted message
Encrypted message + key + algorithm => (decrypted) message
Symmetric encryption
The central aspect of symmetric encryption is that both communication partners use the
same key for message encryption and decryption, as shown in the figure below. Bob uses
the same key for encryption as Alice uses for decryption. In general, we also say that the two
sides share the secret key with which they encrypt or decrypt a message as a secret.
Bob encrypts his message with the symmetric key
Alice decrypts the encrypted message with the symmetric key
Figure 3-7 Symmetric encryption
The process can be compared to a briefcase to which the sender and recipient have the
same key, which both locks and opens the case.
Advantage: Symmetric encryption algorithms (such as AES, Advanced Encryption
Algorithm) are fast.
Disadvantages: How can the key be sent to a recipient without getting into the wrong
hands? This is a key distribution problem. If enough messages are intercepted, the key
can also be worked out and must therefore be changed regularly.
If there are a large number of communication partners, there is also a large number of keys
to distribute.
Communications services
3.6 Secure Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 41
Asymmetric encryption
Asymmetric encryption works with a pair of keys consisting of one public key and one private
key. Used with a PKI, it is also known as Public Key cryptography or simply PKI
cryptography. A communication partner, Alice in the figure below, has a private key and a
public key. The public key is provided to the public, in other words any potential
communication partner. Anyone with the public key can encrypt messages for Alice. In the
figure below, this is Bob.
Alice's private key, which she must not disclose, is used by Alice to decrypt an encrypted
message addressed to her.
Alice provides Bob with her public key. No precautionary measures are required to this pur-
pose: Anyone can use the public key for messages to Alice if they are sure that it is actually
Alice's public key.
Bob encrypts his message with Alice's public key.
Alice decrypts the encrypted message from Bob with her private key. As only Alice has the
private key and never discloses it, only she can decrypt the message. With her private key, she
can decrypt any message encrypted with her public key - not only messages from Bob.
Figure 3-8 Asymmetric encryption
The system can be compared to a mailbox into which anyone can put a message, but from
which only the person with the key can remove messages.
Advantages: A message encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted by the owner
of the private key. As another (private) key is required for decryption, it is also much
harder to work out the decryption key on the basis of large numbers of encrypted
messages. This means that the public key does not have to be kept strictly confidential,
unlike with symmetric keys.
Another advantage is easier distribution of public keys. No specially secured channel is
required in asymmetric cryptography to transfer the public key from the recipient to the
sender encrypting the messages. Less work is thus required in managing the keys than
would be the case in symmetric encryption procedures.
Disadvantages: Complex algorithm (e.g. RSA, named after the three mathematicians
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman), and therefore poorer performance than with symmetric
Communications services
3.6 Secure Communication
42 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Encryption processes in practice
In practice, for example with a CPU Web server and Secure Open User Communication, the
TLS protocol is used below the relevant application layer. Application layers are HTTP or
SMTP, for example, as detailed above.
TLS (Transport Layer Security) uses a combination of asymmetric encryption and symmetric
encryption (hybrid encryption) for secure data transfer, for example, over the Internet, and
uses the following subprotocols:
TLS Handshake Protocol, responsible for authentication of communication partners and
negotiation of the algorithms and keys to be used for subsequent data transfer on the
basis of asymmetric encryption.
TLS Record Protocol, responsible for encryption of user data with symmetric encryption
and data exchange.
Both asymmetric and symmetric encryption are considered secure encryption schemes -
there is basically no difference in security between the two procedures. The degree of
security depends on parameters such as the selected key length.
Abuse of encryption
You cannot tell what identity is assigned to a public key from the bit string. A fraud could
provide their public key and claim to be someone else. If a third party then uses this key
thinking that they are addressing their required communication partner, confidential
information could end up with the fraud. The fraud then uses their private key to decrypt the
message that was not intended for them, and sensitive information falls into the wrong
To prevent this type of abuse, the communication partners must be confident that they are
dealing with the right communication partner. This trust is established by using digital
certificates in a PKI.
Communications services
3.6 Secure Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 43
Authenticity and integrity through signatures
Attacks from programs that intercept communication between the server and client and act
as if they themselves were client or server, are called man-in-the-middle attacks. If the false
identity of these programs is not detected, they can obtain important information about the
S7 program, for example, or set values in the CPU and attack a machine or plants. Digital
certificates are used to avoid such attacks.
Secure communication uses digital certificates that meet the X.509 standard of the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This allows the identity of a program, a
computer or an organization to be checked (authenticated).
How certificates establish trust
The main role of X.509 certificates is to bind an identity with the data of a certificate subject
(for example, e-mail address or computer name) to the public key of the identity. Identities
can be people, computers or machines.
Certificates are issued by certificate authorities (Certificate Authority, CA) or by the subject of
a certificate itself. PKI systems specify how users can trust the certificate authorities and the
certificates that they issue.
The certificate process:
1. Anyone wishing to own a certificate submits a certificate application to a registration
authority linked to the certificate authority.
2. The certificate authority assesses the application and applicant on the basis of set
3. If the identity of the applicant can be clearly established, the certificate authority confirms
that identity by issuing a signed certificate. The applicant has now become the certificate
The figure below is a simplified overview of the process. It does not show how Alice can
check the digital signature.
Figure 3-9 Signing of a certificate by a certificate authority
Communications services
3.6 Secure Communication
44 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Self-signed certificates
Self-signed certificates are certificates whose signature comes from the certificate subject
and not from an independent certificate authority.
You can create and sign a certificate yourself, for example, to encrypt messages to a
communication partner. In the example above, Bob (instead of Twent) could himself sign
his certificate with his private key. Using Bob's public key, Alice can check that the
signature and public key from Bob match. This procedure is sufficient for simple internal
plant communication that is to be encrypted.
A root certificate is, for example, a self-signed certificate, signed by the certificate
authority (CA), that contains the public key of the certificate authority.
Features of self-signed certificates
The "CN" (Common Name of Subject) for the certificate subject and "Issuer" attributes of
self-signed certificates are identical: You have signed your certificate yourself. The field "CA"
(Certificate Autority) must be set to "False"; the self-signed certificate should not be used to
sign other certificates.
Self-signed certificates are not embedded in a PKI hierarchy.
Certificate content
A certificate to the X.509 V3 standard, the standard that is also used by STEP 7 and the S7-
1500 CPUs, consists primarily of the following elements:
Public key
Details of the certificate subject (i.e. the holder of the key), for example, the Common
Name (CN) of Subject .
Attributes such as serial number and validity period
Digital signature from the certificate authority (CA) confirming that the information is
There are also extensions, for example:
Specification of what the public key may be used for (Key Usage), for example, signing or
key encryption.
When you create a new certificate with STEP 7, for example in the context of Secure
Open User Communication, select the correct entry from the list of possible usages, e.g.
Specification of a Subject Alternative Name (SAN), which is used in secure
communication with Web servers (HTTP over TLS), for example, to ensure that the
certificate in the address bar of the Web browser also belongs to the Web server
specified in the URL.
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How signatures are generated and verified
Asymmetric key usage ensures that certificates can be verified: The example of the "MyCert"
certificate illustrates the "Sign" and "Verify signature" processes.
Generating a signature:
1. The issuer of the "MyCert" certificate generates a hash value from the certificate data
using a specific hash function (for example SHA-1, Secure Hash Algorithm).
The hash value is a bit string of a constant length. The advantage of the constant length
of the hash value is that it always takes the same amount of time to sign.
2. Using the hash value generated in this way and the private key, the issuer of the
certificate then generates a digital signature. The RSA signature scheme is often used.
3. The digital signature is saved in the certificate. The certificate is now signed.
Verifying a signature:
1. The authenticator of the "MyCert" certificate obtains the certificate of the issuer and thus
the public key.
2. A new hash value is formed from the certificate data with the same hash algorithm that
was used for signing (for example SHA-1).
3. This hash value is then compared with the hash value that is determined by means of the
public key of the certificate issuer and the signature algorithm for checking the signature.
4. If the signature check produces a positive result, both the identity of the certificate subject
as well as the integrity, meaning authenticity and genuineness, of the certificate content
are proven. Anyone who has the public key, i.e. the certificate from the certificate
authority, can check the signature and thus recognize that the certificate was actually
signed by the certificate authority.
The figure below shows how Alice uses the public key in the certificate from Twent (who
represents the certificate authority, CA) to verify the signature on Bob's public key. All that is
required for verification is therefore the availability of the certificate from the certificate
authority at the moment of checking. The validation itself is executed automatically in the
TLS session.
Figure 3-10 Verification of a certificate with the public key of the certificate of a certificate authority
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Signing messages
The method described above for signing and verifying also uses the TLS session for signing
and verifying messages.
If a hash value is generated by a message and this hash value is signed with the private key
of the sender and attached to the original message, the recipient of the message is able to
check the integrity of the message. The recipient decrypts the hash value with the public key
of the sender, puts together the hash value from the message received and compares the
two values. If the values are not the same, the message has been tampered with on the way.
Chain of certificates to root certificate
The certificates of a PKI are often organized hierarchically: The top of the hierarchy is
formed by root certificates. Root certificates are certificates that are not signed by a higher-
level certificate authority. The certificate subject and certificate issuer of root certificates are
identical. Root certificates enjoy absolute trust. They form the "anchor" of trust and must
therefore be known to the receiver as trusted certificates. They are stored in an area
provided for trusted certificates.
Depending on the PKI, the function of root certificates is, for example, to sign certificates
from lower-level certificate authorities, so-called intermediate certificates. This transfers the
trust from the root certificate to the intermediate certificate. An intermediate certificate can
sign a certificate just like a root certificate; both are therefore referred to as "CA certificates".
This hierarchy can be continued over multiple intermediate certificates until the end-entity
certificate. The end-entity certificate is the certificate of the user who is to be identified.
The validation process runs through the hierarchy in the opposite direction: As described
above, the certificate issuer is established and the signature checked with the issuer's public
key, then the certificate of the higher-level certificate issuer is established along the entire
chain of trust to the root certificate.
Conclusion: The chain of intermediate certificates to the root certificate, the certificate path,
must be available in every device that is to validate an end-entity certificate of the
communication partner, irrespective of the type of secure communication that you configure.
Managing certificates with STEP 7
STEP 7 as of version V14 together with the S7-1500-CPUs as of firmware version 2.0
support the Internet PKI (RFC 5280) in as far as an S7-1500-CPU is able to communicate
with devices that also support the Internet PKI.
The usage of X.509 certificates for verifying certificates as described in the preceding
sections, for example, is a result of this.
STEP 7 as of V14 uses a PKI similar to Internet PKI. Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), for
example, are not supported.
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Creating or assigning certificates
You create certificates for various applications in STEP 7 for devices with security properties,
such as an S7-1500 CPU as of firmware V2.0.
The following areas in the Inspector window of the CPU allow the creation of new certificates
or the selection of existing ones:
"Protection & Security > Certificate manager" - for the generation and assignment of all
types of certificates. TLS certificates for Secure Open User Communication are preset for
the generation of certificates.
"Web server > Security" - for the generation and assignment of Web server certificates.
"OPC UA > Server > Security" - for the generation and assignment OPC UA certificates.
Figure 3-11 Security settings for an S7-1500 CPU in STEP 7
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Special features of the section "Protection & Security > Certificate manager"
Only in this section of the Inspector window do you switch between the global, i.e. project-
wide, and the local, i.e. device-specific, certificate manager (option "Use global security
settings for the certificate manager"). The option decides whether you have access to all the
certificates in the project or not.
If you do
use the certificate manager in the global security settings, you only have
access to the local certificate memory of the CPU. You do not have access, for example,
to imported certificates or root certificates. Without these certificates only a restricted
functionality is available. You can, for example, only generate self-signed certificates.
If you use the certificate manager in the global security settings and you are logged on as
an administrator, you have access to the global, project-wide certificate memory. You
can, for example, assign imported certificates to the CPU, or create certificates that are
issued and signed by the project CA (certificate authority of the project).
The figure below shows how the "Global security settings" are shown in the project tree after
the "Use global security settings for certificate manager" option has been activated in the
Inspector window of the CPU.
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When you double-click "User login" in the project tree below the global security settings and
log in, a line called "Certificate manager" is displayed, among other data.
When you double-click the "Certificate manager" line, you obtain access to all the certificates
in the project, divided into the tabs "CA" (certificate authorities), "Device certificates" and
"Trusted certificates and root certificate authorities".
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Private keys
STEP 7 generates private keys while generating device certificates and server certificates
(end-entity certificates). The location where the private key is stored encrypted depends on
the use of the global security settings for the certificate manager:
If you use global security settings, the private key is stored encrypted in the global
(project-wide) certificate memory.
If you do not use global security settings, the private key is stored encrypted in the local
(CPU-specific) certificate memory.
The existence of the private key, which is required to decrypt data, for example, is displayed
in the "Private key" column of the "Device certificates" tab of the certificate manager in the
global security settings.
When the hardware configuration is loaded, the device certificate, the public key as well as
the private key are loaded into the CPU.
The "Use global security settings for certificate manager" option influences the previously
used private key: If you have already created certificates without using the certificate
manager in the global security settings and then change the option for using the certificate
manager, the private keys are lost and the certificate ID can change. A warning draws your
attention to this fact. Therefore specify at the beginning of the project configuration which
option is required for the certificate manager.
Examples for the management of certificates.
As explained in the preceding sections, certificates are required for every type of secure
communication. The following section shows as an example how you handle the certificates
with STEP 7 so that the requirements for Secure Open User Communication are fulfilled.
The devices which are involved at the respective communication partners are differentiated
below. The respective steps for supplying the required certificates to the communications
participants are described. An S7-1500 CPU or an S7-1500 software controller as of
firmware version 2.0 is always required.
The general rule is:
While a secure connection is being established (handshake"), the communication partners
as a rule only communicate their end-entity certificates (device certificates).
Therefore the CA certificates required to verify the transmitted device certificate must be
located in the certificate memory of the respective communication partner.
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Secure Open User Communication between two S7-1500 CPUs
Two S7-1500-CPUs, PLC_1 and PLC_2, are to exchange data with each other via Secure
Open User Communication.
You generate the required device certificates with STEP 7 and assign them to the CPUs as
described below.
STEP 7 project certificate authorities (CA of the project) are used to sign the device
The certificates are to be referenced by their certificate ID in the user program (TCON
communication instruction in combination with the associated system data type, for example
TCON_IPV4_SEC). STEP 7 assigns the certificate ID automatically during the generation or
creation of certificates.
STEP 7 automatically loads the required CA certificates together with the hardware
configuration to the participating CPUs so that the requirements for certificate verification
exist for both CPUs. You therefore only have to generate the device certificates for the
respective CPU; STEP 7 does the rest for you.
1. Mark PLC_1 and activate the "Use global security settings for certificate manager" option
in the "Protection & Security" section.
2. Log in as a user in the project tree in the "Global security settings" section. For a new
project, the "Administrator" role is planned for the first login.
3. Return to the PLC-1 in the "Protection & Security" section. Click in an empty line in the
"Certificate subject" column in the "Device certificates" table to add a new certificate.
4. In the drop-down list for selecting a certificate click the "Add" button.
The "Create Certificate" dialog opens.
5. Leave the default settings in this dialog. They are tailored to the usage of Secure Open
User Communication (usage: TLS).
Tip: Supplement the default name of the certificate subject, in this case the CPU name. In
order to differentiate you better leave the default CPU name in case you have to manage
a large number of device certificates.
Example: PLC_1/TLS becomes PLC_1-SecOUC-Chassis17FactoryState.
6. Compile the configuration.
The device certificate and the CA certificate are part of the configuration.
7. Repeat the steps described above for PLC_2.
In the next step you have to create the user programs for the data exchange and load the
configurations together with the program.
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Using self-signed certificates instead of CA certificates
When creating device certificates you can select the "Self-signed" option. You can create
self-signed certificates without being logged in for the global security settings. This
procedure is not recommended because the resulting certificates do not exist in the global
certificate memory and can therefore not be assigned directly to a partner CPU.
As described above, you should select the name of the certificate subject with care so that
the right certificate can be assigned to a device without any doubt.
Verification with the CA certificates of the STEP 7 project is not possible for self-signed
certificates. To ensure that self-signed certificates can be verified you have to include the
self-signed certificates of the communication partner into the list of trusted partner devices
for each CPU. To this purpose you must have activated the "Use global security settings for
certificate manager" option and be logged in as a user in the global security settings.
Proceed as follows to add the self-signed certificate of the communication partner of the
1. Mark PLC_1 and navigate to the "Certificates of partner devices" table in the "Protection
& Security" section.
2. Click in an empty line in the "Certificate subject" column in the "Device certificates" table
to add a new certificate.
3. Select the self-signed certificate of the communication partner from the drop-down list
and confirm the selection.
In the next step you have to create the user programs for the data exchange and load the
configurations together with the program.
Secure Open User Communication between S7-1500 CPU as a TLS client and an external device as
a TLS server
Two devices are to exchange data with each other via TLS connection or TLS session, for
example, exchanging recipes, production data or quality data:
An S7-1500 CPU (PLC_1) as TLS client; the CPU uses Secure Open User
An external device, for example a Manufacturing Execution System (MES), as TLS server
The S7-1500 CPU establishes the TLS connection / session to the MES system as TLS
TLS client
TLS server
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The S7-1500 CPU requires the CA certificates of the MES system to authenticate the TLS
server: The root certificate and, if appropriate, the intermediate certificates for verifying the
certificate path.
You have to import these certificates into the global certificate memory of the S7-1500 CPU.
Proceed as follows to import certificates of the communication partner:
1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree.
2. Select the appropriate table (trusted certificates and root certificate authorities) for the
certificate to be imported.
3. Right-click in the table to open the shortcut menu. Click "Import" and import the required
certificate or the required CA certificates.
Through the import the certificate has a certificate ID assigned to it and can be assigned
to a module in the next step.
4. Mark PLC_1 and navigate to the "Certificates of partner devices" table in the "Protection
& Security" section.
5. Click in an empty line in the "Certificate subject" column to add the imported certificates.
6. Select the required CA certificates of the communication partner from the drop-down list
and confirm the selection.
Optionally the MES system can also request a device certificate of the CPU to authenticate
the CPU (i.e., the TLS client). In this case, the CA certificates of the CPU must be made
available to the MES system. The prerequisite for importing the certificates into the MES
system is a preceding export of the CA certificates from the STEP 7 project of the CPU.
Follow these steps:
1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree.
2. Select the matching table (CA certificate) for the certificate to be exported.
3. Right-click the selected certificate to open the shortcut menu.
4. Click "Export".
5. Select the export format of the certificate.
In the next step you have to create the user programs for the data exchange and load the
configurations together with the program.
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Secure Open User Communication between an S7-1500 CPU as TLS server and an external device
as TLS client
If the S7-1500 CPU acts as TLS server and the external device, for example an ERP system
(Enterprise Resource Planning System) establishes the TLS connection / session, you
require the following certificates:
For the S7-1500 CPU, you generate a device certificate (server certificate) with a private
key and download it with the hardware configuration into the S7-1500 CPU. You use the
"Signed by certificate authority" option when generating the server certificate.
The private key is required for the key exchange as explained in the figure for the
example "HTTP over TLS".
You have to export the CA certificate of the STEP 7 project for the ERP system and
import / load it into the ERP system. With the CA certificate the ERP system verifies the
server certificate of the S7-1500 that was transferred from the CPU to the ERP system
during the establishment of the TLS connection / session.
TLS server
TLS client
Figure 3-12 Secure OUC between an S7-1500 CPU and ERP system
The required steps are described in the preceding sections.
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Secure Open User Communication to a mail server (SMTP over TLS)
An S7-1500 CPU can establish a secure connection to an e-mail server with the
communication instruction TMAIL-C.
The system data types TMail_V4_SEC and TMail_QDN_SEC allow you to determine the
partner port of the e-mail server and thus to reach the e-mail server via "SMTP over TLS".
Figure 3-13 Secure OUC between a S7-1500 CPU and a mail server
Requirement for secure e-mail connection is the importing of the root certificate and the
intermediate certificates of the mail server (provider) into the global certificate memory of the
S7-1500 CPU. By means of these certificates the CPU can check the server certificate that
is sent by the mail server during the establishment of the TLS connection / session.
Proceed as follows to import certificates of the mail server:
1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree.
2. Select the appropriate table (trusted certificates and root certificate authorities) for the
certificate to be imported.
3. Right-click in the table to open the shortcut menu. Click "Import" and import the required
certificate or the required CA certificates.
As a result of the import, the certificate has a certificate ID assigned to it and can be
assigned to a module in the next step.
4. Mark PLC_1 and navigate to the "Certificates of partner devices" table in the "Protection
& Security" section.
5. Click in an empty line in the "Certificate subject" column to add the imported certificates.
6. Select the required CA certificates of the communication partner from the drop-down list
and confirm the selection.
In the next step you have to create the user programs for the e-mail client function of the
CPU and load the configurations together with the program.
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Example: HTTP over TLS
The following paragraphs show how the mechanisms described are used to establish a
secure communication between a Web browser and the Web server of an S7-1500 CPU.
Initially the changes for the "Permit access only with HTTPS" option in STEP 7 are
described. As of STEP 7 V14 you have the possibility to influence the server certificate of the
Web server of an S7-1500 CPU as of firmware V2.0: The server certificate is generated as of
these versions with STEP 7.
In addition it illustrates the processes that are executed when a website of the CPU Web
server is called with a Web browser of a PC through an encrypted HTTPS connection.
Using Web server certificates for S7-1500 CPUs, FW V2.0 or higher
For S7-1500 CPUs with a firmware version before V2.0, you were able to set "Permit access
only with HTTPS" when setting the Web server properties, without specific requirements
You did not have to handle certificates for these CPUs; the CPU automatically generates the
certificates required for the Web server.
For S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware V2.0, STEP 7 generates the server certificate (end-entity
certificate) for the CPU. You assign a server certificate to the Web server in the properties of
the CPU (Web server > Security).
Because a server certificate name is always preset, there is no change to the easy
configuration of the Web server: You activate the Web server. The "Permit access only with
HTTPS" option is enabled by default - STEP 7 generates a server certificate with the default
name during compiling.
Irrespective of whether you use the certificate manager in the global security settings or not:
STEP 7 has all the information required to generate the server certificate.
In addition, you have the possibility to determine the properties of the server certificate, for
example, the name or the validity period.
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Loading the Web server certificate
The server certificate generated by STEP 7 is then automatically also loaded to the CPU
when the hardware configuration is loaded.
If you use the certificate manager in the global security settings, the certificate authority of
the project (CA certificate) signs the server certificate of the Web server: During loading
the CA certificate of the project is loaded as well automatically.
If you do not use the certificate manager in the global security settings, STEP 7 generates
the server certificate as a self-signed certificate.
When you address the Web server of the CPU over the IP address of the CPU, a new server
certificate (end-entity certificate) must be generated and loaded with each change in the IP
address of an Ethernet interface of the CPU. This is necessary because the identity of the
CPU changes with the IP address and the identity requires a signature in accordance with
the PKI rules.
You can avoid this problem by addressing the CPU with a domain name instead of its IP
address, for example "myconveyer-cpu.room13.myfactory.com". For this purpose, you have
to manage the domain names of the CPU via a DNS server.
Supplying a Web browser with a CA certificate of the Web server
In the Web browser the user who accesses the websites of the CPU through HTTPS should
install the CA certificate of the CPU. If no certificate is installed, a warning is output
recommending that you do not use the page. To view this page, you must explicitly "Add an
The user receives the valid root certificate for download from the "Intro" Web page of the
CPU Web server under "Download certificate".
STEP 7 offers a different possibility: Export the CA certificate of the project with the
certificate manager into the global security settings in STEP 7. Subsequently import the CA
certificate into the browser.
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Course of the secure communication
The figure below shows, in simplified terms, how communication is established
("handshake") focusing on the negotiation of keys used for data exchange (here with HTTP
over TLS).
However, the course can be applied to all communication options that are based on the
usage of TLS, i.e. also for Secure Open User Communication (see Basics for secure
Figure 3-14 Handshake with https
The figure does not show the measures taken at Alice's end (browser) to verify the certificate
sent by the Web server. Whether Alice can trust the Web server certificate received and
therefore the identity of the Web server, and can accept the exchange of data, depends on
positive verification.
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The steps for verifying the authenticity of the Web server:
1. Alice must know the public keys of all relevant certificate authorities, which means she
requires the complete certificate chain to verify the Web server certificate (i.e. the end-
entity certificate of the Web server):
Alice will generally have the required root certificate in her certificate memory. When a
Web browser is installed, a range of trusted root certificates is also installed. If she does
not have the root certificate, she has to download it from the certificate authority and
install it in the certificate store of the browser. The certificate authority can also be the
device on which the Web server is located.
You have the following options for obtaining the intermediate certificates:
The server itself sends the required intermediate certificates to Alice along with its
end-entity certificate in the form of a signed message so that Alice can verify the
integrity of the certificate chain.
The certificates often contain the URLs of the certificate issuer. Alice can load the
required intermediate certificates from these URLs.
When you work with certificates in STEP 7 it is always assumed that you have imported
the intermediate certificates and the root certificate into the project and assigned them to
the module.
2. Alice validates the signatures in the certificate chain with the public keys of the
3. The symmetric key must be generated and transferred to the Web server.
4. If the Web server is addressed by its domain name, Alice also verifies the identity of the
Web server in accordance with the Internet PKI rules defined in RFC 2818. She is able to
do this because the URL of the Web server, in this case the "Fully Qualified Domain
Name" (FQDN), is saved in the end-entity certificate of the Web server. If the certificate
entry in the "Subject Alternative Name" field corresponds to the entry in the address bar
of the browser, everything is fine.
The process continues with the exchange of data with the symmetric key, as shown in the
figure above.
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3.7 SNMP
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Disabling SNMP
The network management protocol SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a
protocol that uses various services and tools for detection and diagnostics of the network
Which SNMP requests the S7-1500 CPUs and the S7-1200 CPUs can receive, is described
in this FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/79993228).
SNMP uses the transport protocol UDP. SNMP recognizes two network components, the
SNMP manager and the SNMP client. The SNMP manager monitors the network nodes: The
SNMP clients collect the various network-specific information in the individual network nodes
and store it in a structured form in the MIB (Management Information Base). Various
services and tools can run detailed network diagnostics with the help of these data.
Under certain conditions, it is useful to disable SNMP. Examples:
The security guidelines in your network do not allow the use of SNMP.
You use your own SNMP solution, e.g. with your own communications instructions.
If you disable SNMP for a device, various options for diagnostics of the network topology
(e.g. using the PRONETA tool or the Web server of the CPU) are no longer available to you.
Disabling SNMP
To disable SNMP for one of the integrated interfaces of a S7-1500 CPU, follow these steps:
1. In STEP 7, create a data block that contains the structure of data record B071H.
The following table shows the structure of the data record B071H.
The data record length is
counted starting at byte 4
2-3 BlockLength 8
00 H
8-11 SNMP controller Disable/enable SNMP If you want to disable SNMP,
enter the value 0.
If you want to enable SNMP,
enter the value 1.
2. Transfer the data record B071H in the startup OB (OB100) with the WRREC instruction
(write data record) to the CPU.
Use the hardware ID of an integrated interface of the CPU here.
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Example: Disabling SNMP for a CPU 1516-3 PN/DP
As the security guidelines in your network do not allow SNMP, you want to disable SNMP for
a CPU 1516-3 PN/DP.
CPU 1516-3 PN/DP with firmware version V2.0
STEP 7 as of V14
First, create a data block that contains the structure of data record B071H. The figure below
shows the data block "Deactivate SNMP". The data block "Deactivate SNMP" contains the
data record B071H as well as additional tags that you use to transfer the data record. The tag
"snmp_deactivate" is used to trigger the job for WRREC. Place this tag in the retentive
memory area so that the value is also available in the startup OB (OB100).
Figure 3-15 Example: Data block for disabling SNMP
Transfer the data record B071H in the startup OB (OB100) to CPU 1516-3 PN/DP with the
WRREC instruction (write data record).
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In the following program code, the data record B071H is transferred with the WRREC
instruction in a REPEAT UNTIL loop.
TITLE = "Complete Restart"
{ S7_Optimized_Access := 'TRUE' }
(REQ := "Deactivate SNMP".snmp_deactivate,
//Transfer data record
//Data record number for SNMP deactivation
//any integrated PROFINET Interface
DONE => "Deactivate SNMP".snmp_done,
ERROR => "Deactivate SNMP".snmp_error,
STATUS => "Deactivate SNMP".snmp_status,
RECORD := "Deactivate SNMP".snmp_record)
//Data record
UNTIL "Deactivate SNMP".snmp_done OR "Deactivate SNMP".snmp_error
Using program code
You will find the full program code here.
Follow these steps to apply the program code to your project:
1. Copy the entire program code to the clipboard with Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C.
2. Open a text editor (e.g. "Editor").
3. Paste the content of the clipboard to the text editor with Ctrl+V.
4. Save the document as an scl file, e.g. SNMP_DEACT.scl.
5. Open your project in STEP 7.
6. Import the scl file as an external source.
You will find further information on importing external sources in the STEP 7 online help.
7. Generate the startup OB and the data blocks. (right-click on the scl file, shortcut menu:
"Generate blocks from source")
Re-enabling SNMP
With small changes, you can use the program code used above to enable SNMP.
In the user program, assign the "Deactivate SNMP".snmp_record.SNMPControl tag the
value "1":
"Deactivate SNMP".snmp_record.SNMPControl := 1;
SNMP will then be enabled again the next time the CPU is started.
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PG communication
Using PG communication, the CPU or another module capable of communication exchanges
data with an engineering station (for example PG, PC). The data exchange is possible via
PROFIBUS and PROFINET subnets. The gateway between S7 subnets is also supported.
PG communication provides functions needed to load programs and configuration data, run
tests, and evaluate diagnostic information. These functions are integrated in the operating
system of the module capable of communication.
A PG/PC can be connected to a CPU online. The PG/PC can operate a maximum of 4 online
connections at one time (for example to 4 CPUs).
The PG/PC is physically connected to the communication-capable module.
If the communication-capable module is to be reached via S7 routing, the hardware
configuration has to be loaded in the participating stations (S7 router and end point).
Procedure for connecting online
You must establish an online connection to the CPU for the programming device
1. Select the CPU in the project tree in STEP 7.
2. Select the "Online > Go online" menu command.
3. In the "Go online" dialog, make the following settings for your online connection:
Select interface type (e.g. PN/IE) in the "Type of PG/PC interface" drop-down list.
In the "PG/PC interface" drop-down list, select the PG/PC interface (e.g. Ind. Ethernet
card) you want to use to establish the online connection.
Select the interface or the S7 subnet with which the programming device/PC is
physically connected from the "Connection to interface/subnet" drop-down list.
PG communication
64 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
If the communication-capable module can be reached via an S7 router (gateway),
select the S7 router that connects the subnets in question from the "1st gateway"
drop-down list.
Figure 4-1 Setting up PG communication
4. Click "Start search".
All devices that you can address with PG communication appear shortly thereafter in the
table "Compatible devices in target subnet".
5. In the "Compatible devices in target subnet" table, select the relevant CPU and confirm
with "Go online".
Additional information
You can find more information on "Go online" in the STEP 7 online help.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 65
HMI communication
Using HMI communication, one or more HMI devices (for example HMI
Basic/Comfort/Mobile Panel) exchanges data with a CPU for operator control and monitoring
with via the PROFINET or PROFIBUS DP interface. The data exchange is via HMI
If you want to set up several HMI connections to a CPU, use for example:
The PROFINET and PROFIBUS DP interfaces of the CPU
CPs and CMs with the relevant interfaces
Procedure for setting up HMI communication
As soon as you drag-and-drop a tag, for example a tag from a global data block into an HMI
screen or into the HMI tag table, STEP 7 automatically sets up an HMI connection.
Alternatively, you can also set up the HMI connection yourself.
To set up an HMI connection, follow these steps.
1. Configure the HMI device in an existing configuration with a CPU in the network view of
the Devices & networks editor of STEP 7.
2. Select the "Connections" button and then "HMI connection" from the drop-down list.
3. Drag-and-drop a line between the end points of the connection (HMI device and CPU).
The end points are highlighted in color. If the required S7 subnet does not yet exist, it is
created automatically.
HMI communication
66 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
4. In the "Connections" tab, select the row of the HMI connection.
In the "General" area of the "Properties" tab, you see the properties of the HMI
connection, some of which you can change.
Figure 5-1 Setting up HMI communication
5. Download the hardware configuration to the CPU.
6. Download the hardware configuration to the HMI device.
Additional information
You can find information on S7 routing for HMI connections in the section S7 Routing
(Page 260).
You can find more information on setting up HMI connections in the STEP 7 online help.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 67
Open User Communication
Overview of Open User Communication
Features of Open User Communication
Through Open User Communication, also called "open communication", the CPU exchanges
data with another device capable of communication. Open User Communication has the
following features and characteristics:
Open standard (communication partners can be two SIMATIC CPUs or a SIMATIC CPU
and a suitable third-party device).
Communication via various protocols (in STEP 7 known as "Connection types")
High degree of flexibility in terms of the data structures transferred; this allows open data
exchange with any communications devices as long as these support the connection
types available.
Secure Communication: To protect your automation system, you can exchange data
securely over Open User Communication. With Secure Open User Communication, the
data is sent signed and encrypted.
Open User Communication is possible in various automation systems, see technical
specifications of the respective manuals.
Integrated PROFINET / Ind. Ethernet interfaces of CPUs (S7-1500, ET 200SP CPU,
S7-1500 Software Controller, CPU 1516pro-2 PN)
PROFINET / Ind. Ethernet interfaces of communications modules (for example
CP 1543-1, CM 1542-1)
Information on Secure Open User Communication is available in the section Secure
Communication (Page 37).
Information on S7-1500R/H
You can find information on Open User Communication with the S7-1500R/H redundant
system in section Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H (Page 283).
Open User Communication
6.2 Protocols for Open User Communication
68 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Protocols for Open User Communication
Protocols for Open User Communication
The following protocols are available for open communication:
Table 6- 1 Transport protocols for open communication
Transport protocol
Via interface
TCP according to RFC 793
PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet
according to RFC 1006 (Class 4) PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet
ISO according to ISO/IEC 8073
Industrial Ethernet (only CP 1543-1)
according to RFC 768 PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet
Table 6- 2 Application protocols for open communication
Application protocol
Used transport protocol
Modbus TCP
TCP according to RFC 793
TCP according to RFC 793
TCP according to RFC 793
Prior to data transfer, these protocols (except UDP) establish a transport connection to the
communications partner. Connection-oriented protocols are used when potential loss of data
needs to be avoided.
The following is possible with UDP:
Unicast to one device or broadcast to all devices on PROFINET via the PROFINET
interface of the CPU or the Industrial Ethernet interface of the CP 1543-1
Multicast to all recipients of a multicast group via the PROFINET interface of the CPU* or
the PROFINET / Industrial Ethernet interface of the CP 1543-1
* As of firmware version V2.0, the PROFINET interface of the CPU supports a maximum of 5
multicast groups
Maximum user data lengths UDP: Which maximum user data length is supported for the
UPD is described in the technical specifications in the respective manuals.
Open User Communication
6.2 Protocols for Open User Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 69
Protocol for communication via PROFIBUS: FDL
Data transfer via an FDL connection (Fieldbus Data Link) is suitable for the transfer of
related blocks of data to a communications partner on PROFIBUS that supports the sending
and receiving of data according to the FDL service SDA (Send Data with Acknowledge)
according to EN 50170, Vol 2. Both partners have the same rights; in other words, each
partner can initiate sending and receiving event-driven.
In keeping with the FDL service SDN (Send Data with No Acknowledge) according to
EN 50170, Vol 2, the following is possible with FDL:
Broadcast to all devices on PROFIBUS via the PROFIBUS interface of the CM 1542-5
Multicast to all recipients of a multicast group via the PROFIBUS interface of the
CM 1542-5
Modbus TCP
The Modbus protocol is a communication protocol with linear topology based on a
master/slave architecture. In the Modbus TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), the data is
transmitted as TCP/IP packets.
Communication is controlled solely by suitable instructions in the user program.
E-mail and FTP
You can use email to send for example, data block contents (e.g. process data) as an
You can use the FTP connection (FTP = File Transfer Protocol) to transmit files to and from
S7 devices.
The communication is controlled by instructions in the user program at the client end.
Application example: MQTT Publisher for the SIMATIC S7-1500 CPU
The "Message Queue Telemetry Transport" (MQTT) is a simple protocol on the TCP/IP
level. It is suitable for the exchange of messages between devices with lower functionality
and for the transfer via unreliable networks.
The application example provides a function block with which you can implement the MQTT
protocol into the SIMATIC S7-1500.
You can find the application example on the Internet
Open User Communication
6.3 Instructions for Open User Communication
70 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Block library for SYSLOG messages
Syslog is a simply structured binary profile on UDP/IP level. It enables applications to send
messages, warnings or error states to a Syslog server. Syslog is typically used for computer
system management and security monitoring, and has established itself as a standard in the
field of protocols.
The "LSyslog" library offers you a solution to implement the Syslog protocol in an S7-1500.
In addition to the library, an application example is provided that shows you how to generate
Syslog messages in your controller and send them to the Syslog server.
You can find the block library "LSyslog" and the associated application example on the
Internet (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/51929235).
Instructions for Open User Communication
You set up Open User Communication via the corresponding connection (for example, TCP
connection) as follows:
By programming in the user programs of the communications partners or
By configuring the connection in STEP 7 in the hardware and network editor
Regardless of whether you set up the connection by programming or configuring,
instructions are always required in the user programs of both communications partners for
sending and receiving the data.
Open User Communication
6.3 Instructions for Open User Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 71
Setting up the connection via the user program
If the connection is set up by programming, the connection establishment and termination is
implemented using instructions in the user program.
In certain areas of application it is an advantage not to set up the communications
connections statically by configuring in the hardware configuration, but to have them set up
by the user program. You can set up the connections via a specific application program-
controlled and therefore when necessary. Programmed connection setup also allows
connection resources to be released following data transfer.
A data structure is necessary for each communications connection that contains the
parameters for establishing the connection (for example system data type "TCON_IP_v4" for
The system data types (SDT) are provided by the system and have a predefined structure
that cannot be changed.
The various protocols have their own data structures (see table below). The parameters are
stored in a data block ("connection description DB") for example of the system data type
There are two ways in which you can specify the DB with the data structure:
Recommendation: Have the data block created automatically in the properties in the
program editor during parameter assignment of the connection for the TSEND_C,
TRCV_C and TCON instructions.
Create the data block manually, assign parameters to it and write it directly to the
Necessary for:
Secure OUC
Connection over DNS
You can modify the connection parameters in the "connection description DB".
This FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/58875807) describes how to
program the TCON instruction to set up a connection for Open User Communication
between two S7-1500 CPUs.
Open User Communication
6.3 Instructions for Open User Communication
72 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Protocols, system data types and employable instructions for programmed setup
The following table shows the protocols of the Open User Communication and the matching
system data types and instructions.
Table 6- 3 Instructions for programmed setup of the connection
System data type
Establish connection and
send/receive data via:
(connection can be terminated via
ISO according to ISO/IEC 8073
(Class 4)
Establish connection and
send/receive data via:
(connection can be terminated via
FDL1 TCON_FDL Establish connection and
send/receive data via:
(connection can be terminated via
Modbus TCP TCON_IP_v4
E-mail TMAIL_v4
This protocol can only be used with the CM 1542-5
This protocol can only be used with the CP 1543-1
3 User-defined data type
Open User Communication
6.3 Instructions for Open User Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 73
The following table shows you the different connections of the Secure Open User
Communication and the matching system data types and instructions.
Secure OUC connection
System data type
Secure TCP connection from an
S7-1500 CPU as TLS client to a
third-party PLC (TLS server)
Secure TCP connection from an
S7-1500 CPU as TLS server to a
third-party PLC (TLS client)
Secure TCP connection between
two S7-1500 stations
Secure connection to a mail serv-
TMAIL_C (V5.0 or higher)
Secure Modbus TCP connection TCON_IP_V4_SEC1 MB_Client
Also possible for CP 1543-1
2 Secure connection to a mail server also possible with CP1543-1 und TMAIL_C (V4.0)
Setting up the connection with connection configuration
When setting up through the configuration of the connection, the address parameters of the
connection are specified in the hardware and network editor of STEP 7.
To send and receive the data, use the same instructions as when the connections are set up
by programming:
Table 6- 4 Instructions for sending/receiving with configured connections
Send/receive with configured connections
Supported instructions:
Send/receive data via:
ISO according to ISO/IEC 8073
(Class 4)
UDP Send/receive data via:
FDL Send/receive data via:
Modbus TCP
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Open User Communication
6.3 Instructions for Open User Communication
74 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Additional instructions for open communication
You can use the following instructions for connections set up in the user program as well as
for configured connections:
T_RESET: Terminating and establishing a connection
T_DIAG: Check the connection
Basic examples for Open User Communication
The Siemens Online Support offers you function blocks (FBs) that facilitate the handling of
the instructions of the Open User Communication. You can find the function block with
corresponding examples on the Internet
Additional information
The STEP 7 online help describes:
The user and system data types
The instructions for open communication
The connection parameters
You will find information about the allocation and release of connection resources in the
section Allocation of connection resources (Page 271).
See also
Secure Open User Communication (Page 94)
Open User Communication
6.4 Open User Communication with addressing via domain names
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 75
Open User Communication with addressing via domain names
As of firmware version V2.0, S7-1500 CPUs, ET 200SP CPUs and the CPU 1516pro-2 PN
support Open User Communication with addressing via Domain Name System (DNS). A
DNS client is integrated in the CPU. In the case of communication via DNS, you use domain
names as an alias for IP addresses to address communication partners. Addressing of the
communication partners via domain names is possible for open communication via TCP and
At least one DNS server must be located in your network as a requirement for
communication via DNS.
The S7-1500 software controller supports communication via DNS for all interfaces that are
assigned to the software controller.
Setting up communication via DNS
The DNS client of the CPU must know the IPv4 address of at least one DNS server so that a
CPU can establish a connection to a communication partner via its domain name. The CPU
supports up to 4 different DNS servers.
To set up communication via domain names for an S7-1500 CPU, follow these steps:
1. Select the CPU in the network view of STEP 7.
2. In the Inspector window go to "Properties" > "General" > "DNS configuration".
3. Enter the IPv4 address of a DNS server in the "DNS server addresses" column of the
"Server list" table.
You can enter up to 4 IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.
Figure 6-1 Entering DNS server addresses using a CPU 1516-3 PN/DP as an example
Open User Communication
6.4 Open User Communication with addressing via domain names
76 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Setting up a TCP connection via the domain name of the communication partner
For TCP communication via the domain name you need to create a data block with the
TCON_QDN system data type yourself, assign parameters and call it directly at the
instruction. The TCON, TSEND_C and TRCV_C instructions support the system data type
To set up a TCP connection via the domain name of the communication partner, follow these
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_QDN in the global data block.
The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag
"DNS Connection1" of data type TCON_QDN is defined.
Figure 6-2 Data type TCON_QDN
3. Program the parameters of the TCP connection (for example the fully qualified domain
name (FQDN)) in the tag of data type TCON_QDN.
4. Create a TCON instruction in the program editor.
5. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction with the tag of the data
type TCON_QDN.
In the example below, the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction is
interconnected with the tag "DNS connection1" (data type TCON_QDN).
Figure 6-3 TCON instruction
Open User Communication
6.5 Setting up Open User Communication via TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP and ISO
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 77
Addressing a UDP connection via the domain name of the communication partner
For S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware version V2.0, you can address the recipient with its fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) when sending data via UDP. With the instruction TUSEND at
the parameter ADDR, you hereby reference a structure of the type TADDR_SEND_QDN.
The receiver can return an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. With the TURCV instruction at the
ADDR parameter, you therefore reference a structure of the TADDR_RCV_IP type. Only this
structure can include both IP address types.
Network load
In contrast to the TCP the UDP protocol does not work connection
-oriented. For every edge
at the block parameter REQ, the TUSEND or TURCV command perfo
rms queries of the
DNS server. This can lead to high network load or load on the DNS server.
Additional information
You can find more information about the system data types TCON_QDN,
TADDR_SEND_QDN and TADDR_RCV_IP in the STEP 7 online help.
How to set up a secure TCP connection via the domain name of the communication partner
is described in the section Secure Open User Communication (Page 94).
Setting up Open User Communication via TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP
and ISO
Configuring a connection for the TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instructions
Requirement: A TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instruction is created in the programming
1. Select a TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C block of Open User Communication in the
program editor.
2. Open the "Properties > Configuration" tab in the inspector window.
Open User Communication
6.5 Setting up Open User Communication via TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP and ISO
78 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
3. Select the "Connection parameters" group. Until you select a connection partner, only the
empty drop-down list for the partner end point is enabled. All other input options are
The connection parameters already known are displayed:
Name of the local end point
Interface of the local end point
IPv4 address of the local end point
Figure 6-4 Connection parameters for TSEND_C
4. In the drop-down list box of the partner end point, select a connection partner. You can
select an unspecified device or a CPU in the project as the communication partner.
Certain connection parameters are then entered automatically.
The following parameters are set:
Name of the partner end point
Interface of the partner end point
Open User Communication
6.5 Setting up Open User Communication via TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP and ISO
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 79
IPv4 address of the partner end point
If the connection partners are networked, the name of the subnet is displayed.
5. In the "Configuration type" drop-down list, select between using program blocks or
configured connections.
6. Select an existing connection description DB in the "Connection data" drop-down list or
for configured connections select an existing connection under "Connection name". You
can also create a new connection description DB or a new configured connection. Later,
you can still select other connection description DBs or configured connections or change
the names of the connection description DBs in order to create new data blocks:
You can also see the selected data block at the interconnection of the CONNECT
input parameter of the selected TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C instruction.
If you have already specified a connection description DB for the connection partner
using the CONNECT parameter of the TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C instruction, you
can either use this DB or create a new DB.
If you edit the name of the displayed data block in the drop-down list, a new data block
with the changed name but with the same structure and content is generated and
used for the connection.
Changed names of a data block must be unique in the context of the communication
A connection description DB must have the structure TCON_Param, TCON_IP_v4 or
TCON_IP_RFC, depending on CPU type and connection.
A data block cannot be selected for an unspecified partner.
Additional values are determined and entered after the selection or creation of the
connection description DB or configured connection.
The following is valid for specified connection partners:
ISO-on-TCP connection type
Connection ID with default of 1
Active connection establishment by local partner
for S7-1200/1500: E0.
The following is valid for unspecified connection partners:
TCP connection type
Partner port 2000
The following applies for a configured connection with a specified connection partner:
TCP connection type
Connection ID with default of 257
Active connection establishment by local partner
Partner port 2000
The following applies for a configured connection with an unspecified connection partner:
TCP connection type
Local port 2000
Open User Communication
6.5 Setting up Open User Communication via TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP and ISO
80 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
7. Enter a connection ID as needed for the connection partner. No connection ID can be
assigned to an unspecified partner.
You must enter a unique value for the connection ID at a known
connection partner. The
uniqueness of the connection ID is not checked by the connection parameter settings and
there is no default value entered for the connection ID when you create a new
8. Select the desired connection type in the relevant drop-down list. Default values are set
for the address details depending on the connection type. You can choose between the
ISO (only with Configuration mode "Use configured connection")
You can edit the input boxes in the address details. Depending on the selected protocol,
you can edit the ports (for TCP and UDP) or the TSAPs (for ISO-on-TCP and ISO).
9. Use the "Active connection establishment" check box to set the connection establishment
characteristics for TCP, ISO and ISO-on-TCP. You can decide which communication
partner establishes the connection actively.
Changed values are checked immediately for input errors by the connection configuration
and entered in the data block for the connection description.
Open User
Communication between two communication partners can only work when the
program section for the partner end point has been downloaded to the hardware. To achieve
fully functional communication, make sure that you load not only the connection description
the local CPU on the device but also that of the partner CPU as well.
Open User Communication
6.5 Setting up Open User Communication via TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP and ISO
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 81
Configuring connections, e.g. for TSEND/TRCV
If you want to use the instructions for TSEND/TRCV for open communication, for example,
you first need to configure a connection (e.g. TCP connection).
To configure a TCP connection, follow these steps:
1. Configure the communications partners in the network view of the Devices & networks
editor of STEP 7.
2. Click the "Connections" button and select the "TCP connection" connection type from the
drop-down list.
3. Using drag-and-drop, connect the communication partner with each other (via an
interface or local end point). If the required S7 subnet does not yet exist, it is created
You can also set up a connection to unspecified partners.
4. Select the created connection in the network view.
5. Set the properties of the connection in the "Properties" tab in the "General" area, for
example the name of the connection and the interfaces of the communications partner
that will be used.
For connections to an unspecified partner, set the address of the partner.
You can find the local ID (reference of the connection in the user program) in the "Local
ID" area.
6. In the Project tree, select the "Program blocks" folder for one of the CPUs and open OB1
in the folder by double-clicking on it. The program editor opens.
7. Select the required instruction from the "Instructions" task card, "Communication" area,
"Open user communication", for example TSEND and drag it to a network of OB1.
8. At the ID parameter of the instruction, assign the local ID of the configured connection to
be used for the transmission of data.
9. Interconnect the "DATA" parameter of the TSEND instruction with the user data, for
example in a data block.
10.Download the hardware configuration and user program to the CPU.
Based on the procedure described above, set up the connection on the partner CPU with the
instruction for receiving, TRCV, and download it to the CPU.
Open User Communication
6.5 Setting up Open User Communication via TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP and ISO
82 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Point to note with ISO connections with CP 1543-1
If you use the "ISO connection" connection type, you will need to select the "Use ISO
protocol" check box in the properties of the CP so that addressing using MAC addresses will
Figure 6-5 Select CP 1543-1 ISO protocol
Additional information
The STEP 7 online help describes:
The instructions for open communication
The connection parameters
This FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109479564) describes how
the instructions TSEND_C and TRCV_C behave in the S7-1500.
Open User Communication
6.6 Setting up communication over FDL
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 83
Setting up communication over FDL
Configuration software: STEP 7 Professional V14
End point of the connection: CPU S7-1500 firmware version V2.0 or higher with
communication module CM 1542-5 with firmware version V2.0
Setting up a configured FDL connection
Proceed as follows to set up a configured FDL connection in STEP 7:
1. Create a TSEND_C instruction in the program editor.
2. Select the TSEND_C instruction and go to "Properties" > "General" > "Connection
parameters" in the Inspector window.
3. Under End point, select the partner end point. Use one of the two partner end points
CPU S7-1500 with CM 1542-5
4. Under Configuration type, select "Use configured connection".
5. Under Connection type, select "FDL".
6. Under Interface, select the following interfaces:
Local: PROFIBUS interface of CM 1542-5
Specified partner: PROFIBUS interface of CM 1542-5
7. Under Connection data, select the setting <new>.
Open User Communication
6.6 Setting up communication over FDL
84 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
The figure below shows a fully configured FDL connection in STEP 7.
Figure 6-6 Configuring the FDL connection
Setting up an FDL connection in the user program
For communication via FDL, you need to create the data block of the TCON_FDL system
data type yourself in each case, assign parameters and call it directly at the instruction.
Follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. In the global data block, define a tag of the data type TCON_FDL.
The example below shows the global data block "FDL_connection" in which the tag
"FDL_connection" of the data type TCON_FDL is defined.
Figure 6-7 Programming an FDL connection
3. Program the parameters of the FDL connection (e.g. the PROFIBUS addresses) in the
tag of the data type TCON_FDL.
Open User Communication
6.6 Setting up communication over FDL
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 85
4. Create a TCON instruction in the program editor.
5. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction with the tag of the data
type TCON_FDL.
In the example below, the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction is
interconnected with the tag "FDL_Connection" (data type TCON_FDL).
Figure 6-8 Example: TCON Instruction for FDL connection
Open User Communication
6.7 Setting up communication with Modbus TCP
86 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Setting up communication with Modbus TCP
Setting up a connection for Modbus TCP via the user program
The parameter assignment takes place in the program editor at the instruction MB_CLIENT
Procedure for setting up communication using Modbus TCP
The MB_CLIENT instruction communicates as a Modbus TCP client via the TCP connection.
You establish a connection between the client and the server with the instruction, send
Modbus requests to the server and receive the corresponding Modbus responses. You also
control the setup of the TCP connection with this instruction.
The MB_SERVER instruction communicates as a Modbus TCP server via the TCP
connection. The instruction processes connection requests of a Modbus client, receives and
processes Modbus requests and sends responses. You also control the setup of the TCP
The client can reach the server via IP communication in the network.
1. Configure an S7-1500 automation system with CPU in the network view of the Devices &
networks editor of STEP 7.
2. In the Project tree, select the "Program blocks" folder and open OB1 in the folder by
double-clicking on it. The program editor opens.
3. Select the required instruction, for example MB_CLIENT, from the "Instructions" task
card, "Communication" area, "Other", "MODBUS TCP" and drag it to a network of OB1.
Open User Communication
6.7 Setting up communication with Modbus TCP
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 87
4. Assign the parameters of the MB_CLIENT or MB_SERVER instruction. Observe the
following rules:
An IPv4 server address must be specified for each MB_CLIENT connection.
Each MB_CLIENT or MB_SERVER connection must use a unique instance DB with one
of the data structures TCON_IP_v4 or TCON_QDN.
Each connection requires a unique connection ID. The connection ID and instance DB
belong together in pairs and must be unique for each connection.
Figure 6-9 MB_CLIENT
Figure 6-10 MB_SERVER
5. Download the hardware configuration and user program to the CPU.
Open User Communication
6.7 Setting up communication with Modbus TCP
88 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Modbus TCP server as gateway to Modbus RTU
If you use a Modbus TCP server as a gateway to a Modbus RTU protocol, address the slave
device in the serial network using the static parameter, MB_UNIT_ID. The MB_UNIT_ID
parameter corresponds to the field of the slave address in the Modbus RTU protocol. The
MB_UNIT_ID parameter in this case would forward the request to the correct Modbus RTU
slave address.
You do not have to program the gateway function yourself.
You can find the MB_UNIT_ID parameter in the instance data block associated with
MB_CLIENT instruction.
You can find more information on the MB_UNIT_ID parameter in the STEP 7 online help.
This FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/94766380) describes how
to program and configure the Modbus TCP communication between two S7-1500 CPUs.
This FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/102020340) describes
how to program and configure Modbus TCP communication between an S7-1500 CPU
and an S7-1200 CPU.
Open User Communication
6.8 Setting up communication via e-mail
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 89
Setting up communication via e-mail
Setting up a connection for e-mail via the user program
For communication using e-mail, you need to create the data block of the relevant system
data type yourself, assign parameters and call the instruction directly. This procedure is
introduced below.
Procedure for setting up communication using e-mail
A CPU can send e-mails. To send e-mails from the user program of the CPU, use the
TMAIL_C instruction.
The SMTP server can be reached via the IPv4 network.
1. Configure an S7-1500 automation system with CPU in the network view of the Devices &
networks editor of STEP 7.
2. Assign parameters to the instruction TMAIL_C, for example enter the subject of the e-mail
in Subject.
3. In a global data block create a variable of the type TMAIL_v4, TMAIL_v6 (only
CP 1543-1) or TMAIL_FQDN (only CP 1543-1).
4. Set the connecting parameters of the TCP connection in the variable in the "Start value"
column. Enter the IPv4 address of the mail server, for example, for the
"MailServerAddress" (for TMAIL_v4)
Connection parameters InterfaceId and ID
Note that you can enter the value "0
" for the interface ID and the ID with instruction
version V5.0 or higher of the instruction TMAIL_C in the data type TMAIL_V4_SEC. In
this case the CPU itself searches for a matching local CPU interface or a free connection
Interconnect the variable to the MAIL_ADDR_PARAM parameter of the TMAIL_C
5. Download the hardware configuration and user program to the CPU.
Additional information
The STEP 7 online help describes:
The system data types
The instructions for open communication
The connection parameters
Open User Communication
6.9 Setting up communication via FTP
90 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Setting up communication via FTP
Setting up a connection for FTP via the user program
For communication via FTP, you need to create the data block of the relevant system data
type yourself, assign parameters and call the instruction directly. This procedure is
introduced below.
FTP client and server functionality
Files can be sent by a CPU to an FTP server and can be received from the FTP server.
Communication with FTP is only possible for the S7-1500 using the CP 1543-1. The CP can
be an FTP server, FTP client or both. FTP clients can also be third-party systems/PCs.
For the FTP server functionality, configure the CP accordingly in STEP 7.
You can use the FTP client functionality to implement, for example, the establishment and
termination of an FTP connection, the transfer and deletion of files on the server. For the
FTP client functionality, use the FTP_CMD instruction.
Open User Communication
6.9 Setting up communication via FTP
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 91
Procedure for setting up FTP server functionality
The FTP server can be reached via the IPv4 network
1. Configure an S7-1500 automation system with CPU and CP 1543-1 in the device view of
the Devices & networks editor of STEP 7.
At the same time, you need to select the check box "Permit access with PUT/GET
communication from remote partner (PLC, HMI, OPC, ...)" in the HW configuration of the
S7-1500 CPU under the "Protection" area navigation in the section "Connection
2. Make the following settings in the properties of the CP under "FTP configuration":
Select the "Use FTP server for S7 CPU data" check box.
Assign the CPU, a data block and a file name under which the DB for FTP will be
Figure 6-11 Setting up the FTP configuration
3. Download the hardware configuration to the CPU.
Open User Communication
6.9 Setting up communication via FTP
92 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Procedure for setting up FTP client functionality
The FTP server can be reached via the IPv4 network
1. Configure an S7-1500 automation system with CPU and CP 1543-1 in the device view of
the Devices & networks editor of STEP 7.
At the same time, you need to select the check box "Permit access with PUT/GET
communication from remote partner (PLC, HMI, OPC, ...)" in the HW configuration of the
S7-1500 CPU under the "Protection" area navigation in the section "Connection
2. Call the FTP_CMD instruction in the user program of the CPU.
3. Set the connection parameters for the FTP server in the FTP_CMD instruction.
4. Create a global DB and within this DB a tag of the type FTP_CONNECT_IPV4,
5. Interconnect the tag within the data block with the FTP_CMD instruction.
6. For the connection to the FTP server, specify the following in the DB:
The user name, the password and the IP address for the FTP access in the relevant
7. Download the hardware configuration and user program to the CPU.
Application examples
Application example: FTP communication with S7-1500 and CP 1543-1
You can find the application example on the Internet
Application example: FTP client communication with S7-1200/1500
You can find the application example on the Internet
Additional information
The STEP 7 online help describes:
The system data types
The instructions for open communication
The connection parameters
Open User Communication
6.10 Establishment and termination of communications relations
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 93
Establishment and termination of communications relations
Establishment and termination of communications
The table below shows the establishment and termination of communications as part of open
Table 6- 5 Establishment and termination of communications
Setting up the connection
Establishing communication
Terminating communication
With the user program
After downloading the user program to the
The passive communications partner sets up
the local connection access by calling
TSEND_C/TRCV_C or TCON on the active
partner starts connection establishment. If
the connection could be established, there is
positive feedback to the instructions in the
user program.
After you have terminated a connection
using the instruction T_RESET, the connec-
tion is reestablished.
If the connection aborts, the active partner
attempts to re-establish the connection. This
applies only if the connection was success-
fully established beforehand with TCON.
and T_RESET instructions
When the CPU changes from RUN to
STOP mode
By configuring a connection
After downloading the connection configura-
tion and the user program to the CPUs.
By deleting the connection configuration in
STEP 7 and downloading the changed con-
figuration to the CPU.
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
94 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Secure Open User Communication
Secure OUC of an S7-1500 CPU as TLS client to an external PLC (TLS server)
The following section describes how you can set up Open User Communication via TCP
from an S7-1500 CPU as TLS client to a TLS server.
Setting up a secure TCP connection from an S7-1500 CPU as TLS client to a TLS server
S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware version V2.0 support secure communication with addressing
via a Domain Name System (DNS).
For secure TCP communication over the domain name you need to create a data block with
the TCON_QDN_SEC system data type yourself, assign parameters and call it directly at
one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON.
Current date and time are set in the CPU.
Your network includes at least one DNS server.
You have configured at least one DNS server for the S7-1500 CPU.
TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates.
To set up a secure TCP connection to a TLS server, follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC in the global data block.
The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag
"DNS ConnectionSEC" of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC is defined.
Figure 6-12 Data type TCON_QDN_SEC
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
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3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. Enter
the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the TLS server, for example, for
4. Set the parameters for secure communication in the "Start value" column.
"ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this
parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant.
You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case.
"ExtTLSCapabilities": If you enter the value 1, the client validates the
subjectAlternateName in the X.509-V3 certificate of the server to verify the identity of
the server. This validation is executed in the context of the instruction.
"TLSServerCertRef": ID of the X.509-V3 certificate (usually a CA certificate) that is
used by the TLS client to validate the TLS server authentication. If this parameter is 0,
the TLS client uses all (CA) certificates currently loaded in the client certificate store to
validate the server authentication.
Figure 6-13 Certificate handling from the perspective of the S7-1500 as a TLS client
"TLSClientCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate.
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
96 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
5. Create one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON in the program editor.
6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or
TCON with the tags of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC.
In the example below, the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction is
interconnected with the tag "DNS connectionSEC" (data type TCON_QDN_SEC).
Figure 6-14 TCON instruction
Additional information
You can find more information on the TCON_QDN_SEC system data type in the STEP 7
online help.
For additional information on secure communication, refer to the section Secure
Communication (Page 37).
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 97
Secure OUC of an S7-1500 CPU as TLS server to an external PLC (TLS client)
The following section describes how you can set up Open User Communication via TCP
from an S7-1500 CPU as TLS server to a TLS client.
Setting up a secure TCP connection via the domain name of the communication partner
S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware version V2.0 support secure communication with addressing
via a Domain Name System (DNS).
For secure TCP communication over the domain name you need to create a data block with
the TCON_QDN_SEC system data type yourself, assign parameters and call it directly at
one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON.
Current date and time are set in the CPU.
Your network includes at least one DNS server.
You have configured at least one DNS server for the S7-1500 CPU.
TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates.
To set up a secure TCP connection to a TLS client, follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC in the global data block.
The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag
"DNS ConnectionSEC" of the data type TCON_FDL_SEC is defined.
Figure 6-15 TCON_QDN_SEC_Server
3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. Enter,
for example, the local ID of the TCP connection for "ID".
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
98 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
4. Set the parameters for secure communication in the "Start value" column.
"ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this
parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant.
You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case.
"TLSServerReqClientCert": Request for an X.509-V3 certificate from the TLS client.
"TLSServerCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate.
Figure 6-16 Certificate handling from the perspective of the S7-1500 as TLS server
"TLSClientCertRef": ID of the X.509-V3 certificate (or a group of X.509-V3 certificates)
that is used by the TLS server to validate TLS client authentication. If this parameter is
0, the TLS server uses all (CA) certificates currently loaded in the server certificate
store to validate the client authentication.
5. Create one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON in the program editor.
6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or
TCON with the tags of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC.
In the example below, the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction is
interconnected with the tag "DNS connectionSEC" (data type TCON_QDN_SEC).
Figure 6-17 TCON instruction
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 99
Additional information
You can find more information about the system data types TCON_QDN_SEC in the STEP 7
online help.
For additional information on secure communication, refer to the section Secure
Communication (Page 37).
Secure OUC between two S7-1500 CPUs
The following section describes how you can set Secure Open User Communication via TCP
between two S7-1500 CPUs. In the process one S7-1500 CPU acts as TLS client (active
establishing of the connection) and the other S7-1500 CPU as TLS server (passive
establishing of the connection).
Setting up a secure TCP connection between two S7-1500 CPUs
For secure TCP communication between two S7-1500 CPUs you need to create a data
block with the TCON_IP_V4_SEC system data type yourself in every CPU, assign
parameters and call it directly at one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON.
Current date and time are set in the CPU.
Both S7-1500 CPUs have at least firmware version V2.0
TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates.
Figure 6-18 Certificate handling for Secure OUC between two S7-1500 CPUs
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
100 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Settings at the TLS client
To set up a secure TCP connection in the TLS client, follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_4_SEC in the global data block.
The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "SEC
connection 1 TLS-Client" of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC is defined.
Figure 6-19 IP_V4_SEC_Client
3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For
example, enter the IPv4 address of the TLS server for "RemoteAddress".
Connection parameters InterfaceId and ID
Note that you can enter the value "0
" for the interface ID and the ID in the data type
TMAIL_V4_SEC. In this case the CPU itself searches for a matching local CPU interface
or a free connection ID.
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
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4. Set the parameters for secure communication in the "Start value" column.
"ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this
parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant.
You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case.
"TLSServerCertRef": Enter the value 2 (reference to the CA certificate of the
TIA Portal project (SHA256) or the value 1 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA
Portal project (SHA1)). If you use a different CA certificate, enter the corresponding ID
from the certificate manager of the global security settings.
"TLSClientCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate.
5. Create one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON in the program editor.
6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or
TCON with the tags of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC.
Settings at the TLS server
To set up a secure TCP connection in the TLS server, follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_4_SEC in the global data block.
The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "SEC
connection 1 TLS-Server" of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC is defined.
Figure 6-20 IP_V4_SEC_Server
3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For
example, enter the IPv4 address of the TLS client for "RemoteAddress".
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
102 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
4. Set the parameters for secure communication in the "Start value" column.
"ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this
parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant.
You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case.
"TLSServerReqClientCert ": Request for an X.509-V3 certificate from the TLS client.
Enter the value "true".
"TLSServerCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate.
"TLSClientCertRef": Enter the value 2 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA Portal
project (SHA256) or the value 1 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA Portal
project (SHA1)). If you use a different CA certificate, enter the corresponding ID from
the certificate manager of the global security settings.
5. Create one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON in the program editor.
6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or
TCON with the tags of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC.
In the example below, the CONNECT parameter of the TSEND_C instruction is
interconnected with the "SEC connection 1 TLS client" tags (data type TCON_IP_4_SEC).
Figure 6-21 TSEND_C
Additional information
You can find more information about the system data types TCON_IP_4_SEC in the STEP 7
online help.
For additional information on secure communication, refer to the section Secure
Communication (Page 37).
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 103
Secure OUC via CP interface
The following sections describes the particular points to be taken into consideration in the
case of Secure Open User Communication via a CP interface. At least one station is an S7-
1500 station with the following modules:
S7-1500 CPU as of firmware version V2.0 (with the exception of S7-1500 Software
CP 1543-1 as of firmware version V2.0 or CP 1543SP-1 as firmware version V1.0
The CP acts in an S7-1500 station as a TLS client (active connection establishment) or a
TLS server (passive connection establishment).
The fundamental procedure and the concept for using secure communication via a CP
interface is similar to that of secure communication via the interfaces of the S7-1500 CPUs.
Essentially, you have to assign the certificates to the CPU in the role of a TLS server or TLS
client and not to the CPU. Other rules and procedures therefore apply. These are described
Handling certificates for CPs
The following applies in general: You have to be logged on at the certificate manager in the
global security settings. The generation of self-signed certificates also requires logon for the
global security settings. You have to have sufficient rights as a user (administrator or user
with the "Standard" role with the right to "Configure security").
The starting point for the generation or assignment of certificates at the CP is the section
"Security > Security properties". In this section, you log on for the global security settings.
1. In the network view of STEP 7, mark the CP and select the section "Security > Security
properties" in the Inspector window.
2. Click on the "User logon" button.
3. Log on using your user name and password.
4. Enable the "Activate security functions" option.
The security properties are initialized.
5. Click in the first line of the "Device certificates" table to generate a new certificate or
select an existing device certificate.
6. If the communication partner is also an S7-1500 station, you also have to assign a device
certificate to the communication partner with STEP 7 as described here or for the S7-
1500 CPU.
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
104 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Example: Setting up a secure TCP connection between two S7-1500 CPUs via CP interfaces
For secure TCP communication between two S7-1500 CPUs you need to create a data
block with the TCON_IPv4_SEC system data type yourself in every CPU, assign parameters
and call it directly at the one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON.
Both S7 1500 CPUs have at least firmware version V2.0. If you use the CP 1543SP-1:
Firmware version as of V1.0.
Both CPs (for example CP 1543-1) must have at least firmware version V2.0
TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates.
A device certificate (end-entity certificate) for the CP must be generated and be
located in the certificate memory of the CP. If a communication partner is an external
device (for example an MES or ERP system), a device certificate also has to exist for
this device.
The root certificate (CA certificate) with which the device certificate of the
communication partner is signed must also be located in the certificate memory of the
CP or in the certificate memory of the external device. If you use intermediate
certificates, you have to ensure that the complete certificate path exists in the
validating device. A device uses these certificates to validate the device certificate of
the communication partner.
The communication partner must always be addressed via its IPv4 address, not via its
domain name.
The following figure shows the different certificates in the devices for the case that both
communication partners communicate via a CP 1543-1. In addition, the figure shows the
transfer of the device certificates during establishment of the connection ("Hello").
Figure 6-22 Certificate handling in secure OUC between two S7-1500 CPUs via CP interfaces.
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
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Settings at the TLS client
To set up a secure TCP connection in the TLS client, follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_4_SEC in the global data block. To do so, enter
the string "TCON_IP_V4_SEC" in the "Data type" field.
The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "SEC
connection 1 TLS-Client" of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC is defined.
The Interface ID has the value of the HW identifier of the IE interface of the local CP (TLS
Figure 6-23 IP_V4_SEC_Client
3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For
example, enter the IPv4 address of the TLS server for "RemoteAddress".
4. Set the parameters for secure communication in the "Start value" column.
"ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this
parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant.
You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case.
"TLSServerCertRef": Enter the value 2 (reference to the CA certificate of the
TIA Portal project (SHA256) or the value 1 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA
Portal project (SHA1)). If you use a different CA certificate, enter the corresponding ID
from the certificate manager of the global security settings.
"TLSClientCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate.
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
106 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
5. Create one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON in the program editor.
6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or
TCON with the tags of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC.
Settings at the TLS server
To set up a secure TCP connection in the TLS server, follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_4_SEC in the global data block.
The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "SEC
connection 1 TLS-Server" of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC is defined.
The interface ID has the value of the HW identifier of the IE interface of the local CP (TLS
Figure 6-24 IP_V4_SEC_Server
3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For
example, enter the IPv4 address of the TLS client for "RemoteAddress".
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
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4. Set the parameters for secure communication in the "Start value" column.
"ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this
parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant.
You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case.
"TLSServerReqClientCert ": Request for an X.509-V3 certificate from the TLS client.
Enter the value "true".
"TLSServerCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate.
"TLSClientCertRef": Enter the value 2 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA Portal
project (SHA256) or the value 1 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA Portal
project (SHA1)). If you use a different CA certificate, enter the corresponding ID from
the certificate manager of the global security settings.
5. Create one of the instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON in the program editor.
6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the instruction TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON
with the tags of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC.
Upload device as new station
When you upload a configuration with certificates and configured secure Open User
Communication as a new station into your STEP 7 project, the certificates of the CP are not
uploaded, in contrast to the certificates of the CPU. After the device has been loaded as a
new station, no more certificates are contained in the corresponding tables of the CPs for the
device certificates.
You have to perform configuration of certificates again after the upload. Otherwise, renewed
loading of the configuration results in the certificates that originally exist in the CP being
deleted so that secure communication does not function.
Secure OUC connections via CPU and CP interfaces - similarities
Connection resources:
No differences between OUC and secure OUC. A programmed secure OUC connection
uses a connection resource just like an OUC connection, irrespective of which
IE/PROFINET interface communicates with the station.
Connection diagnostics:
No differences between OUC and secure OUC connection diagnostics.
Loading of projects with secure OUC connections into the CPU:
Only possible in STOP of the CPU, if certificates are loaded as well.
Recommendation: Load to device > Hardware and software. Reason: Ensuring the
consistency between the program with secure OUC, hardware configuration and
Certificates are loaded with the hardware configuration - therefore loading requires a stop
of the CPU. The reloading of blocks that utilize further secure OUC connections is only
possible in RUN if the certificates required for this purpose are already located on the
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
108 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Secure OUC with Modbus TCP
For secure Modbus TCP connection you need to create a data block with one of the system
data types TCON_IP_V4_SEC or TCON_QDN_SEC yourself, assign parameters and call it
directly at the MB_Server or MB_CLIENT instruction.
S7-1500 CPU CPU firmware version V2.5 or higher
The Modbus client (TLS client) can reach the Modbus server (TLS server) over IP
communication in the network.
TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates.
Example of setting up a secure Modbus TCP connection to a Modbus TCP server
The following section describes how you can set up a Secure Open User Communication
over Modbus TCP from a Modbus TCP client to a Modbus TCP server.
To set up a secure connection from a Modus TCP client (TLS client) to a Modbus TCP
server (TLS server) and set up the IPv4 address of the mail server, follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_V4 SEC in the global data block.
Figure 6-25 TCON_IP_V4_SEC
3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. Enter
the IPv4 address of the mail server, for example, for the "MailServerAddress".
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
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4. Set the parameters for secure communication in the "Start value" column. Enter the
certificate ID of the CA certificate of the communication partner, for example, for
"ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this
parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant. In
this case you can set up an unsecured Modbus TCP connection.
"TLSServerCertRef": Reference to the X.509 V3 (CA) certificate of the Modbus TCP
server, which is used by the TLS client to validate the authentication of the Modbus
TCP server.
5. Create an MB_CLIENT instruction in the program editor.
6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the MB_Client instruction with the tags of the
data type TCON_IP_4_SEC.
Secure OUC via e-mail
Setting up a secure connection to a mail server over the CPU interface
For secure communication to a mail server you need to create a data block with one of the
system data types TMAIL_V4_SEC, TMAIL_QDN_SEC yourself, assign parameters and call
it directly at the TMAIL_C instruction.
TMAIL_C instruction version V5.0 or higher
STEP 7 V15 and higher
S7-1500 CPU V2.5 and higher
You have assigned all the CA certificates of the mail server (TLS server) to the CPU (TLS
client) and have downloaded the configuration to the CPU.
Current date and time are set in the CPU.
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Process for establishing a secure connection to the mail server
You can choose between two processes for establishing the secure connection to the mail
SMTPS: The client attempts to immediately establish a TLS connection to the mail server
("handshake" process). If the mail server does not support TLS, then no connection is
STARTTLS: Client establishes a TCP connection to the mail server. The client sends a
request to "upgrade" the existing connection to a secure TLC connection over the TCP
connection. If the mail server supports TLS, the client sends the command to establish a
secure connection. The mail server uses the SMTP command "STARTTLS" to do this.
The client then establishes a secure connection to the mail server. Advantage: If the mail
server does not support TLS, client and mail server can communicate unsecured with
each other.
You use the "Remote Port" setting in the data types at the block parameter
"MAIL_ADDR_PARAM" to define which process is used for the communication.
Table 6- 6 Port numbers for the SMTPS and STARTTLS processes
STARTTLS Any (≠465)2
The instruction TMAIL_C uses SMTPS only for Port 465. For all other ports STARTTLS is used.
According to RFC, mail servers use Ports 25 and 587 for secure connections with STARTTLS. The
use of other port numbers for SMTP is not RFC-compliant, successful communication with such a
mail server is not guaranteed.
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 111
Example: Setting up a secure connection to a mail server over IPv4
The following section describes how to set up a secure connection to an IPv4 mail server
with the TMAIL_C communication instruction.
To set up a secure connection via the IP4 address of the mail server, follow these steps:
1. Create a global data block in the project tree.
2. Define a tag of the data type TMAIL_V4_SEC in the global data block.
The example below shows the global data block "MailConnDB" in which the tag
"MailConnectionSEC" of the data type TMAIL_V4_SEC is defined.
Figure 6-26 Data type TMAIL_V4_SEC
3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. Enter
the IPv4 address of the mail server, for example, for the "MailServerAddress".
Connection parameters InterfaceId and ID
Note that you can enter the value "0
" for the interface ID and the ID with instruction
ion V5.0 or higher of the instruction TMAIL_C in the data type TMAIL_V4_SEC. In
this case the CPU itself searches for a matching local CPU interface or a free connection
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
112 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
4. Set the parameters for secure communication in the "Start value" column. Enter the
certificate ID of the CA certificate of the communication partner, for example, for
"ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this
parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant.
You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case.
"TLSServerCertRef": Reference to the X.509 V3 (CA) certificate of the mail server,
which is used by the TLS client to validate the authentication of the mail server.
5. Create a TMAIL_C instruction in the program editor.
6. Interconnect the MAIL_ADDR_PARAM parameter of the TMAIL_C instruction with the tag
of the data type TMAIL_V4_SEC.
In the following example the MAIL_ADDR_PARAM parameter of the TMAIL_C instruction
is interconnected with the tag "MailConnectionSEC" (data type TMAIL_V4_SEC).
Figure 6-27 TMAIL_C instruction
Setting up a secure connection to a mail server over the interface of a communication module
For secure communication to a mail server over a communication module, you need to
create a data block with one of the system data types TMAIL_V4_SEC, TMAIL_QDN_SEC or
TMAIL_V6_SEC yourself, assign parameters and call it directly at the TMAIL_C instruction.
TMAIL_C instruction with version
S7-1500 CPU as of firmware version V2.0 with communication module CP 1543-1 as of
firmware version V2.0
ET 200SP CPU as of firmware version V2.0 with communication module CP 1542SP-1
(IRC) as of firmware version V1.0
You have assigned all the CA certificates of the mail server (TLS server) to the CP (TLS
client) and have downloaded the configuration to the CPU.
Current date and time are set in the CPU.
The STEP 7 online help describes how to set up a secure connection to a mail server over
the interface of a communication module.
Open User Communication
6.11 Secure Open User Communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 113
Application example
This application example (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/46817803)
show how you can use the CP of an S7-1500 or S7-1200 station to set up a secure
connection to an email server and send an email with the default application "TMAIL_C" from
the S7 CPU.
Additional information
You can find more information about the system data types TMail_V4_SEC and
TMAIL_QDN_SEC in the STEP 7 online help.
For additional information on secure communication, refer to the section Secure
Communication (Page 37).
114 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
S7 communication
Characteristics of S7 communication
S7 communication as homogeneous SIMATIC communication is characterized by vendor-
specific communication between SIMATIC CPUs (not an open standard). S7 communication
is used for migration and for connecting to existing systems (S7-300, S7-400).
For data transfer between two S7-1500 automation systems, we recommend that you use
open communication (see section Open User Communication (Page 67)).
Properties of S7 communication
Using S7 communication, the CPU exchanges data with another CPU. Once the user has
received the data at the receiver end, the reception data is automatically acknowledged to
the sending CPU.
The data is exchanged via configured S7 connections. S7 connections can be configured at
one end or at both ends.
S7 communication is possible via:
Integrated PROFINET or PROFIBUS DP interface of a CPU
Interface of a CP/CM
S7 connections configured at one end
For an S7 connection configured at one end, the configuration for this connection takes
place in only one communication partner and is only downloaded to it.
A one-sided S7 connection can be configured to a CPU that is only a server of an S7
connection (e.g. CPU 315-2 DP). The CPU is configured and the address parameters and
interfaces are thus known.
In addition, a one-sided S7 connection can be configured to a partner who is not in the
project and whose address parameters and interface and therefore are not known. You need
to enter the address; it is not checked by STEP 7. The partner is initially unspecified (no
partner address is registered when you create the S7 connection). Once you enter the
address, it is "unknown" (i.e. it is named, but the project is unknown).
This makes it possible to use S7 connections beyond the boundaries of a project. The
communication partner is unknown to the local project (unspecified) and is configured in
another STEP 7 or third-party project.
S7 connections configured at both ends
When an S7 connection is configured at both ends, the configuration and download of the
configured S7 connection parameters takes place in both communication partners.
S7 communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 115
Instructions for S7 communication
For S7 communication with S7-1500, the following instructions can be used:
You write data to a remote CPU with the PUT instruction. You can use the GET
instruction to read data from a remote CPU. The PUT and GET instructions and are one-
sided instructions, i.e. you need only an instruction in one communication partner. You
can can easily set up the PUT and GET instructions via the connection configuration.
Data blocks for PUT/GET instructions
When using the PUT/GET instructions, you can only use data blocks with absolute
ssing. Symbolic addressing of data blocks is not possible.
You must also enable this service for protection in the CPU configuration in the
"Protection" area.
This FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/82212115) provides
information about how to configure and program an S7 instruction and the GET and PUT
communication instructions for data exchange between two S7-1500 CPUs.
The BSEND instruction sends data to a remote partner instruction of the type BRCV. The
BRCV instruction receives data from a remote partner instruction of the type BSEND. You
use the S7 communication via the BSEND/BRCV instruction pair for secure transmission
of data.
The USEND instruction sends data to a remote partner instruction of the type URCV. The
URCV instruction receives data from a remote partner instruction of the type USEND.
You use the S7 communication via the USEND/URCV instruction pair for fast, non-secure
transmission of data regardless of the timing of the processing by the communications
partner; for example for operating and maintenance messages.
S7 communication
116 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
S7 communication via PROFIBUS DP interface in slave mode
You can find the "Test, commissioning, routing" check box in STEP 7 in the properties of the
PROFIBUS DP interface of communications modules (e.g. CM 1542-5). Using this check
box, you decide whether the PROFIBUS DP interface of the DP slave is an active or passive
device on PROFIBUS.
Check box selected: The slave is an active device on PROFIBUS.
Check box cleared: The DP slave is a passive device on PROFIBUS. You can only set up
S7 connections configured at one end for this DP slave.
Figure 7-1 "Test, commissioning, routing" check box
S7 communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 117
Configuring S7 connections for PUT/GET instructions
You can create S7 connections and assign the parameters for these in the connection
parameter assignment of the PUT/GET instructions. Changed values are checked
immediately by the connection parameter assignment for input errors.
Requirement: A PUT or GET instruction is created in the programming editor.
To configure an S7 connection using PUT/GET instructions, follow these steps:
1. In the program editor, select the call of the PUT or GET instruction.
2. Open the "Properties > Configuration" tab in the inspector window.
3. Select the "Connection parameters" group. Until you select a connection partner, only the
empty drop-down list for the partner end point is enabled. All other input options are
The connection parameters already known are displayed:
Name of the local end point
Interface of the local end point
IPv4 address of the local end point
S7 communication
118 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Figure 7-2 Connection configuration for PUT instruction
4. In the drop-down list box of the partner end point, select a connection partner. You can
select an unspecified device or a CPU in the project as the communication partner.
The following parameters are automatically entered as soon as you have selected the
connection partner:
Name of the partner end point
Interface of the partner end point. If several interfaces are available, you can change
the interface as required.
Interface type of the partner end point
Subnet name of both end points
IPv4 address of the partner end point
Name of the connection which is used for the communication.
5. If required, change the connection name in the "Connection name" input box. If you want
to create a new connection or edit an existing connection, click on the "Select connection"
button on the right side next to the input box for the connection name.
The PUT and GET instructions between two communication partners can only run if both
the hardware configuration and the program part for the partner end point have been
aded into the hardware. To achieve fully functional communication, make sure that you
load not only the connection description of the local CPU on the device but also that of
the partner CPU as well.
S7 communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 119
Configuring S7 connections for e.g. BSEND/BRCV
If you want to use the instructions for BSEND/BRCV for S7 communication, for example, you
first need to configure an S7 connection.
To configure a S7 connection, follow these steps:
1. Configure the communications partners in the network view of the Devices & networks
editor of STEP 7.
2. Select the "Connections" button and the "S7 connection" entry from the drop-down list.
3. Using drag-and-drop, connect the communication partner with each other (via an
interface or local end point). If the required S7 subnet does not yet exist, it is created
You can also set up a connection to unspecified partners.
4. In the "Connections" tab, select the row of the S7 connection.
5. Set the properties of the S7 connection in the "Properties" tab in the "General" area, for
example the name of the connection and the interfaces of the communications partner
that will be used.
For S7 connections to an unspecified partner, set the address of the partner.
You can find the local ID (reference of the S7 connection in the user program) in the
"Local ID" area.
6. In the Project tree, select the "Program blocks" folder for one of the CPUs and open OB1
in the folder by double-clicking on it. The program editor opens.
7. In the program editor, call the relevant instructions for S7 communication in the user
program of the communication partner (configured at one end) or in the user programs of
the communication partners (configured at both ends). Select the BSEND and BRCV
instructions from the "Communication" area of the "Instructions" task card, for example,
and drag them to a network of OB1.
8. At the ID parameter of the instruction, assign the local ID of the configured connection to
be used for the transmission of data.
9. Assign the parameters for the instructions indicating which data will be written to where
and which data will be read from where.
10.Download the hardware configuration and user program to the CPU(s).
S7 communication
120 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
S7 communication via CP 1543-1
If you set up S7 communication via the Industrial Ethernet interface of the CP 1543-1, you
can select the transport protocol for data transfer in the properties of the S7 connection
under "General":
"TCP/IP" check box selected (default): ISO-on-TCP (RFC 1006): for S7 communication
between S7-1500 CPUs
"TCP/IP" check box cleared: ISO protocol (ISO/IEC 8073): Addressing using MAC
Figure 7-3 Selecting the CP 1543-1 transport protocol
S7 communication
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 121
Procedure for setting up an S7 connection via different S7 subnets
You have the option of using an S7 connection over multiple S7 subnets (PROFIBUS,
PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet) (S7 routing (Page 260)).
1. Configure the communications partners in the network view of the Devices & networks
editor of STEP 7.
2. Select the "Network" button.
3. Connect the relevant interfaces with the S7 subnets (PROFIBUS, PROFINET/Industrial
Ethernet) using drag-and-drop.
4. Select the "Connections" button and the "S7 connection" entry from the drop-down list.
5. Using drag-and-drop in our example, connect PLC_1 in the left S7 subnet (PROFIBUS) to
PLC_3 in the right S7 subnet (PROFINET).
The S7 connection between CPU 1 and CPU 3 is configured.
Figure 7-4 S7 connections via different subnets
S7 communication
122 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
ET 200SP Open Controller as router for S7 connections
If you assign the "PROFINET onboard [X2]" interface to the CPU 1515SP PC (F) of the
SIMATIC PC station, the CPU 1515SP PC (F) can be used as a router for S7 connections. If
you use the CP interface for "None, or a different Windows setting", you cannot use the
Open Controller as a router for routed S7 connections.
An existing S7 connection routed by the CPU 1515SP PC (F) becomes invalid if the
assignment of the interface of the CPU 1515SP PC (F) is changed from "SIMATIC PC
station" to "None, or a different Windows setting". Since the PLC now no longer handles
routing functions for this connection, when the CPU 1515SP PC (F) is compiled, no message
relating to the invalid connection is displayed. The invalid routed S7 connection is displayed
only when the end points of the connection are compiled.
The interfaces required for routed S7 connections must remain explicitly assigned on the
CPU 1515SP PC (F) . You can edit the assignment of the interface of the CPU 1515SP
PC (F) in the properties under "PROFINET onboard [X2] > Interface assignment".
Figure 7-5 S7 routing PC station
Additional information
You can find detailed information on configuring S7 connections and how to use the
instructions for S7 communication in the user program in the STEP 7 online help.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 123
Point-to-point link
A point-to-point connection for S7-1500, ET 200MP and ET 200SP is established via
communications modules (CMs) with serial interfaces (RS232, RS422 or RS485):
S7-1500/ET 200MP:
CM PtP RS422/485 BA
CM PtP RS422/485 HF
ET 200SP:
The bidirectional data exchange via a point-to-point connection works between
communications modules or third-party systems or devices capable of communication. At
least 2 communication partners are required for communication ("point-to-point"). With
RS422 and RS485, more than two communications partners are possible.
Protocols for communication via a point-to-point connection
Freeport protocol (also called ASCII protocol)
Procedure 3964(R)
Modbus protocol in RTU format (RTU: Remote Terminal Unit)
USS protocol (universal serial interface protocol)
The protocols use different layers according to the ISO/OSI reference model:
Freeport: Uses layer 1 (physical layer)
3964 (R), USS and Modbus: Use layer 1 and 2 (physical layer and data link layer;
therefore greater transmission reliability than with Freeport). USS and Modbus use
additionally layer 4.
Properties of the Freeport protocol
The recipient recognizes the end of the data transfer by means of a selectable end
criterion (e.g. character delay time elapsed, receipt of end character, receipt of a fixed
amount of data).
The sender cannot recognize whether the sent data arrived free of errors at the recipient.
Point-to-point link
124 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Properties of procedure 3964 (R)
When the data is sent, control characters are added (start, end and block check
characters). Make sure that these control characters are not included as data in the
Connection establishment and termination makes use of control characters.
If transfer errors occur, data transfer is automatically repeated.
Data exchange using Freeport or 3964 (R) communication
The data to be sent is stored in the user program of the corresponding CPU in data blocks
(send buffer). A receive buffer is available on the communications module for the received
data. Check the properties of the receive buffer and adapt them if necessary. You must
create a data block for receiving in the CPU.
In the user program of the CPU, the "Send_P2P" and "Receive_P2P" instructions handle the
data transfer between the CPU and CM.
Procedure for setting up Freeport or 3964 (R) communication
1. Configure an S7-1500 configuration with CPU and CM in the device view of the hardware
and network editor of STEP 7.
2. Select the interface of the CM in the device view of STEP 7.
3. Assign the parameters of the interface (for example connection communication,
configuration of message sending) in the Inspector window of STEP 7 under "Properties"
> "General".
4. Select the "Send_P2P" or "Receive_P2P" instruction in the "Instructions" task card under
"Communication" > "Communications processor" and drag-and-drop the instruction into
the user program (for example into a FB).
5. Assign the parameters for the instructions according to your configuration.
6. Download the hardware configuration and user program to the CPU.
Otherwise: Dynamic parameter assignment of the communications module
In certain types of application it is an advantage to set up communication dynamically; in
other words, program-controlled by a specific application.
Typical applications for this, could be, for example manufacturers of serial machines. To
make the user interfaces as convenient as possible for their customers, these manufacturers
adapt the communications services to the particular operator entries.
Point-to-point link
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 125
Instructions for Freeport communication
There are 3 instructions available for the dynamic configuration in the user program for
Freeport communication. The following applies to all 3 instructions: the previously valid
configuration data is overwritten but not stored permanently in the target system.
The "Port_Config" instruction is used for the program-controlled configuration of the
relevant port of the communications module.
The "Send_Config" instruction is used for the dynamic configuration, for example of time
intervals and breaks in transmission (serial transmission parameters) for the relevant port.
The "Receive_Config" instruction is used for dynamic configuration, for example of
conditions for the start and end of a message to be transferred (serial receive
parameters) for the relevant port.
Instructions for 3964 (R) communication
There are 2 instructions available for dynamic configuration in the user program for 3964 (R)
communication. The following applies to the instructions: the previously valid configuration
data is overwritten but not stored permanently in the target system.
The "Port_Config" instruction is used for the program-controlled configuration of the
relevant port of the communications module.
The "P3964_Config" instruction is used for the dynamic configuration of protocol
Properties of the USS protocol
Simple, serial data transfer protocol with cyclic message frame traffic in half duplex mode
that is tailored to the requirements of drive technology.
Data transfer works according to the master-slave principle.
The master has access to the functions of the drive and can, among other things,
control the drive, read status values and read and write the drive parameters.
Data exchange using USS communication
The communications module is the master. The master continuously sends frames (job
frames) to the up to 16 drives and expects a response frame from each addressed drive.
A drive sends a response frame under the following conditions:
When a frame is received without errors
When the drive is addressed in this frame
A drive must not send if these conditions are not met or the drive was addressed in the
The connection to the relevant drives exists for the master once it receives a response frame
from the drive after a specified processing time (response delay time).
Point-to-point link
126 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Procedure for setting up USS communication
1. Configure an S7-1500 configuration with CPU and CM in the device view of the hardware
and network editor of STEP 7.
2. In the Project tree, select the "Program blocks" folder and open OB1 in the folder by
double-clicking on it. The program editor opens.
3. Select the instructions for USS communication according to your task in the
"Communication" area, "Communications processor" folder of the "Instructions" task card
and drag them to a network of OB1:
The "USS_Port_Scan" instruction allows you to communicate via the USS network.
The "USS_Drive_Control" instruction prepares send data for the drive and evaluates
the response data of the drive.
The "USS_Read_Param" instruction is used to read out parameters from the drive.
The "USS_Write_Param" instruction is used to change parameters on the drive.
4. Assign the parameters for the instructions according to your configuration.
5. Download the hardware configuration and user program to the CPU.
Properties of the Modbus protocol (RTU)
Communication takes the form of serial, asynchronous transfer with a transmission speed
of up to 115.2 kbps, half duplex.
Data transfer works according to the master-slave principle.
The Modbus master can send jobs for reading and writing operands to the Modbus slave:
Reading inputs, timers, counters, outputs, memory bits, data blocks
Writing outputs, memory bits, data blocks
Broadcast to all slaves is possible.
Data exchange using Modbus communication (RTU)
The communications module can be a Modbus master or Modbus slave. A Modbus master
can communicate with one or more Modbus slaves (the number depends on the physical
interface). Only the Modbus slave explicitly addressed by the Modbus master is permitted to
return data to the Modbus master. The slave detects the end of the data transfer and
acknowledges it. If an error occurs, it provides an error code to the master.
Point-to-point link
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 127
Procedure for setting up Modbus communication (RTU)
1. Configure an S7-1500 configuration with CPU and CM in the device view of the hardware
and network editor of STEP 7.
2. In the Project tree, select the "Program blocks" folder and open OB1 in the folder by
double-clicking on it. The program editor opens.
3. Select the instructions for Modbus communication according to your task in the
"Communication" area, "Communications processor" folder of the "Instructions" task card
and drag them to a network of OB1:
The "Modbus_Comm_Load" instruction configures the port of the CM for Modbus
The "Modbus_Master" instruction is used for Modbus master functionality.
The "Modbus_Slave" instruction is used for Modbus slave functionality.
4. Assign the parameters for the instructions according to your configuration.
5. Download the hardware configuration and user program to the CPU.
Additional information
You can find more detailed information on communication via point-to-point connections
and basics of serial data transmission in the function manual CM PtP communication
module - Configurations for point-to-point connections
You can find a description of how to use the instructions for point-to-point connections in
the user program in the STEP 7 online help.
You can find information about the communications modules with a serial interface in the
manual of the particular communications module.
128 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
OPC UA communication
What you need to know about OPC UA
OPC UA and Industrie 4.0
Uniform standard for information and data exchange
Industry 4.0 stands for the intensive utilization, evaluation and analysis of the large volumes
of data from production in IT systems at the enterprise level. With Industry 4.0, data
exchange between the production and enterprise levels is rapidly increasing. However, a
prerequisite for success is a uniform standard for the information and data exchange.
The OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture) standard is particularly suitable for data exchange
across different levels thanks to its independence from specific operating systems, its secure
transfer procedures and the semantic description of data. OPC UA makes available not only
data but also information about the data (data types), at the same time making possible
machine-interpretable access to the data.
OPC UA for S7-1500 CPUs
In OPC UA, one system operates as a server and provides data the existing information to
other systems (clients).
OPC UA clients, for example, have read and write access to data on an OPC UA server.
OPC UA clients call methods on the OPC UA server.
You can access this data online with a client, including e.g. information on performance and
diagnostics. In OPC UA terminology, this function is called "Browsen". The "Subscription"
function saves the regular reading of a tag - a client only has values sent to it from the server
when a change has occurred.
A system can be both a client and a server.
OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU
As of firmware version 2.0, an S7-1500 CPU is equipped with an OPC UA server.
The following sections describe how you configure the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU
to make data and methods available for OPC UA clients so that clients have read or write
access to PLC tags on the CPU and can call server methods.
The following sections also set out how to integrate companion specifications into the
address space of the OPC UA server.
OPC UA communication
9.1 What you need to know about OPC UA
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 129
OPC UA client of the S7-1500 CPU
As of firmware version V2.6, an S7-1500 CPU is additionally equipped with an OPC UA
The following sections show how to use standardized instructions (PLCopen function blocks)
to create a user program that, as an OPC UA client, reads data from an OPC UA server or
writes data to an OPC UA server or calls methods from an OPC UA server.
STEP 7 (TIA Portal) assists you in creating user programs by providing an editor for client
interfaces and a parameter assignment for OPC UA connections:
The OPC UA instructions for an S7-1500 CPU as client are described in detail in the help to
the instructions (Instructions > Communication > OPC UA).
OPC UA client for test purposes
The following description uses various different OPC UA clients to illustrate the use of OPC
UA clients:
"UaExpert" of Unified Automation. An extensive client that can be used free of charge:
Link for downloading UaExpert (https://www.unified-automation.com/downloads/opc-ua-
"UA Sample Client" of the OPC Foundation. This client is available free of charge for
users who are registered with the OPC Foundation :
Link for downloading the example client of the OPC Foundation
Application example in Industry online support
Siemens Industry Online Support provides an application example with a client API free of
charge. .NET developers can use the functions of this interface to access the OPC UA
server of an S7-1500. The client API is based on the .NET OPC UA stack of the OPC
The application example shows how to establish connections between servers and clients,
for example. It also demonstrates the reading and writing of PLC tags.
Link to download: OPC UA .NET client for the SIMATIC S7-1500 OPC UA Server
OPC UA communication
9.1 What you need to know about OPC UA
130 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
General features of OPC UA
The key features of OPC UA
OPC UA does not depend on a specific operating system platform.
OPC UA can, for example, be used with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, a real-time
operating system or a mobile operating system (such as Android).
OPC UA is implemented in various different programming languages.
The OPC Foundation has implemented the OPC UA standard in several programming
languages: Stacks for ANSI C, .NET and Java are available.
The OPC Foundation offers the Java stack and .NET stack as well as example programs
as open source software. See Github (https://github.com/opcfoundation).
A number of companies offer Software Development Kits (SDK) containing the OPC
Foundation stacks and other functions to facilitate the development of solutions.
Advantages of using SDKs:
Support from the supplier
Tested software
Detailed documentation
Clear license conditions (important for selling of solutions)
OPC UA can be used in sensors, embedded systems, controllers, PC systems and
smartphones, as well as in servers running MES and ERP applications.
OPC UA and PROFINET can also be used together. The two protocols use the same
network infrastructure.
Simple client-server principle
An OPC UA server provides information within a network and an OPC UA client retrieves
this information.
Integrated security mechanisms
OPC UA uses security mechanisms at various levels:
A secure connection can only be established between an OPC UA server and an OPC
UA client if the client and server can register with X.509-v3 certificates and accept
each other's certificates (security at the application level). Various security policies are
possible, including a non-secure connection between server and client (Security
Policy: "No security").
Before allowing access, a server can request the following information from the user:
- A certificate (cannot be configured in STEP 7)
- User name and password
- No user authorization
OPC UA communication
9.1 What you need to know about OPC UA
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The security mechanisms are optional and configurable.
Independence of a specific transport layer
The following transport mechanisms are currently supported by OPC UA:
The transfer of messages as a binary stream directly via TCP/IP
The transfer of messages with XML over TCP/IP and HTTP. This transport
mechanism allows only a slow transfer and is therefore almost never used. The S7-
1500 CPUs do not support this transport mechanism.
Binary data exchange is supported by all OPC UA applications (required in OPC UA
PLC tag mapping
The information of the OPC UA server (for example the PLC tags) is modeled as nodes
connected to one another via references. This makes it possible to browse from node to
node with an OPC UA client and find out what content can be read, monitored or written.
OPC UA servers provide a lot of information, for example about the CPU, the OPC UA
server itself, the data and the data types.
Instance concept
OPC UA is based on a type instance concept. Both instances and their type definitions
are available in runtime.
Differentiation of the functionality with profiles: S7-1500 supports the Embedded UA
Server Profile, for example
From the Classic OPC interface to OPC UA
Standardized interface
Classic OPC only runs on Windows operating systems.
To get around this restriction, the OPC Foundation developed the OPC UA standard.
The standard is not platform-specific and uses an optimized, TCP-based binary protocol for
high-performance applications.
Different systems are therefore able to exchange data, for example:
Controllers with MES and ERP systems
Siemens controllers with controllers from other manufacturers
Smartphones with controllers
Embedded systems with controllers
Smart sensors with controllers
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Addressing nodes
Nodes in the OPC UA address space are uniquely identified by a NodeId (Node ID or Node
The NodeId consists of an identifier, identifier type and a namespace index. Namespaces
are used to avoid naming conflicts. The OPC Foundation has defined a wide range of nodes
that provide information about the given OPC UA server. These nodes can be found in the
namespace of the OPC Foundation and have the index 0.
The OPC Foundation also defines data types and tag types.
All the tags or methods of an S7-1500 are contained in the namespace (Namespace)
"http://www.siemens.com/simatic-s7-opcua". By default this namespace has the Index 3. The
index may change later if additional namespaces are inserted into the server or if existing
ones are deleted. The current index of the namespace therefore needs to be requested from
the server before values are read or written.
The figure below shows the result of such a query. The Siemens "UaClient" program is used
as an example.
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The Identifier corresponds to the name of the PLC tag in quotation marks. The quotation
mark is the only sign that is not permitted as part of a name in STEP 7. Quotation marks
avoid naming conflicts.
The following example reads the value of the "StartTimer" tag:
The Identifier can consist of several components. The individual components are then
separated by a dot. The following example reads the "MyDB" array data block completely.
This data block contains an array with ten integer values. All ten values should be read in
one pass. Therefore, "0:9" is entered at the array range.
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PLC tags in the address space of the OPC UA server
The figure below shows where the PLC tags in the example are located in the address space
of the OPC UA server (excerpt from UA client):
The "MyDB" data block is a global data block. The data block is therefore located below the
node "DataBlocksGlobal". "StartTimer" is a memory tag and is therefore stored below the
"Memory" node.
Figure 9-1 PLC tags in the address space of the OPC UA server
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Methods in the address space of the OPC UA server
If you implement a method via your user program, this takes the following form in the
address space of the OPC UA Server (see AUTOHOTSPOT):
Figure 9-2 Methods in the address space of the OPC UA server
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Mapping of data types
SIMATIC and OPC UA data types
SIMATIC data types do not always correspond with OPC UA data types.
S7-1500 CPUs provide SIMATIC tags (with SIMATIC data types) to their own OPC UA
server as OPC UA data types so that OPC UA clients can access these tags over the server
interface with OPC UA data types.
A client can read the attribute "DataType" from such a tag and reconstruct the original data
type in SIMATIC.
A tag has the SIMATIC data type "COUNTER". You read COUNTER → UInt16 in the table.
You now know that you do not need to convert; the COUNTER value is sent over the line as
a UInt16 data type.
The client detects from the attribute "DataType" that the tag is actually the SIMATIC data
type "COUNTER". With this knowledge, the client reconstructs the data type.
Table 9- 1 SIMATIC and OPC UA data types
SIMATIC data type
OPC UA data type
→ Byte
→ UInt16
→ UInt32
→ UInt64
→ UInt16
→ Int32
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SIMATIC data type
OPC UA data type
→ Int64
→ UInt32
→ UInt64
→ Byte[8]
Special note: You can only describe the structure
completely with an OPC UA client. You have
read-only access individual elements of this
structure (e.g. "YEAR")
mapped as structure
→ Byte
→ UInt16
(Code page 1252 or Windows-1252)
→ String
(UCS-2; Universal Coded Character Set)
→ UInt16
→ UInt16
A read or write job with OPC UA is always an array access, which means that it always has
an index and length. A single tag is a special case of an array (index 0 and length 1). The
data type is simply sent repeatedly on the line. For the tags, the "DataType" attribute
indicates the basic data type. The attributes "ValueRank" and "ArrayDimensions" show
whether or not you are dealing with an array and how large the array is.
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Data types based on arrays
There are SIMATIC data types for which an OPC UA value is mapped to an array of bytes.
An array of these data types is then mapped to a two-dimensional array.
Example: The SIMATIC data type DATE_AND_TIME (DT) is mapped to an 8-byte array
(Byte[8]), see table above. When you define an array of the SIMATIC data type
DATE_AND_TIME (DT), it is considered a two-dimensional array.
This fact affects the use of system data types such as OPC_UA_NodeAdditionalInfo and
OPC_UA_NodeAdditionalInfoExt, for example:
For the data types described above, you must use the system data type
OPC_UA_NodeAdditionalInfoExt for multidimensional arrays instead of
Structures are transferred as ExtensionObject. The S7-1500 server uses binary
representation for transmission of the ExtensionObjects over the line; the individual structure
elements come one after the other. At the front is the NodeId of the data type; this is used by
the client to establish the structure.
For the OPC UA specification <= V1.03, a client must read, decode and interpret the
complete DataTypeDictionary for this purpose (unless it has already done so offline with an
XML import).
Additional information
More details on mapping of basic data types, arrays and structures can be found in the OPC
UA Specification Part 6, "Mappings" (see OPC UA BINARY there).
What you need to know about OPC UA clients
Basics of OPC UA clients
OPC UA clients are programs that do the following:
Access the information from an OPC UA server (for example an S7-1500 CPU): read,
write, subscriptions
Execute methods through the OPC UA server
However, OPC US clients can access data that is enabled for this purpose (see "Managing
write and read rights").
You need the endpoint of the server to establish a connection to an OPC UA server (see
"Endpoints of the OPC UA servers (Page 157)").
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Reading out information from the OPC UA server
When a connection to an end point of the server exists, you can use the navigation function
of the client: You navigate starting from a defined starting point (from the "root" node)
through the address space of the server.
The following information is provided in the process:
Enabled PLC tags, data blocks and data block components
Namespace index and identifiers of these PLC tags, data blocks and DB components
Data types of the PLC tags and DB components
Number of components in arrays (required for reading and writing arrays)
In addition, you receive information about the OPC UA server itself as well as information
about the S7-1500 based on the "OPC UA for Devices" standard of the OPC Foundation (for
example, serial number, firmware version).
Reading data from the server and writing to the server
You now know the namespace, identifier and data type of PLC tags. This means that you
can now specifically read individual PLC tags and DB components as well as complete
arrays and structures. Examples for reading Boolean tags and array data blocks are
available under Addressing nodes (Page 132).
Rules for access to structures are available here (Page 243).
With the information that you obtain while navigating through the address space of the server
(index, identifier and data type), you can also transfer values to the S7-1500 with the OPC
UA client. The following example overwrites the first three values in the array data block
For "Array Range" you specify which components of the array you want to overwrite. The
"Good" status code indicates that the values were transferred successfully. However, you
can only write the values to the S7-1500 but not the time stamps of these values. The time
stamps can only be read.
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Faster access through registration
The examples up to now use strings as Identifier, for example, "MyBD2"."THIS". If, however,
an Identifier is used as a numeric Node ID instead of a String Node ID, access is much
faster. If you access specific tags regularly, you should use the functions "RegisteredRead"
and "RegisteredWrite":
In this case, your client first logs in the PLC tag on the server., The server returns an
Identifier that the client uses for the actual access. This Identifier applies solely to the current
session and has to be queried again when the session connection is terminated/lost.
In the following example, the "StartTimer" tag is first registered on the server. Afterwards, the
rapid function "RegisteredWrite" is used for setting the value.
In accordance with the same scheme, the "RegisteredRead" function can also be used,
which is particularly useful for recurring data readouts. Take into account, however, that
depending on the application it may be advisable to use a Subscription instead.
Recommendation: It is best to place registrations in the startup program of the OPC UA
client, since the registration takes up time.
Please note that you can set the maximum number of registered nodes in the properties of
the S7-1500 CPU and that the Clients have to respect this number, see AUTOHOTSPOT.
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The term "Subscription" is used for a function in which only those tags for which an OPC UA
client has registered at the OPC UA server are transferred. The OPC UA server only sends a
message to the OPC UA client for these registered tags (Subscriptions) when a value has
changed. The monitoring of these tags makes constant sampling by the OPC UA client
(Polling) superfluous, which reduces the network load.
You have to create a Subscription to use this function. For this purpose, you specify the
"Publishing Interval" at the UA client and click the "Create" button. The publishing interval is
the time interval in which the server sends new values to the client in a notification (data
change notification).
In the following example a subscription has been created: The client receives a message
with the new values (publishing interval 50 ms) every 50 milliseconds here.
Preventing server overload
You can set the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU by means of the "Minimum publishing
interval" in such a way that it does not serve extremely short send intervals requested by the
client; see Settings of the OPC UA server.
Example: A client wants to be operated at a publishing interval of 50 ms as detailed above.
Such a short publishing interval would, however, result in a high network and server load.
You should therefore set 1000 ms as the "Minimum publishing interval" for the server.
Clients whose subscription requires shorter publishing intervals are "slowed" to 1000 ms and
the server is protected from overload.
Sampling and transmission (Sampling & Publishing) within the scope of a subscription are
communication processes which, like other communication processes (TCP/UDP/Web
server communication...), are processed by the CPU with priority 15. OBs with higher priority
interrupt the communication. If you set the sampling and publishing intervals too short, this
setting causes a high communication load. Therefore, select intervals as large as possible,
which are still sufficient for the application.
For information about the consistency of tags, refer to Consistency of CPU tags (Page 220).
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Monitoring of PLC tags
When the Subscription has been created, you inform the server which tags are to be
monitored with it. In the following example, the "Voltage" tag was added to the subscription.
The "Voltage" tag contains the value of a voltage that is detected by an S7-1500 CPU.
The sampling interval ("Sampling Interval") contains a negative value (-1). This determines
that the default setting of the OPC UA server is used for the sampling interval. The default
setting is defined by the "Publishing Interval" of the subscription. If you want to set the
smallest possible sampling interval, select the value "0".
In this example, the length of the queue is set to "1": Only one value is read from the CPU at
an interval of 50 milliseconds and subsequently sent to the OPC UA client when the value
has changed.
The "Deadband" parameter in this example is "0.1": Changes in value have to amount to 0.1
Volt; only then does the sender send the new value to the client. The server does not send
smaller changes in value. You can use this parameter, for example, to disable signal noise:
Slight changes in a process variable which do not have a real meaning.
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Security at OPC UA
Security settings
Addressing risks
OPC UA allows the exchange of data between different systems, both within the process
and production levels and to systems at the control and enterprise level.
This possibility also entails security risks. That is why OPC UA uses a range of security
Verification of the identity of OPC UA server and clients.
Checking of the identity of the users.
Signed/encrypted data exchange between OPC UA server and clients.
These security policies should only be bypassed in cases where it is absolutely necessary:
During commissioning
In stand-alone projects without external Ethernet connection
If you have selected the endpoint "None" for "UA Sample Client" of the OPC Foundation, for
example, the program issues a clear warning:
When STEP 7 compiles your project it also checks whether you have considered the setting
options for the protection and warns you of possible risks. This also includes an OPC UA
security policy with the setting "no security", which corresponds to the end point "None".
Disabling security policies you do not want
If you have selected all security policies (default setting) in the secure channel settings of the
-1500 OPC UA server in other words the end point "None" (no security) non-secure
data traffic (neither signed nor encrypted) between the server and client is also possible. The
OPC UA server of the S7
-1500 CPU also sends its public certificate to the client at "None"
(No security). And some clients check this certificate. However, the client is not forced to
send a certificate to the server. The identity of the client may possibly remain unknown. Each
OPC UA client can then connect to the server irrespective of any subsequent security
When configuring the OPC UA server, make sure that only security policies th
at are
compatible with the security concept for your machine or plant are selected. All other security
policies should be disabled.
Recommendation: Use the setting "Basic256Sha256
- Sign and Encrypt", which means that
the server only accepts Sha256 certificates. The security policy "Basic128Rsa15" is disabled
by default and should not be used as an end point. Select end points with a higher security
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Additional security rules
Only use the end point "None" in exceptional cases.
Only use the "guest authentication" of the user in exceptional cases.
Only allow access to PLC tags and DB components via OPC UA if it is genuinely
Use the list of trusted clients in the settings of the S7-1500 OPC UA client to allow access
to certain clients only.
Certificates pursuant to ITU X.509
Security mechanisms are integrated in several layers in OPC UA. Digital certificates have an
important role here. An OPC UA client can only establish a secure connection to an OPC UA
server when the server accepts the digital certificate of the client and classifies it as trusted.
See section "Configuring the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU".
The client must also check and trust the certificate of the server. The server and client must
show their identities and prove that they are what they claim to be: They must prove their
identity. Mutual authentication of client and server, for example, prevents man-in-the-middle
Man-in-the-middle attacks
A "man-in-the-middle" could have positioned itself between server and client. A man-in-the-
middle is a program that intercepts communication between server and client and claims to
be a client or server, and is thus able to obtain information about the S7 program or to set
values in the CPU and attack a machine or plant.
OPC UA uses digital certificates that meet standard X.509 of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU).
This allows the identity of a program, a computer or an organization to be proven
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X.509 certificates
An X.509 certificate includes the following information:
Version number of the certificate
Serial number of the certificate
Information on the algorithm used by the certificate authority to sign the certificate.
Name of the certificate authority
Start and end of the validity period of the certificate
Name of the program, person or organization for which/whom the certificate has been
signed by the certificate authority.
The public key of the program, person or organization.
An X509 certificate thus links an identity (name of a program, person or an organization) to
the public key of the program, person or organization.
Check during connection establishment
When a connection is being established between the client and server, the devices check all
information from the certificate that is required to establish integrity, for example signature,
validity, application name (URN) and as of firmware V2.5 also the IP addresses of the client
in the client certificate.
The validity period stored in the certificate is also checked. The CPU clock must therefore be
set and date/time must be within the validity period, otherwise no communication takes
Signing and encryption
To allow you to check whether a certificate has been manipulated, certificates are signed.
There are various possible procedures here
Within the TIA Portal you have the possibility to generate and sign certificates. If you have
protected your project and are logged in as a user with the function right to make security
settings, you can use the global security settings. The global security settings allow
access to the certificate manager and therefore to the certificate authority (CA) of the TIA
Additional options are available for creating and signing certificates. In the TIA Portal, you
can import certificates into the global certificate manager.
You contact a certificate authority (CA) and have your certificate signed.
In this case, the certificate authority checks your identity and signs your certificate with
the private key of the certificate authority. For this purpose you send a CSR
(Certificate Signing Request) to the certificate authority. The process of creating a
CSSR with the OpenSSL tool yourself is described here. (Page 148)
You yourself create a certificate and sign it.
To this purpose you use, for example, the "Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator" program of
the OPC Foundation. The procedure is described here (Page 37). Or use OpenSSL:
Instructions are available under Generating PKI key pairs and certificates yourself
(Page 149).
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Useful information: Certificate types
Self-signed certificate:
Each device generates and signs its own certificate. Application examples: Static
configuration with limited number of communication nodes.
No new certificates can be derived from a self-signed certificate. However, you need to
load all self-signed certificates from partner devices to the CPU (STOP required).
CA certificate:
All certificates are generated and signed by a certificate authority. Application examples:
Dynamically growing plants.
You only need to download the certificate from the certificate authority to the CPU. The
certificate authority can generate new certificates (partner devices can be added without
The signature makes it possible to prove the integrity and source of a message as detailed
Signing starts with the sender creating a hash value from the plain text (plain text message).
The sender then encrypts the hash value with its private key and subsequently transfers the
plain text together with the encrypted hash value to the recipient. To verify the signature, the
recipient needs the public key of the sender (this is contained in the X509 certificate of the
sender). The recipient uses the sender's public key to decrypt the hash value received. The
recipient then forms the hash value themselves from the plain text received (the hash
process is contained in the sender's certificate). The recipient compares the two hash
If the two hash values are identical, the plain text message has reached the receiver
unchanged and has not been manipulated.
If the two hash values do not match, the plain text message has not reached the receiver
unchanged. The plain text message has been manipulated or has been distorted during
Encrypting data prevents unauthorized parties from reading the content. X509 certificates
are not encrypted; they are public and can be viewed by anyone.
Encryption involves the sender encrypting the plain text message with the public key of the
recipient. To do so, the sender requires the recipient's X509 certificate, as it contains the
public key of the recipient. The recipient decrypts the message with their private key. Only
the recipient can decrypt the message: They alone hold the private key. The private key
must therefore never be disclosed.
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Secure channel
OPC UA uses the private and public key of client and server to establish a secure
connection, the secure channel. Once the secure connection has been established, the
client and server generate an internal key. The internal key is only known to the client and
server. The client and server use this internal key to sign and encrypt messages. This
symmetric process (a shared key) is much faster than asymmetric processes (private and
public key).
Certificates with OPC UA
Usage of X509 certificates with OPC UA
OPC UA uses three types of X.509 certificates for establishing connections from client to
OPC UA application certificates
Such X.509 certificates identify the software instance, the installation of client or server
software. For the "Organization name" attribute, you enter the name of the company that
uses the software.
The OPC UA server of th
e S7-1500 uses application certificates also for the security
setting "None" (No security). This ensures compatibility to OPC UA V1.1 and earlier
OPC UA software certificates
This X-509 certificate identifies a specific version of the client or server software. These
certificates contain attributes that describe which tests this version of the software has
passed during certification by the OPC Foundation (or recognized test laboratories). For
the "Organization name" attribute, you enter the name of the company that has
developed or markets the software.
Software certificates are not supported in STEP 7.
OPC UA user certificates
This X.509 certificate identifies the specific user who, for example, accesses process
data from the OPC UA server of an S7-1500 CPU. This certificate is not required if the
user can authenticate themselves with a password, or if anonymous access is configured.
User certificates are not supported in STEP 7.
These certificates are end-entity certificates: They identify, for example, a person, an
organization, a company or an instance (installation) of a software.
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Creating self-signed certificates
Using the client's certificate generator
Many OPC UA client applications or SDKs are integrated in a sample application that allows
you to generate certificates for the client from this application.
The description for certificate generation can generally be found in the context for describing
the OPC UA client application.
Example client from the online support
The OPC UA .NET client for the SIMATIC S7-1500 OPC UA server
(https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109737901) creates a self-signed
software certificate of the client application in the Windows Certificate Store during the first
program start. The documentation on this example describes the procedure for handling
these certificates.
Using the certificate generator of the TIA Portal
If you use an OPC UA client that does not generate a client certificate, self-signed
certificates can be created with STEP 7.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. In the properties of the CPU, double-click "<Add new>" under "Protection & Security >
Certificate manager > Device certificates".
2. Click "Add".
3. In the "Create a new certificate" dialog, select the "OPC UA client" option for "Usage".
4. Click "OK".
In the field "Subject Alternative Name" STEP 7 automatically enters the URI for the
generated certificate. In the program-specific certificate generation by means of the .NET
stack of the OPC Foundation, the field is called, for example, "ApplicationUri" - it can have a
different name in other tools for certificate generation.
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Generating PKI key pairs and certificates yourself
This section is only relevant if you want to use an OPC UA client that cannot itself create a
PKI key pair and a client certificate. In this case, you generate a private and a public key
using OpenSSL, generate an X.509 certificate, and sign the certificate yourself.
Using OpenSSL
OpenSSL is a tool for Transport Layer Security that you can use to create certificates. You
can also use other tools, for example XCA, a type of key management software with a
graphical user interface for an improved overview of certificates issued.
To work with OpenSSL under Windows, follow these steps:
1. Install OpenSSL under Windows. If you are using a 64-bit version of the operating
system, install OpenSSL in the "C:\OpenSSL-Win64" directory, for example. You can
obtain OpenSSL-Win64 as a download from various providers for open source software.
2. Create a directory, for example "C:\demo".
3. Open the command line (cmd.exe). To do so, click "Start" and enter "cmd" in the search
field. Right-click "cmd.exe" in the results list and run the program as an administrator.
Windows then opens the command line (DOS prompt)
4. Change to the "C:\demo" directory. To do this, enter the following command: "cd
5. Set the following network variables:
set RANDFILE=c:\demo\.rnd
set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.cfg
The figure below shows the command line with the following commands:
6. Now start OpenSSL. If OpenSSL has been installed in the C:\OpenSSL-Win64 directory,
enter the following: C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.exe The figure below shows the
command line with the following command:
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7. Generate a private key. Save the key to the "myKey.key" file. The key in this example is
1024 bits long; for greater RSA security, use 2048 bits in practice. Enter the following
command: "genrsa -out myKey.key 2048" ("genrsa -out myKey.key 1024" in the
example). The figure below shows the command line with the command and the output of
8. Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). To do this, enter the following command:
"req -new -key myKey.key -out myRequest.csr". During execution of this command,
OpenSSL queries information about your certificate:
Country name: for example "DE" for Germany, "FR" for France
State or province name: for example "Bavaria".
Location Name: for example "Augsburg".
Organization Name: Enter the name of your company.
Organizational Unit Name: for example "IT"
Common Name: for example "OPC UA client of machine A"
Email Address:
: Both the IP address and the URL of the client program (application) have to be
stored in the "Subject Alternative Name" field of the created certificate; otherwise, the CPU
will not accept the certificate.
The information you enter is added to the certificate. The figure below shows the command
line with the command and the output of OpenSSL:
The command creates a file in the C:\demo directory containing the Certificate Signing
Request (CSR); in the example, this is "myRequest.csr".
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Using the CSR
There are two ways to use a CSR:
You send the CSR to a certificate authority (CA): Read the information of the respective
certification authority. The certificate authority (CA) checks your information and identity
(authentication) and signs the certificate with the private key of the certificate authority.
You receive the signed X.509 certificate and use this certificate for OPC UA, HTTPS or
Secure OUC (secure open user communication), for example. Your communication
partners use the public key of the certificate authority to check whether your certificate
was really issued and signed by that CA. The certificate authority has confirmed your
information in the certificate.
You sign the CSR yourself: Using your private key. This option is shown in the next step.
Signing the certificate yourself
Enter the following command so that you can generate and sign your certificate (self-signed
certificate) yourself: "x509 -req -days 365 -in myRequest.csr -signkey myKey.key -out
The figure below shows the command line with the command and OpenSSL:
The command generates an X.509 certificate with the attributes that you transfer with the
CSR (in the example "myRequest.csr"), for example with a validity of one year (-days 365).
The command also signs the certificate with your private key ("myKey.key" in the example).
Your communication partners can use your public key (contained in your certificate) to check
that you are in possession of the private key that belongs to this public key. This also
prevents your public key from being misused by an attacker.
With self-signed certificates, you yourself confirm that the information in your certificate is
correct. There is no independent body that checks your information.
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Secure transfer of messages
Establishing secure connections with OPC UA
OPC UA uses secure connections between client and server. OPC UA checks the identity of
the communication partners. OPC UA uses certificates in accordance with X.509-V3 from
the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) for client and server authentication.
Exception: A secure connection is not established with the "No security" security policy.
Message security mode
OPC UA uses the following security policies to protect messages:
No security
All messages are unsecured. In order to use this security policy, establish a connection to
a None end point of a server.
All message are signed. This allows the integrity of the messages received to be
checked. Manipulations are detected. In order to use this security policy, establish a
connection to a Sign end point of a server.
Sign & Encrypt
All messages are signed and encrypted. This allows the integrity of the messages
received to be checked. Manipulations are detected. What is more, no attacker can read
the contents of the message (protection of confidentiality). In order to use this security
policy, establish a connection to a "SignAndEncrypt" end point of a server.
The security policies are also named according to the algorithms used. Example:
"Basic256Sha256 - Sign & Encrypt" means: Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms
for 256-bit hashing and 256-bit encryption.
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Layers required
The figure below shows the three layers that are always required for establishing a
connection: the transport layer, the secure channel and the session.
Figure 9-3 Necessary layers: transport layer, secure channel and session
Transport layer:
This layer sends and receives messages. OPC UA uses an optimized TCP-based binary
protocol here. The transport layer is the basis for the subsequent secure channel.
Secure channel
The secure channel receives the data received from the transport layer, and forwards that
data to the session. The secure channel forwards data of the session that is to be sent to
the transport layer.
In "Sign" security mode, the secure channel signs the data (messages) that is sent. When
a message is received, the secure channel checks the signature to detect any
With a "SignAndEncrypt" security policy, the secure channel signs and encrypts the send
data. Data received is decrypted by the secure channel, and the secure channel then
checks the signature.
With the "No security" security policy, the message packages pass the secure channel
unchanged (the messages are received and sent in plain text).
The session forwards the messages from the secure channel to the application, or
receives from the application the messages that are to be sent. The application uses the
process values or provides the values.
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Establishing the secure channel
The secure channel is established as follows:
1. The server starts establishing the secure channel when it receives a request to this effect
from the client. This request is signed or signed and encrypted, or the message is sent in
plain text (security mode of the selected server end point). With "Sign" and "Sign &
Encrypt", the client sends a "secret" (random number) with the request.
2. The server validates the client certificate (contained in the request, unencrypted) and
checks the identity of the client. If the server trusts the client certificate,
it decrypts the message and checks the signature ("Sign & Encrypt"),
checks the signature only ("Sign"),
or leaves the message unchanged ("No security")
3. The server then sends a response to the client (same level of security as the request).
The server secret is contained in the response. The client and server calculate a
symmetric key from the client and server secret. The secure channel is now established.
The symmetric key (instead of the private and public key of client and server) is now used for
signing and encrypting messages.
Establishment of the session
The session is executed as follows:
1. The client starts establishing the session by sending a CreateSessionRequest to the
server. This message contains a Nonce, a random number that is only used once. The
server must sign this random number (Nonce) to prove that it is the owner of the private
key. The private key belongs to the certificate that the server uses to establish the secure
channel. This message (and all subsequent messages) is secured in line with the security
policies for the selected server endpoint (selected security policies).
2. The server responds with the CreateSession Response. This message contains the
public key of the server and the signed Nonce. The client checks the signed Nonce.
3. If the server passes the test, the client sends a SessionActivateRequest to the server.
This message contains the information that is required for user authentication:
Either the user name and password
Or the X.509 certificate of the user (not supported in STEP 7 V15)
Or no data (if anonymous access is configured).
4. If the user has the necessary rights, the server returns a message to the client
(ActivateSessionResponse). This activates the session.
The secure connection between the OPC UA client and server has been established.
Establishing a connection to PLCopen function block
The PLCopen specification defines a range of IEC 61131 function blocks for OPC UA clients.
The instruction UA_Connect initiates both a secure channel and a session following the
pattern described above.
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Using the S7-1500 as an OPC UA server
Useful information about the S7-1500 CPU OPC UA server
The OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPUs
The S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware V2.0 are equipped with an OPC UA server. Apart from
the Standard-S7-1500 CPUs this applies to the variants S7-1500F, S7-1500T, S7-1500C,
S7-1500pro CPUs, ET 200SP CPUs, SIMATIC S7-1500 SW controllers and PLCSIM
Convention: "S7-1500 CPUs" also includes the above-mentioned CPU variants.
S7-1500 CPU OPC UA server basics
Access to the OPC UA server of the CPU is possible via all integrated PROFINET interfaces
of the S7-1500 CPU.
Direct access to the OPC UA server of the CPU over the backplane bus of the automation
system is not possible via a CP or CM.
For access by clients, the server saves the enabled PLC tags and other information in the
form of nodes (see Configuring access to PLC tags). These nodes are interconnected and
form a network. OPC UA defines access points to this network (well-known nodes) that
enable navigation to subordinate nodes.
With an OPC UA client you can read, observe or write values of tags of the PLC program as
well as call methods that are available to the server. As of firmware version 2.5 you can
implement methods, see AUTOHOTSPOT.
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Node classes
OPC UA servers provide information in the form of nodes. A node can be, for example, an
object, a tag, a method or a property.
The example below shows the address space of the OPC UA server of an S7-1500 CPU
(extract from the OPC UA client "UaExpert" from Unified Automation).
Figure 9-4 Example of the address space of the OPC UA server of an S7-1500 CPU
In the figure above, the "MyValue" tag is selected (highlighted in gray).
This tag is located below the "Memory" node, which has the node class "Object".
"Memory" is below the "PLC_1" node (also an Object).
Address space
The nodes are linked over references, for example, the reference "HasComponent, which
represents a hierarchical relationship between a node and its subordinate nodes. With their
references, the nodes form a network that can, for example, take the form of a tree.
A network of nodes is also called an address space. Starting from the root, all nodes can be
reached in the address space.
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End points of the OPC UA server
The end points of the OPC UA server define the security level for a connection. Depending
on the purpose of use or desired security level, you have to carry out the corresponding
settings for the connection at the end point.
Different security settings
Before establishing a secure connection, OPC UA clients ask the server with which security
settings connections are possible. The server returns a list with all the security settings
(endpoints) that the server offers.
Structure of end points
End points consist of the following components:
Identifier for OPC: "opc.tcp"
IP address: (in the example)
Port number for OPC UA: 4840 (standard port)
The port number can be configured, see "Settings of the OPC UA server".
Security setting for messages (Message Security Mode): None, Sign, SignAndEncrypt.
Encryption and hash procedures (Security Policy): None, Basic128Rsa15, Basic256,
Basic256Sha256 (in the example).
The following figure shows the "UA Sample Client" of the OPC Foundation.
The client has established a secure connection to the OPC UA server of an S7-1500 CPU to
the end point "opc.tcp:// - [SignAndEncrypt: Basic128Rsa15:Binary]".
The security settings "SignAndEncrypt:Basic128Rsa15" are contained in the end point.
Select an endpoint with as strict as possible a security policy
Select an application
-appropriate security policy for the end point and disable the less strict
security policy at the OPC UA server.
A Sha
256 certificate is required for the most secure end points (Basic256Sha256) of the
-1500 CPU OPC UA server.
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Figure 9-5 "UA Sample Client" program of the OPC Foundation
A connection to a server end point is only established if the OPC UA client complies with the
security policies of that end point.
Through the information provided by the OPC UA server
OPC UA servers provide a wide range of information:
The values of PLC tabs and DB components which clients may access.
The data types of these PLC tags and DB components.
Information on the OPC UA server itself and on the CPU.
This gives clients an overview and allows them to read out specific information. Previous
knowledge of the PLC program and the CPU data is not required. You do not need to ask
the developer of the PLC program when PLC tags are to be read. All necessary information
is stored on the server itself (for example, the data types of the PLC tags).
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Display of the information of the OPC UA server
You have the following options:
Online: You have all the available information displayed during the runtime of the OPC
UA server. To do so, navigate (browse) the address space of the server.
Offline: You export an XML file that is based on the XML schemes of the OPC
Server methods created by the user (FB instance that can be called by an OPC UA
client) are not exported as of STEP 7 V15.1), see AUTOHOTSPOT.
Offline with the Openness API: In your program, you use the API (Application
Programming Interface) of the TIA Portal to access the function for exporting all PLC tags
that can be read by OPC UA. This requires .NET Framework 4.0; see TIA Portal
Openness, Automating SIMATIC projects with scripts
If you already know the syntax and the PLC program, you can access the OPC UA server
without first researching the information.
Runtime behavior of the OPC UA server
OPC UA server in operation
The OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU starts when you activate the server and download
the project to the CPU.
How to activate the OPC UA server is described here.
Response to CPU STOP
An activated OPC UA server remains in operation even if the CPU switches to "STOP". The
OPC UA server continues to respond to requests from OPC UA clients.
Server response in detail:
If you request the values of PLC tags, you will get what were the latest values before the
CPU switched to or was set to "STOP".
If you write values to the OPC UA server, the OPC UA server will accept those values.
However, the CPU will not process the values because the user program is not executed
in "STOP" mode.
An OPC UA client can nonetheless read the values written at STOP from the OPC UA
server of the CPU.
During restart, the CPU overwrites the values written at STOP with the start of the PLC
If you call a server method, the error message 16#00AF_0000 (BadInvalidState) is output
because the server method (user program) is not running.
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Server restart
The OPC UA server is stopped upon each download to the CPU (for example after a
configuration or block is downloaded) and then restarts. The duration of the restart depends
on the scope of the data structure.
Reading CPU operating mode over OPC UA server
The OPC UA server allows you to read out the CPU mode, see figure below:
Figure 9-6 Reading CPU operating mode over OPC UA server
In addition to the operating mode of the CPU you can, for example, read out the diagnostics
status of the CPU (Good).
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Diagnostics of the OPC UA server
Online diagnostics of the OPC UA server
The S7-1500 CPU OPC UA server can be diagnosed online with standard OPC UA clients,
such as UaExpert.
The diagnostic information is subdivided into the following areas:
Server Diagnostics
Sessions Diagnostics
Subscriptions Diagnostics
In the address space of the server, for example, the following nodes are available with
diagnostic information:
: Server diagnostics summary
CurrentSessionCount: Number of active sessions
: Session diagnostics summary
SessionTimeout: Set time that a session lasts, e.g. in the event of disconnection
SecurityRejectedSessionCount: Number of sessions rejected due to mismatching end
point security settings between client and server
: Array with one element per subscription for each session
Figure 9-7 Server Diagnostics
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The SessionsDiagnosticsSummary node also shows the properties of the client application
accessing the server within the session.
Figure 9-8 Sessions Diagnostics with the properties of the client application
Diagnostics of the connection between client and server
To diagnose the status of the connection during program runtime in the client, use the
following instruction:
OPC_UA_ConnectionGetStatus: Read connection status.
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Configuring access to PLC tags
Managing write and read rights
Enabling PLC tags and DB tags for OPC UA
OPC UA clients can have read and write access to PLC tags and DB tags if the tags are
enabled for OPC UA (default setting). For an enabled tag the check box "Accessible from
HMI/OPC UA" is activated.
The following example shows an array data block:
Figure 9-9 Enabling PLC tags and DB tags for OPC UA
This array can be read completely in one pass by OPC UA clients (see Addressing nodes).
The check boxes at "Accessible from HMI/OPC UA" and "Writable from HMI/OPC UA" are
activated for all the components of the array.
Result: OPC UA clients can both read and write these components.
Removing write rights
If you want to write-protect a tag, deselect the "Writable from HMI/OPC UA" option for that
tag. This removes the write right for the OPC UA clients and HMI devices.
Result: Only read access by OPC UA clients and HMI devices is possible. OPC UA clients
cannot assign values to this tag and therefore cannot influence execution of the S7 program.
Removing write and read rights
To write-protect and read-protect a tag, disable the "Accessible from HMI/OPC UA" option
for that tag (checkbox not selected). This makes the OPC UA server remove the tag from its
address space. OPC UA clients can no longer see that CPU tag.
Result: OPC UA clients and HMI devices can neither read nor write the tag.
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Write and read rights of structures
If you remove the read or write right for the component of a structure, the structure or the
data block cannot be written or read as a whole.
If you remove read and write rights for individual components of a PLC data type (UDT), the
rights will also be removed from any data block based on the UDT.
Visible in HMI engineering
The option "Visible in HMI Engineering" applies to Siemens engineering tools. If you disable
the option "Visible in HMI Engineering" (check mark not set), you can no longer configure the
tag in WinCC (TIA Portal).
The option does not have any effect on OPC UA.
Only allow read access to PLC tags and tags of data blocks in STEP 7 if this is necessary
for communication with other systems (controllers, embedded systems or MES).
You should not enable other PLC tags.
Only allow write access over OPC UA if write rights are genuinely necessary for specific
PLC tags and tags of data blocks.
If you have reset the "Accessible from HMI/OPC UA" option for all elements of a data
block, the data block for an OPC UA client is no longer visible in the address space of the
OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU.
You can also prevent access to an entire data block centrally (see AUTOHOTSPOT).
This setting "overrules" the settings for the components in the DB editor.
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Managing write and read rights for a complete DB
Hiding DBs or DB contents for OPC UA clients
As of STEP 7 V15, you have the option of easily preventing access to a complete data block
by an OPC UA client.
With this option, the data of the corresponding DB, including instance DBs of function blocks,
remains hidden for OPC UA clients.
In the default setting, data blocks can be read and written from OPC UA clients.
Proceed as follows to completely hide a data block for OPC UA clients or to protect a data
block from write access from OPC UA clients:
1. Select the data block to be protected in the project tree.
2. Select the "Properties" shortcut menu.
3. Select the "Attributes" area.
4. Select/clear the "DB accessible from OPC UA" checkbox as required.
Figure 9-10 Hiding DBs or DB contents for OPC UA clients
Effect on settings in the DB editor
If you hide a DB using the DB attribute described here, the settings for the components in
the DB editor are no lon
ger relevant; individual components can no longer be accessed or
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Accessing OPC UA server data
High performance in line with application
OPC UA is designed for the transfer of a high volume of data within a short period of time.
You can increase the performance significantly if you do not access individual PLC tags, but
rather read and write arrays and structures as a whole.
It is fastest to access arrays. Therefore, you should combine the data for OPC UA clients
into arrays.
Recommendations for access to the OPC UA server by the OPC UA client
For one-off or infrequent data access, use standard read/write access.
For cyclic access to small amounts of data (up to ca. every 5 seconds), use subscriptions.
Optimize the settings for the smallest publishing interval and the smallest sampling
interval at the OPC UA server.
If you access specific tags regularly (recurring access), you should use the functions
"RegisteredRead" and "RegisteredWrite".
Allow a greater communication load for the PLC by increasing the value for "Cycle load due
to communication". Make sure that your application still works properly with the changed
Procedure for creating an array DB
You can create arrays for example in global data blocks, in the instance data block of a
function block or as an array DB . The following sections describe how to create an Array-
To create a data block with an array (array data block), follow these steps:
1. Select the CPU with the OPC UA server in the project tree.
2. Double-click "Program blocks".
3. Double-click "Add new block".
4. Click "Data block".
5. Select a unique name for the data block and accept the name that is already entered.
6. Select the "Array DB" entry from the drop-down list for "Type".
7. Select the data type for the individual components of the array from the drop-down list for
"Array data type".
8. Enter the high limit of the array for "Array limit".
9. Click "OK".
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Export OPC UA XML file
Generating an OPC UA export file
OPC UA specifies an information model XML scheme with a standard syntax, with which
manufacturers can define their information model of a system component, for example, and
make it available in machine-readable form. A file that uses this scheme is also known as a
node set file.
With STEP 7 (TIA Portal) you can easily export the standard SIMATIC information model of
the S7-1500 CPU as a server to an OPC UA XML file (node set file); including all PLC
variables and methods you have enabled for OPC UA.
You use the OPC UA XML file for the offline configuration of an OPC UA client; it is
structured according to the OPC UA specification and acts as a standard SIMATIC server
To create and export the OPC UA XML file, follow these steps:
1. Select the CPU. Click on the CPU symbol (for example in the network view).
2. Click "General > OPC UA > Server > Export" in the properties of the CPU.
3. Click "Export OPC UA XML file".
4. Select the directory in which you want to save the export file.
5. Select a new name for the file or keep the name that is already entered.
6. Click "Save".
As of STEP 7 (TIA Portal) V15.1, server methods are contained in the OPC UA export file
(node set) together with their input a
nd output parameters.
Exporting all array elements separately
If the "Export all array elements as separate nodes" option is selected in the CPU properties
under "OPC UA > Server > Export", the OPC UA XML file contains all elements of arrays as
individual XML elements. In addition, the arrays themselves are each described in an XML
element in the XML file.
If an array contains many array elements, the XML file can be very large.
The following FAQ contains a converter with which you can convert the export file into CSV
format. You then obtain a list of the tags of the CPU that can be accessed by OPC UA.
You can find the FAQ on the Internet
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Configuring the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU
Enabling the OPC UA server
You have acquired a Runtime license for the operation of the OPC UA server; see
Licenses for the OPC UA server (Page 192).
When using certificates for secure communication (for example, HTTPS, secure OUC,
OPC UA), make sure that the corresponding modules have the current time of day and
the current date. Otherwise, the modules will evaluate the certificates used as invalid and
secure communication will not work.
Commissioning an OPC UA server
By default, the OPC UA server of the CPU is not enabled for reasons of security: OPC UA
clients have neither write nor read access to the S7-1500 CPU.
Follow these steps to activate the OPC UA server of the CPU:
1. Select the CPU. Click on the CPU symbol (for example in the network view).
2. Click "OPC UA > Server" in the properties of the CPU.
3. Activate the OPC UA server of the CPU.
4. Confirm the security notes.
5. Go to the CPU properties, select "Runtime licenses" and set the runtime license acquired
for the OPC UA server.
6. Compile the project.
7. Download the project to the CPU.
The OPC UA server of CPU now starts.
Settings remain stored
If you have already enabled the server and made settings, those settings are not lost if the
server is disabled. The settings are saved as before and are available when you enable the
server again.
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Application name
The application name is the name of the OPC UA application. The name is displayed under
"OPC UA > General":
The default setting for the server name is: "SIMATIC.S7-1500.OPC-UAServer:PLC1".
The default consists of "SIMATIC.S7-1500.OPC-UAServer:" and the name of the CPU
selected under "General > Product information > Name", in this case "PLC_1".
Clients identify the server using the application name.
The example below originates from UaExpert:
If you have activated the server, you can also use a different name that is meaningful in your
project and which fulfills the requirements of your project, e.g. for worldwide uniqueness.
Changing the application name
To change the name of the OPC UA server, follow these steps:
1. Select the CPU. Click on the CPU symbol (for example in the network view).
2. Click "OPC UA > General" in the properties of the CPU.
3. Enter a meaningful name.
Please note that the application name is also entered on the certificate (Subject Alternative
Name) and you may have to generate an existing certificate again after changing the
application name.
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Access to the OPC UA server
Server addresses
The OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU can be accessed over all internal PROFINET
interfaces of the CPU (as of firmware V2.0), but not over the PROFINET interfaces of
With SIMATIC S7-1500 SW controllers, access to the OPC UA server is only possible via
PROFINET interfaces that are assigned to the software PLC.
In the example, connections to the OPC UA server of the CPU can be established over the
following URLs (Uniform Resource Locator):
The URLs are structured as follows:
Protocol identifier
IP address
The IP address at which the OPC UA server can be accessed from the Ethernet
subnet 192.168.178.
The IP address at which the OPC UA server can be accessed from the Ethernet
subnet 192.168.1.
TCP Port number
Default: 4840 (standard port)
The port number can be changed under "OPC > UA > Server > Port".
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Dynamic IP addresses
In the example below, the IP address for the PROFINET interface [X2] has not yet been
The placeholder "<dynamically>" appears in the table.
The IP address of this PROFINET interface is set later on the device, e.g. via the display of
the CPU.
Activating the standard SIMATIC Server interface
If the "Activate Standard SIMATIC server interface" option is selected, the OPC UA server of
the CPU provides the enabled PLC tags and server methods to the clients, as is specified in
the OPC UA specification.
This option is selected in the default setting.
Leave the option selected so that OPC UA clients can automatically connect to the OPC UA
server of the CPU and exchange data.
If you do not select this option, you must add the server interface by entering the "OPC UA
communication" entry in the project tree. This interface is then used as OPC UA server
interface, see OPC UA server interface configuration (Page 198).
Backward compatible data type definitions according to OPC UA specification ≤ V1.03
The OPC UA specification (<= V1.03) defines mechanisms in order to read out data type
definitions, for example for user-defined structures (UDTs), from a server by means of the
In the OPC UA server properties of the CPU, you can set whether the CPU generates these
backward compatible data type definitions according to the OPC UA specification ≤ V1.03 for
the standard SIMATIC server interface or not.
Because TypeDictionaries are complex and result in large OPC UA XML files (server
interfaces) which the client has to interpret, a simpler solution was introduced with OPC UA
Specification V1.04 (attribute "DataTypeDefinition" at the data type node). If your client
supports the OPC UA specification V1.04 or higher, then disable the option.
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General settings of the OPC UA server
TCP port for OPC UA
By default, OPC UA uses TCP port 4840. You can, however, select a different port. Entries
from 1024 to 49151 are possible. You must, however, make sure that there are no conflicts
with other applications. OPC UA clients must use the selected port when establishing a
In the example below, port 48400 is selected:
Settings for sessions
Maximum timeout for sessions
In this field, you specify the maximum time period before the OPC UA server closes a
session without data exchange.
Possible values between 1 and 600000 seconds.
Maximum number of OPC UA sessions
In this field, you specify the maximum number of sessions the OPC UA server starts and
simultaneously operates.
The maximum number of sessions is dependent on the performance capability of the
CPU. Each session ties up resources.
Maximum number of registered nodes
In this field, you specify the maximum number of nodes the OPC UA server registers.
The maximum number of registered nodes depends on the capacity of the CPU and is
displayed when you configure the field content (place cursor in field). Each registration ties
up resources.
No error message following attempt to register more than the configured maximum number
of registrable nodes
If a client tries to register more nodes during runtime than the configured maximum number,
the server of the S7
-1500 CPU only registers the configured maximum number. From the
configured maximum number of registrable nodes, the server sends the client the regular
string node IDs so the speed advantage gained by registration for these nodes is lost. The
client does not receive an error message.
When configuring, make sure you
have a sufficient reserve or have the client calculate the
maximum number of nodes allowed before registration.
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Additional information
Details on which ports are used by the various services for data transfer via TCP and UDP,
and what are the points to note when using routers and firewalls can be found in the FAQ
Settings of the server for subscriptions
Subscription instead of cyclic queries
An alternative to cyclic queries for a PLC tag (polling) is to monitor this value. Use a
Subscription: The server informs the client if the value of PLC tags changes. See "The OPC
UA client".
One server usually monitors a large number of PLC values. At regular intervals, the server
therefore sends the client messages (notifications) containing the new values of the PLC
How frequently does the server send notifications?
When a Subscription is set up, the OPC UA client specifies the intervals at which it wants to
be sent the new values in the event of changes. To limit the communication load through
OPC UA, set a minimum interval for the messages. For this purpose, use the parameters for
the minimum publishing interval and the minimum sampling interval.
Minimum publishing interval
With "Minimum publishing interval", you set the time intervals at which the server sends a
message to the client with the new values in the event of changes.
250 ms is used as the "Minimum sampling interval" in the figure below. The value 200 ms is
entered as the "Minimum publishing interval".
In the example, following a value change the OPC UA server will send a new message every
200 ms if the OPC UA client requests an update.
If the OPC UA client requests an update every 1000 ms, the OPC UA server will only send a
message with the new values once every 1000 ms (one second).
If the OPC UA client requests an update every 100 ms, the server will still only send a
message every 200 ms (minimum publishing interval).
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Minimum sampling interval
With "Minimum sampling interval", you set the time intervals at which the OPC UA server
records the value of a CPU tag and compares it with the previous value to detect any
If the sampling interval is selected smaller than the publishing interval and an OPC UA client
requests a high sampling rate for certain PLC tags, two or more values may be measured
during each publishing interval.
In this case, the OPC UA server writes the value changes into the queue and sends all value
changes to the client after the completion of the publishing interval. If more value changes
occur in the publishing interval than fit in the queue, the OPC UA server overwrites the oldest
values. (depending on the set "Discard Policy", the option "Discard Oldest" has to be
activated in this case). The most recent values are sent to the client.
Maximum number of monitored elements (monitored items)
In this field, you specify the maximum number of elements that the OPC UA server of the
CPU simultaneously monitors for a value change.
The monitoring ties up resources. The maximum number of monitored elements is
dependent on the utilized CPU.
Additional information
Information about the system limits of the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPUs (firmware
V2.0 and V2.1) regarding subscriptions, sampling intervals and publishing intervals can be
found in the following FAQ
When using subscriptions, certain status codes of errors provide information on the error that
occurred. For information on causes and remedies for status codes of OPC UA client that
appear, see the list of error codes in the online help of Step 7 (TIA Portal) or in the following
FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109755860).
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Handling client and server certificates
A secure connection between the OPC UA server and an OPC UA client is only established
when the server can prove its identity to the client. This is done with the server certificate.
Certificate of the OPC UA server
When you have activated the OPC UA server and have confirmed the security prompts,
STEP 7 automatically generates the certificate for the server and saves it in the local
certificate directory of the CPU. You can view and manage this directory with the local
certificate manager of the CPU (exporting or deleting certificates).
The figure below shows the local certificate manager of the CPU with the automatically
generated certificate for the OPC UA server:
Figure 9-11 Local certificate manager of the CPU
Alternatively, you can also generate a server certificate yourself.
The certificate of the server is transferred from the server to the client during establishment
of a connection. The client checks the certificate.
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The client user decides whether the server certificate is to be trusted.
The user at the client side now has to decide whether the server certificate is to be trusted. If
the user trusts the server certificate, the client stores the server certificate in its directory
containing the trusted server certificates.
The following example shows a dialog of the client "UA Sample Client". When the user clicks
the "Yes" button, the client trusts the server certificate:
Figure 9-12 Dialog of the client "UA Sample Client"
See also
Generating server certificates with STEP 7 (Page 183)
Secured transferring of messages
Where does a client certificate come from?
When you use UA clients from manufacturers or the OPC Foundation, a client certificate is
generated automatically during installation or upon the first program call. You have to import
these certificates via the global certificate manager in STEP 7 and use them for the
corresponding CPU (as shown above).
When you program an OPC UA client yourself, you can have the certificates generated by
the program; see the section "Instance certificate for the client". Alternatively, you can
generate certificates with tools, for example with OpenSSL or the certificate generator of the
OPC Foundation:
The procedure for OpenSSL is described here: "Generating PKI key pairs and certificates
Working with the certificate generator of the OPC Foundation is described here: "Creating
self-signed certificates".
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Announcing client certificates to the server
You need to send client certificates to the server to allow a secure connection to be
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Select the "Use global security settings for certificate manager" option in the local
certificate manager of the server. This makes the global certificate manager available.
You will find this option under "Protection & Security > Certificate manager" in the
properties of the CPU that is acting as server.
If the project is not yet protected, select "Security settings > Settings" in the STEP 7
project tree, click the "Protect this project" button and log on.
The "Global security settings" item is now displayed under "Security settings" in the STEP
7 project tree.
2. Double click "Global security settings".
3. Double click "Certificate manager".
STEP 7 opens the global certificate manager.
4. Click on the "Trusted certificates" tab.
5. Right-click in the tab on a free area (not on a certificate).
6. Select the "Import" command from the shortcut menu.
The dialog for importing certificates is displayed.
7. Select the client certificate that the server is to trust.
8. Click "Open" to import the certificate.
The certificate of the client is now contained in the global certificate manager.
Note the ID of the client certificate just imported.
9. Click the "General" tab in the properties of the CPU that is acting as server.
10.Click "OPC UA > Server > Security > Secure Channel".
11.Scroll down in the "Secure Channel" dialog to the section "Trusted clients".
12.Double-click in the table on the empty row with "<add new>". A browse button is
displayed in the row.
13.Click this button.
14.Select the client certificate that you have imported.
15.Click the button with the green check mark.
16.Compile the project.
17.Load the configuration onto the S7-1500 CPU.
The server now trusts the client. If the server certificate is also considered trusted, the server
and client can establish a secure connection.
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Accepting client certificates automatically
When you select the option "Automatically accept all client certificates during runtime" (below
the "Trusted clients" list), the server automatically accepts all client certificates.
Setting after commissioning
In order to avoid security risks, deactivate the "Automatically accept client certificates
during runtime" option again after commissioning.
Configuring security settings of the server
The figure below shows the available server security settings for signing and encrypting
Figure 9-13 Configuring security settings of the server
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By default, a server certificate is created that uses SHA256 signing. The following security
policies are released:
Insecure end point
Disabling security policies you do not want
If you have selected all security policies (default setting) in the secure channel settings of
the S7
-1500 OPC UA server in other words the end point "No Security" non-secure
data traffic (neither signed nor encrypted) between the server and client is also possible.
The identity of the client remains unknown with "No security". Each OPC UA client can
then connect to the server
irrespective of any subsequent security settings.
When configuring the OPC UA server, make sure that only security policies that are
compatible with the security concept for your machine or plant are selected. All other
security policies should be disable
Recommendation: If possible, use the setting "Basic256Sha256".
Basic128Rsa15 -Sign
Insecure end point, supports a series of algorithms that use the hash algorithm RSA15
and 128-bit encryption.
This endpoint protects the integrity of the data through signing.
Basic128Rsa15 -Sign & Encrypt
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms that use the hash algorithm RSA15 and
128-bit encryption.
This endpoint protects the integrity and confidentiality of the data through signing and
Basic256Rsa15 -Sign
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms that use the hash algorithm RSA15 and
256-bit encryption.
This endpoint protects the integrity of the data through signing.
Basic256Rsa15 -Sign & Encrypt
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms that use the hash algorithm RSA15 and
256-bit encryption.
This end point protects the integrity and confidentiality of the data through signing and
Basic256Sha256 - Sign
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms for 256-bit hashing and 256-bit
This endpoint protects the integrity of the data through signing.
Basic256Sha256 - Sign & Encrypt
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms for 256-bit hashing and 256-bit
This endpoint protects the integrity and confidentiality of the data through signing and
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To enable the security setting, click the check box in the relevant line.
If you use the settings "Basic256Sha256
-Sign" and "Basic256Sha256 -Sign & Encrypt", the
UA server and OPC UA clients must use "SHA256"-signed certificates.
For the settings "Basic256Sha256
-Sign" and "Basic256Sha256 -Sign & Encrypt", the
certificate authority of STEP
7 automatically signs the certificates with "SHA256".
"No Security" security policy and authentication via user name and password
You can set the following combination:
Security policy = "No Security" and authentication via user name and password.
The OPC UA server of the S7-1500 supports this combination. OPC UA clients can
connect and encrypt the authentication data or not.
OPC UA client of the S7-1500 CPU also supports this combination: However, in runtime it
only connects if it can send the authentication data encrypted via cable!
Handling of the client certificates of the S7-1500 CPU
Where does the client certificate come from?
If you are using the OPC UA client of an S7-1500 CPU (OPC UA client enabled), you can
create certificates for these clients with STEP 7 V15 and higher as described in the following
When you use UA clients from manufacturers or the OPC Foundation, a client certificate is
generated automatically during installation or upon the first program call. You have to import
these certificates with the global certificate manager in STEP 7 and use them for the
respective CPU.
When you program an OPC UA client yourself, you can have the certificates generated by
the program; see the section "Instance certificate for the client". Alternatively, you can
generate certificates with tools, for example with OpenSSL or the certificate generator of the
OPC Foundation:
The procedure for OpenSSL is described here: "Generating PKI key pairs and certificates
Working with the certificate generator of the OPC Foundation is described here: "Creating
self-signed certificates".
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Certificate of the OPC UA client of the S7-1500 CPU
A secure connection between the OPC UA server and an OPC UA client is only established
if the server classifies the certificate of the client as trusted.
Therefore you have to make the client certificate known to the server.
The following sections describe how you can initially generate a certificate for the OPC UA
Client of the S7-1500 CPU and then make it available to the Server.
1. Generate and export a certificate for the client
For a secure connection you have to generate a client certificate and export the certificate.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. In the "Project tree" area, select the CPU you want to use as a client.
2. Double-click "device configuration".
3. In the properties of the CPU click "Protection & Security > Certificate manager".
4. Double-click "<add>" in the "Device certificates" table.
STEP 7 opens a dialog.
5. Click "Add".
6. Select the "OPC UA client" entry from the list at the "Usage".
Under "Alternative name of the certificate holder (SAN)" the IP addresses under which
the CPU in your system can be accessed has to be entered.
You must therefore configure the IP interface of the CPU before you have generate a
Client certificate.
7. Click "OK".
STEP 7 now lists the client certificate in the "Device certificates" table.
8. Right-click this row and select the "Export certificate" entry from the shortcut menu.
9. Select a directory in which you store the Client certificate.
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2. Announcing the Client certificate to the server
You have to make the Client certificate available to the server to allow a secure connection
to be established.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Select the "Use global security settings for certificate manager" option in the local
certificate manager of the server. This makes the global certificate manager available.
You will find this option under "Protection & Security > Certificate manager" in the
properties of the CPU that is acting as server.
If the project is not yet protected, select "Security settings > Settings" in the STEP 7
project tree, click the "Protect this project" button and log on.
The "Global security settings" item is now displayed under "Security settings" in the STEP
7 project tree.
2. Double click "Global security settings".
3. Double click "Certificate manager".
STEP 7 opens the global certificate manager.
4. Click on the "Trusted certificates" tab.
5. Right-click in the tab on a free area (not on a certificate).
6. Select the "Import" command from the shortcut menu.
The dialog for importing certificates is displayed.
7. Select the client certificate that the server is to trust.
8. Click "Open" to import the certificate.
The certificate of the client is now contained in the global certificate manager.
Note the ID of the client certificate just imported.
9. Click the "General" tab in the properties of the CPU that is acting as server.
10.Click "OPC UA > Server > Security > Secure Channel".
11.Scroll down in the "Secure Channel" dialog to the section "Trusted clients".
12.Double-click in the table on the empty row with "<add new>". A browse button is
displayed in the row.
13.Click this button.
14.Select the client certificate that you have imported.
15.Click the button with the green check mark.
16.Compile the project.
17.Load the configuration onto the S7-1500 CPU.
The server now trusts the client. If the server certificate is also considered trusted, the server
and client can establish a secure connection.
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Generating server certificates with STEP 7
The description below shows the procedure for generating new certificates with STEP 7 and
applies in principle to various uses of the certificates. STEP 7 sets the appropriate purpose -
in this case "OPC UA Client & Server" - depending on which area of the CPU properties is
used to start the following dialog.
Recommendation: To use the full functionality for the security of the OPC UA server, use the
global security settings.
The global security settings are enabled in the CPU properties under "Protection & Security
> Certificate manager".
Customizing server certificates
STEP 7 automatically generates a certificate for the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 when
you activate the server (see "Activating the OPC UA server (Page 168)"). In the process
STEP 7 uses the default values for the parameters of the certificate. If you want to change
the parameters, follow these steps:
1. Click the Browse button under "General > OPC UA > Server > Security > Secure channel
> Server certificate" in the properties of the CPU. A dialog is displayed that shows the
certificates available locally.
2. Click the "Add" button.
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3. The dialog for generating new certificates is displayed (figure below). The values for an
example are already entered:
Figure 9-14 Customizing server certificates
4. Use other parameters if this is necessary in accordance with the security specifications in
your company or your customer.
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Explanation of fields for certificate generation
Select whether the certificate is to be self-signed or signed by one of the CA certificates
of the TIA Portal. The certificates are described under "Certificates with OPC UA". If you
want to generate a certificate that is to be signed by one of the CA certificates of the TIA-
Portal, the project must be protected and you must be logged in as a user with all the
required function rights. Further information can be found under "Basics of user
administration in the TIA Portal".
Certificate holder
The default setting always consists of the name of the project and "\OPCUA-1". In the
example, the project name is "PLC1". In the properties of the CPU set the project name
under "General > Project information" > Name". Keep the default or enter a different
name that is more meaningful for the OPC-UA server under "Certificate holder".
Here you select the hash and encryption process that is to be used when signing the
server certificate. The following entries are available:
Valid from
Here you enter the date and time for the beginning of the validity of the server certificate.
Valid until
Here you enter the date and time for the end of the validity of the server certificate.
Ensure that the certificate is valid not only for one year or a few years. In the example the
certificate is valid for 30 years. However, for reasons of security you should renew the
certificate at much shorter intervals. The long period of validity gives you the opportunity
to decide when a suitable moment would be, for example, when the system is being
The default is "OPC UA client & server". Keep this default for the OPC UA server. The
"Generate new certificate" dialog can be called from several points in STEP 7. If, for
example, you call this dialog for the Web server of the CPU, "Web server" is entered
under "Application". The following entries are available in the Usage drop-down list:
"OPC UA client"
"OPC UA client & server"
"OPC UA server"
"Web server"
Alternative name of the certificate holder
The following is entered in the example above: "URI:urn:SIMATIC.S7-1500.OPC-
UAServer:PLC1,IP:,IP:". The following entry would also be
valid: "IP:, IP:". It is important that the IP addresses over
which the OPC UA server of the CPU can be accessed are entered here (see "Access to
the OPC UA server (Page 170)"). This allows OPC UA clients to verify whether a
connection to the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 is really to be established or whether in
fact an attacker is trying to send manipulated values from another PC to the OPC UA
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Editing the security settings of the OPC UA server.
OPC UA uses secure connections between client and server. OPC UA checks the identity of
the communication partners. OPC UA uses certificates in accordance with X.509-V3 from
the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) for client and server authentication.
Exception: A secure connection is not established with the "No security" security policy.
Configuring security settings of the server
The figure below shows the available server security settings for signing and encrypting
The security policies are named according to the algorithms used. Example:
"Basic256Sha256 - Sign & Encrypt" means: Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms
for 256-bit hashing and 256-bit encryption.
Figure 9-15 Configuring security settings of the server
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By default, a server certificate is created that uses SHA256 signing. The following security
policies are released:
Insecure end point
Disabling security policies you do not want
If you have selec
ted all security policies (default setting) in the secure channel settings of
the S7
-1500 OPC UA server in other words the end point "No Security" non-secure
data traffic (neither signed nor encrypted) between the server and client is also possible.
e identity of the client remains unknown with "No security". Each OPC UA client can
then connect to the server irrespective of any subsequent security settings.
When configuring the OPC UA server, make sure that only security policies that are
compatible w
ith the security concept for your machine or plant are selected. All other
security policies should be disabled.
Recommendation: If possible, use the setting "Basic256Sha256".
Basic128Rsa15 -Sign
Insecure end point, supports a series of algorithms that use the hash algorithm RSA15
and 128-bit encryption.
This endpoint protects the integrity of the data through signing.
Basic128Rsa15 -Sign & Encrypt
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms that use the hash algorithm RSA15 and
128-bit encryption.
This endpoint protects the integrity and confidentiality of the data through signing and
Basic256Rsa15 -Sign
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms that use the hash algorithm RSA15 and
256-bit encryption.
This endpoint protects the integrity of the data through signing.
Basic256Rsa15 -Sign & Encrypt
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms that use the hash algorithm RSA15 and
256-bit encryption.
This end point protects the integrity and confidentiality of the data through signing and
Basic256Sha256 - Sign
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms for 256-bit hashing and 256-bit
This endpoint protects the integrity of the data through signing.
Basic256Sha256 - Sign & Encrypt
Secure endpoint, supports a series of algorithms for 256-bit hashing and 256-bit
This endpoint protects the integrity and confidentiality of the data through signing and
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To enable the security setting click the check box in the relevant line.
f you use the settings "Basic256Sha256 -Sign" and "Basic256Sha256 -Sign & Encrypt", the
UA server and OPC UA clients must use "SHA256"-signed certificates.
For the settings "Basic256Sha256
-Sign" and "Basic256Sha256 -Sign & Encrypt", the
certificate au
thority of STEP 7 automatically signs the certificates with "SHA256".
"No Security" security policy and authentication via user name and password
You can set the following combination:
Security policy = "No Security" and authentication via user name and password.
The OPC UA server of the S7-1500 supports this combination. OPC UA clients can
connect and encrypt the authentication data or not.
OPC UA client of the S7-1500 CPU also supports this combination: However, in runtime it
only connects if it can send the authentication data encrypted via cable!
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User authentication
Types of user authentication
For the OPC UA server of the S7-1500, you can set what authentication is required for a
user of the OPC UA client wishing to access the server.
You have the following options:
Guest authentication
The user does not have to prove their authorization (anonymous access). The OPC UA
server does not check the authorization of the client user
If you want to use this type of user authentication, select the "Enable guest
authentication" option under "OPC UA > Server > Security > User authentication".
To increase security, you should only allow access to the OPC UA server with user
User name and password authentication
The user has to prove their authorization (no anonymous access). The OPC UA server
checks whether the client user is authorized to access the server. Authorization is given
by the user name and the correct password.
If you want to use this type of user authentication, select the "Enable user name and
password authentication" option under "OPC UA > Server > Security > User
Deactivate the guest authentication.
Enter the user in the "User management" table.
To do so, click the "<Add new user>" entry. A new user is created with an automatically
assigned name. You can edit the user name and enter the password for the user name.
You can add a maximum of 21 users.
Additional user administration via the security settings of the project
If you select this option, the user management for the open project will also be used for
user authentication for the OPC UA server: The same user names and passwords are
then valid in OPC UA as in the current project.
Proceed as follows to activate user management for the project:
Click "Security settings > Settings" in the project tree.
Click the "Protect this project" button.
Enter your user name and your password.
Enter additional users under "Security settings > Users and roles".
If you configure an additional OPC UA server in your project, also select the option
"Enable additional user administration via the security settings of the project". Repeated
input of user names and passwords is then unnecessary.
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Users and roles with OPC UA function rights
The following options for user authentication use central project settings for project users:
For the server:
For configuration of CPU properties (OPC UA > Server > Security > User authentication).
Option: "Enable additional user administration via the security settings of the project"
For the client:
For configuration of client interface ("Configuration" tab, "Security"). Option: "User (TIA
Portal - security settings)"
Before you can edit the security settings, the project must be protected and you must be
logged on with sufficient rights, for example as administrator.
Settings in the project tree > "Security settings"
You access the central user settings and roles in the protected project in the project tree
under "Security settings". This is where you centrally define users with user name, password
and function rights. You can simply use these settings elsewhere.
Reusing central security settings
Examples for reusing elsewhere:
User selection for user authentication for OPC UA server
With this setting, you tell the server which client (user) with which user name and which
password is allowed to access the server.
User selection for OPC UA client authentication
With this setting, you tell the client the user name and password that it is to use for client
authentication for the server.
The settings for the client and server must correspond: The user name and password used
by the client to log on must have been set up on the server and assigned the required
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Function rights for server and client
The corresponding function rights for the client or the server must also be enabled for users
of the client function and users of the server function on an S7-1500 CPU. It is not enough
simply to save the user name and password centrally.
Here is an example to illustrate this type of rights use.
1. Under "Security settings > Users and roles", you define a new role in the "Roles" tab with
the name "PLC-opcua-role-all-inclusive", for example.
Tip: The tab may be covered by an information window ("The current status has not yet
been checked..."). In this case, first close the information window.
2. In the "Categories of function rights" section, you navigate to the runtime rights and then
to the CPU function rights, and select the CPU whose function rights you want to set, for
example PLC_2.
3. You will find the following function rights in the "Function rights" section:
OPC UA server access
This function right apples on the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU. Only when this
option is selected does a user of the CPU PLC_2 server who has been assigned the
role "PLC-opcua-role-all-inclusive" have the following right: For the establishment of a
session with the server, the user requires client authentication with one of the user
names and corresponding passwords that have been centrally defined (and loaded to
the CPU).
User authentication of the OPC UA client
This function right apples on the OPC UA client of the S7-1500 CPU (with client
instructions). Only when this option is selected can the user of the client of CPU
PLC_2 who has been assigned the role "PLC-opcua-role-all-inclusive" use the user
name and password for authentication to establish a session with a server.
4. The role "PLC-opcua-role-all-inclusive" still needs to be assigned to the relevant users
("Users" tab under "Security settings" in the project tree).
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Licenses for the OPC UA server
Runtime licenses
A license is required to run the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU. The type of license
required depends on the performance of the respective CPU. The following license types are
SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1500 small (required for CPU 1511, CPU 1512, CPU 1513, ET
200SP CPUs, CPU 1515SP PC)
SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1500 medium (required for CPU 1515, CPU 1516, Software
Controller CPU 1507, CPU 1516pro-2PN)
SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1500 large (required for CPU 1517, CPU 1518)
The required license type is displayed under "Properties > General > Runtime licenses >
OPC-UA > Type of required license":
To confirm purchase of the required license, follow these steps:
1. Click "Runtime licenses > OPC UA" in the properties of the CPU.
2. Select the required license from the "Type of purchased license" drop-down list.
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Providing methods on the OPC UA server
Important facts about server methods
Providing user program for server methods
On the OPC UA server of an S7-1500 CPU (as of firmware V2.5), you have the option of
providing methods via your user program. These methods can be used by OPC UA clients,
for example to start a manufacturing job using the method call of the S7-1500 CPU.
OPC UA methods, an implementation of "Remote Procedure Calls", provide an efficient
mechanism for interactions between different communication nodes. The mechanism
provides both job confirmation and feedback values so you no longer have to program
handshaking mechanisms.
Using OPC UA methods, you can transfer data consistently without trigger bits/handshaking,
for example, or trigger specific actions on the controller.
How does an OPC UA method work?
An OPC UA method in principle operates like a know-how protected function block that is
called by an external OPC UA client in runtime.
The OPC UA client only "sees" the defined inputs and outputs. The content of the function
block, the method or algorithm, remains hidden to the external OPC UA client. The OPC UA
client receives feedback on successful execution and values returned by the function block
(method), or an error message if execution has not been successful.
As the programmer, you have full control over and responsibility for the program context in
which the OPC UA method runs.
Rules for programming a method and runtime behavior
Make sure that the values returned by the OPC UA method are consistent with the input
values provided by the OPC UA client.
Follow the rules on assigning name and the structure of parameters, and the permitted
data types (see description of the OPC UA server instructions).
Behavior during runtime: The OPC UA server accepts
call per instance. The method
instance is not available for other OPC UA clients until the call has been processed by
the user program or has timed out.
The basic procedure for implementing a user program as a server method is set out below.
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Implementing a server method
A program (function block) for implementing a server method is structured as follows:
Querying the server method call with OPC_UA_ServerMethodPre
You first call the "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPre" instruction in your user program (i.e. in
your server method).
This instruction has the following tasks:
With this instruction you ask the OPC UA server of the CPU whether your server
method was called from an OPC UA client.
If the method was called and the server method has input parameters, your server
method now receives the input parameters.
The input parameters of the server method come from the calling OPC UA client.
Editing the server method
In this section of the server method, you provide the actual user program.
You have the same options as in any other user program (for example, access to other
function blocks or global data blocks).
If the server method uses input parameters, these parameters are available to you.
This section of the server method should only be executed if an OPC UA client has called
the server method.
After successful execution of the method, you set the output parameters of the server
method if the method has output parameters.
Responding to server method with OPC_UA_ServerMethodPost
To complete the server method, call the "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPost" instruction.
Use the parameters to notify the "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPost" instruction whether or not
the user program has been processed.
If the user program has been successfully executed, the OPC UA server is notified via
the relevant parameters. The OPC UA server then sends the output parameters of the
server method to the OPC UA client.
Always call the instructions "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPre" and "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPost"
as a pair irrespective of whether the user program is processed by both instructions or
continued in the next cycle.
You will find an example of a server method implementation in the STEP 7 online help.
Integrating the server method
The diagram below shows how an OPC UA client (A) calls the server method "Cool":
The CPU executes the instance "Cool1" of the server method "Cool" in the cyclic user
program .
The CPU first uses the instruction "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPre" to query whether an
OPC UA client has called the server method "Cool" .
If the server method has not been called, program execution returns directly to the cyclic
user program over and . The CPU resumes the cyclic user program after "Cool1".
If the server method has been called, this information is returned to the server method
"Cool" over . The actual functionality is now executed in the Cool server method,
see"<Method Functionality>" in the graphic.
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The server method then uses the instruction "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPost" to notify
the firmware (B) that the instruction has been executed .
The firmware returns this information over to the calling OPC UA client (A).
The CPU resumes the cyclic user program after "Cool1".
Call of the server method and management of the "Done" information (method complete)
Asynchronous call of the server method
Asynchronous "Done" information for the method called (method complete)
Wait for OPC UA client calls, management of calls in the queue, forwarding of "Done" information from the cyclic
user program to the OPC UA client
Data transfer from the OPC UA server to the method instances of the user program and vice versa
Check whether method has been called.
If it has, forwarding of input data from the OPC UA server to the method instance of the user program and feed-
back to the method instance that the method has been called ("called")
Synchronous call of the instruction OPC_UA_ServerMethodPre as a multi-instance stating the storage area for the
input data from the OPC UA server.
The return value indicates whether or not the method has been called by the OPC UA client.
Check whether the method has been completed or is still active ("busy").
Check whether the method has been completed.
If it has, the output data of the method instance is forwarded to the OPC UA server and the method instance is
notified that the method has been completed. The OPC UA server is notified.
Call of the method FB (in this case: FB Cool) with the required instance and the process parameters
Information about server instructions
The "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPre" and "OPC_UA_ServerMethodPost" are described in detail
in the help to the Instructions > Communication > OPC UA > OPC UA server.
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Boundary conditions for using server methods
Permitted data types
If you provide server methods, observe the following rule:
Assign the data types as shown below (SIMATIC data type - OPC UA data type). Other
assignments are not permitted.
STEP 7 does not check the observance of this rule and does not prevent an incorrect
assignment. You are responsible for the rule-compliant selection and assignment of the data
You can also use the listed data types, for example, as elements of structures/UDTs for input
and output parameters of self-created server methods (UAMethod_InParameters and
SIMATIC data type
OPC UA data type
DINT Int32
Enumeration (Encoding Int32) and all derived data types
User-defined data type required (UDT,
user-defined data type)
The user-defined data type must be
created with the prefix "Union_", for ex-
ample "Union_MyDatatype".
The first element (Selector) in this UDT
must have the data type "UDINT".
UNION and all derived data types
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Number of implementable server methods and number of arguments
If you implement server methods via your user program, the number of usable methods is
limited depending on the CPU type, see the following table.
Technical specification value
CPU 1510SP (F)
CPU 1511 (C/F/T/TF)
CPU 1512C
CPU 1512SP (F)
CPU 1513 (F)
CPU 1505
CPU 1515 (F/T/TF)
CPU 1515 SP PC (F/T/TF)
CPU 1516 (F/T/TF)
CPU 1507S (F)
CPU 1517 (F/T/TF)
CPU 1518 (F)
Maximum number of usable
server methods or max. num-
ber of server method instances
20 50 100
Maximum number of argu-
ments per method
(More than the specified num-
ber of arguments can be con-
figured and loaded into the
CPU, but an OPC UA client
cannot call the method).
20 20 20
Error message when exceeded
If the maximum number of server methods is exceeded, the OPC_UA_ServerMethodPre or
OPC_UA_ServerMethodPost instructions report the error code 0xB080_B000
Supply of structured data types with nested arrays
If a structured data type (Struct/UDT) contains an array, the OPC UA server does not
provide information about the length of this array.
If you use such a structure as the input or output parameter of a server method, for example,
you must ensure that the nested array is supplied with the correct length when the method is
If you do not adhere to this rule, the method fails with the error code "BadInvalidArgument".
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OPC UA server interface configuration
What is a server interface?
A server interface combines related nodes of an OPC UA address space of a CPU into a
unit, so that a specific view of this CPU is provided for OPC UA clients.
1st example:
A CPU controls an injection molding machine
In this example, a server interface contains all OPC UA nodes of the CPU,
which you can read with an OPC UA client, to get information about this injection molding
machine (from readable PLC tags),
which you can write with an OPC UA client write, to transfer values to the injection
molding machine (in writable PLC tags),
which you can call with an OPC UA client to start injection molding machine functions (via
server methods).
This server interface allows a view of a CPU which can be used to control an injection
molding machine.
For injection molding machines, the companion specification "Euromap" defines a whole
series of OPC UA nodes that you can combine in a server interface.
Other OPC UA nodes of the CPU are not included in this view.
This provides a better overview.
The section "Create server interface (Page 199)" shows how to create a server interface and
add related OPC UA nodes to this server interface.
The "Euromap77" serves as an example for related OPC UA nodes.
2nd example
Plant-specific or customer-specific
You can also define a server interface which, for example, meets the requirements in a
customer-specific project.
Specify all required OPC UA nodes in an XML file.
Use a tool for this purpose, for example the free program "SiOME" from Siemens; you can
find the explanations and download link here
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Create a server interface
Create server interfaces
To create an Server interface, follow these steps:
1. Select the project view in the TIA Portal.
2. Select the CPU that you want to use as an OPC UA server.
3. Click "OPC UA communication > Server interfaces".
4. Double-click "Add new server interface".
STEP 7 creates a new server interface, names it "Server interface_1" and opens the
editor for server interfaces.
5. Change the name of the new server interface so that it is descriptive in your project.
6. Click the "Import companion specification" button in the top right of the Server Interfaces
STEP 7 displays the "Import" dialog.
7. Select an XML file which contains an instance (or multiple instances) of a companion
The "Using OPC UA companion specification (Page 202)" section describes how to
create such an XML file.
STEP 7 imports the XML file and displays the new server interface in the editor.
The following figure shows a section of a server interface which uses an instance of the
"Euromap" companion specification:
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Information on the server interface
The editor for server interfaces is structured as table and provides a range of information
about the imported node set file (OPC UA-XML file).
The tables provides the following information:
Name of the node
The top node is named "IMM_manufacturer_01234" in the example.
This name stands for the injection molding machine as a whole. It is the name of the
instance of the "Euromap" companion specification that is used here.
According to the companion specification, the instance name should begin with "IMM",
followed by the name of the manufacturer of the injection molding machine; the serial
number of the machine is added to the end. This allows a unique identification of the
The name of this node is assigned by the user.
The names of all other (lower-level) nodes are defined by the specification (in the
example above by the "Euromap" companion specification). These node names must not
be changed by the user. This ensures a uniform view of all injection molding machines,
which complies with the specification.
Node type
Type of the node. The type is specified by the companion specification that is used.
STEP 7 shows a node type in red in the table when the imported XML file contains no
type definition.
In this case, you can find the referenced but missing namespaces in the properties of the
server interface under "Namespaces".
Import the referenced XML files that contain the missing namespaces (and all data types
defined in them) into a server interface to be created.
Access level
Nodes (tags) can only be readable (RD) or readable and writeable (RD/WR).
The server methods of a specification can always be called. If they were not callable, they
would not have been included in the specification.
The imported XML file may contain descriptions of the nodes in several languages.
If you have imported such a file, STEP 7 displays the description in the project language.
If no description is available in the XML file in the project language, then the English
description is displayed.
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Local data
STEP 7 displays the data block which is assigned to the node in the CPU (mapping).
The CPU reads the value of the OPC UA node from this data block.
The OPC UA server then makes this value available for OPC UA clients.
If a data block is displayed in red, then the specified data block is not available in the
In this case you have to create the missing data block in the CPU (of user program) and
supply it with a value.
Alternative: Change the mapping of the OPC UA node to a local data block (or to a tag of
a tag table of your user program) in the XML file.
The "Using OPC UA companion specification (Page 202)" section describes how to
change mapping.
Data type
This is the data type of the data block in the CPU, from which the value of an OPC UA
node is read, or to which a value is written.
Consistency check
You have the option of checking the server interface. STEP 7 hereby checks whether the
nodes (e.g. tags) are mapped correctly in the imported node set file (OPC UA XML file).
1. Select the nodes that you want to check.
2. Click "Consistency check".
The consistency check checks the mapping of the local data against the displayed server
Do the names of the PLC tags in the CPU program correspond to those of the
imported server interface?
Do the data types of the PLC tags correspond to the corresponding nodes in the
server interface? STEP 7 displays corresponding warnings and errors if the above
conditions are not met.
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Using OPC UA companion specifications
OPC UA is universally applicable: The standard itself does not, for example, specify how
PLC tags are to be named. It is also up to the individual user (application developer) to
program and name server methods that can be called over OPC UA.
Information modeling and standardization for devices and sectors
For applications of the same kind, it is worth standardizing your device or machine interface
with the "OPC UA toolkit".
Many different bodies and working groups have driven forward standardization and
developed a range of companion specifications.
These specifications define:
The objects, methods and tags with which a typical device or machine is to be described.
The namespace intended for the specified objects.
Machines are typically structured in functional or technological units, and these units are
then standardized.
Companion specifications offer machine and plant operators the benefits of a standardized
interface. For example, all RFID readers that comply with the AutoID specifications can be
integrated in the same way. This means that all RFID readers that comply with the AutoID
specifications can be addressed by OPC UA clients in the same way irrespective of
Another example of companion specifications is the Euromap 77 Companion Specifications
from the injection molding machinery sector.
The following section uses the example of Euromap 77 to detail how to apply companion
specifications in STEP 7 (TIA Portal) and create the necessary PLC tags.
Example: Euromap 77
Euromap 77 standardizes the exchange of data between injection molding machines and the
higher-level MES (manufacturing execution system). This allows the MES to connect all
lower-level injection molding machines in the same way.
The standardized data interface facilitates the integration of injection molding machines into
a plant.
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Using companion specifications: Overview
Euromap 77 is described in the OPC UA XML file "Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.NodeSet2.xml".
Euromap 77, Euromap 83 and OPC UA for Devices (DI)
With Release Candidate 2, some of the Euromap definitions have been transferred from
Euromap 77 to Euromap 83. You will therefore also need to import the OPC UA server
interface of Euromap 83.
"OPC UA for Devices
" is a generally applicable information model for the configuration of
hardware and software components. The information model also serves as the basis for
other companion standards and is therefore also imported.
The OPC UA XML files are available here:
Euromap77 (http://www.euromap.org/euromap77)
Euromap83 (http://www.euromap.org/euromap83)
OPC UA for Devices (https://opcfoundation.org/UA/schemas/DI/)
The Euromap OPC UA XML files define the interface of the OPC UA server of an injection
molding machine that complies with the Euromap 77 companion standard.
Proceed as follows to model the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU in accordance with the
Euromap 77 standard:
1. Generate an
XML file
by creating an instance of the type "IMM_MES_InterfaceType".
is the highest-level node in Euromap 77
This data type is
directly derived from the OPC UA data type BaseObjectType"
All Euromap 77 (83) tags and methods are defined under "IMM_MES_InterfaceType".
"Step 1" sets out the procedure in detail.
2. Assign PLC tags and FB instances (server methods) from your S7-1500 CPU to the tags
and methods of Euromap 77 (the Euromap 77 information model).
"Step 2" sets out the procedure in detail.
3. Import the XML file as "Server interface".
"Step 3" sets out the procedure in detail.
Compile the STEP 7 project.
Download the project to the CPU that acts as the controller for an injection molding
4. In your STEP 7 project, create the PLC tags and server methods to which you have
assigned Euromap 77 tags and methods under 2.
The PLC tags must have compatible data types; see "Mapping data types".
Enable read and write access to these PLC tags for OPC UA clients in accordance with
Euromap 77.
Save the PLC tags in a data block, for example.
"Step 4" sets out the procedure in detail.
: The Euromap 77 tags and server methods are available for OPC UA clients in the
address space of the OPC UA server of your CPU.
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Step 1: Creating an instance
The following section describes how to use the free program "SiOME", the "Siemens OPC
UA Modelling Editor".
With SiOME, you can create an OPC UA XML file, which describes the server interface (an
information model).
To load and publish the new interface into the OPC UA server of an S7-1500 CPU, import
the server interface into the STEP 7 project, see section "Create server interface
(Page 199)".
When the project is loaded into the CPU, the new server interface is available for OPC UA
Other tools for designing information models
You can also work with other tools to design information models to create a server interface,
such as the program "UaModeler" from Unified Automation. You can download the
"UaModeler" program from here (https://www.unified-automation.com/downloads/opc-ua-
The tools for designing information models are constantly being honed and improved. You
should therefore always use the documentation provided by the manufacturer.
With the help of SiOME (Siemens OPC UA Modeling Editor), a tool for implementing OPC
UA companion specifications, you can design information models / address spaces for your
OPC UA server and can create new types and instances of OPC UA nodes.
You can also use SiOME to map UA tags to PLC tags and UA methods to PLC function
blocks (instances).
Download link and explanations about SIOME are available here
Proceed as follows to create an XML file with an instance of "IMM_MES_InterfaceType":
1. Download the files "Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.NodeSet2.xml" and
"Opc_Ua_EUROMAP83_NodeSet2.xml" from the Euromap website (see above).
2. Download the file "Opc.Ua.Di.NodeSet2
xml" from the OPC Foundation website.
Euromap77/83 is an OPC UA Companion specification, this means that it is based on
OPC UA and uses data types defined in the file "Opc.Ua.Di.NodeSet2
3. Start SiOME.
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4. First, import the namespace "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/".
To do so, click the ""Import XML" button in the "Information model" area.
Select the file "OPCUaDiNodeSet2 "xml" and click "Open" to import the file.
SiOME imports the XML file and shows the namespace "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/"
in the "Namespaces" area.
The standard namespace "http://opfoundation.org/UA/" is always available in SiOME and
does not have to be imported.
5. Now import the namespace "http://www.euromap.org/euromap83/"
To do so, click the ""Import XML" button in the "Information model" area.
Select the file "Opc_Ua.EUROMAP83.NodeSet2.xml".
SiOME imports the XML file and shows the namespace
"http://www.euromap.org/euromap83/" in the "Namespaces" area.
6. Now import the namespace "http://www.euromap.org/euromap77/"
To do so, click the ""Import XML" button again in the "Information model" area.
Select the file "Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.NodeSet2.xml".
Defining your own namespace and creating an instance
So far, you have imported Euromap77.
Now use the companion specification for an injection molding machine, i.e. you create an
instance of Euromap77 (a usage).
In the "Namespaces" area, right-click "Models" and select "Add Model".
SiOME opens the "Add Model" dialog.
8. Click "New Model", to create a new model.
SiOME now shows in green the switch in front "New Model":
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9. Add your own namespace to the XML file.
Use a unique name for this purpose.
In the example, enter "YourCompany.com":
Create new sequence
Now create now a new instance of Euromap77. This allows you to use the Euromap77 for
an injection molding machine.
Right-click on "Objects" in the "Information model" area.
SiOME shows a shortcut menu.
11.Click "Add Instance" to add a new instance.
SiOME displays the "Add Instance" dialog.
At "Name" insert a descriptive name for your instance, i.e. for the machine you are using
for Euromap77.
In the example, enter "IMM_Manufacturer_01234".
For "TypeDefinition", select "IMM_MES_InterfaceType".
Click "OK".
SiOME shows the new instance in the "Information model" area under "Objects":
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12.Click the black arrow in front of "IMM_Manufacturer_01234", to open the instance:
13.Now create a new instance for "InjectionUnits".
Right-click "InjectionUnits".
SiOME displays the "Add Instance" dialog.
At "Name", insert a descriptive name for your instance.
In the example, enter "InjectionUnit_1.
For "TypeDefinition", select "InjectionUnitType".
Click "OK".
14.Now create a new instance each for "Molds" and "PowerUnits", as described above for
15.Now save the XML file.
Export the file for this purpose.
Click the ""Export XML" button in the "Information model" area.
SiOME shows the "Export XML" dialog.
16.Leave the "Include mappings" option unselected, because the file still contains no
mappings (UAtags on PLC tags, UAmethods on server methods of the CPU).
The imported namespaces are required for Euromap77. Therefore, SiOME displays these
in grey.
Click "OK".
SiOME shows a dialog.
17.Select a descriptive name for the XML file and save the file.
You have now created an XML file containing the companion specification "Euromap77" and
the instances you added. Euromap77 is used for this purpose.
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Step 2: Assigning PLC tags
The description below uses the example of a tag to show how you assign specific PLC tags
and server methods to the tags and methods of Euromap 77.
The easy way
We recommend using the SiOME tool here as well. You have to enable mapping in SiOME
for this purpose:
In the "TIA Portal" area, select the data blocks whose tags you want to assign ("map") to the
OPC UA tags of the information model.
The tags from the TIA Portal project can easily be connected to the OPC UA tags using
To link methods, you must use drag-and-drop to link the instance data blocks of the
corresponding TIA Portal function blocks to the methods of the information model.
When exporting, select the "Include mappings" option, since the information model for an
OPC UA server is required here.
This option is not required if you need the information model for an OPC UA client.
A detailed description can be found in the online support application example (OPC UA for
Devices (https://opcfoundation.org/UA/schemas/DI/)).
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Assigning PLC tags manually
If you do not assign the data with SiOME, proceed as follows:
1. Use an editor to open the file "demo.xml" that you created in "Step 1".
In the XML file, search for the UA tag with
These tags are assigned a PLC tag in the next step.
2. To assign this OPC UA tag a PLC tag, add an extension to the XML element of the OPC
UA tag.
In turn, you then add an element of the type "<si:VariableMapping>" to this extension:
3. The XML element "<si:VariableMapping>" is defined in the XML namespace
You therefore need to assign this namespace to the XML element "<UANodeSet>", for
example in a one-off operation with the following code line at the start of the XML file:
If you do not add the namespace, the element "<si:VariableMapping>" will not be known
in the file.
4. Save the "demo.xml" file and close the editor.
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Useful information: Assigning PLC methods
As well as assigning tags, you can also assign methods to an FB instance (user program or
function block as representation of the method).
To assign an OPC UA method to an FB instance, you also need to add an extension to the
OPC UA XML file following the procedure outlined below. Please note that the suffix
".Method" without quotation marks must be added to the instance name.
You add an element of the <si:MethodMapping> type to the extension:
The properties of an OPC UA method with the BrowseName "InputArguments" and
"OutputArguments" are OPC UA tags and are
Step 3: Importing server interfaces
Proceed as follows to import an OPC UA XML file as "Server interface":
1. Open the STEP 7 project.
2. Click "OPC UA communication > Server interfaces".
3. Double-click on "Import server interface".
4. In the "Import" dialog, select the file that you want to import as server interface.
In the example, this is the file "demo.xml".
5. Click the "Import" button.
6. Also import the files "Opc.Ua.Di.NodeSet2.xml", "Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.NodeSet2.xml"
and "Opc_Ua.EUROMAP83.NodeSet2.xml".
The "demo.xml" file relates to the files just specified.
Always use the latest versions of these files as STEP 7 does not compile OPC UA XML
files with errors.
The above image of the machine generated in accordance with Euromap 77 specifications is
now available in the address space of the OPC UA server.
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Step 4: Creating PLC tags and server methods in the STEP 7 project
In the example, you have assigned the PLC tag
"MyIMM_MES_Interface"."InjectionUnits.NodeVersion" to the UA tag with
NodeId="ns=1;s=MyIMM_MES_Interface.InjectionUnits.NodeVersion"; see "Step 2:
Assigning PLC tags".
Proceed as follows to create the required PLC tag with STEP 7 (TIA Portal):
1. Generate a "MyIMM_MES_Interface" data block.
2. Generate the DB element "InjectionUnits.NodeVersion". Use the SIMATIC data type
compatible with the OPC UA data type. The UA tag in the example has the OPC UA data
type "String" (DataType="String"). The compatible SIMATIC data type is WSTRING.
3. Compile the project.
4. Download the project to the CPU.
Importing exported OPC UA XML files to an S7-1500 CPU
Please note the following information when importing server interfaces that come from the
OPC UA XML export of an S7-1500.
Import blocked for namespace "http://www.siemens.com/simatic-s7-opcua"
You cannot import server interfaces with the namespace "http://www.siemens.com/simatic
7-opcua" to an S7-1500 CPU because this namespace is reserved for S7-1500 CPUs
(standard SIMATIC server interface) and is not available for imports.
If you want to import a server interface with the namespace
-s7-opcua", open the server interface to be imported (OPC
UA XML file) and change the namespace in the relevant places. The file thus changed can
then be imported.
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Integrity of the OPC UA XML files
OPC UA XML files represent the server address space. These files are, for example,
imported by you in the context of OPC UA Companion specifications as a server interface
after adaptation to the application, loaded with the hardware configuration into the S7-1500
CPU and tested.
No checking of imported OPC UA XML files
Protect these OPC UA XML files against unauthorized manipulation since STEP 7 does not
check the integrity of these files.
To minimize risks in the case of an extension or adaptation of the server address space,
follow these steps:
1. Protect the project (project navigation: Security settings > Settings).
2. Export the corresponding server interface before the extension or adaptation.
3. Revise this OPC UA XML file.
4. Import the file again as a server interface.
Mapping data types
The table below shows the compatible SIMATIC data type for each OPC UA data type.
Assign the data types as shown below (SIMATIC data type OPC UA data type). Other
assignments are not permitted. STEP 7 does not check the observance of this rule and does
not prevent an incorrect assignment. You are responsible for the rule-compliant selection
and assignment of the data types.
You can also use the listed data types, for example, as elements of structures/UDTs for input
and output parameters of self-created server methods (UAMethod_InParameters and
Table 9- 2 Mapping of data types
SIMATIC data type
OPC UA data type
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SIMATIC data type
OPC UA data type
LREAL Double
Enumeration (Encoding Int32) and all derived data types
User-defined data type required (UDT,
user-defined data type)
The user-defined data type must be
created with the prefix "Union_", for ex-
ample "Union_MyDatatype"; see exam-
ple below the table.
The first element (Selector) in this UDT
must have the data type "UDINT".
UNION and all derived data types
User-defined data type for UNION required
The figure below shows the tag "MyVariable", which has the data type "Union_MyDatatype".
This SIMATIC data type corresponds to an OPC UA tag with the data type UNION.
The figure shows an example of the declaration: When Selector = 1, Union accepts one
ByteString; when Selector = 2, Union accepts one WString.
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Using other OPC UA basic data types
Apart from the OPC UA data types listed in the section "Mapping of data types" and their
correspondences on the SIMATIC side, there are the following OPC UA basic data types
which you can also use:
Requirement for the use of the basic data types listed above as variables in the application
program: The basic data types have to exist as complex data types that are structured
exactly like the corresponding OPC UA basic data types.
OpcUa_NodeId and OpcUa_QualifiedName exist as system data types; that's why you
can use these data types not only for single variables but also as elements of a structure.
For the remaining basic data types, you have to create a PLC data type in accordance
with the OPC UA specification and subsequently use it as an element in a structure so
that the data types of the elements can be resolved. What each PLC data type must look
like is described below for every single basic data type. "EUInformation" is an example of
a data structure in which, for example, the UDT "LocalizedText" is used. EUInformation
contains information on EngineeringUnits. You can find an example of the implementation
of the EUInformation data structure at the end of the PLC data type descriptions.
System data type "OPC_UA_NodeId"
For the OPC UA basic data type "OpcUa_NodeId", please refer to the following table for the
meaning of the parameters. Use OPC_UA_NodeId for the identification of a node in the OPC
UA server.
S7 data type
NamespaceIndex UINT Namespace index of the node in the OPC UA server.
A node can, for example, be a tag.
Identifier WSTRING[254] The designation of the node (object or tag) depends
on the identifier type:
Numeric identifier: The node is labeled with a
number, for example "12345678".
String identifier: The node is labeled with a name,
for example "MyTag". No distinction is made be-
tween upper and lower case.
IdentifierType UDINT Type of identifier
0: Numeric identifier
1: String identifier
3: Opaque
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System data type "OPC_UA_QualifiedName"
See the following table for the structure of the system data type "OPC_UA_QualifiedName":
S7 data type
The namespace index of the name.
Name WSTRING[64] Name of the node or tag.
UDT "Guid"
For the basic data type "Guid", create the following PLC data type. The default values used
as examples can also be set differently.
UDT "LocalizedText"
For the basic data type "LocalizedText", create the following PLC data type:
The EncodingByte indicates which fields (Locale or Text) are available:
The fields Locale and Text are empty
The field Locale has content, the field Text is empty
The field Locale is empty, the field Text has content
The fields Locale and Text have content
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UDT "ByteString"
For the basic data type "ByteString", create the following PLC data type; in this case, for
example, a ByteString array with 12 elements:
UDT "XmlElement"
An XmlElement is a serialized XML fragment (UTF-8 string)
For the basic data type "XmlElement", create the following PLC data type:
Example: Structure of EUInformation with UDT "LocalizedText"
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MinimumSamplingInterval attribute of tags
In addition to "Value", "DataType" and "AccessLevel", you can also set the
"MinimumSamplingInterval" attribute for a tag in the XML file that represents the server
address space.
The attribute specifies how fast the server can sample the tag value.
The OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU handles the values for MinimumSamplingInterval
as follows:
Negative values and values greater than 4294967 are set to -1 (meaning: Default setting
of the server should be used for the sampling interval for sampling. This is defined by the
publishing interval of the subscription, see OPC UA specification part 4).
Decimal numbers are rounded to three decimal places.
Missing namespaces
A node set file (OPC UA XML file) may contain references to other OPC UA XML files that
provide type definitions in other namespaces. You must import all required definitions for the
information model in order for the server interface to work properly.
Example for list of namespaces (NamespaceUris) in an OPC UA XML file
Importing additional namespaces
If namespaces are still missing after the import of an OPC UA XML file, STEP 7 generates
an error message.
In this case, import the OPC UA XML files with the missing namespaces into a new server
interface. You must create a new server interface, otherwise the additional imported XML file
would overwrite the current companion specification (the current information model).
The missing namespaces are displayed in red in the properties of the server interface.
After importing the XML files, you must click the "Refresh interface" button to refresh the
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Coordinating write and read rights for CPU tags
Definition of write and read rights in the information model (OPC UA XML)
In the OPC UA information model, the attribute "AccessLevel" regulates access to tags.
AccessLevel is defined bit by bit:
Bit 0 = CurrentRead and Bit 1 = CurrentWrite. The meaning of the bit combinations is as
AccessLevel = 0: no access
AccessLevel = 1: read only
AccessLevel = 2: write only
AccessLevel = 3: read+write
Example of the assignment of write and read rights (read+write)
Definition of write and read rights in STEP 7
When you define tags, you specify the access rights using the properties "Accessible from
HMI/OPC UA" and "Writable from HMI/OPC UA".
Example of the assignment of write and read rights
Interaction between write and read rights
If you have imported an OPC UA server interface and AccessLevel attributes are set in this
OPC UA XML file, the write and read rights are defined by the following rule: The least
extensive access rights for each setting apply.
AccessLevel = 1 (read only) in the OPC UA server interface
Both "Accessible from HMI/OPC UA" and "Writable from HMI/OPC UA" are selected in
the PLC tag table
Result: The tag is only read.
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If write rights are required:
AccessLevel = 2 oder 3
"Writable from HMI/OPC UA" enabled
If read rights are required:
AccessLevel = 1 (AccessLevel 3 is also possible, but misleading. The settings suggests
that an OPC UA client has write and read rights)
"Accessible from HMI/OPC UA" enabled, "Writable from HMI/OPC UA" disabled
If neither read nor write rights are to be granted (no access):
AccessLevel = 0
"Accessible from HMI/OPC UA" disabled
Only one of the two conditions needs to be met to block all access. In this case, review
whether the tag in the OPC UA server interface is actually necessary at all.
Access table
"Accessible from HMI/OPC UA" must be set if access over OPC UA is to be possible at all.
"Writable from HMI/OPC UA" must be set to allow an OPC UA client to write a tag / DB
Please see the table for the resulting access right.
Table 9- 3 Access table
STEP 7 (TIA Portal), for example tag table
Accessible from
Writable from HMI/OPC
Resulting access right
No access
No access
1 Enabled x Read only
No access
Read only
Write only
(x = don't care)
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Consistency of CPU tags
"AccessLevelEx" attribute extends access properties
As of firmware version V2.6, the OPC UA server of the S7-1500 CPU supports not only the
attribute "AccessLevel" (see Coordinating write and read rights for CPU tags (Page 218)) but
also the attribute "AccessLevelEx" which, in addition to the already explained bits for read
access and write access, provides information on the consistency of a OPC UA tag. The new
attribute was introduced with version V1.04 of the OPC UA specification (Part 3, Address
Space Model).
Reading consistency properties
In the OPC UA information model of the OPC UA server, the attribute "AccessLevel" defines
the access.
AccessLevelEx is defined bit by bit; in this case, the relevant bits are:
Bit 0 = CurrentRead
Bit 1 = CurrentWrite
Bits 2 to 7 are not relevant for the OPC UA server of an S7-1500 CPU
The meaning of the bit combinations is explained in the section on read and write rights.
The following bits for consistency are also added:
Bit 8 = NonatomicRead; the bit is set if the tag cannot be read consistently. For read
consistency of tags, bit 8=0.
Bit 9 = NonatomicWrite; is set if the tag cannot be written consistently. For write
consistency of tags, or if no write access is granted, bit 9=0.
An OPC UA tag (structure) is readable and writable; but inconsistent for reading and writing
Consequently: Bits 0, 1, 8 and 9 are set: AccessLevelEx = "771" (1+2+256+512).
Another structure is read-only.
Consequently: Bits 0 and 8 are set, bit 1 and bit 9 are not set: AccessLevelEx = "257"
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Handling of the attribute in the server
The "AccessLevelEx" attribute is only available in the OPC UA server. The attribute is not
present in a node set file (XML export file).
However, the attribute "AccessLevel", which is exported, includes the information from
"AccessLevelEx", see next section.
With XML export of the standard Simatic server interface, the server sets the attribute
"AccessLevel", which was extended to 32 Bit Advanced in V1.04 compared to V1.03, to the
value of attribute "AccessLevelEx".
When importing a node set file (e.g. from an export of a server interface), the S7-1500 CPU
sets the attribute "AccessLevelEx" according to its own estimate of the consistency of the
imported data type, see next section. The imported value is ignored.
Consistency of data types at the server interface
The consistency of tags ("atomicity" in the language usage of OPC UA) within a program
cycle of an S7-1500 CPU is ensured at the nodes of the server interface for the following
data types:
System data types and hardware data types that are based on the above-mentioned data
types are also consistent.
Example: HW_ANY, derived from UINT (UInt16).
: If you browse in the address space of the S7-1500 CPU (e.g. with the OPC UA Client
UaExpert), you can find the consistent data types under Types > BaseDataType >
Tags of the following data types are
consistent ("nonatomic" in the language usage of
SIMATIC structures are generally not consistent. This means that all tags which, for
example, have unknown structures or a UDT data type are not consistent.
System data types such as DTL, IEC_Counter, IEC_TIMER, etc. are data types that are
derived from structures.
: If you browse in the address space of the S7-1500 CPU (e.g. with the OPC UA Client
UaExpert), you can find data types based on structures under Types > BaseDataType >
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222 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Notes on configuration limits when using server interfaces
When you use OPC UA server interfaces, you must comply with limits for the following
objects in line with the S7-1500 CPU performance class:
Number of server interfaces
Number of OPC UA nodes
Load object data volume
If you have implemented methods: Number of server methods or server method
Configuration limits for OPC UA server interfaces and methods
The table below sets out the configuration limits for S7-1500 CPUs; these must also be
taken into account when you compile and load a configuration.
A violation of configuration limits results in an error message.
Table 9- 4 Configuration limits for OPC UA server interfaces
Technical specification value
CPU 1510SP (F)
CPU 1511 (C/F/T/TF)
CPU 1512C
CPU 1512SP (F)
CPU 1513 (F)
CPU 1505
CPU 1515 (F/T/TF)
CPU 1515 SP PC (F/T/TF)
CPU 1516 (F/T/TF)
CPU 1507S (F)
CPU 1517 (F/T/TF)
CPU 1518 (F)
Use of imported companion specifications (information models)
Maximum number of OPC
UA server interfaces
10 10 10
Maximum number of OPC
UA nodes in user-defined
server interfaces
1000 5000 30000
Maximum size of loadable
OPC UA server interfaces
1024 KB 5120 KB 15360 KB
Provision of methods
Maximum number of usable
server methods or max. num-
ber of server method instances
20 50 100
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Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client
Overview and requirements
With STEP 7 (TIA Portal) Version 15.1 and higher, you can configure and program an OPC
UA client that can read PLC tags in an OPC UA server. Furthermore it is possible to transfer
new values for PLC tags to an OPC UA server. In addition, you can call methods that an
OPC UA server provides in your user program. You use the new instructions for OPC UA
clients for this purpose in your user program.
The instructions of the OPC UA client are based on the standard "PLCopen OPC UA Client
for IEC61131-3".
PLCopen companion specification
With these standardized instructions, you can use OPC UA client functions in your user
program that can be executed in an S7-1500 CPU.
In addition, it is possible with just a few adaptations to run this user program in controllers of
other manufacturers if these manufacturers also implemented the OPC UA Companion
Specification "PLCopen OPC UA client for IEC61131-3".
Convenient editors in STEP 7
For the parameter assignment of the instructions for OPC UA clients, a convenient editor is
available in the TIA Portal the connection parameter assignment (Page 245).
As of Version 15.1, STEP 7 also features an editor for client interfaces (Page 228).
This section describes how you work with these editors.
First, you will be shown how to create and configure a new interface with the interface editor,
because you need this type of interface for the subsequent connection parameter
The description uses an example for better comprehensibility, see Description of the
example (Page 227).
To use the client of the S7-1500 CPU, you must enable it:
1. Select the area "OPC UA > Client" in the properties of the CPU.
2. Select the "Enable OPC UA client" option.
If you do not enable the client, the connection is not established. You receive a
corresponding error message at the instructions, for example "OPC_UA_Connect".
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To use the editor and the connection parameter assignment, follow these steps:
1. First, specify a client interface. Add to the interface the PLC tags and PLC methods that
you want to access ("First step (Page 228)").
2. Next, configure the connection to the OPC UA server (Second step (Page 245)).
3. Finally, use the configured connection for the OPC UA client instructions (Third step
(Page 253)).
Useful information about the client instructions
With the standardized OPC UA client instructions you are able to control communication for
the following tasks with the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client:
Read/write tags of the OPC UA server
Call methods in the OPC UA server
Optional instructions can be used to determine the status of the connection between the
OPC UA client and OPC UA server or to determine nodes along a know hierarchy.
Standardized sequence of OPC UA communication
The sequence of the communication, and thus the order of the instructions, follows a pattern
that is illustrated in the following.
Run sequence for a read or write operation
Instructions for preparation of read and write operations
Read and write instructions
Instructions for "clean-up" after a completed read or write operation
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Run sequence for a method call in the OPC UA server
Instructions for preparation of method calls
Method calls
Instructions for "clean-up" after completed method calls
Optional instructions for reading out the status of a connection between the OPC UA client
and OPC UA server and for reading out complete paths from the OPC UA server.
Instructions for preparation of read and write operations with inserted instruction for requesting,
for example, the NodeIDs of nodes of the OPC UA server.
You can determine the connection status between the establishment and termination of the
connection in parallel with other instructions.
Instructions for "clean-up"
Convenient editors in STEP 7
The OPC UA client instructions are described in detail in the reference part (STEP 7
information system). For parameter assignment of the instructions, a convenient editor is
available in the TIA Portal the connection parameter assignment (Page 245).
We recommend starting with the connection parameter assignment for the first program draft
and using additional instructions and manually optimizing the program as required.
Information about the client instructions
The client instructions are described in detail in the help to the Instructions > Communication
> OPC UA > OPC UA client.
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Number of client instructions that can be used simultaneously
SIMATIC error codes for OPC UA client instructions
The following limits apply to the simultaneous use of OPC UA client instructions:
Table 9- 5 Quantity structures for OPC UA client instructions
OPC UA instruction
Maximum number for
CPU 1510SP (F)
CPU 1511 (C/F/T/TF)
CPU 1512C
CPU 1512SP (F)
CPU 1513 (F)
Maximum number for
CPU 1505
CPU 1515 (F/T/TF)
CPU 1515 SP PC (F/T/TF)
CPU 1516 (F/T/TF)
Maximum number for
CPU 1507S (F)
CPU 1517 (F/T/TF)
CPU 1518 (F)
OPC_UA_NamespaceGetIndexList 4 10 40
OPC_UA_MethodGetHandleList 4 10 40
OPC_UA_ReadList 20 in total (max. 5 per
connection, see
50 in total (max. 5 per con-
nection, see
200 in total (max. 5 per
connection, see
4 10 40
Maximum number of usable OPC UA client interfaces
If you create OPC UA client interfaces using the connection parameter assignment, the
number of client interfaces is limited to 40.
Create the OPC UA client interfaces by double-clicking the "Add new client interface" symbol
in the project tree of the "OPC UA communication" area.
The maximum number of OPC UA client interfaces is independent of whether you also use
the CPU as OPC UA server.
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Example configuration for OPC UA
The following sections describe how you can use the client interfaces editor and the
connection parameter assignment.
The description is based on a specific example: Two S7-1500 CPUs operate in the system:
One CPU serves as the OPC UA client and the other as the OPC UA server.
You can, of course, also use controllers, sensors and IT systems of other manufacturers as
OPC UA clients or servers. In particular, the data exchange between different systems
(interoperability) is a major advantage of OPC UA.
Connection parameter assignment using an example:
The plant produces blanks in a production line.
The following controllers are used:
1. An S7-1511 CPU serves as the controller of the production line.
The controller is named "
" in the example.
The OPC UA server of the controller is enabled.
The CPU has the IP address in the example.
This CPU publishes the values of following tags via the OPC UA server:
The tag has the data type "BOOL".
When this PLC tag has the value TRUE, the production line has processed a blank.
The blank is ready for pick-up.
This tag contains the identification number of the blank.
The tag has the data type "Int".
This tag contains temperature values recorded during the production of the blank.
The tag is an array with elements of the "Real" data type.
In addition, this CPU provides the following writable tag:
The tag is set by the OPC UA client.
The tag has the data type "BOOL".
If the value is set to TRUE, the production line is released and may produce blanks.
In addition, this CPU provides the following method via the OPC UA server:
OPC UA clients can hereby arrange for an access door to be opened to the production
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2. An S7-1516 CPU controls the interaction with other production lines.
This CPU is named "
" in the example.
The OPC UA client of this CPU is enabled.
Using OPC UA, this CPU can read the NewProduct and ProductNumber tags, set the
ProductionEnabled tag and call the OpenDoor method.
The CPU has the IP address in the example.
The following figure shows the example in the network view of the TIA Portal:
Creating client interfaces
As of Version 15.1, the TIA Portal has an editor for client interfaces.
You group all PLC tags that you want to read or write from an OPC UA server in a client
In addition, the client interface contains all methods that the OPC UA server provides and
that you want to call with your user program (that acts as an OPC UA client).
If you create a client interface, STEP 7 also creates data blocks for the parameter
assignment of the connection to the OPC UA server from which you want to read data or to
which you want to write data.
Maximum number of client interfaces
You can create a maximum of 40 client interfaces.
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Editor for client interfaces
To create a client interface, follow these steps:
1. Select the project view in the TIA Portal.
2. In the "Devices" area, select the CPU you want to use as an OPC UA client.
3. Click "OPC UA communication > Client interfaces".
4. Double-click "Add new client interface".
STEP 7 creates a new client interface and display in the editor.
STEP 7 names the new interface "Client interface_1". If a "Client interface_1" already
exists, the new interface receives the designation "Client interface_2" etc.
In addition, STEP 7 creates the following data blocks:
The data block already contains all system data types that are needed for the
instructions of the OPC UA client.
This data block is filled when you configure the connection to the OPC UA server.
You configure a connection in the properties of the client interface, see: Example
configuration for OPC UA (Page 227).
A data block for the PLC tags that you want to read or write from an OPC UA server.
You use this data block in your user program.
This data block is currently still empty.
5. Select a descriptive name for the new client interface.
Select "Productionline" in the example.
This also changes the names of the associated data blocks to:
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6. To import an OPC UA server interface, click the "Import interface" button in the top right
of the editor.
This allows you to import an XML file which describes the server interface of an OPC UA
Alternative: To determine online the server interface of a connected OPC UA server, see:
Determine server interface online (Page 237).
7. STEP 7 displays a dialog with which you can select an XML file.
This XML file describes a server interface (address space of an OPC UA server).
A server interface is the grouping of all PLC tags and server methods which an OPC UA
server publishes.
OPC UA clients can access the server interface:
- Read PLC tags
- Write PLC tags
- Calling Server Methods
For information on how to create a server interface for an OPC UA server, see Create a
server interface (Page 199).
8. Create a read list in this client interface.
To do this, follow these steps:
Click "Add new read list" in the left section of the editor.
STEP 7 adds a new list named "ReadList_1".
For the example, change the name to "ReadProduct"
Now add the new read list of the PLC tags that you want to read from the OPC UA
In the example the "NewProduct" and "ProductNumber" tags are added to the
"ReadProduct" read list.
Select the "NewProduct" tag in the right-hand field of the editor ("OPC UA Server
interface"). Drag the "NewProduct" tag to the "ReadProduct" read list in the middle
field of the editor. Follow the same procedure with the "ProductNumber" tag.
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The figure below shows the right field of the editor.
You can also select a new read list by dragging the right field of the editor ("OPC UA
Server interface") to a node of the type Object or Folder and then dragging it to "Add new
read list" in the left field of the editor. The new read list then contains all PLC tags of the
node that has been moved.
In the example, select the object "Data_for_OPC_UA_Clients", which contains the tags
"NewProduct" and "ProductNumber". STEP 7 generates the new write list
"Data_for_OPC_UA_Clients". In addition, the object contains the tag "Temperature".
Delete the "Temperature" tag from the read list. The OPC UA server should not query the
"Temperature" tag.
Change the name of the read list in "ReadProduct".
The following figure shows the content of the read list:
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9. If you want assign new values to PLC tags, create a write list in this client interface.
To do this, follow these steps:
Click "Add new write list" in the left section of the editor.
STEP 7 adds a new list with the name "ReadList_1".
For the example, change the name to "WriteStatus".
Now add the new write list of all OPC UA server tags to which you want to assign new
In the example, add the "WriteStatus" tag to the write list "ProductionEnabled".
Select the Tag of right field of the editor ("OPC UA Server interface"). Drag the tag to
the write list in the middle field of the editor.
You can also create a new write list by selecting a node of the type Object or Folder in
the right field of the editor ("OPC UA server interface") and then dragging to "Add new
write list" in the left field of the editor.
The new write list then contains all tags of the relevant node.
In the example, select the object "Data_from_OPC_UA_Clients", which contains the tag
"ProductionEnabled". STEP 7 generates the new write list "Data_from_OPC_UA_Clients".
Change the name in "WriteStatus".
The following figure shows the content of the write list:
10.If you want to call a method of this OPC UA server, generate a new method list.
To do this, follow these steps:
In the left section of the editor, click "Add new method list".
STEP 7 adds a new list with the name "Method list_1".
For the example, change the name to "CallOpenDoor".
Now add a method of the OPC UA server to the new method list.
In this example, add the method "OpenDoor" to the method list "CallOpenDoor".
Select the method of right field of the editor ("OPC UA Server interface"). Drag the
method to the method list in the middle field of the editor.
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You can also generate a new method list by selecting a method (node of the type Object)
in the right field of the editor (OPC UA Server interface) and then dragging it to "Add new
method list" in the left field of the editor. The new method list then contains the method of
the relevant node.
The following figure shows the content of the method list:
If you want to call another method of the OPC UA server, you must create a new method
list. Each method list contains only one method.
11.Compile the project.
To do so, select the project and click the following button in the toolbar:
STEP 7 compiles the project and updates the data blocks that belong to the "ProductionLine"
client interface.
During compilation, STEP 7 overwrites all data in the data blocks belonging to the client
interface. For this reason, you should neither add to nor correct these data blocks manually.
Renaming nod names (DisplayNames)
In read lists, write lists and method lists you can rename the name of a node by means of the
shortcut menu. This is the "DisplayName" in the OPC UA language usage.
If you rename the name of a method list node and the node is already used in a programmed
block for the method c
all "OPC_UA_MethodCall", the compilation of the project leads to
consistency errors: During the compilation the UDTs of the method are generated with the
changed name. The references to the method used in the program are then no longer
To correct
the consistency errors, you can either undo the name change of the method in the
client interface or navigate to the method call and assign the relevant parameters again there
under "Properties > Block parameters" ("Configuration" tab).
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Data blocks of client interface
The following data blocks belong to the "Productionline" client interface:
A data block for the configuration.
In the example, this data block is called "Productionline_Configuration".
The data block already contains all system data types that are needed for the instructions
of the OPC UA client.
In addition, the data block contains general default values for parameter assignment of
the connection to an OPC UA server.
If you are working with connection parameter assignment, this data block will be filled.
A data block for the PLC tags that you have entered in the client interface editor.
In the example, this data block is called "Productionline_Data".
The figure below shows the data block.
Use the "ProductionLine_Data" data block in your user program and access the read
values of the "NewProduct" and "ProductNumber" PLC tags. This is explained in the
following section using an example.
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Reading and writing PLC tags of the client interface
Example: Reading the "ProductNumber" value
For example, you write in an SCL program:
#MyLocalVariable :=
You use this, for example, to assign the number of the blank that was just produced in the
production line to the local tag "#MyLocalVariable".
A connection exists to the OPC UA server of the CPU, which controls the production line.
The OPC UA client has read the current values.
For this reason you check whether a read value is valid:
Check whether the value in "ProductionLine_Data".Product.NodeStatusList[1]" is equal to
Check when this value was sent from the OPC UA server. This value is in
Example: Writing the "ProductEnabled" value
Transfer the new values for PLC tags, in the example for the "ProductionEnabled" tag, to the
OPC UA server using the data block.
With the following assignment, you enable the production line in the example plant:
"ProductionLine_Data".WriteStatus.Variable.ProductionEnabled :=
This is only successful, however, if the following requirements are met:
A connection exists to the OPC UA server of the CPU, which controls the production line.
Current values are being written via the OPC UA client
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Consistency check
Finally, check the consistency of the read/write list or method list.
1. Select the list that you want to check.
2. Click the "Consistency check" button above the "OPC UA client interface" area.
A green check mark indicates an error-free assignment of the tags or methods to the
corresponding elements of the server interface.
You can assume that the data exchange between client and server and method calls operate
without problem in runtime.
In the event of an error a list appears in the Inspector window. From this list you can jump to
the respective error.
During the consistency check, STEP 7 checks
whether all elements that you use in the respective list are also present in the server.
Do the data types used match?
For methods: Do the number, name, order, and data types of method arguments match?
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Determine server interface online
With STEP 7 (TIA Portal) you can determine the interface of an OPC UA server online. This
provides information on which tags of a connected OPC UA server you can read or set
(write) with OPC UA clients. It also provides information on which server methods of the
OPC UA server are available for OPC UA clients.
If you are work offline you can create the interface of the OPC UA server by means of an
OPC UA XML file. The address space of the server is described in the OPC UA XML file,
see: Export OPC UA XML file (Page 167).
Determine online server interfaces
To determine a server interface online, follow these steps:
1. In the STEP 7 project tree, select the CPU which is configured as OPC UA client
(Supervisor in the example).
2. Select the client interface (in the example, OPC UA Communication > Client interfaces >
If no client interface has been created, double-click "Add new client interface".
3. Double-click the selected client interface.
The editor for client interfaces is displayed.
4. In the left section of the editor, click "Add new read list", "Add new write list", or "Add new
method list".
5. In the right field of the editor, select "Online[]" as data source for "Source of server data":
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6. Click the "Online access" button.
STEP 7 displays the "Connect to OPC UA server" dialog:
Tip: When you are establishing an online connection to an OPC UA server for the first
time, use the "Online access" button. When reconnecting after a disconnection, select the
"Connect to online server" button next to the "Online" selection field.
In the top right, enter the IP address of the OPC UA server whose server interface you
want to determine online (in the example,
7. Click "Find selected server".
STEP 7 establishes a connection to the OPC UA server and determines all security
settings (server endpoints) which the server provides.
STEP 7 displays the end points as list:
8. Click on the end point you want to use for a connection of step 7 to the OPC UA server.
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9. Do you want to use a secure connection?
If you have selected a secure end point, then select the entry "TIA Portal" for the
"Certificate location".
And under "Certificate (Client)", select a client certificate for your PC on which STEP 7
(TIA Portal) is currently running.
If a client certificate does not yet exist for your PC, you can generate a client certificate
here in the TIA Portal.
Proceed as follows to generate a certificate for your PC:
- Click on the button in the "Certificate (Client)" input field.
- Click "Add".
- For "Common name of subject", enter "STEP 7 (TIA Portal)".
- Select the "OPC UA client" entry at "Usage".
- For "Subject Alternative Name (SAN)", enter the IP address of your PC on which you
are currently running STEP 7 (TIA Portal) under "Value". Overwrite the already
entered IP address.
- If your PC uses a second IP address, enter this address as well. If your PC does not
use a second IP address, delete the second IP address already entered.
- Click "OK".
If you have not selected a secure end point, keep the default setting ("None").
10.How do you want log on?
If you want to log onto the OPC UA server as guest, then apply the default with "User
If you want to log on with user name and password, select "User name and
Use the user name and password which was stored during the configuration of the
OPC UA server in the properties of the CPU under "General > OPC UA > Server >
Security > User authentication > User management".
11.Click "Connect".
When a secure connection is established, a message appears that you must accept the
server certificate for the secure connection to be established. In the message window,
you can display further details about the server certificate via a link.
This standard Windows window only provides information about the server certificate. If
you click on the button to install the server certificate, the server certificate is not included
in the certificate memory of the TIA Portal, i.e. the next time you connect you will be
prompted to accept the server certificate again.
STEP 7 then establishes a connection to the OPC UA server and again displays the
editor for client interfaces.
In the right field of the editor, STEP 7 displays the uppermost level of the address space
of the OPC UA server:
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12.Click on the small black triangle next to "Objects".
STEP 7 now also displays the level below Objects.
13.Click on the small black triangle next to "Productionline".
STEP 7 now also displays the level below Productionline.
14.Now open additional lower-level folders:
To open the server interface in one stop, click the following symbol:
STEP 7 now displays the fully expanded server interface.
If you click on this symbol again, STEP 7 again displays only the uppermost level of the
server address space.
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Using multilingual texts
In the client interface editor, you are also importing texts that can be displayed in different
languages with the OPC UA XML files (information models). Multilingualism is optional, and
each node can be defined differently regarding the languages it offers.
In the XML file, these are the following fields that can be prepared for different languages:
Example for multilingual texts in an OPC UA XML file
In the XML file below, the display name and the description, for example, are entered with a
"default" text and multiple localizable texts.
Default text is the first entry without localization information.
Localized text is the text after "Locale=" followed by a language code, e.g. "it-IT" for
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Display of multilingual texts
When importing a server interface, the available multilingual texts are saved internally and
downloaded to a CPU together with the project.
The client editor displays the text from the OPC UA XML file in the columns "Name of the
node" (corresponds to "DisplayName") and "Description" (corresponds to "Description").
The following cascading rules determine which language is shown for a node:
When the node contains text in the currently used editing language, the text is also
displayed in the editing language.
(Setting the editing language: In the project tree, select the area "Languages & resources
> Project languages")
When the node does not contain text in the editing language but a default text is defined
there (without language code), the default text is displayed.
"Name of the node" column: If no default text is defined either but a text in any other
language exists, the DisplayName text is displayed in the first available language. This
rule does not apply to description texts (Description).
If none of the conditions listed above is met, no text is displayed.
When you change the editing language, the multilingual text in the imported interface will
also change according to the rules explained above.
You can then apply the nodes in the corresponding lists (read list, write list, method list) with
drag and drop.
You cannot change the language in the lists (read list, write list, method list).
Applying the displayed description texts as comment in PLC data types
When you compile the program, STEP 7 automatically creates PLC data types (UDTs) for
each read list, for each write list and for inputs or outputs of each method. These UDTs each
have one element for each node.
The UDTs apply the description text as comment according to the rules stated above. STEP
7 creates the comment in only one language, just like the texts in the OPC UA server
interface can only be displayed in one language.
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Rules for the access to structures
The rules for the access to structures are explained below. Note these rules when reading
and writing values of complete structures provided by an OPC UA server.
How the client of the S7-1500 CPU accesses structures
The OPC UA client of the S7-1500 CPU uses neither TypeDictionaries nor
DataTypeDefinition attributes, which a server offers for the resolution of these structures.
These options of the OPC UA client for checking structural elements in runtime are limited in
the client.
Rules for the access to structures
If you use the client interfaces to configure the read and write lists (connection
parameterization) and assign the PLC data types to the imported or online determined
address model of the server, the read and write accesses to structures operate trouble-free
in runtime.
The configuration by means of client interface automatically ensures that the sequence and
the data type of the structural elements are coordinated on client and server side.
In runtime the OPC UA client only checks the total length of the transmitted value; more
detailed checks are not possible.
Mapping rules apply to the assignment of OPC UA structures to PLC tags or DB tags (see
AUTOHOTSPOT). Non-executed data type (such as OPC UA byte strings) are not
Example of an error-free assignment of the structure elements
In the imported node set file (XML export), the structure is defined as follows:
The structure mapped in the read list matches, both in the order and in the assigned data
types, the corresponding nodes of the node set file.
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If the structure now changes on the server, for example tagA and tagB are swapped, and the
read list remains the same in the client, the assignment is no longer correct:
The total length of the data remains the same (only the order has changed)
The configuration of the structure is different for client and server.
No error message in the case of different structure configuration between client and server
If the structures of client and server do not match, this rule violation will possibly not
generate any error during compilation and also not in runtime.
Make sure not to change the configured assignments for structures in runtime. If required,
reconfigure the assignment in the read and write lists.
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Using connection parameter assignment
Creating and configuring connections
With the instructions for OPC UA clients, you create a user program that exchanges data
with an OPC UA server. A series of system data types are required for this.
To simplify your work with these system data types, a connection parameter assignment for
OPC UA clients is available starting in STEP 7 (TIA Portal) Version 15.1.
Use of the connection parameter assignment is optional and not mandatory. You can also
manually create the required system data types.
We use an example to make the description easier to follow, see description of the example
(Page 227).
Opening the connection parameter assignment
To configure the connection to an OPC UA server, follow these steps:
1. In the "OPC UA communication" area, double-click the client interface whose parameters
you want to assign in the project tree.
For the example configuration: Double-click the "ProductionLine" client interface.
The section "Create client interface (Page 228)" describes how to create a client
2. Click the "Properties" tab (Inspector window) if the tab is not already displayed.
STEP 7 now displays the connection parameter assignment for the instructions of the
OPC UA client.
The "General" tab is open.
3. Click the "Configuration" tab.
Setting the connection parameters
You set the connection to the OPC UA server in the "Configuration" tab.
1. Select a descriptive name for the session. For the example, select the name "OPC UA
Connection to ProductionLine".
2. In the "Address" field, enter the IP address of the OPC UA server to which your user
program (that operates as an OPC UA client) is to establish a connection.
In the example configuration, the CPU that controls the production line has the IP
address "". A connection to the OPC UA server of this CPU is to be
established. For this reason, you enter this IP address in the "Address" field.
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3. If the OPC UA server is not using the standard port 4840, you must insert the port
number here.
For example, enter the number 48040 in the field, if the OPC UA server to which you
want to establish a connection uses this port number.
For the example, we accept the default setting "4840" because the OPC UA server of the
example is accessible via port 4840.
4. Enter a path within the OPC UA server to restrict access to this path.
When you specify a path, it is automatically entered at the "ServerEndpointUrl" entry in
the configuration DB for the client interface. The entry then consists of the components
"OPC Schematic Prefix", "IP address", "Port number" and "Server path", for example:
The information is optional. However, some servers only establish a connection if a
server path is specified.
5. In addition, you accept the default settings for session timeout (30 seconds) and
monitoring time (5 seconds).
The following figure shows the connection parameters of the example:
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Setting the security parameters
1. Click the "Security" area in the "Configuration" tab.
This area contains all security settings for the connection to the OPC UA server.
The following settings are possible:
"General" area
Security mode:
Select the security mode that the connection to the OPC UA server must meet from the
drop-down list.
If the server does not meet the selected mode, a session is not established.
The following settings are available:
No security: No secure connection.
Sign: OPC UA server and OPC UA client sign the data transmission (all messages):
Manipulations can thus be detected.
Sign & Encrypt: OPC UA server and OPC UA client sign and encrypt the data
transmission (all messages):
Security policy:
Set the encryption techniques for the signing and encryption of messages.
The following settings are possible:
No security
To configure a secure connection, you must observe the following items:
A certificate is required for the client for a secure connection.
You have to make the client certificate known to the server.
To find out how to proceed, see the section "Handling of the server and client certificates"
under "Certificate of the OPC UA clients".
"Certificates" area
Client certificate:
The certificate confirms the authenticity of the OPC UA client.
To select a certificate, click the following symbol
STEP 7 displays a list of certificates.
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Select the certificate that you have introduced to the server, see the paragraphs under
"Certificate of the OPC UA clients" in the section "Handling of the server and client
Click the symbol with the green check mark:
Or, create a new certificate. To do so, click the "Add" symbol.
When you create a new certificate, you must introduce it to the server, see the paragraphs
under "Certificate of the OPC UA clients" in the section "Handling of the server and client
"User authentication" area
The following settings are possible for user authentication:
User name and password
Users (TIA Portal - Security Settings)
For more information, see AUTOHOTSPOT.
Setting languages
UA tags of the String type can be localized with OPC UA, that is, texts (values for the UA
tag) can be available in different languages for the server. For example, localized texts can
be available for DisplayName (Name of the node) and Description (Description).
In the "Languages" area of the "Configuration" tab you can, for example, influence the
language of the texts returned by the server as follows:
In the "Languages" area, enter a number of languages that the server transfers to the client
during connection setup.
The language or the local ID ("language code") associated with it that you enter in the first
line is the language preferred by the client.
If the server can provide the UA tag in the requested language, it is transferred to the
If the server cannot provide the UA tag in the requested language, it checks whether it
can provide the UA tag in the language you have entered in the second line (first
substitute language).
The server works its way down the list, and when it can provide neither the requested
language nor a substitute language, it will provide the default language.
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Handling of the client certificates of the S7-1500 CPU
Where does the client certificate come from?
If you are using the OPC UA client of an S7-1500 CPU (OPC UA client enabled), you can
create certificates for these clients with STEP 7 V15.1 and higher as described in the
following sections.
When you use UA clients from manufacturers or the OPC Foundation, a client certificate is
generated automatically during installation or upon the first program call. You have to import
these certificates with the global certificate manager in STEP 7 and use them for the
respective CPU.
If you program an OPC UA client yourself, you can generate certificates through the
program. Alternatively, you can generate certificates with tools, for example with OpenSSL
or the certificate generator of the OPC Foundation:
The procedure for OpenSSL is described here: "Generating PKI key pairs and certificates
yourself (Page 149)".
Working with the certificate generator of the OPC Foundation is described here: "Creating
self-signed certificates (Page 148)".
Certificate of the OPC UA client of the S7-1500 CPU
A secure connection between the OPC UA server and an OPC UA client is only established
if the server classifies the certificate of the client as trusted.
Therefore you have to make the client certificate known to the server.
The following sections describe how you can initially generate a certificate for the OPC UA
client of the S7-1500 CPU and then make it available to the server.
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1. Generate and export a certificate for the client
For a secure connection, you have to generate a client certificate and - if the server and
client are located in different projects - export the certificate.
If client and server are in the same project, exporting the client certificate and subsequent
import are not necessary.
The IP interface of the CPU is configured, an IP address is available.
Background: The IP address under which the CPU can be accessed in your system is
entered under "Subject Alternative Name (SAN)".
Generating an OPC UA client certificate
The easiest way to generate a client certificate for an S7-1500 CPU is to configure a client
The configuration of the client interface provides for the selection or generation of a client
certificate, see Creating and configuring connections (Page 245).
Alternatively, you can create the client as follows:
1. In the "Project tree" area, select the CPU you want to use as a client.
2. Double-click "Device configuration".
3. In the properties of the CPU click "Protection & Security > Certificate manager".
4. Double-click "<add>" in the "Device certificates" table.
STEP 7 opens a dialog.
5. Click "Add".
6. Select the "OPC UA client" entry from the list at the "Usage".
7. Click "OK".
STEP 7 now lists the client certificate in the "Device certificates" table.
8. If the server is in another project: Right-click this line and select "Export certificate" from
the shortcut menu.
9. Select a directory in which you store the client certificate.
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2. Announcing the client certificate to the server
You have to make the client certificate available to the server to allow a secure connection to
be established.
To do so, proceed as follows:
1. If the client was configured in another project and you created and exported the client
certificate there:
Select the "Use global security settings for certificate manager" option in the local
certificate manager of the server. This makes the global certificate manager available.
You will find this option under "Protection & Security > Certificate manager" in the
properties of the CPU that is acting as server.
If the project is not yet protected, select "Security settings > Settings" in the STEP 7
project tree, click the "Protect this project" button and log on.
The "Global security settings" item is now displayed under "Security settings" in the
STEP 7 project tree.
Double click "Global security settings".
Double click "Certificate manager".
STEP 7 opens the global certificate manager.
Click the "Device certificates" tab.
Right-click in the tab on a free area (not on a certificate).
Select the "Import" shortcut menu.
The dialog for importing certificates is displayed.
Select the client certificate that the server is to trust.
Click "Open" to import the certificate.
The certificate of the client is now contained in the global certificate manager. Note the
ID of the client certificate just imported.
2. Click the "General" tab in the properties of the CPU that is acting as server.
3. Click "OPC UA > Server > Security > Secure Channel".
4. Scroll down in the "Secure Channel" dialog to the section "Trusted clients".
5. Double-click in the table on the empty row with "<add new>". A browse button is
displayed in the row.
6. Click this button.
7. Select the prepared client certificate.
8. Click the button with the green check mark.
9. Compile the project.
10.Load the configuration into the S7-1500 CPU (server).
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The server now trusts the client. If the server certificate is also considered trusted, the server
and client can establish a secure connection.
User authentication
In the OPC UA client interface of the S7-1500, you can set what authentication is required
for a user of the OPC UA client wishing to access the server. To do so, you must select the
corresponding client interface in the project tree of the requested S7-1500 CPU under "OPC
UA communication > Client interfaces" and select the type of user authentication in the
Inspector window under "Properties > Configuration > Security".
Types of user authentication
The following options are available for user authentication:
The user does not need to verify authorization (anonymous access). The CPU creates an
anonymous session for the user, and the OPC UA server does not check the
authorization of the client user.
User name and password
The user must prove authorization (no anonymous access). The OPC UA server checks
whether the client user is authorized to access the server. Authorization is given by the
user name and the correct password. These inputs cannot be checked by the client
interface, which means all values are accepted as being valid.
STEP 7 stores user name and password unencrypted in the data block/ins
tance data
block. Recommendation: Use the user authentication "User (TIA Portal
- Security
Users (TIA Portal - Security Settings)
You can enter a user name from the list of users entered in the project for authentication.
The names of the registered users for the current project are available in the user
administration in the project tree under "Security Settings > Users and roles". There you
can also enter additional users.
You can also enter a name that is not listed in the user administration of the project or
leave the field blank. This is necessary when the corresponding user name is only
provided by a different source during runtime, for example, via HMI or from a different
OPC UA client.
OPC UA communication
9.4 Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 253
"No Security" security policy and authentication via user name and password
You can set the following combination:
Security policy = "No Security" and authentication via user name and password.
The OPC UA server of the S7-1500 supports this combination. OPC UA clients can
connect and encrypt the authentication data or not.
OPC UA client of the S7-1500 CPU also supports this combination: However, in runtime it
only connects if it can send the authentication data encrypted via cable!
Result: With the following configuration, not connection can be established in runtime.
S7-1500 as OPC UA client
OPC UA server which supports no encryption of authentication data when "No Security"
(="none") is set as security policy.
Additional information
See Users and roles with OPC UA function rights (Page 190)
Using a configured connection
This section shows you how to use a configured connection for OPC UA instructions (third
You have created a client interface and added PLC tags and PLC methods to this
interface, see ("First step (Page 228)").
You have configured a connection to an OPC UA server (Second step (Page 245)).
To read data from an OPC UA server or write data to an OPC UA server, use the following
OPC_UA_ReadList or OPC_UA_WriteList
OPC UA communication
9.4 Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client
254 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Order of the OPC UA instructions
The following figure shows the order in which the OPC UA instructions are called in a user
program in order to use these instructions to read or write PLC tags:
Instructions for preparation of read and write operations
Read and write instructions
Instructions for "clean-up" after a completed read or write operation
The "OPC_UA_NodeReleaseHandleList" instruction can be omitted if "OPC_UA_Disconnect" is
called immediately afterwards.
STEP 7 (TIA Portal) automatically supplies the parameters of these instructions if you are
using a client interface and a configured connection to an OPC UA server.
The procedure is shown in the following section.
OPC UA communication
9.4 Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 255
Using a client interface and configured connection
To use a configured OPC UA connection, follow these steps:
1. Open your user program in the TIA Portal.
2. Using drag-and-drop, move the "
" instruction into the program editor.
You will find the instruction under "Instructions > Communication > OPC UA" in the TIA
3. Select a call option for the instruction
The example uses a multi-instance.
STEP 7 displays the instruction in the program editor.
The editor for the Function Block Diagram (FBD) programming language uses the
following display:
The editor for the Ladder Logic (LAD) programming language displays the instruction
4. Click the toolbox symbol in the editor for FBD or LAD.
The symbol is located in the heading of the instruction:
If you are using the editor for STL or SCL: Click the small green rectangle below the first
character of the instance name:
The example (Page 227) uses "#OPC_UA_Connect_Instance" as the instance name.
STEP 7 displays the properties of the instruction in a separate dialog.
OPC UA communication
9.4 Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client
256 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
5. For "Client interface" select the client interface that you want to use for the instruction.
We select the "ProductionLine" client interface in the example.
STEP 7 now interconnects the "ProductionLine" client interface with the parameters of the
OPC_UA_Connect instruction:
"ProductionLine" is the interface that the OPC UA client of the example (Page 227) uses
for data exchange with the OPC UA server "ProductionLine".
6. Using drag-and-drop, move the "
" instruction into the
program editor.
You will find the instruction under "Instructions > Communication > OPC UA" in the TIA
Select the "Multi-instance" call option.
Click the toolbox symbol (LAD and FBD) or the small green box below the instance name
(STL and SCL) if the editor is not already open.
Select the client interface that you want to use ("ProductionLine" in the example).
STEP 7 now automatically interconnects all parameters of the
"OPC_UA_NamespaceGetIndexList" instruction:
OPC UA communication
9.4 Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 257
7. Using drag-and-drop, move the "
" instruction into the program
Select the "Multi-instance" call option.
Click the toolbox symbol (LAD and FBD) or the small green box below the instance name
(STL and SCL) if the editor is not already open.
Select the client interface that you want to use. The example uses the "ProductionLine"
client interface.
Under "Data access > Read/Writelist" select the read list that you want to use (in the
example the read list "Product").
STEP 7 now automatically interconnects all parameters of the
"OPC_UA_NodeGetHandleList" instruction:
OPC UA communication
9.4 Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client
258 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
If you want to write data to an OPC UA server, select the write list you want to use under
"Data access > Read/Writelist" (the "ProductionStatus" write list in the example).
8. Using drag-and-drop, move the "
" instruction into the program editor.
Select the "Multi-instance" call option.
Click the toolbox symbol (LAD and FBD) or the small green box below the instance name
(STL and SCL) if the editor is not already open.
Select the client interface that you want to use. The example uses the "ProductionLine"
client interface.
Under "Data access > Read/Writelist" select the read list that you want to use (in the
example the "Product" read list).
STEP 7 now automatically interconnects all parameters of the "OPC_UA_ReadList"
If you want to write data to an OPC UA server, use the "
" instruction and
select the list of tags you want to send to the server under "Data access > Writelist"
("ProductionStatus" write list in the example).
9. If you use different read lists or write lists as program-controlled lists in your user
program, move the "
" instruction to the program editor using
drag-and-drop operation.
Select the client interface that you want to use.
Now select a read list or write list that you want to release: Only release read or write lists
that you rarely use, since re-registering is time-consuming.
Then, repeat the steps starting with step 7 with the "UA_NodeGetHandleList" instruction.
10.Using drag-and-drop, move the "
" instruction into the program editor.
Select the "Multi-instance" call option.
Click the toolbox symbol (LAD and FBD) or the small green box below the instance name
(STL and SCL) if the editor is not already open.
Select the client interface that you want to use. The example uses the "ProductionLine"
client interface.
STEP 7 now automatically interconnects all parameters of the "OPC_UA_Disconnect"
OPC UA communication
9.4 Using the S7-1500 CPU as an OPC UA client
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 259
Supported instructions
For the following instructions, STEP 7 automatically supplies the parameters if you are using
a client interface and a configured connection to an OPC UA server:
260 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
S7 routing
Definition of S7 routing
S7 routing is the transfer of data beyond S7 subnet boundaries. You can send information
from a transmitter to a receiver across several s7 subnets. The gateway from one S7 subnet
to one or more other subnets is provided by the S7 router The S7 router is a device which
has interfaces to the respective S7 subnets. S7 routing is possible via various S7 subnets
(PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet and/or PROFIBUS).
Requirements for S7 routing
All devices that can be reached in a network have been configured in a project in STEP 7
and downloaded.
All devices involved in the S7 routing must receive routing information about the S7
subnets that can be reached through specific S7 routers. The devices obtain the routing
information by downloading the hardware configuration to the CPUs, since the CPUs play
the role of an S7 router.
In a topology with several consecutive S7 subnets, the following order must be kept to
when downloading: First download the hardware configuration to the CPU(s) directly
connected to the same S7 subnet as the PG/PC, then download one by one the CPUs of
the S7 subnets beyond this starting with the nearest S7 subnet through to the S7 subnet
furthest away.
The PG/PC you want to use to establish a connection via a S7 router must be assigned to
the S7 subnet it is physically connected to. You can assign the PG/PC to a PG/PC in
STEP 7 under Online & Diagnostics > Online accesses > Connection to interface/subnet.
For S7 subnets of the type PROFIBUS: Either the CPU must be configured as DP master
or, if it is configured as a DP slave, the "Test, commissioning, routing" check box must be
selected in the properties of the DP interface of the DP slave.
S7 routing for HMI connections is possible as of STEP 7 V13 SP1.
Firewall and S7 routing
A firewall does not recognize the IP address of the sender during S7 routing when the
sender is located outside the S7 subnet adjacent to the firewall.
An overview of the devices that support the "S7 routing" function is provided in this FAQ
10.1 S7 routing
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 261
S7 routing for online connections
With the PG/PC, you can reach devices beyond S7 subnets, for example to do the following:
Download user programs
Download a hardware configuration
Execute test and diagnostics functions
In the following figure, CPU 1 is the S7 router between S7 subnet 1 and S7 subnet 2.
Figure 10-1 S7 routing: PROFINET - PROFINET
10.1 S7 routing
262 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
The following figure shows the access from a PG via PROFINET to PROFIBUS. CPU 1 is
the S7 router between S7 subnet 1 and S7 subnet 2; CPU 2 is the S7 router between S7
subnet 2 and S7 subnet 3.
Figure 10-2 S7 routing: PROFINET - PROFIBUS
S7 routing for HMI connections
You have the option of setting up an S7 connection from an HMI to a CPU via different
subnets (PROFIBUS and PROFINET or Industrial Ethernet). In the following figure, CPU 1 is
the S7 router between S7 subnet 1 and S7 subnet 2.
Figure 10-3 S7 routing via HMI connections
10.1 S7 routing
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 263
S7 routing for CPU-CPU communication
You have the option of setting up an S7 connection from a CPU to another CPU via different
subnets (PROFIBUS and PROFINET or Industrial Ethernet). The procedure is described
based on examples in the section S7 communication (Page 114).
Figure 10-4 S7 routing via CPU-CPU communication
Using S7 routing
For the CPU, select the PG/PC interface and the S7 subnet in the "Go online" dialog of
STEP 7. S7 routing is performed automatically.
Number of connections for S7 routing
The number of connections available for S7 routing in the S7 routers (CPUs, CMs or CPs)
can be found in the technical specifications in the manuals of the relevant CPU/CM/CP.
10.2 Data record routing
264 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
S7 routing: Example of an application
The figure below shows the example of an application for remote maintenance of a system
using a PG. The connection is made here beyond two S7 subnets via a modem connection.
You configure a remote connection via TeleService in STEP 7 using "Online access" or "Go
Figure 10-5 Remote maintenance of a plant using TeleService
Additional information
The allocation of connection resources with S7 routing is described in the section
Allocation of connection resources (Page 271).
You can find more information on setting up TeleService in the STEP 7 online help.
You can find more information on S7 routing and TeleService adapters when you search
the Internet using the following links:
Device manual Industrial Software Engineering Tools TS Adapter IE Basic
Downloads for the TS Adapter
See also
HMI communication (Page 65)
10.2 Data record routing
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 265
Data record routing
Definition of data record routing
Data can be sent over PROFINET from an engineering station to field devices via multiple
networks. Since the engineering station addresses the field devices using standardized
records and these records are routed via S7 devices, the term "data record routing" is used
to refer to this type of routing.
The data sent using data record routing include the parameter assignments for the
participating field devices (slaves) and device-specific information (e.g. setpoint values, limit
Data record routing is used, for example, when field devices of different manufacturers are
used. The field devices are addressed using standardized data records ( PROFINET) for
configuration and diagnostics.
Data record routing with STEP 7
You can perform data routing with STEP 7 by calling a device tool (for example, PCT) via the
TCI interface (Tool Calling Interface) and passing call parameters. The device tool uses the
communication paths that STEP 7 also uses for communication with the field device.
No configuration is required for this type of routing except the installation of the TCI tools on
the STEP 7 computer.
10.2 Data record routing
266 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Example: Data record routing with the Port Configuration Tool (PCT)
You can use the Port Configuration Tool (PCT) to configure the IO link master of the ET200
and assign parameters to connected IO link devices. The subnets are connected via data
record routers. Data record routers are, for example, CPUs, CPs, IMs, IO link master.
You can learn about the constellations of data record routers supported by the PCT in this
FAQ (http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/87611392).
The figure below shows an example configuration with the data record routing with PCT.
Figure 10-6 Example configuration for data record routing with PCT
Additional information
The differences that exist between "normal" routing and data record routing are described
in this FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/7000978).
Whether or not the CPU, CP or CM you are using supports data record routing can be
found in the relevant manuals.
The allocation of connection resources with data record routing is described in the section
Allocation of connection resources (Page 271).
You can find additional information on configuration with STEP 7 in the STEP 7 online
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 267
Connection resources
Connection resources of a station
Some communications services require connections. Connections occupy resources in the
automation system (station). The connection resources are made available to the station by
the CPUs, communications processors (CPs) and communications modules (CMs).
Connection resources
11.1 Connection resources of a station
268 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Connection resources of a station
The connection resources available depend on the CPUs, CPs and CMs being used and
must not exceed a maximum number per station.
The maximum number of resources of a station is determined by the CPU.
Each CPU has reserved connection resources for PG, HMI and Web server communication.
This ensures, for example, that a PG can always establish at least one online connection
with the CPU regardless of how many other communications services are already using
connection resources.
In addition, dynamic resources exist. The difference between the maximum number of
connection resources and the number of reserved connection resources is the maximum
number of dynamic connection resources. The communications services PG communication,
HMI communication, S7 communication, Open User Communication, Web communication
and other communication (for example OPC UA) use the dynamic connection resources
from the pool.
The figure below shows an example of how individual components make connection
resources available to an S7-1500 station.
Available connection resources of the station, of which
Reserved connection resources of the station
A + B
Connection resources of CPU 1518
Connection resources of communications module CM 1542-1
Connection resources of communications processor CP 1543-1
Maximum communications resources of the station using the example of a configuration from
CPU 1518, CM 1542-1 and CP 1543-1
Figure 11-1 Connection resources of a station
Connection resources
11.1 Connection resources of a station
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 269
Number of connection resources of a station
Table 11- 1 Maximum number of connection resources supported for some CPU types
Connection resources of a
Maximum connection re-
sources of the station
96 128 192 256 320 384
of which reserved 10
of which dynamic
Connection resources of the
64 88 108 128 160 192
Max. additionally usable
connection resources by
plugging in CMs/CPs
32 40 84 128 160 192
Additional connection re-
sources CM 1542-1
Additional connection re-
sources CP 1543-1
Additional connection re-
sources CM 1542-5
Additional connection re-
sources CP 1542-5
The number of connection resources that a CPU or a communication module supports is
specified in the device manuals in the Technical Specifications.
Connection resources
11.1 Connection resources of a station
270 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
You have configured a CPU 1518-4PN/DP with a communications module CM 1542-1 and a
communications processor CP 1542-5.
Maximum connection resources of the station:
Available connection resources:
CPU 1518-4 PN/DP: 192
CM 1542-1: 64
CP 1542-5: 16
The setup provides 272 connection resources. By adding additional communications
modules, the station can support a maximum of 112 additional connection resources.
Reserved connection resources
10 connection resources are reserved for stations with S7-1500 CPU, ET 200SP CPU and
ET 200pro CPU based on S7-1500:
4 for PG communication required by STEP 7, for example, for test and diagnostics
functions or downloading to the CPU
4 for HMI communication which are occupied by the first HMI connections configured in
2 for communication with the Web server
Connection resources
11.2 Allocation of connection resources
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 271
Allocation of connection resources
Overview - occupation of connection resources
The following figure shows how different connections occupy the resources of the S7-1500.
HMI communication: See below.
Open User Communication: Connections of Open User Communication occupy a connection
resource in every end point.
S7 communication: Connections of S7 communication occupy a connection resource in every
end point.
Web communication: The Web server connection occupies at least one connection resource in
the station. The number of occupied connections depends on the browser.
PG communication: The PG connection occupies one connection resource in the station.
OPC UA communication: Each session that the OPC UA server of the CPU establishes with an
OPC UA client as a rule occupies one connection resource (other communication) in the sta-
Connection resource for HMI communication
Connection resource for Open User Communication
Connection resource for S7 communication
Connection resource for Web communication
Connection resource for PG communication
Connection resource for other communication (for example OPC UA)
Figure 11-2 Allocation of connection resources
Connection resources
11.2 Allocation of connection resources
272 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Connection resources for HMI communication
With HMI communication, the occupation of connection resources in the station depends on
the HMI device being used.
Table 11- 2 Maximum occupied connection resources for different HMI devices
HMI device
Maximum occupied connection resources of the
station per HMI connection
Basic Panel
Comfort Panel 21
RT Advanced
RT Professional
If you do not use system diagnostics or alarm configuration, the station occupies only one connec-
tion resource per HMI connection.
: You have configured the following HMI connections for a CPU 1516-3 PN/DP:
Two HMI connections to an HMI TP700 Comfort. (2 connection resources each)
One HMI connection to an HMI KTP1000 Basic. (1 connection resource)
In total 5 connection resources are occupied for HMI communication in the CPU.
Connection resources
11.2 Allocation of connection resources
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 273
Connection resources for routing
To transfer data beyond S7 subnets ("S7 routing"), an S7 connection is established between
two CPUs. The S7 subnets are connected via gateways known as S7 routers. CPUs, CMs
and CPs in S7-1500 are S7 routers.
The following applies for a routed S7 connection:
A routed connection occupies one connection resource each in both end points. STEP 7
shows these connection resources in the "Connection resources" table.
On the S7 router, two special connection resources are occupied for S7 routing. STEP 7
does not show the special connection resources for S7 routing in the "Connection
resources" table. The number of resources for S7 routing depends on the CPU. You will
find the resources for S7 routing in the technical specifications of the CPU in "Number of
S7 routing connections".
Connection resource for S7 communication
Special connection resources for S7 routing
Figure 11-3 Connection resources with S7 routing
Data record routing also enables transfer of data beyond S7 subnets from an engineering
station connected to PROFINET to various field devices via PROFIBUS.
With data record routing, as with S7 routing, two of the special connection resources for S7
routing are also occupied on every data record router.
Connection resources with data record routing
With data
record routing, on the data record router, two special connection resources for S7
routing are occupied. Neither the data record connection nor the allocated connection
resources are displayed in the table of connection resources.
Connection resources
11.2 Allocation of connection resources
274 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
When are connection resources occupied?
The time for the occupation of connection resources depends on how the connection is set
up (see section Setting up a connection (Page 30)).
Programmed setup of a connection
As soon as an instruction to establish a connection is called in the user program
(TSEND_C/TRCV_C or TCON), a connection resource is occupied.
With suitable parameter assignment of the CONT parameter of the TSEND_C/TRCV_C
instructions or by calling the TDISCON instruction, the connection can be terminated
following data transfer and the connection resource is available again. When the
connection is terminated, the connection resources on the CPU/CP/CM are available
Configured connections
(e.g. HMI connection):
If you have configured a connection in STEP 7, the connection resource is occupied as
soon as the hardware configuration is downloaded to the CPU.
After using a configured connection for data transfer, the connection is not terminated.
The connection resource is permanently occupied. To release the connection resource
again, you need to delete the configured connection in STEP 7 and download the
modified configuration to the CPU.
PG connection
As soon as you have connected the PG to a CPU online in STEP 7, connection
resources are occupied.
Web server
As long as you have opened the Web server of the CPU in a browser, connection
resources are occupied in the CPU.
OPC UA server
A connection resource is occupied in the CPU as long as a session exists between the
OPC UA server of the CPU and an OPC UA client.
Monitoring the maximum possible number of connection resources
During configuration of connections, STEP 7 monitors the occupation of the connection
resources. If the maximum possible number of connection resources is exceeded, STEP 7
signals this with a suitable warning.
The CPU monitors the use of connection resources in the automation system. If you
establish more connections in the user program than those provided by the automation
system, the CPU acknowledges the instruction to establish the connection with an error.
S7-1500 and S7-300 comparison
You will find a comparison of how the communication resources of the S7-1500 and S7-300
are managed in this FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109747092).
Connection resources
11.3 Display of the connection resources
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 275
Display of the connection resources
Display of the connection resources in STEP 7 (offline view)
You can display the connection resources of an automation system in the hardware
configuration. You will find the connection resources in the Inspector window in the
properties of the CPU.
Figure 11-4 Example: Reserved and available connection resources (offline view)
Station-specific connection resources
The columns of the station-specific connection resources provide information about the used
and available connection resources of the station.
In the example, a maximum of 256 station-specific connection resources are available for the
automation system.
10 reserved connection resources, of which 4 are already in use and a further 6 available.
The used resources are divided up as follows:
4 Resources for HMI communication
246 dynamic connection resources, of which 81 are already in use and a further 165
The used resources are divided up as follows:
6 resources for HMI communication
23 Resources for S7 communication
52 resources for Open User Communication
Connection resources
11.3 Display of the connection resources
276 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
The warning triangle in the column of the dynamic station resources is therefore displayed
because the sum of the maximum available connection resources of CPU, CP and CM (=
294 connection resources) exceeds the station limit of 256.
Available connection resources exceeded
7 signals the exceeding of the station-specific connection resources with a warning.
To make full use of the connection resources from the CPU, CP and CM, either use a CPU
with a higher maximum number of available station
-specific connection resources or reduce
the number of communications connections.
Module-specific connection resources
The columns of the module-specific connection resources provide information about the use
of resources on the CPUs, CPs and CMs of an automation system:
The display is per module and not per interface.
In the example, the CPU makes 128 connection resources available, of which 47 are already
in use and a further 81 still available.
The used resources are divided up as follows:
6 resources for HMI communication
2 resources for S7 communication
39 resources for Open User Communication
Connection resources
11.3 Display of the connection resources
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 277
Display of the connection resources in STEP 7 (online view)
If you are connected to the CPU online, you can also see how many resources are currently
being used under "Connection information".
Figure 11-5 Connection resources - online
The online view of the "Connection resources" table in addition to the offline view also
contains columns with the connection resources currently being used. Thus, the online view
used connection resources in the automation system, regardless of how the
connection was set up.
The "Other communication" row displays connection resources assigned for communication
with external devices. The table is updated automatically.
If a routed S7 connection goes through a CPU, the required connection resources of the
PU do not appear in the table of connection resources.
Connection resources
11.3 Display of the connection resources
278 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Display of the connection resources for HMI
For information regarding the availability and assignment of connection resources for HMI
connections, refer to the "Connection resources" properties in the Inspector window of the
offline view (in the context of the HMI device).
Figure 11-6 Connection resources - HMI communication
The following is displayed in the connection resources area:
Number of available connections on the HMI reserved for HMI communication and HTTP
Number of connection resources for HMI communication and HTTP communications
used offline in the HMI
If the maximum number of available connection resources for an HMI device is exceeded,
a corresponding message is output by STEP 7.
"Maximum number of used PLC resources per HMI connection". This parameter is a
factor that is to be multiplied by the number of HMI connections used offline. The product
is the number of HMI resources occupied on the CPU.
Displaying the connection resources in the Web server
You can display the connection resources not only in STEP 7, but also with a browser that
displays the relevant page of the Web server.
You will find information on displaying connection resources in the Web server in the Web
Server (http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/59193560)function manual.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 279
Diagnostics and fault correction
Connection diagnostics
Connections table in the online view
After selecting a CPU in the Devices & networks editor of STEP 7, you will see the status of
your connections displayed in the online view of the connections table.
Figure 12-1 Online view of the connections table
After selecting the connection in the connections table, you obtain detailed diagnostic
information in the "Connection information" tab.
Diagnostics and fault correction
12.1 Connection diagnostics
280 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
"Connection information" tab: Connection details
Figure 12-2 Diagnostics of connections - connection details
Diagnostics and fault correction
12.1 Connection diagnostics
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 281
"Connection information" tab: Address details
Figure 12-3 Diagnostics of connections - address details
Diagnostics via web server
You can evaluate diagnostic information from the CPU using a web browser via the
integrated web server of a CPU.
On the "Communication" Web page, you will find the following information about
communication via PROFINET in various tabs:
Information on the PROFINET interfaces of the CPU (for example addresses, subnets,
physical properties).
Information on the quality of the data transfer (for example number of data packets
sent/received error-free).
Information about the allocation/availability of connection resources.
The "Connection status" page is similar to the online view in STEP 7 and also provides an
overview of all connections with detail view.
Diagnostics and fault correction
12.2 Emergency address
282 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Diagnostics with the user program
When you program the T_DIAG instruction, you can evaluate diagnostic information about
the configured and programmed connections of the CPU using the user program.
Additional information
You will find the description of the web server functionality in the function manual Web server
Emergency address
If you cannot reach the CPU via the IP address, you can set a temporary emergency
address (emergency IP) for the CPU. Via this emergency address, you can re-establish the
connection with a CPU in order to load a device configuration with a valid IP address.
You can set an emergency address regardless of the protection level of the CPU
When do you need an emergency address?
Your CPU cannot be reached in the following cases:
The IP address of your PROFINET interface is assigned twice.
The subnet mask is set incorrectly.
You have selected "Set IP address in the project" for the IP protocol in the device
configuration in STEP 7.
The CPU is in STOP mode.
Restoring a valid device configuration with an emergency address
1. Set the emergency address for the interface of the CPU with a DCP tool. For example,
the SIMATIC Automation Tool has a DCP command "Define IP address".
The maintenance LED of the CPU lights up. The diagnostic buffer also shows that an
emergency address was activated for an Ethernet interface.
2. Load a STEP 7 project with a valid IP address into the CPU.
3. Switch the CPU off and on again.
The emergency address is reset.
The CPU starts up with the valid IP address.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 283
Communication with the redundant system
Communication with the S7-1500R/H redundant system basically functions as with the
S7-1500 standard system.
This chapter describes the special features and restrictions for communication with the
S7-1500R/H redundant system.
Communication options for the S7-1500R/H redundant system
Open User Communication via TCP/IP, UDP and ISO-on-TCP
S7 communication as server
HMI communication
PG communication
Time-of-day synchronization via NTP
Restrictions for communication with the S7-1500R/H redundant system
Open User Communication:
no configured connections
Secure Open User Communication: Not supported as certificate management is not
possible for the R/H CPUs:
If you have activated Secure OUC, then although you can compile the user program
and load it, you cannot add certificates to the R/H-CPUs.
no FDL connections
Email: The S7-1500R/H CPUs with firmware version V2.6 do not support versions <
V5.0 of the "TMAIL_C" instruction. Version V5.0 is not supported.
No support of connection descriptions according to "TCON_Param"
no S7 communication as client
no web server
PG communication:
It is not possible to access two CPUs online at the same time. You can either access
the primary CPU or the backup CPU.
Downloading blocks in redundant mode is not possible.
No support of the function "Upload device as new station"
No S7-routing between the PROFINET interface X1 and the PROFINET-interface X2 of
the CPUs
The CPUs of the S7-1500R/H do not support any central communication modules
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.1 System IP addresses
284 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
System IP addresses
The system IP address of the S7-1500R/H redundant system
In addition to the device IP addresses of the CPUs, the S7-1500R/H redundant system
supports system IP addresses:
System IP address for the PROFINET interfaces X1 of the two CPUs (system IP-address
System IP address for the PROFINET interfaces X2 of the two CPUs (system IP-address
You use the system IP addresses for communication with other devices (for example, HMI
devices, CPUs, PG/PC). The devices always communicate via the system IP address with
the primary CPU of the redundant system. This ensures, for example, that the
communication partner can communicate with the new primary CPU (previously backup
CPU) in the RUN-Solo system state after failure of the original primary CPU in redundant
There is a virtual MAC address for each system IP address.
You enable the system IP addresses in STEP 7.
Advantages of the system IP addresses compared to device IP addresses
The communication partner communicates specifically with the primary CPU.
Communication of the S7-1500R/H redundant system via a system IP address still also
works in the event of the failure of the primary CPU.
You use the system IP addresses for the following applications:
HMI communication with the S7-1500R/H redundant system: With an HMI you manage or
monitor the process on the S7-1500R/H redundant system.
Open User Communication with the S7-1500R/H redundant system:
Another CPU or an application on a PC accesses data of the S7-1500R/H redundant
The S7-1500R/H redundant system accesses a different device.
TCP, UDP and ISO-on-TCP-connections are possible.
The communication partner and the PROFINET interfaces of the two CPUs are located in
the same subnet.
The communication partner is connected to both CPUs, each via the same interface (e.g.
The system IP address is enabled.
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.1 System IP addresses
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 285
Communication via the system IP address X2
If the CPUs of the S7-1500R/H redundant system have two PROFINET interfaces,
preferably use the PROFINET interface X2 for communication with other devices.
The following figure shows a configuration in which the communication partners are
connected via the respective PROFINET interfaces X2 with the CPUs of the redundant
system S7-1500R/H.
Open User Communication between a different CPU and the S7-1500R/H redundant system
HMI communication with the S7-1500R/H redundant system
Open User Communication between the S7-1500R/H redundant system and a PC
Figure 13-1 Example: Communication of the S7-1515R redundant system via the system IP address
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.1 System IP addresses
286 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Communication via the system IP address X1
The following diagram shows a configuration where the communication partners are
connected with a switch to the PROFINET ring of the S7-1500R/H redundant system. The
PROFINET ring connects the communication partners with the respective PROFINET
interfaces X1 of the two CPUs.
As the CPU 1513R only has one PROFINET interface, connection via the PROFINET ring is
the only possibility of communicating via the system IP address X1.
Open User Communication between the S7-1500R/H redundant system and a different CPU
HMI communication with the S7-1500R/H redundant system
Open User Communication between the S7-1500R/H redundant system and a PC
Figure 13-2 Example: Communication of the S7-1513R redundant system via the system IP address
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.1 System IP addresses
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 287
Communication via the system IP addresses X1 and X2
If the CPUs of the redundant system S7-1500R/H have two PROFINET interfaces (X1 and
X2), you can use the a system IP address for each PROFINET interface. PROFINET
devices which are connected to the interfaces X1 of the CPUs communicate via the
system IP address X1. PROFINET devices which are connected to the interfaces X2 of the
CPUs communicate via the system IP address X2.
Open User Communication between the S7-1500R/H redundant system and a different CPU.
HMI communication with the S7-1500R/H redundant system
Open User Communication between the S7-1500R/H redundant system and a PC
Figure 13-3 Example: Communication of the S7-1515R redundant system via the system IP
addresses X1 and X2
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.1 System IP addresses
288 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Enable system IP addresses
STEP 7 V15.1 or higher
redundant system S7-1500R/H with two CPUs, e.g. two CPUs 1513R-1PN
If the CPUs of the S7-1500R/H redundant system have two PROFINET interfaces (X1 and
X2), then you can use a system IP address for both PROFINET interfaces. The following
section describes how to enable the system IP address for the interface X1.
Proceed as follows to enable the system IP address for your S7-1500R/H redundant system:
1. In the network view of STEP 7, select the interface X1 of one of the two CPUs.
2. In the Inspector window go to "Properties" > "General" > "Ethernet addresses" in the area
"System IP address for switched communication".
3. Select the check box "Enable the system IP address for switched communication".
STEP 7 automatically creates a system IP address.
Figure 13-4 Configure IP address
4. Change the system IP address if necessary.
5. If required, change the virtual MAC address. To do this, in "Virtual MAC address", assign
a project-wide unique value (value range 01H to FFH) for the last byte.
Uniqueness of the virtual MAC address
The redundant syste
m S7-1500R/H uses the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
(VRRP) for the system IP address and associated virtual MAC address.
If you use further devices with VRRP, e.g. switches, ensure the uniqueness of the Mac
addresses within an Ethernet
Result: The system IP address X1 for the PROFINET interface X1 of the two CPUs is
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.2 Response to Snycup
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 289
Response to Snycup
Response of communication connections via the system IP address in the system state SYNCUP
HMI, PG- and S7-connections are temporarily closed. For a short time during the
SYNCUP it is not possible to establish connections to the S7-1500R/H redundant system.
All existing connections of Open User Communication are interrupted:
Connections set up by the CPUs of the redundant system as an active connection
partner are set up again after the SYNCUP.
The S7-1500R/H redundant system sets up connection endpoints again for the
passive connection establishment after the SYNCUP.
The processing of running instances of the instructions TSEND and TRCV is stopped.
The block parameter STATUS returns 80C4H (temporary communication error).
Response to primary-backup switchover
Response of communication connections via the system IP address during a primary-backup
Running instances of the instructions TSEND and TRCV are stopped and return the
status 80C4H (temporary communication error).
Connections successfully established by the S7-1500R/H redundant system are
established again by the new primary CPU.
The new primary CPU sets up connection endpoints again for the passive connection
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.4 Connection resources of the redundant system S7-1500R/H
290 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Connection resources of the redundant system S7-1500R/H
Maximum number of connection resources of the S7-1500R/H redundant system
The S7-1500R/H redundant system supports a maximum number of connection resources.
The CPU used defines the maximum number of resources for an S7-1500R/H station:
CPU 1513R: max. 88 connection resources
CPU 1515R: max. 108 connection resources
CPU 1517H: max. 160 connection resources
Allocation of connection resources
Communication connections occupy communication resources in the S7-1500R/H redundant
Each communication connection to the S7-1500R/H redundant system occupies
communication resources in the S7-1500R/H station. Depending on the IP address used, a
communication connection also occupies resources in one or both CPUs of the S7-1500R/H
redundant system.
The following table shows in which CPU a communication connection occupies connection
resources depending on the IP address used.
Connect via...
Connection resources of the
Connection resources CPU
with redundancy ID 1
Connection resources CPU
with redundancy ID 2
a system IP address
a device IP address of the
CPU with redundancy ID 1
X X -
a device IP address of the
CPU with redundancy ID 2
X - X
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.4 Connection resources of the redundant system S7-1500R/H
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 291
Display of the occupied connection resources in STEP 7
Requirements: Online connection to the redundant system S7-1500R/H
You will find the online display of the connection resources in the inspector window under
"Diagnostics" > "Connection information". STEP 7 always displays the connection resources
of the selected CPU and the S7-1500R/H-station.
Figure 13-5 Display of the connection resources of the S7-1500R/H redundant system in STEP 7
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.5 HMI communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
292 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
HMI communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
HMI connection via the system IP address
redundant system S7-1500R/H, e.g. CPU 1513R-1PN
System IP address is enabled
HMI device with PROFINETI-interface
To set up a HMI connection to an S7-1500R/H redundant system, follow these steps:
1. In the network view of STEP 7, select a PROFINET interface of the HMI device.
2. Using a drag&drop operation, draw a line between the PROFINET interface of the HMI
device and a PROFINET-interface of the S7-1500R/H redundant system.
The HMI-device and the S7-1500R/H redundant system are networked together.
Figure 13-6 Networking an HMI device with the S7-1500R/H redundant system
3. In the list of functions, click the "Connections" icon. This activates connection mode.
4. Using a drag-and-drop operation, draw a line between the HMI device and a CPU of the
S7-1500R/H redundant system.
The list "Connection partners" opens.
Figure 13-7 Setting up an HMI connection to the S7-1500R/H redundant system
5. Select the S7-1500R/H redundant system in the list "Connection partners".
Result: You have set up a HMI connection between the HMI device and the S7-1500R/H
redundant system. The HMI connection uses the system IP address. The HMI device always
connects to the primary-CPU.
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.5 HMI communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 293
Changing the HMI connection over to the device IP address
To permanently change the HMI connection over to the selected CPU, clear the check box
"Use the system IP address for switched communication" in the properties of the HMI
connection. The HMI connection then uses the device IP address of the PROFINET
interface. In the event of the failure of this CPU, then the HMI connection to this CPU
permanently fails.
Figure 13-8 Properties of the HMI connection
Automatic setup of HMI connection
When you drag
-and-drop a tag from the S7-1500R/H redundant system into an HMI screen
or into the HMI tag table, STEP 7 automatically sets up an HMI connection. This HMI
connection exists by default between the PROFINET interface of the HMI device and the
PROFINET interface X1 of the CPU with redundancy ID
1. The connection uses the
IP address of the PROFINET interface X1.
You can change the HMI connection to a system IP address in the properties of the HMI
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.6 Open User Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
294 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Open User Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
The following table shows which protocols of the Open User Communication you can use for
the S7-1500R/H redundant system and the matching system data types and instructions.
Table 13- 1 Protocols, system data types and usable instructions for Open User Communication with
the redundant system S7-1500R/H
System data type
Establish connection and
send/receive data via:
(connection can be terminated via
Establish connection and
send/receive data via:
(connection can be terminated via
Modbus TCP TCON_IP_v4
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.6 Open User Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 295
Setting up an Open User Communication connection via the system IP address
The S7-1500R/H redundant system can communicate with other devices via Open User
You set up the connections in the user program, e.g. via the "TSEND_C" instruction. The
S7-1500R/H redundant system does not support configured connections.
You can either set up the connections either via the device IP addresses or via the system IP
addresses of the PROFINET interfaces.
Open User Communication via the system IP addresses of the S7-1500R/H redundant system
If you set up the connection via a system IP address, then communication always takes
place via the primary CPU.
Recommendation: Always use a system IP address for Open User Communication.
Open User Communication via the device IP addresses of the S7-1500R/H redundant system
In redundant mode, the redundant system can establish or terminate connections and send
or receive data via every device IP address.
If you set up the connection via a device IP address, then communication takes place via the
associated CPU. In the event of the failure of the CPU, then the entire communication via the
device IP addresses of this CPU fails.
Setting a connection via the system IP address
How to set up a connection from the S7-1500R/H redundant system to a different CPU via
the system IP address is described below.
You set up the connection in the user program of the redundant system S7-1500R/H with a
TSEND_C instruction. You create a corresponding TRCV_C instruction in the user program
of the other CPU.
The procedure is described using the example of a TCP connection between the
S7-1500R/H redundant system and a CPU 1516-3PN/DP.
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.6 Open User Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
296 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
S7-1500R redundant system with two CPUs 1513-1PN
System IP address of the PROFINET interface X1 is enabled.
CPU 1516-3PN/DP
The PROFINET interfaces X1 of the CPUs 1513R and the PROFINET interface X2 of the
CPU 1516-3PN/DP are located in the same subnet.
Figure 13-9 Example configuration for TCP-connection
TSEND_C instruction in the user program of the S7-1500R/H redundant system
To set up a TCP-connection to a different CPU, follow these steps:
1. Create a "TSEND_C" instruction in the user program.
Figure 13-10 S7-1500R/H: "TSEND_C" instruction
2. Select the "TSEND_C" instruction.
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.6 Open User Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 297
3. In the Inspector window, go to "Properties" > "Configuration" > "Connection parameters".
On the left-hand side you can see the S7-1500R/H redundant system as a local end point
of the connection:
"Interface:": X1 is the preset interface.
"Subnet:": If the interface X1 is assigned to an S7-subnet, then STEP 7 displays the
name of the S7-subnet.
The check box "Use address of the H-system" is selected. The system IP address of
the S7-1500R/H redundant system is in "Address".
Figure 13-11 S7-1500R/H: Assigning parameters to the TSEND_C instruction in STEP 7
4. In "Partners" under "End point:" select the CPU 1516-3PN/DP as the communication
5. In "Partners" under "Interface:" select the PROFINET interface X2 of the CPU
6. In "Local" under "Connection data" select the setting "<new>".
STEP 7 creates a data block for the connection data in the user program of the
S7-1500R/H redundant system.
7. In "Partners" under "Connection type" select the setting "TCP".
STEP 7 creates a data block for the connection data in the user program of the other
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.6 Open User Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
298 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
TRCV_C instruction in the user program of the CPU 1516
Create a TRCV_C instruction in the user program of the CPU 1516-3PN/DP and assign
parameters as below:
Figure 13-12 S7-1500R/H: Assigning parameters to the TRCV_C instruction in STEP 7
Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
13.6 Open User Communication with the redundant system S7-1500R/H
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 299
Setting up a connection via a device IP address
To set up an OUC-connection via a device IP address of one of the two CPUs:
Select a suitable PROFINET interface of the S7-1500R/H redundant system.
Deselect the "Use address of H-system" check box.
Figure 13-13 OUC-connection via a device IP address
You can find additional information on system states in the S7-1500R/H
(https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109754833) system manual.
300 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Industrial Ethernet Security with CP 1543-1
All-round protection - the task of Industrial Ethernet Security
With Industrial Ethernet Security, individual devices, automation cells or network segments
of an Ethernet network can be protected. Data transfer can also be protected by a
combination of different security measures:
Data espionage
Data manipulation
Unauthorized access
Security measures
IP firewall with stateful packet inspection (layer 3 and 4)
Firewall also for Ethernet "non-IP" frames according to IEEE 802.3 (layer 2)
Bandwidth limitation
Global firewall rules
All network nodes located in the internal network segment of a CP 1543-1 are protected
by its firewall.
To allow monitoring, events can be stored in log files that can be read out using the
configuration tool or can be sent automatically to a Syslog server.
For encrypted transfer of websites, for example during process control.
FTPS (explicit mode)
For encrypted transfer of files.
Secure NTP
For secure time-of-day synchronization and transmission.
For secure transmission of network analysis information safe from eavesdropping.
VPN groups
You can combine the CP 1543-1 with other security modules into VPN groups through
configuration. IPsec tunnels are established between all the security modules of a VPN
group (VPN). All internal nodes of these security modules can communicate securely with
each other through this tunnel.
Protection for devices and network segments
The firewall and VPN groups protective functions can be applied to the operation of single
devices, multiple devices, or entire network segments.
Industrial Ethernet Security with CP 1543-1
14.1 Firewall
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 301
Additional information
An overview with links to the most important contributions on Industrial Security is available
in this FAQ (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/92651441).
Tasks of the firewall
The purpose of the firewall functionality is to protect networks and stations from outside
influences and disturbances. This means that only certain previously specified
communications relations are permitted.
To filter the data traffic, IPv4 addresses, IPv4 subnets, port numbers or MAC addresses
among other things can be used.
The firewall functionality can be configured for the following protocol levels:
IP firewall with stateful packet inspection (layer 3 and 4)
Firewall also for Ethernet "non-IP" frames according to IEEE 802.3 (layer 2)
Firewall rules
Firewall rules describe which packets are permitted or forbidden in which direction.
Industrial Ethernet Security with CP 1543-1
14.2 Logging
302 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
For test and monitoring purposes, the security module has diagnostics and logging functions.
Diagnostics functions
These include various system and status functions that you can use in online mode.
Logging functions
This involves the recording of system and security events. Depending on the event type,
the recording is made in volatile or non-volatile local buffer areas of the CP 1543-1. As an
alternative, it is also possible to record on a network server.
The parameter assignment and evaluation of these functions is only possible with a
network connection.
Recording events with logging functions
You specify which events should be recorded with the log settings. Here you can configure
the following recording variants:
Local logging
With this variant, you record the events in local buffers of the CP 1543-1. In the online
dialog of the Security Configuration Tool, you can then access these recordings, visualize
them and archive them on the service station.
Network Syslog
With the network Syslog, you use a Syslog server in the network. This records the events
according to the configuration in the log settings.
NTP client
To check the time validity of a certificate and the time stamp of log entries, the date and time
are maintained on the CP 1543-1 as on the CPU. This time can be synchronized with NTP.
The CP 1543-1 forwards the synchronized time to the CPU via the backplane bus of the
automation system. This way the CPU also receives a synchronized time for the time events
in program execution.
The automatic setting and periodic synchronization of the time takes place either via a
secure or non-secure NTP server. You can assign a maximum of 4 NTP servers to the
CP 1543-1. A mixed configuration of non-secure and secure NTP servers is not possible.
Industrial Ethernet Security with CP 1543-1
14.4 SNMP
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 303
Like the CPU, the CP 1543-1 supports the transfer of management information using the
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). To achieve this, an "SNMP agent" is
installed on the CP/CPU that receives and responds to the SNMP queries. Information about
the properties of devices capable of SNMP is contained in so-called MIB files (Management
Information Base) for which the user needs to have the appropriate rights.
With SNMPv1, the "community string" is also sent. The "community string" is like a password
that is sent along with the SNMP query. The requested information is sent when the
"community string" is correct. The request is discarded when the string is incorrect.
With SNMPv3, data can be transferred encrypted. To do this, select either an authentication
method or an authentication and encryption method.
Possible selection:
Authentication algorithm: none, MD5, SHA-1
Encryption algorithm: none, AES-128, DES
You can deactivate the use of SNMP for the CP/CPU. Deactivate SNMP if the security
guidelines in your network do not permit SNMP or if you use your own SNMP solution.
To find out how to deactivate SNMP for the CPU, refer to section Disabling SNMP
(Page 60).
For security modules that protect the internal network, VPN (Virtual Private Network) tunnels
provide a secure data connection through the non-secure external network.
The module uses the IPsec protocol (tunnel mode of IPsec) for tunneling.
In STEP 7 you can assign VPN groups to security modules. VPN tunnels are automatically
established between all modules of a VPN group. A module in one project can belong to
several different VPN groups at the same time in the process.
304 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Automation system
Programmable logic controller for the open-loop and closed-loop control of process chains of
the process engineering industry and manufacturing technology. The automation system
consists of different components and integrated system functions according to the
automation task.
Backup CPU
If the R/H system is in RUN-Redundant system state, the primary CPU controls the process.
The backup CPU processes the user program synchronously and can take over process
control if the primary CPU fails.
Transmission medium that connects several devices together. Data transmission can be
performed electrically or via optical fibers, either in series or in parallel.
Device in a network that requests a service from another device in the network (server).
Communications module
Communications module
Module for communications tasks used in an automation system as an interface expansion
of the CPU (for example PROFIBUS) and providing additional communications options
Communications processor
Module for expanded communications tasks covering special applications, for example in the
area of security.
Consistent data
Data that belongs together in terms of content and must not be separated when transferred.
Communications processor
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 305
nit - Central module of the S7 automation system with a control and
arithmetic unit, memory, operating system and interface for programming device.
Generic term for:
Automation systems (PLC, PC, for example)
Distributed I/O systems
Field devices (for example, PLC, PC, hydraulic devices, pneumatic devices) and
Active network components (for example, switches, routers)
Gateways to PROFIBUS, AS interface or other fieldbus systems
Device certificates
Such certificates are signed by a certificate authority (CA).
The signature of an end-entity certificate is checked with the public key of the certificate
authority certificate.
The "Subject" attribute must not be identical to the "Issuer" attribute.
The "Subject", for example, contains the name of a program as with the OPC UA application
"Issuer" is the certificate authority that signed the certificate.
The "CA" field must be set to "False".
DP master
Within PROFIBUS DP, a master in the distributed I/O that behaves according to the EN
50170 standard, Part 3.
See also DP slave
DP slave
Slave in the distributed I/O that is operated on PROFIBUS with the PROFIBUS DP protocol
and behaves according to the EN 50170 standard, Part 3.
See also DP master
306 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Data transmission system; a distinction is made between full and half duplex.
Half duplex: One channel is available for alternate data exchange (sending or receiving
alternately but not at the same time).
Full duplex: Two channels are available for simultaneous data exchange in both directions
(simultaneous sending and receiving in both directions).
End-entity certificate
See also device certificate
International standard technology for local area networks (LAN) based on frames. It defines
types of cables and signaling for the physical layer and packet formats and protocols for
media access control.
Ethernet network adapter
Electronic circuitry for connecting a computer to an Ethernet network. It allows the exchange
of data / communication within the network.
Server services using TCP/IP, ISO-on-TCP and ISO for access to system memory areas of
S7 CPUs. Access (client function) is possible from a SIMATIC S5 or a third-party device/PC.
FETCH: Read data directly; WRITE: Write data directly.
Field device
Freely programmable ASCII protocol; here for data transfer via a point-to-point connection.
rotocol; a network protocol for transferring files via IP networks. FTP is used
to download files from the server to the client or to upload files from the client to the server.
FTP directories can also be created and read out and directories and files can be renamed
or deleted.
nterface, device for visualization and control of automation processes.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 307
Industrial Ethernet
Interface module
Industrial Ethernet
Guideline for setting up an Ethernet network in an industrial environment. The essential
difference compared with standard Ethernet is the mechanical ruggedness and immunity to
noise of the individual components.
The smallest self-contained unit of a user program characterized by its structure, function or
purpose as a separate part of the user program. An instruction represents an operation
procedure for the processor.
Interface module
Module in the distributed I/O system. The interface module connects the distributed I/O
system via a fieldbus to the CPU (IO controller/DP master) and prepares the data for the I/O
Intermediate CA certificate
This is a certificate authority certificate that is signed with the private key of a root certificate
An intermediate certificate authority signs end-entity certificates with its private key.
The signature of these end-entity certificates is verified with the public key of the
intermediate certificate authority.
The "Subject" and "Issuer" attributes of the intermediate CA certificate must not be identical.
This certificate authority has after all not signed its certificate itself.
The "CA" field must be set to "True".
IO controller, PROFINET IO controller
Central device in a PROFINET system, usually a classic programmable logic controller or
PC. The IO controller sets up connections to the IO devices, exchanges data with them, thus
controls and monitors the system.
308 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
IO device, PROFINET IO device
Device in the distributed I/O of a PROFINET system that is monitored and controlled by an
IO controller (for example distributed inputs/outputs, valve islands, frequency converters,
IP address
Binary number that is used as a unique address in computer networks in conjunction with the
Internet Protocol (IP). It makes these devices uniquely addressable and individually
accessible. An IPv4 address can be evaluated using a binary subnet mask that results in a
network part or a host part as a structure. The textual representation of an IPv4 address
consists, for example, of 4 decimal numbers with the value range 0 to 255. The decimal
numbers are separated by periods.
IPv4 subnet mask
Binary mask, with which an IPv4 address (as a binary number) is divided into a "network
part" and a "host part".
ISO protocol
Communications protocol for message or packet-oriented transfer of data in an Ethernet
network. This protocol is hardware-oriented, very fast and allows dynamic data lengths. The
ISO protocol is suitable for medium to large volumes of data.
ISO-on-TCP protocol
Communications protocol capable of S7 routing for packet-oriented transfer of data in an
Ethernet network; provides network addressing. The ISO-on-TCP protocol is suitable for
medium and large volumes of data and allows dynamic data lengths.
Linear bus topology
Network topology characterized by the arrangement of the devices in a line (bus).
MAC address
Worldwide unique device identification for all Ethernet devices. The MAC address is
assigned by the manufacturer and has a 3-byte vendor ID and 3-byte device ID as a
consecutive number.
Higher-level, active participant in the communication/on a PROFIBUS subnet. The master
has rights to access the bus (token) and can request and send data.
See also DP master
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 309
Modbus RTU
nit; Open communications protocol for serial interfaces based on a
master/slave architecture.
Modbus TCP
rotocol; Open communications protocol for Ethernet based on a
master/slave architecture. The data are transmitted as TCP/IP packets.
A network consists of one or more interconnected subnets with any number of devices.
Several networks can exist alongside each other.
rotocol (NTP) is a standard for synchronizing clocks in automation
systems via Industrial Ethernet. NTP uses the connectionless UDP transport protocol for the
is a protocol for communication between machines, developed by
the OPC Foundation.
Operating states
Operating states describe the behavior of a single CPU at a specific time.
The CPUs of the SIMATIC standard systems have the STOP, STARTUP and RUN operating
The primary CPU of the redundant system S7-1500R/H has the operating states STOP,
STARTUP, RUN, RUN-Syncup and RUN-Redundant. The backup CPU has the operating
states STOP, SYNCUP and RUN-Redundant.
Operating system
Software that allows the use and operation of a computer. The operating system manages
resources such as memory, input and output devices and controls the execution of
Programming device
PROFIBUS user organization
310 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Point-to-point connection
Bidirectional data exchange via communications modules with a serial interface between two
communications partners (and two only).
Physical connector to connect devices to PROFINET. PROFINET interfaces have one or
more ports.
Primary CPU
If the R/H system is in RUN-Redundant system state, the primary CPU controls the process.
The backup CPU processes the user program synchronously and can take over process
control if the primary CPU fails.
Process image (I/O)
The CPU transfers the values from the input and output modules to this memory area. At the
start of the cyclic program, the CPU transfers the process image output as a signal state to
the output modules. The CPU then reads the signal states of the input modules into the
process image input. The CPU then executes the user program.
- European Fieldbus standard.
PROFIBUS address
Unique identifier of a device connected to PROFIBUS. The PROFIBUS address is sent in
the frame to address a device.
Device with at least one PROFIBUS interface either electrical (for example RS-485) or
optical (for example Polymer Optical Fiber).
PROFIBUS user organization
Technical committee dedicated to the definition and development of the PROFIBUS and
PROFINET standard.
A PROFIBUS with DP protocol that complies with EN 50170. DP stands for distributed I/O =
fast, real-time capable, cyclic data exchange. From the perspective of the user program, the
distributed I/O is addressed in exactly the same way as the centralized IO.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 311
Open component-based industrial communications system based on Ethernet for distributed
automation systems. Communications technology promoted by the PROFIBUS user
Device that always has a PROFINET interface (electrical, optical, wireless).
PROFINET interface
Interface of a module capable of communication (for example CPU, CP) with one or more
ports. A MAC address is assigned to the interface in the factory. Along with the IP address
and the device name (from the individual configuration), this interface address ensures that
the PROFINET device is identified uniquely in the network. The interface can be electrical,
optical or wireless.
IO stands for input/output; distributed I/O (fast, cyclic data exchange with real-time
capability). From the perspective of the user program, the distributed I/O is addressed in
exactly the same way as the centralized IO.
PROFINET IO as the Ethernet-based automation standard of PROFIBUS & PROFINET
International defines a cross-vendor communication, automation, and engineering model.
With PROFINET IO, a switching technology is used that allows all devices to access the
network at any time. In this way, the network can be used much more efficiently through the
simultaneous data transfer of several devices. Simultaneous sending and receiving is
enabled via the full-duplex operation of Switched Ethernet.
PROFINET IO is based on switched Ethernet with full-duplex operation and a bandwidth of
100 Mbps.
Programming device
Programming devices are essentially compact and portable PCs which are suitable for
industrial applications. They are identified by a special hardware and software configuration
for programmable logic controllers.
Agreement on the rules by which the communication between two or more communication
partners transpires.
oint, interface and/or transmission protocol for bidirectional data exchange
between two (and only two) communications partners.
312 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Redundant systems
Redundant systems have multiple (redundant) instances of key automation components.
Process control is maintained if a redundant component fails.
Ring topology
All devices of a network are connected together in a ring.
Root CA certificates
See also root certificate
Root certificate
This is the certificate of a certificate authority: It signs end-entity certificates and intermediate
CA certificates with its private key.
The "Subject" attribute and the "Issuer" of this certificate must be identical. This certificate
authority has signed its certificate itself.
The "CA" field must be set to "True".
TIA Portal V14 has such a root CA certificate:
If you configure the OPC UA server of an S7-1500 in the TIA Portal, the TIA Portal generates
an end-entity certificate for the OPC UA server and signs that certificate with its own private
The signature of this end-entity certificate can be verified with the public key of the TIA
Portal. This key can be found in the root CA certificate of the TIA Portal.
Network node with a unique identifier (name and address) that connects subnets together
and allows transportation of data to uniquely identified communications nodes in the
RS232, RS422 and RS485
Standard for serial interfaces.
Modbus RTU (RTU:
nit, transfers the data in binary form; allows a good
data throughput. The data must be converted to a readable format before it can be
S7 routing
Communication between S7 automation systems, S7 applications or PC stations in different
S7 subnets via one or more network nodes functioning as S7 routers.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 313
SDA service
Send Data with Acknowledge. SDA is an elementary service with which an initiator (for
example DP master) can send a message to other devices and then receives
acknowledgment of receipt immediately afterwards.
SDN service
Send Data with No Acknowledge. This service is used primarily to send data to multiple
stations and the service therefore remains unacknowledged. Suitable for synchronization
tasks and status messages.
Generic term for all the measures taken to protect against
Loss of confidentiality due to unauthorized access to data
Loss of integrity due to manipulation of data
Loss of availability due to the destruction of data
Self-signed certificates
These are certificates that you sign with your private key and use as end-entity certificates.
The signature of these end-entity certificates is verified with your public key.
The "Subject" and "Issuer" attributes of self-signed certificates must be identical: You have
signed your certificate yourself.
The "CA" field must be set to "False".
You can, for example, use self-signed certificates as application certificates for an OPC UA
The procedure required to generate a self-signed certificate with the certificate generator of
the OPC Foundation is described here (Page ).
A device or more generally an object that can provide certain services; the service is
performed at the request of a client.
Distributed device in a fieldbus system that can only exchange data with a master after the
master has requested this.
See also DP slave
314 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
rotocol, uses the wireless UDP transport protocol. SNMP
works in much the same way as the client/server model. The SNMP manager monitors the
network nodes. The SNMP agents collect the various network-specific information in the
individual network nodes and makes this information available in a structured form in the MIB
ase). This information allows a network management system to
run detailed network diagnostics.
Part of a network whose parameters must be matched up on the devices (for example in
PROFINET). A subnet includes the bus components and all connected stations. Subnets can
be linked together, for example using gateways or routers to form one network.
Network components used to connect several terminal devices or network segments in a
local network (LAN).
System states
The system states of the redundant system S7-1500R/H result from the operating states of
the primary and backup CPUs. The term system state is used as a simplified expression that
refers to the operating states that occur simultaneously on both CPUs. The redundant
system S7-1500R/H has the system states STOP, STARTUP, RUN-Solo, SYNCUP and
System IP address
In addition to the device IP addresses of the CPUs, the redundant system S7-1500R/H
supports system IP addresses:
System IP address for the X1 PROFINET interfaces of the two CPUs (system IP address
System IP address for the X2 PROFINET interfaces of the two CPUs (system IP address
You use the system IP addresses for communication with other devices (for example, HMI
devices, CPUs, PG/PC). The devices always communicate over the system IP address with
the primary CPU of the redundant system. This ensures that the communication partner can
communicate with the new primary CPU (previously backup CPU) in the RUN-Solo system
state after failure of the original primary CPU in redundant operation.
rotocol /
rotocol, connection-oriented network protocol,
generally recognized standard for data exchange in heterogeneous networks.
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 315
Time-of-day synchronization
Capability of transferring a standard system time from a single source to all devices in the
system so that their clocks can be set according to the standard time.
Tree topology
Network topology characterized by a branched structure: Two or more bus nodes are
connected to each bus node.
Fast Ethernet via twisted-pair cables is based on the IEEE 802.3u standard (100 Base-TX).
The transmission medium is a shielded 2x2 twisted-pair cable with an impedance of 100
Ohms (22 AWG). The transmission characteristics of this cable must meet the requirements
of category 5.
The maximum length of the connection between the terminal and the network component
must not exceed 100 m. The connectors are designed according to the 100Base-TX
standard with the RJ-45 connector system.
rotocol; communications protocol for fast and uncomplicated data transfer,
without acknowledgment. There are no error checking mechanisms as found in TCP/IP.
User program
In SIMATIC, a distinction is made between the CPU operating system and user programs.
The user program contains all instructions, declarations and data by which a system or
process can be controlled. The user program is assigned to a programmable module (for
example, CPU, FM) and can be structured in smaller units.
Universal Serial Interface protocol (
chnittstellen-Protokoll); defines
an access method according to the master-slave principle for communication via a serial
Web server
Software/communications service for data exchange via the Internet. The web server
transfers the documents using standardized transmission protocols (HTTP, HTTPS) to a
Web browser. Documents can be static or put together dynamically from different sources by
the web server on request from the Web browser.
316 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Advanced Encryption Algorithm, 40
AES, 40
Applicant, 43
Asymmetric encryption, 41
BRCV, 115
BSEND, 115
Certificate authorities, 43
Certificate subject, 43
CM, 17
Data record routing, 265
HMI communication, 65
Open communication, 67
Open User Communication, 67
PG communication, 63
Point-to-point connection, 123
S7 communication, 114
S7 routing, 260
Communication options
Overview, 22
Communication via PUT/GET instruction
Creating and configuring a connection, 117
Communication protocols, 68
Establishment and termination, 93
Communications module, 17
Communications processor, 17
Communications services
Connection resources, 30
Diagnostics, 279
Instructions for Open User Communication, 70
Connection diagnostics, 279
Connection resources
Data record routing, 273
Display in STEP 7, 275
Display in the Web server, 278
HMI communication, 272
Module-specific, 276
occupying, 274
Overview, 30, 267
S7 routing, 273
Station specific, 275
Consistency of data, 34
CP, 17
Data consistency, 34
Data record routing, 265
Digital certificates, 43
E-mail, 22, 69, 89
End-entity certificate, 46
Establishment and termination of communications, 93
Export file for OPC UA, 167
FDL, 69
Fetch, 22
Firewall, 301
Freeport protocol, 123
FTP, 22, 69, 89, 90
GET, 115
Handshake Protocol, 42
HMI communication, 22, 65
IM, 21
Industrial Ethernet Security, 300
Interface module, 21
Interfaces for communication, 18
Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG 317
Interfaces of communications modules
Point-to-point connection, 20
Interfaces of communications processors, 19
IP address, emergency address (temporary), 282
ISO, 22, 68
ISO-on-TCP, 68, 77
Logging, 302
Man-in-the-middle attack, 43
Modbus protocol (RTU), 123
Modbus TCP, 69
NTP, 22, 302
Occupation of connection resources, 274
Certificate generator, 148
DB tags, 163
End points, 157
Identifier, 133
Introduction, 129, 130, 131
Layer model, 153
Namespace, 132
OpenSSL, 149
PLC tags, 163
Secure channel, 152
Secure connection, 152
Security mechanisms, 143
Security settings, 157
Signing and encryption, 145
X.509 certificates, 147
OPC UA client
Authentication, 252
Basics, 138
Certificate, 181, 249
OPC UA server
Address space, 134
Addressing, 170
Application name, 169
Authentication, 189
Basics, 155
Commissioning, 168
Customizing the server certificate, 183
Generating a server certificate, 175
Performance, 166
Performance increase, 166
Publishing interval, 173
Runtime licenses, 192
Sampling interval, 174
Security settings, 178, 186
Subscription, 172
TCP port, 172, 173
Write and read rights, 163
XML export file, 167
Open communication
Connection configuration, 77
Setting up e-mail, 89
Setting up FTP, 90
Setting up TCP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP, 77
Open User Communication
Features, 67
Instructions, 70
Protocols, 68
OpenSSL, 149
PCT, 266
PG communication, 22, 63
Point-to-point connection, 22, 123
Private Key, 38
Procedure 3964(R), 123
Protocols for Open User Communication, 68
Public Key, 38
PUT, 115
Record Protocol, 42
RFC 5280, 38
Root certificate, 46
S7 communication, 22, 114, 273
S7 routing, 260
Connection resources, 273
Secure communication, 38
Secure Socket Layer, 42
Security, 300
Security measures, 300
Firewall, 301
318 Function Manual, 10/2018, A5E03735815-AG
Logging, 302
NTP, 302
SNMP, 303
Self-signed certificates, 44
Server certificate, 183
Setting up a connection, 30
By configuring, 81
ISO connection with CP 1543-1, 82
Signature, 45
SNMP, 22, 303
SSL, 42
Symmetric encryption, 40
Syslog, 302
System data type, 72
TCON, 71
TCP, 22, 68, 77
Time-of-day synchronization, 22
TLS, 42
Transport Layer Security, 42
TRCV, 71
TRCV_C, 71
UDP, 22, 68, 77
URCV, 115
USEND, 115
USS protocol, 123
Web server, 22
Write, 22
X.509, 38