General Description The REFO1 and REFO2 are precision voltages refer- ences that are pretrimmed to within +.3% of 10V and 5V respectively. Both references feature excellent tern- perature stability (as low as 3.5 ppm/C worst case), low current drain and low noise. The REFQ2 also pro- vides a TEMP pin whose output voltage varies linearly with temperature, making this device suitable for a wide variety of temperature sensing and cantrol appli- cations. Both devices are available from Maxim in the space-saving Smal! Outline package, as well as the standard 8 pin TO-99 and MINI-DIP packages. Applications A to D Converters D to A Converters Digital Voltmeters Voltage Regulators Threshold Detectors Pin Configuration Top View GROUND ICASE) 8 Lead TO-99 Matai Can om nef] @ 6) WC. Vin [2 7] WC. N.C./TEMP* [3] /) Vout GND [4] |i] TRIM 8 Lead DIP we. (Ti! ray] NC. Vin C12] ay] WC. N.C./TEMP* C13] rel) Vout Gnd LE] [5] | TRIM L _- 8 Lead Small Outline NOTE: Pin 3is N.C. (No Connection) an REFOI, TEMP Output on REFO2 SULA AL/VI +5V, +10V Precision Voltage References Features @ Pretrimmed to +5V, +10V +0.3% @ Excellent Temperature Stability: 3ppm/C # Low Noise: 10: V,., (REFQ2} * Low Supply Current: 1.4mA Max @ = Short Circuit Proot * Linear Temperature Transducer O/P (REFO2) CO cheering EnFlormiattonn PART Vour @ 25C PACKAGE TEMP RANGE: 0C TO+70C REFOIEJ 10V + 30mV TO-99 REFOTH! 40V + 50m TO-99 REFOICJ s0V+100m. SCO REFOIEZ IOV + 30m Hermetic DIP REFOIHZ 10V + 50m Hermetic DIP | REFOICZ OV + 100mv Hermetic DiP REFOIHP 40V + 50m Plastic DIP REFOICP 10V + 100m Plastic DIP REFOIHCSA 10V + 50mv Small Outline REFOICCSA OV + 100mv Small Outline TEMP RANGE: -55C TO +125C REFO1AJ 10V + 30m TO-99 REFO TOV + 5Om TO-59 REFOIAZ 10V + 30m Hermetic DIP REFOIWZ IOV + 5Gm Hermetic DIP (Ordering information continued on last page.) Typical Operating Circuit 1 2 win yb -_O+ 9 OUTPUT MAX REFOT REFO2 Lp TAMA | Oy), Reterence with Trimmed Output MAXAISVI Maxim integrated Products 1 20434/l044auREFO1/REFO2 +5V, +10V Precision Voltage References ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSREF01 Input Voltage REFO1, A, EH, AN DICE oo... cece ee ee eee 40V REFOUW wo. ee eee aQv Power Dissipation TO99 (J) oo. cece cc ceececeeceeeeeceeseceeeerevereces s00mw (Derate at 7.1mW/C above 80C) CERDIP (Z) 0.20. eee eee eee eee ee S00mw (Derate at 6.7mW/"G above 75C} Plastic DIP (P) 0... ieee eect ee ee 506mW (Derate at 5.6mW/*C above 36C} Small Outline (8)... cece eee ee soomw (Derate at 5.0mMW/"C above 55C} Output Short-Circuit Duration (to Ground or Vi) 0... eee ee eee Indefinite Storage Temperature Range oo... cee e ee eee -66C to +150C Operating Temperature Range FAEFOIA, REFOU .. ee eee eee eee eee -88C to +126C REFOIE, REFOIH, AREFOIC ..................., 0G to +70C . Sed to +150C tenets +300C DIGE Junction Temperature (T) ........-.. Lead Temperature (Soldering, 80 sec.) Strasses above those listed under Absoiuta Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to tha device. These are strass ratings anly and functonal apsratiaa of ihe device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is nat implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device revabillty. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSREFO1 (Vin = +15 T, = 25C, untess otherwise noted) "REFOIA/E REFOVH PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS UNITS MIN | TYP | MAX | MIN | TYP | MAX Output Voltage Vo IL =0 9.97 |10.00 | 10.03 | 9.95 | 10.00 | 10.05 v Output Adjustment Aange Wom Rp = 10kn 3.0 | +3.3 =_ 43.0 | +3.3 = | Output Voltage Noise Capp O.1Hz to 10Hz (Note 5) - 20 30 _ 20 30 BV np Line Regulation (Note 4) Vin = 18V to 33V _ 0.006 | .010 _ 0.006 | a.d10 iV Load Regulation (Note 4) I, = 0 to 10mA _ 0.005 | .008 {0.006 | 0.010 | %/mA | Turn-on Settling Time ton To +0.1% of final value _ 5 _ _ 5 - MS Quiescent Supply Current : lov No Load _ 1.0 14 1.0 1.4 mA | Load Current I 10 21 _ 10 21 mA Sink Current Is -03 |-o5 | |-03 |-05 | | ma Short-Cireuit Current Ise Vor _ 30 = = 30 ~_ ma ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSREFO1 (Vin 7 $18V, -95C = T, = +125C for REFOIA and REFOT, OC = T, = +70C for REFO'E and REFOWH, |, = OmA, unless otherwise noted) | PARAMETER . DITIONS = REFOVH __| UNITS : SYMBOL iN T [ i $ 9 co T MIN | TYP | MAX | MIN | TYP | MAX | Output Voltage Change with ! ww OC=zaT,H +70C 0,02 0.06 0.O7 0.17 o ' Temperature (Notes 1, 2) | oT 65C = Ty = +126C =_ 0.06 | 6.15 =_ O18 045 | Output Voitage | to Temperature Coefficient ! TOVg (Note 3) - 3.0 6.5 - 10.0 25.0 ppm/*C Chang in Vg Temperature | Coefficient with Rp = 10k _ OF _ _ uF !pom/% Output Adjustment Line Regulation O'S =T, = + 70C - 0.007 | 0.012 - 0.007 | G012 al (Vin = 18V to 33V) (Note 4) ~55C < Ta = 125C - 0.009 | 0.015 {6009 [5.015 | Load Regulation OG = Ty = +7OC - 0.006 | 0.010 - 0.007 | O.012 7 gna (I, = Oto BMA) (Note 4) -8C < Ty <= +125C |ooc7r |oo2]} foo | oo | " Note 1: AVo_ is defined as the absolute difference between the maximum output voltage and the minimum output voltage over the specified temperature range expressed as a percentage of 10V: Vesa 7 Vain Wor = 10V 100 Nate 2: AY, specification applies trimmed te +10.000 or untrimmed. Nole 3. TCV is defined as AV, divided by the temperature range. Note 4: Line and Load Regulation specitications include the effect of self heating. Nole 5: Sample tasted. . MAXKIMELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSREFO1 (Vi = 715M, T, = 25C, unless otherwise noted) +5V, +10V Precision Voltage References PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS REFONG UNITS MIN TYP MAX | Gutput Voltage Vo IL =omA 9.90 10.00 10.10 v Output Adjustment Range AVirim Ry = 10k +27 +3.3 _ 1 % Output Voltage Noise np-p O.1Hz to 10Hz (Note 5) _ : 25 a5 uve Line Regulation (Note 4) Vin = 13 te 30V - 0.009 0.015 iY . IL =Dto ama _ 0.006 0.015 Load Regulation (Note 4) I, = 6to4mA _ 0.0068 0.015 mA Turn-on Settling Time toy | To =0.1% of final value 5 us | : Quiescent Supply Current lsy No Load _ 1.0 1.6 mA Load Current Tf 8 21 _ mA _ Sink Current Ig -0.2 05 - mA | Short-Gircuit Current Tg Vg = 9 - 30 = mA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSREFO1 (Vi = +16, OPC = 7, = +70C, unless otherwise noted) SYMBOL CONDITIONS REFOIC UNITS PARAMETER VE MIN TYP MAX Output Vollage Change with Ver | {Notes 1 and 2) - aid 0.45 % emperature Output Voltage _ 9 Temperature Coefficient TOVa | (Note 3) 20 65 pemec Change in Vg Temperature Coefficient with Ay = 10k _ 0.7 =- ppm/% Output Adjustment Line Regulation (Note 4} Vin = 18 ta 30 _ : 0.011 0.018 wi Load Regulation (Note 4) IL =0to mA _ 0.008 0.018 / mA Notes: See previous page. Output Adjustment The REFO!1 trim terminal can be used to adjust the voltage over a 10V +300m range. This feature allows the system designer to trim system errors by setting the reference to a voltage other than 10, including 10.240V for binary applications (see Typical Operating Circuit" on first page). Adjustment of the output does not significantly affect the temperature performance of the device. The tem- perature coefficient change is approximately 0.7 ppm/?C for 100m of output adjustment. Burn-in Circuit The burn-in circuit of Figure 1 is used for both the REFO1 and the REFO2. All Maxim REFO1s and REFO2s are 100% burned-in for a minimum of 24hrs at 150C (except for Small Outline package), which is equivalent to 25 years of operation at 25C. This substantially improves the long term stability of the part, and allows Maxim to offer a product with a F.1.T. rate of better than 10 (See Product Reliability Report RR-1A). ory Vin #HAALM REFOT REFO2 Figure 1. Burn-in circuit MAXI 20434/tOasYREFO1/REFO2 +5V, +10V Precision Voltage References ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSREFO2 Input Voltage REFO?, A, ELH. ANI DICE .. 00.2.0... eee eee eee ... 40V AEFORG, Do. 30V Power Dissipation 04S: 9 s00mW (Derate at 7. 1mW/C above 80C) CERDIP (2) 0... cece nen ence eee S00mW (Derate at 6, 7mwC above 75C} Plastic DIP (P] .......ccceceeceeeeaceeaueeeeeeeeees s0omw (Derate at 5.6mwC above 36C) Small Outline (S) icc e sete eee ene ener ee 3G0mWw (Derate at S.OmW/C above 55C} Storage Ternperature Range ............-..-. 65C to +150C Operating Temperature Range REFO@A, REFO? ...... ee eee 66C to +126C REFQZE, REFO@H 2. eee ete eee eee 0G to +70C REFO2C, REFO2D .......... 0. eee eee ee OC to +70C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec.) ........,....0-. +300C DICE Junction Temperatura 1) eee -65C to +150C Quiput Short-Circuit Curation (tO Ground OF Vin) oe eee ee cee teen eee eee Indefinite Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at Hrase or any oiher conditrans above lhase indicated in the aperational sections of the specifications is nat Imptied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extanded pevods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSREF02 (Vin = 15, Ty = +25O, unless otherwise nated) REFO2A/E REFO2/H PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN Typ | MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITS Output Voltage Vo | 1,=0 4985 15.000 | 5.015 | 4.975 | 5.000 16.025 |v Output Adjustment Range 1 AMiam | Rp = 10K0 +3 +6 - +3 +6 - % Output Voltage Noise enp p O.1Hz te 10Hz (Note 6) _ 10 15 _ 10 18 ' pVe Line Regulation (Note 1} Vin = 8V to 33V _ 0.006 | 0.d1D 0.006 | 0.010 Sey Load Regulation (Note 1) 1, = Oto 10mA |oo0s Joo | | o006 [ooo | %/ma Turn-on Sattling Tima ton To +0.1% of final value _ 5 _ - 5 _ us Quiescent Supply Gurrent ley No Load 1.0 14 _ 10 | 14 mA Load Gurrent iL 10 21 10 21 _ mA: Sink Current Is | os [-0s | | -03 | -o5 | | ma | Short-Circuit Current lec Yg=0 _ 30 _ - 30 _ mA Temperature Voltage Output WG (Note 2) _ 630 = 630 = | mV | ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSREFO2 (Vi = +15, -55C < T, = +125C for REFOZA and REFO?, 0C = T, = +70C for REFOZE and HEFQ2H, |, = OmA. unless otherwise noted) REF024/E REFO2/H 3 PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP Max | MIN TYP | MAX UNIT Output Voltage Change with ay OG = Ty <= +70C 0.02 | 0.06 _ 0.07 0.17 % Temperature (Notes 3, 4) oT -55C = T, = +125C O06 | O15 O18 | 645 Cutput Voltage _ _ : a Temperature Coefficient TOV iNate 5) 3 55 10 25 ppm /"C Change in V, Temperature Coefficient with p= 0k o7 _ _ 0.7 _ ppm/% Output Adjustment / " Line Regulation orc = T, 5 +70C - 0.007 | O.012 0.007 | 0.012 sal (Vi = 8 to 33V) (Nate 1) -56G = Ty = +125C - g.009 | 0.015 - 0.009 | 0,015 , Load Regulation OC = Tas +70C - 9.006 | 0.010 - 0.007 | 0.012 . ims (= Oto &mA}(Note 1) -B6C = Ty = +126C - 0.007 | 0.012 0,008 | 0.015 Temperature Voltage Output _ _ _ _ mw Temperature Coefficient TEM, (Note 2) a4 a 1 Vink AVo7 |S defined as tha absolute diffarenca between the maximum output voltage and the minimum output voltage over the Nate 1: Line and Load Regulation specifications include the effect of self heating. Note 2: Limit currentin or out of pin 3 to S0nA and capacitance on pin 3 to 30pF. Note 3: specified temperature range expressed as a percentage of 5V: V, -v Bor = |) 100 Note 4: AN, specification applies trimmed to +5,000 or untrimmed. Note 5: TCV, is defined a5 SVo7 divided by the temperature range. Note 6: Sample tested. MAXI+5V, +10V Precision Voltage References ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSREF02 {Vin = ~15Y, Ty = 25C, unless otherwise noted} REFO2C REF02D | PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS UNITS MIN | TYP | MAX | MIN | TYP | MAX Output Voltage Vo iL =OmA 4950 | 5.000 | 5.050 | 4.900 | 5.000 : 6 100 Vv Cutput Adjustment Range AVinm | Rp = 10k0 +27 | +60 - +20 | 46.0 - % Output Valtage Noise Copp O1Hz te 19Hz (Note 6) _ 12 18 > 12 BV Line Regulation (Note 1) Vin = 8V to 30V | 0.009 | 0.015 | | 0.010 | 0.04 Foy : IL = Oto BMA | 0006 | 5.015 | - . Load Regulation (Note 1) I = Oto ama _ _ - _ aos | ao4 5o/ mA Turn-on Settling Time ton To 0.1% of final value _ 5 _ _ 5 _ us Quiescent Supply Current Esy No Load _ 1.0 1.6 _ 1.0 2.0 mA Load Current in 5 21 > a 21 - mA Sink Current ls 02 | -08 | ~0.2 | -0.5 _ mA Shon-Crreuit Current Iso | g=0 | ai - }- [a0] mA Temperature Voltage Output My {Note 2) _ 630 _ _ 630 _ mv ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSREF02 (Vig - #15, O8C = Ty <= +70C and |, - OmA, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS RE FORE nero UNITS MIN | TYP | MAX | MIN | TYP MAX Senerature. Change with Nor {Notes 3 and 4) |om fos | Jos! 17 | % Output Voltage 1 le Temperature Coefficient TGV (Note 5) ~ 2 68 ~ 70 250 | ppmy/C Change in V,, Temperature Coetficient with RA, = 10ke _ OF ~ _ 07 _ ppm Qutput Adjusiment Line Regulation (Note 1) Vi = 8 to 30V _ 0.011 | @.018 _ 0.012 | G05 gE Load Regulation (Note 1} IL= Oto 5mA - 0.008 | C.018 | | 0016 | 6.05 | %mA Temperature Voltage Output 10, Temperature Coefficient TOV, (Note 2} - 24 - _ 24 my/ec Notes: See previous page. _ Output Adjustment The REFO2 trim terminal can be used to adjust the ago output voltage over a 5V +300mV range. This feature ean allows the system designer to trim system errors by setting the reference to a voltage other than 5V (see = 70 Typical Operating Circuit" on first page}. = 70 Adjustment of the output does not significantly affect a0 the temperature performance of the device. Typically, = the temperature coefficient change is O.7ppm/C for # oH 100m of output adjustment. = 5a =z = sa Temperature Voltage Output + . 490 The REFQ2 provides a temperature dependent output valtage on the TEMP pin. This voltage is proportional to ee the absolute temperature, and has a scale factor of TEMPERATURE {C} approximately 2.1mW/C (Figure 2). Output Voltage = 2.1(T + 273)mV where T = Temperature in C Figure 2. REFO? Temperature Voltage Output vs. Temperature. MAA 5 604344 /t043u4REFO1/REFO2 +5V, +10V Precision Voltage References LINE REGULATION ve FREQUENCY Vw = 154 bi Ta= 2870 = 58 = = 4i = 5 i 36 = = 5 J 18 fi 0 100 ko 10k 100k IM FAEDUENCY JH) MAXIMUM LOAD CURRENT vs INPUT VOLTAGE 55 SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION - a S0amW MAXIMUM OISSIPATION MAXIMUM LOAD CURRENT Ima] a Ta = 28C 10 18 20 25 a0 INPUT WOLTAGE (VOLTS) MAXIMUM LOAD CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE s Vin 160 a my & s MAXIMUM LOAD CURAENT [ma] on 0 -B0 -40 -20 9 2 40 BD BO 100 1m 140 TEMPERATURE [*C] OUTPUT NOISE [1 V ?-F) REFO] CUTPUT WIDEBAND NOISE vs BANDWIDTH (0.1 Hz TO FREQUENCY INDICATED} 10,000 Viy = 15 Ty = 25C 7000 in 1 W 100 ik 10k {00k 1M FREQUENCY [Hz] NORMALIZED LOAD REGULATION (Ali = 10 mA) vs TEMPERATURE Via = Tv LOAD REG (T}/LOAD AEG [25C) = G6 -B0 -40 -) 0 12 40 60 BO 100 141 140 TEMPERATURE [C] QUIESCENT CURRENT s TEMPERATURE Yin = 15 e ip QUIESCENT CURRENT [mA Ss eS = a7 0 40-2 0 620 0 (60 BD OD 120 140 TEMPERATURE (C) Typical Operating Characteristics REFO2 OUTPUT WIOEBANG NOISE va BANDWIDTH (0.1 Hz TO FREQUENCY INDICATED) OUTPUT NOISE [er P-P] 100 Ve 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY [Hz] NORMALIZED LINE REGULATION vs TEMPERATURE co 6 LIME AEG (T}/LINE REG (25C) S 04 o8 o7 of -B-41 -200 0) 20 40 BO BO 100 at 140 TEMPERATURE [ C) OUTPUT CHANGE DUE TO THERMAL SHOCK 0.035 Wwe iv 1.030 O05 0.020 OOS gow 0.005 PERCENT CHANGE INJUTPUT VOLTAGE [%) DEVICE IMMERSED et 7520 OIL BATH @ M4 4 5D #0 TIME [SEC] SAAXAIL/WI+5V, +10V Precision Voltage References Typical Applications oy gy HIF ws e |.ImA REFOT TRIM tND TO0k) 1,000" O- Figure 3. Precision Calibration Standard Figure 4. +70V Reference a Vw 8 Vp RELoe 3 a oo TRIM F OND a 3 lout VOLTAGE COMPLIANCE: -254 to +8V lout = ll ima 7 UP TO 10 FEET OF SHIELOED = 4-CONDUCTOA CABLE. 200k1) oo +BY 2 vw 6 Vper 900K3 Ug WA AEFG2 2 2 1k!) TRIM 50k! - Lake OP-07 vi q |.Sk =O 3 omy? "by TEMP -*v4- 1 "4 CHD oO Vv Figure 5. Current Source Figure 6. Precision Temprature Transducer with Remote Sensor SVIAXILSVI cord (1.9804 [REFIIE ONLY) Chip Topography 20444/+Od4agREFO1/REFO2 +5V, +10V Precision Voltage References {Continued from first page} Ordering information PART Your @ 25C _ PACKAGE PART Vour @ 25C PACKAGE | TEMP RANGE: 0C TO +70C TEMP RANGE: 0C TO +70G | REFO2E! 5 + 15mV TO-99 REFOZDP SVE 100m Plastic DIP REFO2HJ 5V + 25mV TO-99 REFO2HCSA 5 + 25mV Small Giutine | | REFO2GU 5y + 50mV TO-39 REFO2CCSA 5V + 50m Small Cutline | REFO2DJ 5 + 100mV TO-99 REFOZDCSA sv + 100mv Small Outline REFO2EZ a + 15m Hermetic DIP. || TEMP RANGE: -55C TO +125C REFO2HZ 5V = 25mV Hermetic DIP REFO2A) SV + 15mV TO-59 REFO2CZ BV = 50m Hermetic DIP REFO2J 5V 25mV TO-99 REFO2DZ BV 4 100mvV Hermetic DIP REFO2AZ 5V + 15mV "Hermetic OIF REFO2HP 5V + 25mv Plastic DIP REFOOZ Sv + 25m Hermetic DIP REFOSCP 5v+ s0mV Plastic DIP _ Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely ambodiad in a Maxim produal. No cirguit patent eanses are implied. Maxim raserves the right to change iha circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 8 #VIAXAISVI