PanelMatchTM (R) TM LXMG1643-12-63 12V Quad 6W CCFL Programmable Inverter Module P RODUCTION D ATASHEET KEY FEATURES DESCRIPTION The resultant "burst drive" that energizes the lamp was designed specifically to ensure that no premature lamp degradation occurs, while allowing significant power savings at lower dim levels. The modules convert the DC voltage from the system battery or AC adapter directly to high frequency, high-voltage waves required to ignite and operate CCFL lamps. The LXMG1643-12-63 inverter is intended for panel assemblies with two high and two low lamp connections, each sharing the same connector. Two other versions, the LXMG1643-12-61 and the LXMG1643-12-62, are available to match other quad lamp panels with alternative output connector configurations. Other benefits of this new topology are stable fixed-frequency operation, secondary-side strike-voltage regulation, and both open/shorted lamp protection with fault timeout. IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI's website: Externally Programmable Maximum Output Current Easy to Use Brightness Control RangeMAX Wide Range Dimming Output Short-Circuit Protection and Automatic Strike-Voltage Regulation and Timeout Fixed Frequency Operation Rated From -20 to 70C RoHS Compliant UL60950 E175910 WWW . Microsemi .C OM The LXMG1643-12-63 is a Quad 6W Output Direct DriveTM CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) Inverter Module specifically designed for driving LCD backlight lamps. It is ideal for driving the 15" Optrex T-51511D150-FWA-AC/AD, T51863D150J-FW-A-AB/AD, or similar TFT LCD panels. LXMG1643 modules provide the designer with a vastly superior display brightness range than typical with analog (current amplitude control) dimming. The inverter includes a dimming input that permits brightness control from either a DC voltage source or a PWM signal or external potentiometer. The maximum output current is externally programmable over a range of 5 to 8mA in 1mA steps to allow the inverter to match properly to a wide array of LCD panel lamp current specifications. The RangeMAXTM Digital Dimming Technique provides flicker-free brightness control in any wide range (typically 50:1+) dimming application. APPLICATIONS High Brightness Displays Desktop Displays Industrial Display Controls BENEFITS Smooth, Flicker Free 2%100% Full-Range Brightness Control Programmable Output Current Allows Inverter to Mate With a Wide Variety of LCD Panel Specifications Protected By U.S. Patents: 5,923,129; 5,930,121; 6,298,234; Patents Pending PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT Universal Dimming Input PWM, VDC, or Potentiometer Potentiometer PWM Signal HI HI HI HI DC Voltage Source PACKAGE ORDER INFO PART NUMBER OUTPUT CONNECTORS INVERTER MATES DIRECTLY TO PANEL CONNECTORS LXMG1643-12-63 Two JST SM02B-BHSS-1-TB(LF)(SN) or Yeon Ho 35001WR-02A00 and Two JST SM02(4.0)B-BHS-1-TB(LF)(SN) or equivalent connectors JST BHSR-02VS-1 and JST BHR-02VS-1 Copyright (c) 2004 Rev. 1.1, 2006-11-16 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 1 LXMG1643-12-63 Microsemi PanelMatchTM (R) TM LXMG1643-12-63 12V Quad 6W CCFL Programmable Inverter Module P RODUCTION D ATASHEET Input Signal Voltage (VIN1).....................................................................................................................................-0.3V to 15V Input Power ....................................................................................................................................................................... 30W Output Voltage, no load ............................................................................................................ Internally Limited to 2000VRMS Output Current (each output) ......................................................................................................9.5mARMS (Internally Limited) Output Power (each output) ............................................................................................................................................. 6.0W Input Signal Voltage ( SLEEP Input) ..................................................................................................................... -0.3V to VIN1 Input Signal Voltage (BRITE) ...............................................................................................................................-0.3V to 5.5V Ambient Operating Temperature, zero airflow.....................................................................................................-20C to 70C Storage Temperature Range...............................................................................................................................-40C to 85C Note 1: Exceeding these ratings could cause damage to the device. All voltages are with respect to Ground. Currents are positive into, negative out of specified terminal. WWW . Microsemi .C OM ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (NOTE 1) RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (R.C.) This module has been designed to operate over a wide range of input and output conditions. However, best efficiency and performance will be obtained if the module is operated under the condition listed in the `R.C.' column. Min. and Max. columns indicate values beyond which the inverter, although operational, will not function optimally. Parameter Symbol Input Supply Voltage Range (Fully Regulated Lamp Current) Input Supply Voltage Range (Functional) Output Power (each output) Linear BRITE Control Input Voltage Range Lamp Operating Voltage Lamp Current (Full Brightness) Operating Ambient Temperature Range VIN1 PO VBRT_ADJ VLAMP IOLAMP TA Recommended Operating Conditions Min R.C. Max 10.8 12 13.2 10.2 12 5.0 13.8 6.0* 2.0 730 8 70 0.5 530 5 -20 625 Units V W V VRMS mARMS C *Total output power must not exceed 6W . Higher voltage lamps may require maximum output current to be set lower than 8mARMS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications apply over the recommended operating condition and ambient temperature of 25C except where otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Test Conditions LXMG1643-12-63 Min Typ Max Units OUTPUT PIN CHARACTERISTICS IL(MAX) Full Bright Lamp Current (each output) IL(MAX) Full Bright Lamp Current (each output) IL(MAX) Full Bright Lamp Current (each output) IL(MAX) Output Current Lamp to Lamp Deviation ILL%DEV Min. Average Lamp Current (each output) Lamp Start Voltage Operating Frequency Burst Frequency Copyright (c) 2004 Rev. 1.1, 2006-11-16 IL(MIN) VLS fO fBURST VBRT_ADJ > 2.0VDC, SLEEP > 2.0V, VIN1 = 12VDC ISET1 = Ground, ISET2 = Ground VBRT_ADJ > 2.0VDC, SLEEP > 2.0V, VIN1 = 12VDC ISET1 = Ground, ISET2 = Open VBRT_ADJ > 2.0VDC, SLEEP > 2.0V, VIN1 = 12VDC ISET1 = Open, ISET2 = Ground VBRT_ADJ > 2.0VDC, SLEEP > 2.0V, VIN1 = 12VDC ISET1 = Open, ISET2 = Open VBRT_ADJ > 2.0VDC, SLEEP > 2.0V, VIN1 = 12VDC ISET1 = Open, ISET2 = Open VBRT_ADJ 0.5VDC, SLEEP > 2.0V, VIN1 = 12VDC ISET1 = ISET2 = Ground -20C < TA < 70C, VIN1 > 10.8VDC 1500 VBRT_ADJ = 2.5VDC, SLEEP > 2.0V, VIN1 = 12V Output Burst Frequency 69 72 75 kHz 269 281 293 Hz 4.0 5 5.5 mARMS 5.0 6 6.6 mARMS 6.0 7 7.7 mARMS 7.0 8 8.8 mARMS 3 10 % Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 .30 mARMS 1650 VRMS Page 2 ELECTRICALS Full Bright Lamp Current (each output) PanelMatchTM (R) TM LXMG1643-12-63 12V Quad 6W CCFL Programmable Inverter Module P RODUCTION D ATASHEET Parameter Symbol LXMG1643-12-63 Min Typ Max Units -300 50 ADC ADC BRITE INPUT Input Current Test Conditions IBRT VBRT_ADJ = 0VDC VBRT_ADJ = 3VDC Minimum Input for Max. Lamp Current VBRT_ADJ IO(LAMP) = Maximum Lamp Current Maximum Input for Min. Lamp Current VBRT_ADJ IO(LAMP) = Minimum Lamp Current 2.0 0.4 2.05 0.5 VDC VDC SLEEP INPUT RUN Mode VSLEEP 2.0 VIN1 VDC SLEEP Mode VSLEEP -0.3 0.8 VDC 0.4 V WWW . Microsemi .C OM ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED) Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications apply over the recommended operating condition and ambient temperature of 25C except where otherwise noted. SET1,2 INPUT SET1,2 Low Threshold VL Input Current ISET VSET 0.4V -300 A POWER CHARACTERISTICS Sleep Current IIN(MIN) Run Current IRUN Efficiency VIN1 = 12VDC, SLEEP < 0.8V 0.0 VIN1 = 12VDC, SLEEP 2.0V, ISET1 = Open ISET2 = Ground, VLAMP = 550VRMS VIN1 = 12VDC, SLEEP 2.0V, ISET1 = Open ISET2 = Ground, VLAMP = 550VRMS 10 30 ADC 1450 mADC 88 % FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION CONN PIN DESCRIPTION CN1 (Molex 53261-1271) Mates with 51021-1200 housing, 50079-8100 pins. Mates with LX9508G input cable assembly CN1-1,2,3 VIN1 Main Input Power Supply (10.8V < VIN1 < 13.2V) CN1-4,5,6 GND Power Supply Return CN1-7 AGND Analog Signal Ground CN1-8 NC CN1-9 SLEEP CN1-10 BRITE CN1-11 SET1 SET1 MSB Connecting this pin to ground decreases the output current (see Table 1) CN1-12 SET2 SET2 LSB Connecting this pin to ground decreases the output current (see Table 1) No Connect ON/OFF Control. (0V < SLEEP < 0.8 = OFF, SLEEP >= 2.0V = ON Brightness Control (0.5V to 2.0VDC). 2.0VDC gives maximum lamp current. VHI High voltage connection to high side of lamp. Connect to lamp terminal with shortest lead length. DO NOT connect to Ground. CN3, CN4 (SM02(4.0)B-BHS-1-TB(LF)(SN) or equivalent connectors) CN3, CN41,2 Copyright (c) 2004 Rev. 1.1, 2006-11-16 VLO Connection to low side of lamp. Connect to lamp terminal with longer lead length. DO NOT connect to Ground Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 3 ELECTRICALS CN2, CN5 (JST SM02B-BHSS-1-TB(LF)(SN) or Yeon Ho 35001WR-02A00) CN2, CN51,2 PanelMatchTM (R) TM LXMG1643-12-63 12V Quad 6W CCFL Programmable Inverter Module P RODUCTION D ATASHEET WWW . Microsemi .C OM TABLE 1 OUTPUT CURRENT SETTINGS SET1 (Pin 11) Open* Open* Ground Ground SET2 (Pin 12) Open* Ground Open* Ground Nominal Output Current 8.0mA 7.0mA 6.0mA 5.0mA * If driven by a logic signal it should be open collector or open drain only, not a voltage source. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS LXMG1643-12-63 188mm 182mm 6mm 7.40in. 7.165in. 4mm 0.24in 0.16in W 4mm CN1 W CN2 CN4 28mm 0.2mm 36mm 0.16in W 1.10in. 1.42in. CN5 W CN3 94mm 4mm 3.70in. 0.16in. 88mm 0.2mm W GROUNDED MOUNTING HOLES 3.18MM .08 DIA. 88mm 0.2mm Warning 3.465in. High Voltage Present at high side of Transformer and Output Connector 3.465in. 4.7mm 8mm Max 0.18in. PCB tolerances 0.5mm 1.7mm Weight: (45g) typ. 0.315in. 0.67in. All dimensions are in millimeters, inches are for reference only. SIMPLIFIED BLOCK DIAGRAM High Voltage Transformers 10K Comparator + 0.5 2V DC Ramp V IN1 V HI Output Driver Z Ram p Gen 10K SET 1 SET 2 Z OC SENSE LAMP +3V PACKAGE DATA LAMP V BRIT E V HI Controller +3V OV SENSE +3V 10K V LO I SENSE Z V LO One of two Copyright (c) 2004 Rev. 1.1, 2006-11-16 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 4 PanelMatchTM (R) TM LXMG1643-12-63 12V Quad 6W CCFL Programmable Inverter Module P RODUCTION D ATASHEET TYPICAL APPLICATION VIN1 BRITE The brightness control may be a voltage output DAC or other voltage source, a digital pot or 20K manual pot. The inverter contains an internal 10K pull-up to 3V to bias the pot add a 1.8K resistor to set the lower threshold voltage. A 3.3V Logic Level PWM signal from a micro-controller may also be used as shown in Figure 1A. If you need to turn the inverter ON/OFF remotely, connect to TTL logic signal to the SLEEP input. Connect VHI to high voltage wire from the lamp. Connect VLO to the low voltage wire (wire with thinner insulation). Never connect VLO to circuit ground as this will defeat lamp current regulation. If both lamp wires have heavy high voltage insulation, connect the longest wire to VLO. This wire is typically white. Use the SET1 and SET2 (see Figure 2) inputs to select the desired maximum output current. Using these two pins in combination allows the inverter to match a wide variety of panels from different manufactures. Generally, the best lamp lifetime correlates with driving the CCFL at the manufactures nominal current setting. However the SET1 and SET2 inputs allow the user the flexibility to adjust the current to the maximum allowable output current to increase panel brightness at the expense of some reduced lamp life. Although the SET pins are designed such that just leaving them open or grounding them is all that is needed to set the output current, they can also be actively set. Using a open collector or open drain logic signal will allow you to reduce the lamp current for situations where greater dim range is required, as an example in nighttime situations. In conjunction with a light sensor or other timer the panel could be set to higher brightness (maximum output current) for daytime illumination and lower brightness (minimum or typical output current) at nighttime. Since the dim ratio is a factor of both the burst duty cycle and the peak output current, using this technique the effective dim ratio can be increased greater than the burst duty cycle alone. Conversely, the SET inputs could be used to overdrive the lamp temporarily to facilitate faster lamp warm up at initial lamp turn on. Of course any possible degradation on lamp life from such practices is the users responsibility since not all lamps are designed to be overdriven. The inverter has a built in fault timeout function. If the output return is open (lamp disconnected or broken) or shorted the inverter will attempt to strike the lamp for several seconds. After about a second without success the inverter will shutdown. In order to restart the inverter it is necessary to toggle the sleep input or cycle the VIN1 input supply. In the timeout shutdown mode input drain current will be about 8mA. VHx VHx 0.45V 20K to 2.0V LXMG1643-12-63 1.8K VLOx SLEEP SET1 SET2 GND VLOx One of two NC NC Figure 1 - Brightness Control (Output current set to maximum) PWM Signal from System BRITE P.W. LXMG1643-12-63 10us to 125uS 0 < P.W. < 100% of period Figure 1A - PWM Brightness Control 12V BRITE V IN1 LXMG1643-12-63 SLEEP SET 1 L L H H SET 2 GND One of two L 5.0mARMS H 6.0mARMS L 7.0mARMS H 8.0mARMS L=GND; H=Open Figure 2 - Max Output Current (SET1 and SET2 Inputs) Copyright (c) 2004 Rev. 1.1, 2006-11-16 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 5 APPLICATION WWW . Microsemi .C OM 12V DAC or Pot PanelMatchTM TM (R) LXMG1643-12-63 12V Quad 6W CCFL Programmable Inverter Module P RODUCTION D ATASHEET NOTES WWW . Microsemi .C OM NOTES PRODUCTION DATA - Information contained in this document is proprietary to Microsemi and is current as of publication date. This document may not be modified in any way without the express written consent of Microsemi. Product processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Microsemi reserves the right to change the configuration and performance of the product and to discontinue product at any time. Copyright (c) 2004 Rev. 1.1, 2006-11-16 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 6