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Transformer, 1:1 Flux Coupled Transformer
5 to 200 MHz
Rev. V2
ADVANCED: Data Sheets contain information regarding a product M/A-COM Technology Solutions
is considering for development. Performance is based on target specifications, simulated results,
and/or prototype measurements. Commitment to develop is not guaranteed.
PRELIMINARY: Data Sheets contain information regarding a product M/A-COM Technology
Solutions has under development. Performance is based on engineering tests. Specifications are
typical. Mechanical outline has been fixed. Engineering samples and/or test data may be available.
Commitment to produce in volume is not guaranteed.
Electrical Specifications: TA = 25°C, 0dBm, Z0 = 75Ω, Pin = 0dBm
Parameter Test Conditions Units Min Typ Max
Insertion Loss
5 - 60 MHz
60 - 150 MHz
150 - 200 MHz
Amplitude Unbalance
(Nominal 0dB) 5 - 60 MHz
60 - 200 MHz dB
dB -
- 0.0
0.2 ±0.1
Phase Unbalance
(Nominal 180º) 5 - 60 MHz
60 - 200 MHz º
º -
- 0.1
0.3 ±2.0
Input Return Loss 5 - 60 MHz
60 - 200 MHz dB
dB 22
14 31
17 -
Parameter Value
Input power +28dBm (631mW)
DC current (tested at 5V) 600mA
Operating Temperature -40°C to +100°C
Storage Temperature -55°C to +100°C
Recommended Maximum Ratings Application Circuit