Capacitance[6](TA = +25°C, f = 1.0 MHz)
Parameter Description Test Conditions Typ.[5] Max. Unit
CIN Input Capacitanc e VIN = 0V 4.5 6.0 pF
COUT Output Capacitance VOUT = 0V 5.5 8.0 pF
Pow er Supply Characteri stic s
Parameter Description Test Conditi ons Typ.[5] Max. Unit
ICCD Dyna mic Power Supply
Current[11] VCC=Max., O ne Input Toggling,
50% Duty Cycle,
Outputs Open, OE=GND
VIN=GND 50 75 µA/MHz
ICTotal Pow e r S u p ply
Current[12] VCC=Max., f1=10 MHz, 50%
Duty Cycle, Out puts Ope n, One
Bit Toggling, OE=GND
VIN=GND 0.5 0.8 mA
VIN=VCC–0 .6V or
VIN=GND 0.5 0.8 mA
VCC=Max., f1=2.5 MHz, 50%
Duty Cycle, Outputs Open, Six-
teen Bits Toggling, OE=GND
VIN=GND 2.0 3.0[13] mA
VIN=VCC–0 .6V or
VIN=GND 2.0 3.3[13] mA
Swi tch i ng C h ara cter i sti cs Over the Operating Range VCC=3.0V to 3.6V[14,15]
Parameter Description
CY74FCT163H373A CY74FCT163373C
Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit Fig. No.[16]
tPHL Propagation Delay D to Q
Output 1.5 4.8 1.5 4.1 ns 1, 3
tPHL Propagat ion De la y L E t o Q
Output 2.0 8.0 2.0 5.5 ns 1, 5
tPZL Output Enabl e Time 1.5 6.2 1.5 5.8 ns 1, 7, 8
tPLZ Output Disabl e T i m e 1.5 5.6 1.5 5.2 ns 1, 7, 8
tSU Input Se tup time 2.0 -2.0 -ns 1, 4
tHInput Ho ld time 1.5 -1.5 -ns 1, 4
tSK(O) Output Skew[17] 0.5 0.5 ns —
11. This parameter is not directly testable, but is derived for use in Total Power Supply calculations.
12. IC=I
CC+∆ICCDHNT+ICCD(f0/2 + f1N1)
ICC = Quiescent Current with CMOS input lev e ls
∆ICC = Power Supply Current for a TTL HIGH input (VIN=3.4V)
DH= Duty Cycle for TTL inputs HIGH
NT= Number of TTL inputs at DH
ICCD = Dynamic Current caused by an input transition pair (HLH or LHL)
f0= Clock frequency for registered devices, otherwise zero
f1= Input signal frequency
N1= Number of inputs changing at f1
All currents are in milliamps and all frequencies are in megahertz.
13. Values for these conditions are examples of the ICC formula. These limits are guaranteed but not tested.
14. Minimum limits are guaranteed but not tested on Propagation Delays.
15. For VCC =2.7, propagation delay, output enable and output disable times should be degraded by 20%.
16. See “Parameter Measurement Information” in the General Information section.
17. Skew between any two outputs of the same package switching in the same direction. This parameter is guaranteed by design.