EOL Product Data Sheet
512 Kbit Page-Write EEPROM
SST29LE512 / SST29VE512
©2005 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S71060(01)-00-EOL 9/05
The Read operations of the SST29LE/VE512 are con-
trolled b y CE# and OE#, both ha ve to be lo w f or the system
to obtain data from the outputs. CE# is used for device
selection. When CE# is high, the chip is deselected and
only standb y power is consu med. OE# is the output control
and is used to gate data from the output pins. The data bus
is in high impedance state when either CE# or OE# is high.
Refer to the Read cycle timing diagram for fur ther details
(Figure 3).
The P age-Write to the SST29LE/VE512 should always use
the JEDEC Standard Software Data Protection (SDP)
three-byte command sequence. The SST29LE/VE512
contain the optional JEDEC approved Software Data Pro-
tection scheme. SST recommends that SDP always be
enabled, thus, the description of the Write operations will
be given using the SDP enabled format. The three-byte
SDP Enable and SDP Write commands are identical;
therefore, any time a SDP Write command is issued,
Software Data Pr otection is automatically assured. The
first time the three -byt e SDP command is giv en, the de vice
becomes SDP enab led. Subsequent issuance of the same
command b ypa sses the da ta pro tection for the page being
written. At the end of the desired Page-Write, the entire
device remains protected. For additional descriptions,
please see the application notes The Proper Use of
JEDEC Standard Soft ware Data Pr otect i on and Protecting
Against Unintentional Writes When Using Single Power
Supply Flash Memories .
The Write operation consists of three steps. Step 1 is the
three-byte load sequence for Software Data Protection.
Step 2 is the byte-load cycle to a page buffer of the
SST29LE/VE512. Steps 1 and 2 use the same timing for
both operations. Step 3 is an internally controlled Write
cycle for writing the data loaded in the page buffer into the
memory arra y f or non v ola tile stor age . During both the SDP
three-byte load sequence and the byte-load cycle, the
addresses are latched by the falling edge of either CE# or
WE#, whiche v er occurs last . The data is latched b y the ris-
ing edge of either CE# or WE#, whiche v er occurs first . The
inter nal Write cy cle is initiated by the TBLCO timer after the
rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever occurs first. The
Write cycle, once initiated, will continue to completion, typi-
cally within 5 ms. See Figures 4 and 5 for WE# and CE#
controlled Page-Write cycle timing diagrams and Figures
14 and 16 f or flowcharts.
The Write operation has three functional cycles: the Soft-
ware Data Protection load sequence, the page-load cycle,
and the internal Write cycle. The Software Data Protection
consists of a specific three-byte load sequence that allows
writing to the selected page and will leave the SST29LE/
VE512 protected at the end of the Page-Write. The page-
load cycle consists of loading 1 to 128 Bytes of data into
the page buffer. The internal Write cycle consists of the
TBLCO time-out and the write timer operation. During the
Write operation, the only valid reads are Data# Polling and
Toggle Bit.
The Page-Write operation allows the loading of up to 128
Bytes of data into the page buffer of the SST29LE/VE512
before the initiation of the internal Write cycle. During the
internal Write cycle, all the data in the pag e b uff er is written
simultaneously into the memory array. Hence, the Page-
Write feature of SST29LE/VE512 allows the entire memory
to be written in as little as 2.5 seconds. During the internal
Write cycle, the host is free to perform additional tasks,
such as to fetch data from other locations in the system to
set up the write to the ne xt page . In each Page-Write oper-
ation, all the b ytes that are loaded into the pag e buff er must
have the same page address, i.e. A7 through A16. An y byte
not loaded with user data will be written to FFH.
See Figures 4 and 5 for the Page-Write cycle timing dia-
grams. If after the completion of the three-byte SDP load
sequence or the initial b yte-load cycle, the host loads a sec-
ond byte into the page buffer within a byte-load cycle time
(TBLC) of 100 µs, the SST29LE/VE512 will sta y in the page-
load cycle. Additional bytes are then loaded consecutively.
The page-load cycle will be terminated if no additional b yte
is loaded into the page buffer within 200 µs (TBLCO) from
the last byte-load cycle, i.e., no subsequent WE# or CE#
high-to-low transition after the last rising edge of WE# or
CE#. Data in the page buffer can be changed by a subse-
quent byte-load cycle. The page-load per iod can continue
indefinitely, as long as the host continues to load the de vice
within the byte-load cycle time of 100 µs. The page to be
loaded is determined by the page address of the last byte
Software Chip-Erase
The SST29LE/VE512 provide a Chip-Erase operation,
which allows the user to simultaneously clear the entire
memory arra y to the “1” state. This is useful when the entire
de vice must be quickly er ased.
The Software Chip-Erase operation is initiated by using a
specific six-byte load sequence. After the load sequence,
the de vice enters into an internally timed cycle similar to the
Write cycle. During the Erase operation , the only v alid read
is Toggle Bit. See Table 4 for the load sequence, Figure 9
f or timing diagram , and Figure 18 for the flowchart.