3M Scotch-Weld Structural Adhesive Solutions TM for Design, Process and Performance TM 3MTM Scotch-WeldTM Structural Adhesives Adhesive Science for Bonding Solutions DP420NS BLACK DP8410NS GREEN * MMA acrylic adhesive * High impact resistance * Minimal surface preparation * Non-sag * 10 minute open time INC P OLY OLE F BOND IN ING INC TO R E AS E UG HN ESS T AC IMP NCE SE A RE A SIST RE DP8010 BLUE * Acrylic adhesive * Structural bonds to low surface energy plastics * Medium viscosity * 10 minute open time High Strength & Metal Bonding * Excellent environmental resistance * Toughened epoxy for high impact strength * Excellent fatigue performance * 20 minute open time DP100 PLUS CLEAR * Epoxy adhesive * Colorless bonds NT INS TA TH FOR NG S TRE TS L PAR SMAL PR100 * Cyanoacrylate adhesive * Bonds metals to plastics including EPDM and nylon* * Low viscosity *With appropriate primers. * Flexible * High strength Plastic & Metal Bonding MOST VERSATILE; FAST DP125 GRAY Flexible epoxy * Bonds to most substrates, including many plastics * High strength and high peel * 25 minute open time E AS Y RE LIT C I IN XIB E FL * 5 minute open time DP8805NS GREEN * Low odor acrylic adhesive * Fast rate of strength build * Bonds to oily and painted metals and many plastics * 5 minute open time ST W RU IT C T H HO UR A L T M ST EL RE T SP NG E E TH D Speed TS230 * Moisture curing, one component, hot melt urethane * Tough, flexible bond lines * Rapid handling strength * Sprayable and extrudable Design Solutions Improve Aesthetics Lightweighting Freedom to Design * Replace rivets, welds and screws * Eliminate the weight of mechanical fasteners * Adhere difficult-to-bond materials, such as HDPE/PP * Invisible joints * Use thinner, lighter materials * Create smoother bond lines * Build with composites and hard-to-bond plastics * Bond multiple materials, such as metal to plastic Producing a seamless appearance Making products lighter and more efficient * Smaller joints take up less space Extending your design latitude Recommended 3M products: DP8010 & DP8805NS Recommended 3M products: DP100 PLUS & DP420NS Recommended 3M products: DP8010 & DP420NS Process Efficiencies Cost-Efficient Enhance Productivity * Reduce labor costs * Variety of cure rates to match your process needs * Use thinner materials to decrease costs * Build faster with minimal surface prep * Eliminate post-finishing Saving both time and money * Withstands high process temperatures Accelerating output and efficiencies Accurate and Easy * Control dispensing with 3MTM EPXTM exact proportioning and mixing applicators * Match your processing needs with a range of viscosities and flow rates * Handle large applications with bulk meter-mix equipment Eliminating hand mixing Adhesive vs Bolt 1" x 24" Application 97% Weight Reduction 22% Cost Reduction 1" X 24" BEAD OF ADHESIVE STANDARD BOLTS 6" APART Weighs 4 grams and costs $0.97 Weighs 125 grams and costs $1.27 ( 5 bolts with nuts) Structural Acrylic Adhesives -- with various open times and exceptionally fast cure rates allow you to move your parts faster. DP8805NS Green weight reduction weld cost 3.24 $ per foot fuel savings adhesive cost 2.27 $ per foot Overlap Shear Strength (psi) 10% = 6-7% DP8810NS Green DP8825NS Green 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Cure Time (in minutes) Recommended 3M products: DP8410NS & DP420NS BLACK Recommended 3M products: TS230 & DP8805NS Performance Optimization Stronger Bonds Flexible Bonds Quality & Durability * Eliminate stress concentrations * Absorb vibration and CTE mismatch* * Improve vibration and fatigue resistance * Toughened adhesives absorb shock for durable bonds * Reduce NVH (noise vibration harshness) * Environmental and chemical resistance * Bond and seal simultaneously * Resist material separation along edges and corners with high peel strength * Eliminate galvanic corrosion Providing solutions for high-strength applications Enhancing durability in tough environments Recommended 3M products: *Coefficient of thermal expansion. DP420NS & DP8410NS Recommended 3M products: DP125 & DP100PLUS Bonds that last under harsh conditions Recommended 3M products: DP8410NS & DP8010 BLUE M ix Ra tio (V Ap ol pr um at ox e) 75 im B: F at A (2 e V 4 is c C) o O p (c sit P) y (W en T or im k e Li fe ) Se tT im e A pp to ro H x at an ima 75 dlin te Fl F g S Tim oa (2 tr e (B tin 4 en ell g C gt Pe Ro ) h -6 el) lle 7 at 7 r (- F 5 55 F( 24 C 75 C) ) F (2 4 C ) 18 0 (8 F 2 C ) Lo ng Te T m er pe m ra tu re Ra ng Si ze e # St oc k UP C Fe at ur es Overlap Shear (psi) Ke y Pr od uc t( C ol or ) 3MTM Scotch-WeldTM Structural Adhesive "Lead" Products DP100 Plus 100 Plus (Clear) Flexible bonds Colorless 1:1 8,500 4 minutes N/A 20 minute 55 3,000 3,500 200 -67F - 325F 50ml 200ml 400ml 5 gal. pail B 5 gal. pail A 00-021200-87195-5 00-021200-87266-2 00-021200-87267-9 00-021200-87197-9 00-021200-87198-6 62-3272-1435-9 62-3272-3830-9 62-3272-3530-5 62-3272-8530-0 62-3372-8530-8 DP125 125 (Gray) High performance Flexible bonds 1:1 52,500 25 minutes N/A 2.5 hours 85 3,400 4,300 400 -67F - 325F 50ml 200ml 400ml 5 gal. pail B 5 gal. pail A 00-002100-87211-2 00-002100-87842-8 00-002100-87843-5 00-002100-87217-4 00-002100-87218-1 63-3291-1435-9 62-3291-3830-9 62-3291-3530-5 62-3293-8530-6 62-3393-8530-4 DP420NS 420NS (Black) Tough durable bonds Non-sag 2:1 180,000 20 minutes 60 4,500 4,500 1,250 -67F - 350F 37ml 200ml 400ml 5 gal. pail B 5 gal. pail A 55 gal. drum B 55 gal. drum A 00-021200-39285-6 00-021200-39286-3 00-021200-39287-0 00-021200-56587-8 00-021200-31309-7 00-048011-58132-3 00-048011-58133-0 62-3299-1435-2 62-3299-3832-8 62-3299-3532-4 62-3299-8535-2 62-3399-8530-1 62-3299-9530-2 62-3399-9530-0 DP8010 8010 Blue Bonds polyolefins and low surface energy materials 10:1 20,000 10 minutes 2,700 2,700 500 -67F - 250F 45ml 490ml 1 gallon A 5 gal. pail B 5 gal. pail A 55 gal. drum B 00-051115-71600-3 00-051115-71601-0 00-021200-49113-9 00-051115-71669-0 00-021200-49115-3 00-051115-81460-0 62-2863-1445-5 62-2863-3630-0 62-2883-7530-6 62-2863-8530-7 62-2883-8530-5 62-2863-9530-6 10:1 80,000 30 3,600 900 -20F - 280F 45ml 490ml 5 gal. pail of Part B 55 gal. drum of Part B A3-2 Accelerator 1 gal. can A3-2 Accelerator 5 gal. pail 00-051115-68958-1 00-051115-68959-8 00-051115-68979-6 00-051115-68984-0 00-051115-81415-0 00-051115-81414-3 62-2852-1445-8 62-2852-3630-3 62-2852-8530-0 62-2852-9530-9 62-2962-7530-8 62-2962-8530-7 4,100 800 -40F - 280F 45ml 490ml 5 gal. pail of Part B 55 gal. drum of Part B A3-1 Accelerator 1 gal. can A3-1 Accelerator 5 gal. pail 00-051115-70994-4 00-051115-70995-1 00-051115-70997-5 00-051115-71101-5 00-051115-68981-9 00-051115-68980-2 62-2860-1445-1 62-2860-3630-6 62-2860-8530-3 62-2860-9530-2 62-2952-7530-9 62-2952-8530-8 20 gram bottle 500 gram bottle 1 lb. bottle 2 kilo bottle 00-051115-25214-3 00-051115-25939-5 00-051115-25213-6 00-051111-07176-2 62-6164-0360-6 62-6164-3865-1 62-6164-3860-2 62-6164-6860-9 PR100 (Clear) General purpose, low viscosity plastic and rubber bonder N/A 100 N/A 10-30 seconds N/A N/A ) es or ol at Fe y Ke Sprayable/extrudable with long set time. Bonds a variety of plastics including polystyrene, aluminum, glass and wood. M ix Ra tio ur C t( uc od Pr TS230 (Off White) N/A 9,000 4 minutes -65F - 180F (-54 - 82C) 150 seconds 45 3,300 psi 700% 1/10 of gal. cart. 2 kilo bag (4.4 lbs) 5 gal. pail 55 gal. drum k 50 oc 25 minutes St N/A C 10 minutes UP 70,000 ze 10:1 Si High impact Adhesion to most plastics (V ol um Ap e) pr B: at ox A 25 im 0 at e F V (12 is 1 co O C) si pe (c ty n (W P) T or im k e Li fe ) DP8410NS 8410NS (Green) # 10 minutes im e D ur (S om ho e re ter D ) Te ns ile St re nt h El on ga tio n N/A 1 hour tT 5 minutes N/A 2 hours Se DP8805NS Low odor 8805NS Fast rate of (Green) strength build N/A 0-00-51115-25165-8 0-00-48011-53271-4 0-00-21200-83640-4 0-00-21200-83639-8 62-3870-5238-4 62-3870-6839-8 62-3870-8530-1 62-3870-9530-0 Technical Information: The technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document are based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteed. Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Many factors beyond 3M's control and uniquely within user's knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. User is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product and determining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of application. Unless an additional warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature, 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE. If the 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M's option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price. Limitation of Liability: Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability. Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Division 3M Center Building 225-35-06 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 1-800-362-3550 www.3M.com/structuraladhesives 3M, Scotch-Weld and EPX are trademarks of 3M Company. Please recycle (c) 2015 3M. All rights reserved. 78-9236-7281-6