5. Notes on the CLK and PWM Signals
The LV8224T CLK pin (pi n 2 1) is used as the sensorless lo gic reference clock, fo r st ep- u p ci rcui t p ulse generation,
and for other pur poses. The re fore, t he CL K signal m ust be suppl ied at al l t im es whe n the LV8224T is in start mode.
The CLK input signal must have a frequency 32 times that of the PWM input signal. We recommend that the CLK
input frequency be less than 6MHz.
6. FG Output Circuit
The SPFG pin (pin 10) is t he spindle block FG o ut p ut . It o ut p ut s a pul se signal e quivalent to a t h ree Hal l sens or FG
output. This output has an MOS circuit structure.
7. Spindle Block Position Detection Comparator Circuit
The spindle block position detection comparator circuit is provided to detect the position of the rotor using the back
EMF generated when the motor turns. The IC determines the timing with which the output block applies current to
the motor base d on the posit ion inform ation acqui red by this circuit. S tartup problems due to comparator input noise
can be resolved by inserting a capacitor (about 1000 to 4700pF) between the SPCIN pin (pin 4) and the SPFIL pin
(pin 3). Note that if this capacitor is too large, the output commutation timing may be delayed at higher speeds and
efficiency may be reduced.
8. OSC Circuit
The OSC pin (pin 1) is an oscillator pin provided for sensorless motor startup commutation. The LV8224T provides
two main clock dividing modes and a self-oscillation mode.
The main cloc k divisi on m odes are sel ected by c onnectin g OSC pi n to ei ther VCC or groun d. The st artup f reque ncy
is created by dividing the signal input to the CLK pin (pin 21), and is either CLK/4096 (when the OSC pin is
connected to VCC) or CLK/3072 (when the OSC pin is connected to ground). Self-oscillation mode is set up by
inserting a capacitor between the OSC pin and ground. When self-oscillation mode is selected, the OSC pin starts
self-oscillating, and that frequency becomes the startup frequency. The oscillator frequency can be ad justed by
changing the value of the external capacitor (reducing the value of the capacitor increases the startup frequenc y).
The number of external components can be reduced if the re are no problems with the start up characteristics when the
OSC pin is connected to either VCC or ground. However, if there are proble ms, select self-oscillation mode and
select a value of the capacitor that provides optimal startup characteristics.
9. Charge Pump Circuit
The LV8224T n-c hannel DMOS o utput stru cture allows it to provide a char ge p ump base d volta ge step-up ci rcuit. A
voltage 3 times the VCC voltage (or about 6.0V) can be acquired from the VG pin (pin 16) by inserting capacitors
(recommended value : 0.1μF or larger) between the CP1 (pin 19) and CPC1 (pin 18) pins and between the CP2
(pin 20) and CPC 2 (pin 17) pins. We recommend using t hi s circui t wi t h v a lues s uch that t he volt a ge relationshi p
between the stepped-up voltage (VG) and the motor supply voltage (VS) is VG-VS ≥ 3.0V. Note that this circuit is
designed so that the stepped-up voltage (VG) is clamped at about 6.0VDC. A larger capacitor must be used on the
VG pin if the ripple on the stepped-up voltage (VG) results in VG exceeding 6.5V(VG max).
Observe the following points if the VG voltage is supplied from external circuits.
1) The VG voltage supplied from the extern al circuits must not exceed the abso lute maximum rating VG max.
2) The capacitors between the CP and CPC pins (pins17 to 20) are not required.
3) There is an IC-internal diode between the VCC and VG pins. Therefore, supply voltages such that VCC > VG
must never be applied to this IC.
10. Sled Driver
The LV8224T sled driver bl o ck provides two out put ci rcuit structures: one appropriate for a three-phase motor and
one appropriat e for a DC m otor . C onnect the 3/H pi n (pin 14) to VCC to set the block to use the three-phase stepping
drive structure, and connect the 3/H pin to ground to set the block to use the PWH H bridge drive structure. The S1 to
S3 pins (pins 7 to 9) are the sled driver block control inputs, and the signals are supplied by the DSP. The S1 to S3
pins have built-in pull-up resistors.
The SUC0 to SWC0 pins (pins13, 12, and 11) are the sled driver position detection co mparator output pins. These
pins output the signals only in the three-phase stepping mode, and they output the low-level potential in standb y
mode and PWM H bridge mode. These pins are used to feed back the sled motor speed and position information to
the DSP or microcontroller.