115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000
ACS750100-DS Rev. 6
Current Sensor: ACS750xCA-100
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, over temperature unless otherwise stated
Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Primary Sensed Current IP–100 – 100 A
Supply Voltage VCC 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
Supply Current ICC VCC = 5.0 V, output open – 7 10 mA
Output Resistance ROUT IOUT = 1.2 mA – 1 2 Ω
Output Capacitance Load CLOAD VOUT to GND – – 10 nF
Output Resistive Load RLOAD VOUT to GND 4.7 – – kΩ
Primary Conductor Resistance RPRIMARY IP = ±100A, TA = +25°C – 130 – µΩ
Isolation Voltage VISO Pins 1-3 and 4-5, 60 Hz, 1 minute 3.0 – – kV
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS, -20°C to +85°C, VCC = 5 V unless otherwise specifi ed
Propagation time tPROP IP = ±50 A, TA = +25°C – 4 – µs
Response time tRESPONSE IP = ±50 A, TA = +25°C – 27 – µs
Rise time trIP = ±50 A, TA = +25°C – 26 – µs
Frequency Bandwidth f –3 dB, TA = 25°C – 13 – kHz
Sensitivity Sens Over full range of IP
, TA = 25°C 18.75 19.75 20.75 mV/A
Over full range of IP 17.5 – 21.5 mV/A
Noise VNOISE Peak-to-peak, TA = 25°C
External fi lter BW = 24 kHz –7 –mV
Nonlinearity ELIN Over full range of IP – – ±5 %
Symmetry ESYM Over full range of IP 97 100 103 %
Zero Current Output Voltage VOUT(Q) I = 0 A, TA = 25°C – VCC / 2 – V
Electrical Offset Voltage
(Magnetic error not included) VOE
I = 0 A, TA = 25°C –40 – 40 mV
I = 0 A –50 – 50 mV
Magnetic Offset Error IERROM I = 0 A, after excursion of 100 A – ±0.3 ±0.8 A
Total Output Error
(Including all offsets) ETOT
Over full range of IP
, TA = 25°C – ±1.5 – %
Over full range of IP – – ±13 %
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS, -40°C to +85°C, VCC = 5 V unless otherwise specifi ed
Propagation time tPROP IP = ±50 A, TA = +25°C – 4 – µs
Response time tRESPONSE IP = ±50 A, TA = +25°C – 27 – µs
Rise time trIP = ±50 A, TA = +25°C – 26 – µs
Frequency Bandwidth f –3 dB, TA = 25°C – 13 – kHz
Sensitivity Sens Over full range of IP
, TA = 25°C 18.75 19.75 20.75 mV/A
Over full range of IP 17.5 – 21.5 mV/A
Noise VNOISE Peak-to-peak; T = +25°C
External fi lter BW = 40 kHz –7 –mV
Nonlinearity ELIN Over full range of IP – – ±5 %
Symmetry ESYM Over full range of IP 97 100 103 %
Zero Current Output Voltage VOUT(Q) I = 0 A – VCC / 2 – V
Electrical Offset Voltage
(Magnetic error not included) VOE
I = 0 A, TA = 25°C –40 – 40 mV
I = 0 A –60 – 60 mV
Magnetic Offset Error IERROM I = 0 A, after excursion of 100 A – 0.3 ±0.8 A
Total Output Error
(Including all offsets) ETOT
Over full range of IP
, TA = 25°C – ±1.5 – %
Over full range of IP – – ±15 %