The NJM567 tone and frequency decoder is a highly stable phase
locked loop with synchronous AM lock detection and power output
circuitry. Its primary function is to drive a load whenever a sustained
frequency within its detection band is present at the self-biased input.
The bandwidth cebter frequency, and output delay are independently
determined by means of four external components.
Operating Voltage (4.75V to 9.0V)
Wide frequency range (0.01Hz to 500kHz)
High stability of center frequency
Independently controllable bandwidth (up to 14 percent)
High out-band signal and noise rejection
Logic-compatible output with 100mA current sinking capability
Frequency adjustment over a 20 to 1 range with an external resistor
Package Outline DIP8, DMP8
Bipolar Technology
4 V+
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Supply Voltage V+ 10 V
Input Positive Voltage VIP V
++0.5 V
Input Negative Voltage VIN -10 Vdc
Output Voltage V8 15 (Pin8) Vdc
Power Dissipation PD (DIP8) 500 mW
(DMP8) 300 mW
Operating Temperature Range Topr -40 to +85 °C
Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 to +125 °C
Highest Center Frequency fOH 100 500 - kHz
Center Frequency Stability fO / T -20 to +75°C - 35±60 - PPM / °C
Center Frequency Shift with Supply Voltage fO / Vf
O=100kHz - 0.7 2 % / V
Largest Detection Bandwidth BWM f
O=100kHz 10 14 18 %×fO
Largest Detection Bandwidth Skew BWS - 2 3 %×fO
Largest Detection Bandwidth Variation with Temperature BW / T Vi=300mVrms - ±0.1 - % / °C
Largest Detection Bandwidth Variation with Supply Voltage BW / V Vi=300mVrms - ±2 - % / V
Input Resistance RIN - 20 - k
Smallest Detectable Input Voltage IL=100mA, fi=fO - 20 25 mVrms
Largest No-Output Input Voltage IL=100mA, fi=fO 10 15 - mVrms
Greatest Simultaneous Outband Signal to Inband Signal Ratio - +6 - dB
Minimum Input Signal to Wideband Noise Ratio Bn=140kHz - -6 - dB
Fastest ON-OFF Cycling Rate - fO / 20 -
"1" Output Leakage Current - 0.01 25 µA
"0" Output Voltage IL=30mA - 0.2 0.4 V
L=100mA - 0.6 1.0 V
Output Fall Time RL=50 - 30 - ns
Output Rise Time RL=50 - 150 - ns
Operating Voltage V+opr 4.75 - 9.0 V
Operating Current Quiescent ICC
- 7 10 mA
Operating Current - Activated ICC RL=20k - 12 15 mA
Quiescent Power Dissipation PD - 35 - mW
Center Frequency Temperature
Coefficient C)70C0T(
Frequency Drift Frequency Drift
Frequency Drift
Center Frequency Shift Detection Bandwidth
C)( Ta eTemperaturAmbient °
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Bandwidth Largest Detection Bandwidth
Detection Bandwidth vs. C2, C3 Operating Current
Greatest Number of Cycles Output Voltage
where VIN : Input Voltage (Vrms)
2 : LPF Capacitor (µF)
Center Frequency (fO)
The free-running frequency of the current controlled oscillator (CCO) in the absence of an input signal.
Detection Bandwidth (BW)
The frequency range, centered about fO, within which an input signal above the threshold voltage (typically 20mVrms)
will cause a logical zero state on the output. The detection bandwidth corresponds to the loop capture range.
Lock Range
The largest frequency range within which an input signal above the threshold voltage will hold a logical zero state on
the output.
Detection Band Skew
A measure of how well the detection band is centered about the center frequency, fO. The skew is defined as (fmax + fmin
- 2fO)/ 2fO where fmax and fmin are the frequencies corresponding to the edges of the detection band. The skew can be
reduced to zero if necessary by means of an optional centering adjustment.
Operating Instructions
Figure 1 shows a typical connection diagram for the 567. For most applications, the following three-step procedure will
be sufficient for choosing the external components R1, C1 C2 and C3.
Figure 1
1. Select R1 and C1 for the desired center frequency. For best temperature stability, R1 should be between 2K and 20K
ohm, and the combined temperature coefficient of the R1 C1 product should have sufficient stability over the projected
temperature range to meet the necessary requirements.
2. Select the low pass capacitor, C2, by referring to the Bandwidth versus Input Signal Amplitude graph. If the input
amplitude variation is known, the appropriate value of fO C2 necessary to give the desired bandwidth may be found.
Conversely, an area of operation may be selected on this graph and the input level and C2 may be adjusted accordingly.
For example, constant bandwidth operation requires that input amplitude be above 200mVrms. The bandwidth, as noted
on the graph, is then controlled solely by the fO C2 product (fO (Hz), C2 (µfd)).
3. The value of C3 is generally non-critical. C3 sets the band edge of a low pass filter which attenuates frequencies outside
the detection band to eliminate spurious outputs. If C3 is too small, frequencies just outside the detection band will switch the
output stage on and off at the beat frequency, or the output may pulse on and off during the turn-on transient. If C3 is too
large, turn-on and turn-off of the output stage will be delayed until the voltage on C3 passes the threshold voltage. (Such
delay may be desirable to avoid spurious outputs due to transient frequencies.) A typical minimum value for C3 is 2C2.
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Output Terminal(Fig.2)
The primary output is the uncommitted output transistor collector, pin 8. When an in-band input signal is present, this
transistor saturates; its collector voltage being less than 1.0volt (typically 0.6V) at full output current (100mA). The voltage
at pin 2 is the phase detector output which is a linear function of frequency over the range of 0.95 to 1.05 fO with a slope
of about 20mV per percent of frequency deviation. The average voltage at pin 1 is, during lock, a function of the inband
input amplitude in accordance with the transfer characteristic given. Pin 5 is the controlled oscillator square wave output
of magnitude (+V -2Vbe) (+V -1.4V) having a dc average of +V/2. A 1k load may be driven from pin 5. Pin 6 is an
exponential triangle of 1 volt peak-to-peak with an average dc level of +V2. Only high impedance loads may be
connected to pin 6 without affecting the CCO duty cycle or temperature stability.
Figure 2
A brief review of the following precautions will help the user achieve the high level of performance of which the 567 is
1. Operation in the high level mode (above 200mV) will free the user from bandwidth variations due to changes in the
in-band signal amplitude. The input stage is now limiting, however, so that out-band signals or high noise levels can
cause an apparent bandwidth reduction as the in-band signal is suppressed. Also, the limiting action will create in-band
components from sub-harmonic signals, so the 567 becomes sensitive to signals at fO / 3, fO / 5, etc.
2. The 567 will lock onto signals near (2n + 1) fO, and will give an output for signals near (4n + 1) fO where n = 0, 1, 2, etc.
Thus, signals at 5fO and 9fO can cause an unwanted output. If such signals are anticipated, they should be attenuated
before reaching the 567 input.
3. Maximum immunity from noise and outband siganls is afforded in the low input level (below 200mVrms) and reduced
bandwidth operating mode. However, decreased loop damping causes the worse-case lock-up time to increase, as
shown by the Greatest Number of Cycles Before Output vs Bandwidth graph.
4. Due to the high switching speeds (20ns) associated with 567 operation, care should be taken in lead routing. Lead
lengths should be kept to a minimum. The power supply should be adequately bypassed close to the 567 with a 0.01µF
or greater capacitor; grounding paths should be carefully chosen to avoid ground loops and unwanted voltage variations.
Another factor which must be considered is the effect of load energization on the power supply. For example, an
incandescent lamp typically draws 10 times rated current at turn-on. This can cause supply voltage fluctuations which
could, for example, shift the detection band of narrow-band systems sufficiently to cause momentary loss of lock. The
result is a low-frequency oscillation into an out of lock. Such effects can be prevented by supplying heavy load currents
from a separate supply or increasing the supply filter capacitor.
Speed of Operation
Minimum lock-up time is related to the natural frequency of the loop. The lower it is, the longer becomes the turn-on
transient. Thus, maximum operating speed is obtained when C2 is at a minimum. When the signal is frist applied, the
phase may be such as to initially drive the controlled oscillator away form the incoming frequency rather than toward it.
Under this condition, which is of course unpredictable, the lock-up transient is at its worst and the theoretical minimum
lock-up time is not achievable. We must simply wait for the transient to die out.
The following expressions give the values of C2 and C3 which allow highest operating speeds for various band center
frequencies. The minimum rate at which digital information may be detected without information loss due to the turn-on
transient or output chatter is about 10 cycles per bit, corresponding to an information transfer rate of fO/10 baud.
In cases where turn-off time can be sacrificed to achieve fast turn-on, the optional sensitivity adjustment circuit can be
used to move the quiescent C3 voltage lower (closer to the threshold voltage). However, sensitivity to beat frequencies,
noise and extraneous signals will be increased.
Optional Controls (Figure 3)
The 567 has been designed so that, for most applications, no external adjustments are required. Certain applications,
however, will be greatly facilitated if full advantage is taken of the added control possibilities available through the use of
additional external components. In the diagrams given, typical values are suggested where applicable. For best results
the resistors used,except where noted, should have the same temperature coefficient. Ideally, silicon diodes woulds be
low-resistivity types, such as forward-biased transistor base-emitter junctions. However, ordinary low-voltage diodes
should be adequate for most applications.
Sensitivity Adjustment (Figure 3)
When operated as a very narrow band detector (less than 8 precent), both C2 and C3 are made quite large in order to
improve noise and outband signal rejection. This will inevitably slow the response time. If, however, the output stage is
biased closer to the threshold level, the turn-on time can be improved. This is accomplished by drawing additional current
to terminal 1. Under this condition, the 567 will also give an output for Lower-level signals (10mV or lower).
By adding current to terminal 1, the output stage is biased further away from the threshold voltage. This is most useful
when, to obtain maximum operating speed. C2 and C3 are made very small. Normally, frequencies just outside the
detection band could cause false outputs under this condition. By desensitizing the output stage, the outband beat notes
do not feed through to the output stage. Since the input level must be somewhat greater when the output stage is made
less sensitive, rejection of third harmonics or in-band harmonics (of lower frequency signals) is also improved.
Figure 3
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Chatter Prevention (Figure 4)
Chatter occurs in the output stage when C3 is relatively small, so that the lock transient and the AC components at the
quadrature phase detector (lock detector) output cause the output stage to move through its threshold more than once.
Many loads, for example lamps and relays, will not respond to the chatter. However, logic may recognize the chatter as a
series of outputs. By feeding the output stage output back to its input (pin 1) the chatter can be eliminated. Three
schemes for doing this are given in Figure 4. All operate by feeding the first output step (either on or off) back to the input,
pushing the input past the threshold until the transient conditions are over. It is only necessary to assure that the feedback
time constant is not so large as to prevent operation at the highest anticipated speed. Although chatter can always be
eliminated by making C3 large, the feedback circuit will enable faster operation of the 567 by allowing C3 to be kept small.
Note that if the feedback time constant is made quite large, a short burst at the input frequency can be stretched into a
long output pulse This may be useful to drive, for example, stepping relays.
Figure 4
Detection Band Centering (or Skew) Adjustment (Figure 5)
When it is desired to alter the location of the detection band (corresponding to the loop capture range) within the lock
range, the circuits shown above can be used. By moving the detection band to one edge of the range, for example, input
signal variations will expand the detection band in only one direction. This may prove useful when a strong but
undesirable signal is expected on one side or the other of the center frequency. Since RB also alters the duty cycle slightly,
this method may be used to obtain a precise duty cycle when the 567 is used as an oscillator.
Figure 5
Alternate Method of Bandwidth Reduction (Figure 6)
Although a large value of C2 will reduce the bandwidth, it also reduces the loop damping so as to slow the circuit
response time. This may be undesirable. Bandwidth can be reduced by reducing the loop gain. This scheme will improve
camping and permit faster operation under narrow-band conditions. Note that the reduced impedance level at terminal 2
will require that a larger value of C2 be used for a given filter cutoff frequency. If more than three 567s are to be used, the
network of RB and RC can be eliminated and the RA resistors connected together. A capacitor between this junction and
ground may be required to shunt high frequency components.
Figure 6
(note) Adjust control for symmetry of
detection band edges about fO.
Output Latching (Figure 7)
To latch the output on after a signal is received, it is necessary to provide a feedback resistor around the output stage
(between pins 8 and 1). Pin 1 is pulled up to unlatch the output stage.
Output Latching
Figure 7
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Reduction of C1 Value (Figure 8)
For precision very low-frequency applictions, where the value of C1 becomes large, an overall cost saving may be
achieved by inserting a voltage follower between the R1 C1 junction and pin 6. so as to allow a higher value of R1 and
lower value of C1 for a given frequency.
Figure 8
To change the center frequency, the value of R1 can be changed with a mechanical or solid state switch, or additional
C1 capacitors may be added by grounding them through saturating npn transistors.
The specifications on this databook are only
given for information , without any guarantee
as regards either mistakes or omissions. The
application circuits in this databook are
described only to show representative usages
of the product and not intended for the
guarantee or permission of any right including
the industrial rights.