Ericsson Internal TABLE OF CONTENTS PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) SEC/S/Stella TAO EMINTAO Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D SEC/S/Stella (Julia YOU) TAO 1 (1) (3) No. 1/1301-BMR6401421+ 00152-EN/LZT146 301 Uen Specification Technical Checked Date (MICJOHN) 2007-09-18 2007-8-23 Rev DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Key Features * Industry standard MacroDensTM footprint 47.8 x 28.1 x max height 8.0 mm (1.88 x 1.11 x max height 0.32 in.) * High efficiency, typ. 86 % at 3.3 Vout full load * 1500 Vdc input to output isolation * Meets isolation requirements equivalent to basic insulation according to IEC/EN/UL 60950 * More than 4.5 million hours predicted MTBF at 40oC ambient temperature General Characteristics * * * * * * * Over temperature protection Over current protection Output short-circuit protection Soft start Remote control Output voltage adjust function Highly automated manufacturing to ensure highest quality * ISO 9001/14001 certified supplier Safety Approvals Design for Environment Meets requirements in hightemperature lead-free soldering processes. Contents General Information Safety Specification Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................. 2 ............................................................. 3 ............................................................. 4 Product Program 1.8V, 5A / 9W Electrical Specification PKR 4918B SI 2.5V, 4.4A / 11W Electrical Specification PKR 4919B SI 3.3V, 4.5A / 15W Electrical Specification PKR 4110B SI +3.3V, 1.5A / +5.0V, 1.4A / 12W Electrical Specification PKR 4128B SI Ordering No. ............................................................. 5 ............................................................. 8 ........................................................... 11 ........................................................... 14 EMC Specification Operating Information Thermal Consideration Connections Mechanical Information Soldering Information Delivery Information Product Qualification Specification ........................................................... 17 ........................................................... 18 ........................................................... 19 ........................................................... 20 ........................................................... 21 ........................................................... 24 ........................................................... 26 ........................................................... 27 Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 2 (3) No. EMINTAO Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia YOU) 1/1301-BMR6401421+ Uen Specification Technical Checked Date (MICJOHN) 2007-09-18 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference 2 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB General Information Compatibility with RoHS requirements Ordering Information See Contents for individual product ordering numbers. Option SMD, lead-free surface finish SMD, leaded surface finish Through hole pin Suffix S SPB P Ordering No. PKR 4918B SI PKR 4918B SPBI PKR 4918B PI Reliability The Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is calculated at full output power and an operating ambient temperature (TA) of +40C, which is a typical condition in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment. Different methods could be used to calculate the predicted MTBF and failure rate which may give different results. Ericsson Power Modules currently uses one method, Telcordia SR332. Predicted MTBF for the series is: - 4.5 million hours according to Telcordia SR332, issue 1, Black box technique. Telcordia SR332 is a commonly used standard method intended for reliability calculations in ICT equipment. The parts count procedure used in this method was originally modelled on the methods from MIL-HDBK-217F, Reliability Predictions of Electronic Equipment. It assumes that no reliability data is available on the actual units and devices for which the predictions are to be made, i.e. all predictions are based on generic reliability parameters. The products are compatible with the relevant clauses and requirements of the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC and have a maximum concentration value of 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials for lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE and of 0.01% by weight in homogeneous materials for cadmium. Exemptions in the RoHS directive utilized in Ericsson Power Modules products include: Lead in high melting temperature type solder (used to solder the die in semiconductor packages) Lead in glass of electronics components and in electronic ceramic parts (e.g. fill material in chip resistors) Lead as an alloying element in copper alloy containing up to 4% lead by weight (used in connection pins made of Brass) The exemption for lead in solder for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure equipment for switching, signaling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunication is only utilized in surface mount products intended for end-users' leaded SnPb Eutectic soldering processes. (See ordering information table). Quality Statement The products are designed and manufactured in an industrial environment where quality systems and methods like ISO 9000, 6 (sigma), and SPC are intensively in use to boost the continuous improvements strategy. Infant mortality or early failures in the products are screened out and they are subjected to an ATE-based final test. Conservative design rules, design reviews and product qualifications, plus the high competence of an engaged work force, contribute to the high quality of our products. Warranty Warranty period and conditions are defined in Ericsson Power Modules General Terms and Conditions of Sale. Limitation of Liability Ericsson Power Modules does not make any other warranties, expressed or implied including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose (including, but not limited to, use in life support applications, where malfunctions of product can cause injury to a person's health or life). Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) EMINTAO Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia YOU) 3 (3) No. 1/1301-BMR6401421+ Uen Specification Technical Checked Date Rev (MICJOHN) 2007-09-18 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Reference 3 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Safety Specification General information Ericsson Power Modules DC/DC converters and DC/DC regulators are designed in accordance with safety standards IEC/EN/UL60950, Safety of Information Technology Equipment. IEC/EN/UL60950 contains requirements to prevent injury or damage due to the following hazards: * * * * * * Electrical shock Energy hazards Fire Mechanical and heat hazards Radiation hazards Chemical hazards On-board DC-DC converters are defined as component power supplies. As components they cannot fully comply with the provisions of any Safety requirements without "Conditions of Acceptability". It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the final product housing these components complies with the requirements of all applicable Safety standards and Directives for the final product. Component power supplies for general use should comply with the requirements in IEC60950, EN60950 and UL60950 "Safety of information technology equipment". There are other more product related standards, e.g. IEEE802.3af "Ethernet LAN/MAN Data terminal equipment power", and ETS300132-2 "Power supply interface at the input to telecommunications equipment; part 2: DC", but all of these standards are based on IEC/EN/UL60950 with regards to safety. Ericsson Power Modules DC/DC converters and DC/DC regulators are UL60950 recognized and certified in accordance with EN60950. The flammability rating for all construction parts of the products meets requirements for V-0 class material according to IEC 60695-11-10. The products should be installed in the end-use equipment, in accordance with the requirements of the ultimate application. Normally the output of the DC/DC converter is considered as SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the input source must be isolated by minimum Double or Reinforced Insulation from the primary circuit (AC mains) in accordance with IEC/EN/UL60950. Isolated DC/DC converters It is recommended that a slow blow fuse with a rating twice the maximum input current per selected product be used at the input of each DC/DC converter. If an input filter is used in the circuit the fuse should be placed in front of the input filter. In the rare event of a component problem in the input filter or in the DC/DC converter that imposes a short circuit on the input source, this fuse will provide the following functions: * * Isolate the faulty DC/DC converter from the input power source so as not to affect the operation of other parts of the system. Protect the distribution wiring from excessive current and power loss thus preventing hazardous overheating. The galvanic isolation is verified in an electric strength test. The test voltage (Viso) between input and output is 1500 Vdc or 2250 Vdc for 60 seconds (refer to product specification). Leakage current is less than 1 A at nominal input voltage. 24 V DC systems The input voltage to the DC/DC converter is SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the output remains SELV under normal and abnormal operating conditions. 48 and 60 V DC systems If the input voltage to Ericsson Power Modules DC/DC converter is 75 Vdc or less, then the output remains SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) under normal and abnormal operating conditions. Single fault testing in the input power supply circuit should be performed with the DC/DC converter connected to demonstrate that the input voltage does not exceed 75 Vdc. If the input power source circuit is a DC power system, the source may be treated as a TNV2 circuit and testing has demonstrated compliance with SELV limits and isolation requirements equivalent to Basic Insulation in accordance with IEC/EN/UL60950. Non-isolated DC/DC regulators The input voltage to the DC/DC regulator is SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the output remains SELV under normal and abnormal operating conditions. Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 1 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date Rev EZYPING 2007-8-24 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W 4 Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Absolute Maximum Ratings Characteristics min Tref Operating Temperature (see Thermal Consideration section) TS Storage temperature VI Input voltage Viso Isolation voltage (input to output test voltage) Vtr Input voltage transient (tp 100 ms) VRC Remote Control pin voltage (see Operating Information section) max Unit -45 +110 C -55 +125 C -0.5 +75 V 1500 Vdc Vadj Adjust pin voltage (see Operating Information section) Positive logic option typ 100 V -5 16 V -5 +40 V Stress in excess of Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage. Absolute Maximum Ratings, sometimes referred to as no destruction limits, are normally tested with one parameter at a time exceeding the limits of Output data or Electrical Characteristics. If exposed to stress above these limits, function and performance may degrade in an unspecified manner. Fundamental Circuit Diagram Single output +In 1 2 1 2 1 Out1 2 Out1 4 3 Rtn RC Vadj -In Double output (positive output 2) 1 +In RC V adj -In 1 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 Out2 Out1 2 Rtn Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 2 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 Rev 5 Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 1.8V, 5A / 9W Electrical Specification PKR 4918B SI Tref = -30 to +95C, VI = 36 to 75 V, unless otherwise specified under Conditions. Typical values given at: Tref = +25C, VI= 53 VI max IO, unless otherwise specified under Conditions. Characteristics Conditions min VI Input voltage range VIoff Turn-off input voltage Decreasing input voltage 30 VIon Turn-on input voltage Increasing input voltage 32 CI Internal input capacitance PO Output power Output voltage initial setting SVR Supply voltage rejection (ac) f = 100 Hz sinewave, 1 Vp-p typ 36 V 33.5 35 V 34.5 36 0 9 65 50 % of max IO 82.0 max IO 81.0 50 % of max IO, VI = 48 V 83.0 max IO, VI = 48 V 81.0 Pd Power Dissipation max IO 2.2 Pli Input idling power IO = 0 A, VI = 53 V 470 PRC Input standby power VI = 53 V (turned off with RC) fs Switching frequency 0-100 % of max IO VOi Output voltage initial setting and Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, max IO accuracy W dB % 2.9 W mW 43 mW 290 305 325 kHz 1.77 1.8 1.84 V V 1.5 2.2 Output voltage tolerance band 10-100 % of max IO 1.71 1.89 V Idling voltage IO = 0 A 1.69 1.91 V Output adjust range Line regulation max IO 15 60 mV Load regulation VI = 53 V, 0-100 % of max IO 20 100 mV Vtr Load transient voltage deviation ttr Load transient recovery time ts V F 2 Efficiency tr Unit 75 VO max VI = 53 V, Load step 25-75-25 % of max IO, di/dt = 1 A/s Ramp-up time (from 10-90 % of VOi) Start-up time Output current Ilim Current limit threshold Isc Short circuit current VOac Output ripple & noise mV 100 s 1 1.8 3 ms 3 5 11 ms 5 A 6.1 6.4 A 6.2 7.0 A 10 30 mVp-p 10-100 % of max IO (from VI connection to 90 % of VOi) IO 250 0 VO = 1.5V, Tref < max Tref Tref = 25C, See Operating Information section See ripple & noise section, max IO, VOi 5.2 Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 3 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date Rev EZYPING 2007-8-24 6 Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 1.8V, 5A / 9W Typical Characteristics PKR 4918B SI Efficiency Power Dissipation [%] [W] 90 3.0 2.5 85 80 36 V 2.0 48 V 1.5 53 V 75 V 75 36 V 48 V 53 V 1.0 75 V 0.5 0.0 70 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 [A] 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 [A] Dissipated power vs. load current and input voltage at Tref = +25C Efficiency vs. load current and input voltage at Tref = +25C Output Current Derating Thermal Resistance [C/W] [A] 6.0 20 3.0 m/s 5.0 2.5 m/s 4.0 15 2.0 m/s 10 3.0 1.5 m/s 2.0 1.0 m/s 1.0 Nat. Conv. 5 0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0.0 90 100 [C] Available load current vs. ambient air temperature and airflow at VI = 53 V. See Thermal Consideration section. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0[m/s] Thermal resistance vs. airspeed measured at the converter. Tested in wind tunnel with airflow and test conditions as per the Thermal consideration section. Output Characteristics Current Limit Characteristics [V] [V] 1.90 1.8 1.86 1.5 36 V 1.82 48 V 53 V 1.78 75 V 36 V 1.2 48 V 0.9 53 V 0.6 75 V 0.3 1.74 0.0 1.70 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 [A] Output voltage vs. load current at Tref = +25C 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 [A] Output voltage vs. load current at IO > max IO , Tref = +25C Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference Start-up F (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB PKR 4918B SI Shut-down Top trace: output voltage (0.5 V/div.). Bottom trace: input voltage (20 V/div.). Time scale: (2 ms/div.). Output Ripple & Noise Output voltage ripple at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 5 A resistive load. 7 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 1.8V, 5A / 9W Typical Characteristics Start-up enabled by connecting VI at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 5 A resistive load. 4 (14) No. Shut-down enabled by disconnecting VI at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 5 A resistive load. Top trace: output voltage (1.0 V/div.). Bottom trace: input voltage (50 V/div.). Time scale: (1 ms/div.). Output Load Transient Response Trace: output voltage (20 mV/div.). Time scale: (2 s/div.). Output voltage response to load current step- Top trace: output voltage (200 mV/div.). change (1.25-3.75-1.25 A) at: Bottom trace: load current (2 A/div.). Tref =+25C, VI = 53 V. Time scale: (0.1 ms/div.). Output Voltage Adjust (see operating information) Passive adjust The resistor value for an adjusted output voltage is calculated by using the following equations: To adjust the output voltage upwards, a resistor is connected between pins 8 and 17. The output voltage increases when the resistance decreases. The resistance value is given by the equation: Rou= 4.14 x (1.28Voi-- Vod)/(Vod -- Voi),(kOhm); Vod is the desired output voltage and Voi is the initial output voltage. Active adjust To adjust the output voltage downwards, a current source is connected to pin 18. The output voltage decreases when the connected current into pin 8 increases. The current value is given by the equation: Iadj=943 x (1-(Vod/Voi))[uA]; Voi is the initial output voltage when pin 8 is disconnected, Vod is the desired voltage. Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 5 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 Rev 8 Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 2.5V, 4.4A / 11W Electrical Specification PKR 4919B SI Tref = -30 to +95C, VI = 36 to 75 V, unless otherwise specified under Conditions. Typical values given at: Tref = +25C, VI= 53 VI max IO, unless otherwise specified under Conditions. Characteristics Conditions min VI Input voltage range VIoff Turn-off input voltage Decreasing input voltage 30 VIon Turn-on input voltage Increasing input voltage 32 CI Internal input capacitance PO Output power Output voltage initial setting SVR Supply voltage rejection (ac) f = 100 Hz sinewave, 1 Vp-p typ 36 V 33.4 35 V 34.4 36 0 11 88 50 % of max IO 84.0 max IO 84.0 50 % of max IO, VI = 48 V 85.0 max IO, VI = 48 V 84.0 Pd Power Dissipation max IO 2.1 Pli Input idling power IO = 0 A, VI = 53 V 610 PRC Input standby power VI = 53 V (turned off with RC) fs Switching frequency 0-100 % of max IO VOi Output voltage initial setting and Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, max IO accuracy W dB % 2.7 W mW 57 mW 290 305 325 kHz 2.43 2.5 2.56 V V 2.2 2.8 Output voltage tolerance band 10-100 % of max IO 2.38 2.58 V Idling voltage IO = 0 A 2.36 2.65 V Output adjust range Line regulation max IO 14 35 mV Load regulation VI = 53 V, 0-100 % of max IO 22 116 mV Vtr Load transient voltage deviation ttr Load transient recovery time ts V F 2 Efficiency tr Unit 75 VO max VI = 53 V, Load step 25-75-25 % of max IO, di/dt = 1 A/s Ramp-up time (from 10-90 % of VOi) Start-up time Output current Ilim Current limit threshold Isc Short circuit current VOac Output ripple & noise mV 70 s 1 2 9 ms 2 5 18 ms 4.4 A 6.1 7 A 6.5 7.5 A 8 20 mVp-p 10-100 % of max IO (from VI connection to 90 % of VOi) IO 220 0 VO = 2.2V, Tref < max Tref Tref = 25C, See Operating Information section See ripple & noise section, max IO, VOi 5.2 Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 6 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date Rev EZYPING 2007-8-24 9 Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 2.5V, 4.4A / 11W Typical Characteristics PKR 4919B SI Efficiency Power Dissipation [%] [W] 90 2.5 85 2.0 36 V 80 36 V 1.5 48 V 48 V 75 53 V 53 V 1.0 75 V 75 V 70 0.5 65 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 [A] 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 [A] Dissipated power vs. load current and input voltage at Tref = +25C Efficiency vs. load current and input voltage at Tref = +25C Output Current Derating Thermal Resistance [C/W] [A] 5.0 3.0 m/s 4.0 2.5 m/s 3.0 2.0 m/s 20 15 10 1.5 m/s 2.0 1.0 m/s 5 1.0 Nat. conv. 0.0 0 25 50 75 0 0.0 100 [C] Available load current vs. ambient air temperature and airflow at VI = 53 V. See Thermal Consideration section. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 [m/s] Thermal resistance vs. airspeed measured at the converter. Tested in wind tunnel with airflow and test conditions as per the Thermal consideration section. Output Characteristics Current Limit Characteristics [V] [V] 2.60 2.5 2.0 2.55 36 V 2.50 36 V 1.5 48 V 2.45 2.40 48 V 53 V 1.0 75 V 0.5 53 V 75 V 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Output voltage vs. load current at Tref = +25C [A] 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 [A] Output voltage vs. load current at IO > max IO , Tref = +25C Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference Start-up F (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB PKR 4919B SI Shut-down Top trace: output voltage (1.0 V/div.). Bottom trace: input voltage (20 V/div.). Time scale: (2 ms/div.). Output Ripple & Noise Output voltage ripple at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 4.4 A resistive load. 10 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 2.5V, 4.4A / 11W Typical Characteristics Start-up enabled by connecting VI at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 4.4 A resistive load. 7 (14) No. Shut-down enabled by disconnecting VI at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 4.4 A resistive load. Top trace: output voltage (1.0 V/div.). Bottom trace: input voltage (50 V/div.). Time scale: (1 ms/div.). Output Load Transient Response Trace: output voltage (20 mV/div.). Time scale: (2 s/div.). Output voltage response to load current step- Top trace: output voltage (200 mV/div.). change (1.1-1.3-1.1 A) at: Bottom trace: load current (2 A/div.). Tref =+25C, VI = 53 V. Time scale: (0.1 ms/div.). Output Voltage Adjust (see operating information) Passive adjust The resistor value for an adjusted output voltage is calculated by using the following equations: To adjust the output voltage upwards, a resistor is connected between pins 8 and 17. The output voltage increases when the resistance decreases. The resistance value is given by the equation: Rou= 4.14 x (1.28Voi-- Vod)/(Vod -- Voi),(kOhm); Vod is the desired output voltage and Voi is the initial output voltage. Active adjust To adjust the output voltage downwards, a current source is connected to pin 18. The output voltage decreases when the connected current into pin 8 increases. The current value is given by the equation: Iadj=943 x (1-(Vod/Voi))[uA]; Voi is the initial output voltage when pin 8 is disconnected, Vod is the desired voltage. Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 8 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 Rev Reference 11 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 3.3V, 4.5A / 15W Electrical Specification PKR 4110B SI Tref = -30 to +95C, VI = 36 to 75 V, unless otherwise specified under Conditions. Typical values given at: Tref = +25C, VI= 53 VI max IO, unless otherwise specified under Conditions. Characteristics Conditions min VI Input voltage range VIoff Turn-off input voltage Decreasing input voltage 30 VIon Turn-on input voltage Increasing input voltage 32 CI Internal input capacitance PO Output power Output voltage initial setting SVR Supply voltage rejection (ac) f = 100 Hz sinewave, 1 Vp-p typ 36 V 33.5 35 V 34.4 36 0 15 77 50 % of max IO 85.0 max IO 86.0 50 % of max IO, VI = 48 V 85.0 max IO, VI = 48 V 86.0 Pd Power Dissipation max IO 2.5 Pli Input idling power IO = 0 A, VI = 53 V 780 PRC Input standby power VI = 53 V (turned off with RC) fs Switching frequency 0-100 % of max IO VOi W dB % 3.1 W mW 41 mW 290 305 325 kHz Output voltage initial setting and Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, max IO accuracy 3.23 3.30 3.36 V Output adjust range V 2.80 3.80 Output voltage tolerance band 10-100 % of max IO 3.10 3.43 V Idling voltage IO = 0 A 3.14 3.47 V Line regulation max IO 30 50 mV Load regulation VI = 53 V, 0-100 % of max IO 20 80 mV Vtr Load transient voltage deviation ttr Load transient recovery time ts V F 2 Efficiency tr Unit 75 VO max VI = 53 V, Load step 25-75-25 % of max IO, di/dt = 1 A/s Ramp-up time (from 10-90 % of VOi) Start-up time Output current Ilim Current limit threshold Isc Short circuit current VOac Output ripple & noise mV 100 s 1 2 3 ms 2 6 9 ms 4.5 A 5.2 5.6 A 5.6 6.6 A 10 20 mVp-p 10-100 % of max IO (from VI connection to 90 % of VOi) IO 250 0 VO = 3.0V, Tref < max Tref Tref = 25C, See Operating Information section See ripple & noise section, max IO, VOi 4.6 Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 9 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date Rev EZYPING 2007-8-24 12 Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 3.3V, 4.5A / 15W Typical Characteristics PKR 4110B SI Efficiency Power Dissipation [%] [W] 90 3.0 2.5 85 80 36 V 2.0 48 V 1.5 53 V 36 V 48 V 53 V 1.0 75 V 75 V 75 0.5 0.0 70 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 [A] 4.5 [A] Dissipated power vs. load current and input voltage at Tref = +25C Efficiency vs. load current and input voltage at Tref = +25C Output Current Derating Thermal Resistance [A] 5 [C/W] 14 3.0 m/s 4 2.5 m/s 2.0 m/s 3 2 1 12 10 8 1.5 m/s 6 1.0 m/s 4 Nat. Conv. 2 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 0.0 100 [C] Available load current vs. ambient air temperature and airflow at VI = 53 V. See Thermal Consideration section. Output Characteristics 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0[m/s] Thermal resistance vs. airspeed measured at the converter. Tested in wind tunnel with airflow and test conditions as per the Thermal consideration section. Current Limit Characteristics [V] [V] 3.40 3.50 3.00 3.37 3.34 36 V 2.50 36 V 48 V 2.00 48 V 53 V 3.31 53 V 1.50 75 V 75 V 1.00 3.28 0.50 3.25 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Output voltage vs. load current at Tref = +25C 4.5 [A] 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 [A] Output voltage vs. load current at IO > max IO , Tref = +25C Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference Start-up F (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB PKR 4110B SI Shut-down Top trace: output voltage (1.0 V/div.). Bottom trace: input voltage (50 V/div.). Time scale: (5 ms/div.). Output Ripple & Noise Output voltage ripple at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 4.5 A resistive load. 13 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 3.3V, 4.5A / 15W Typical Characteristics Start-up enabled by connecting VI at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 4.5 A resistive load. 10 (14) No. Shut-down enabled by disconnecting VI at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO = 4.5 A resistive load. Top trace: output voltage (1.0 V/div.). Bottom trace: input voltage (20 V/div.). Time scale: (200 ms/div.). Output Load Transient Response Trace: output voltage (20 mV/div.). Time scale: (2 s/div.). Output voltage response to load current step- Top trace: output voltage (200 mV/div.). change (1.12-3.38-1.12 A) at: Bottom trace: load current (2 A/div.). Tref =+25C, VI = 53 V. Time scale: (0.1 ms/div.). Output Voltage Adjust (see operating information) Passive adjust The resistor value for an adjusted output voltage is calculated by using the following equations: To adjust the output voltage upwards, a resistor is connected between pins 8 and 17. The output voltage increases when the resistance decreases. The resistance value is given by the equation: Rou= 4.14 x (1.28Vi -- Vo)/(Vo -- Vi),(kOhm); Vo is the desired output voltage and Vi is the initial output voltage. Active adjust To adjust the output voltage downwards, a current source is connected to pin 18. The output voltage decreases when the connected current into pin 8 increases. The current value is given by the equation: Iadj=943 x (1-(Vod/Voi))[uA]; Vi is the initial output voltage when pin 8 is disconnected, Vod is the desired voltage. Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 11 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date Rev EZYPING 2007-8-24 Reference 14 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB +3.3V, 1.5A / +5V, 1.4A / 12W Dual, Electrical Specification PKR 4128B SI Tref = -30 to +95C, VI = 36 to 75 V, unless otherwise specified under Conditions. Typical values given at: Tref = +25C, VI= 53 V, max IO unless otherwise specified under Conditions. Characteristics Conditions min VI Input voltage range VIoff Turn-off input voltage Decreasing input voltage 30 VIon Turn-on input voltage Increasing input voltage 32 0 typ CI Internal input capacitance PO Output power Output voltage initial setting SVR Supply voltage rejection (ac) f = 100 Hz sinewave, 1 Vp-p Unit 75 V 33.4 35 V 34.4 36 V F 2 12 W 72 Efficiency at 50 % of max power IO1 = 0.75 A, IO2 = 1.4 A Efficiency at max power max 36 dB 90.4 IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A 90.5 I 1 = 0.75 A, IO2 = 1.4 A, VI = 48 Efficiency at 50 % of max power O V % 90.8 Efficiency at max power IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A, VI = 48 V 90.8 Pd Power Dissipation at max power IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A 1.3 Pli Input idling power IO = 0 A, VI = 53 V 660 mW PRC Input standby power VI = 53 V (turned off with RC) 65 mW fs Switching frequency IO1 = IO2 = 50-100 % of max IO VOi VO Output voltage initial setting and Tref =+25C, VI = 53 V, IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A accuracy min max 3.23 3.30 3.36 335 min Output 2 typ kHz max 5.00 V 10 --100% of max IO 3.06 3.47 4.63 5.28 Output voltage tolerance band 10-100 % of max IO 3.18 3.39 4.83 5.49 V Idling voltage IO = 0 A 3.25 3.31 4.82 5.04 V Line regulation IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A 10 25 mV 25 57 Load regulation output 2 Vtr Load transient voltage deviation ttr Load transient recovery time ts 305 Output 1 typ W Output adjust range Load regulation output 1 tr 275 1.4 VI = 53 V, IO1 = 10-100 % of max, IO2 = 1.4 A VI = 53 V, IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 10-100 % of max VI = 53 V, Load step IO1 25-75-25 % of max, IO2 = 1.4 A. di/dt = 1 A/s Ramp-up time (from 10-90 % of VOi) Start-up time Output current Ilim Current limit threshold Isc Short circuit current VOac Output ripple & noise 12 69 96 mV 130 245 mV 80 100 s 0.1 2.1 4.3 0.1 2.4 5.8 ms 0.1 5.3 11.1 0.1 5.4 11.3 ms 1.5 0 1.4 A 3.2 3.6 1.6 2.4 2.5 A 5.2 5.4 3.3 4.3 A 10 20 18 30 mVp-p IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A (from VI connection to 90 % of VOi) IO 6 V 0 Vo1 = 2.5 V, Vo2 = 4.0 V Tref < max Tref Tref = 25C, See Operating Information section See ripple & noise section, max IO, VOi 2.6 Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 12 (14) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date Rev EZYPING 2007-8-24 15 Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 F DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB +3.3V, 1.5A / +5V, 1.4A / 12W Dual, Typical Characteristics PKR 4128B SI Efficiency Power Dissipation [%] [W] 95 2.0 90 1.6 36 V 85 48 V 80 53 V 36 V 1.2 48 V 53 V 0.8 75 V 75 75 V 0.4 70 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.0 1.6 [A] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 [A] Dissipated power vs. load current and input voltage at Tref = +25C Efficiency vs. load current and input voltage at Tref = +25C Output Power Derating Thermal Resistance [W] 15.0 [C/W] 12.0 16 18 9.0 Nat. Conv. 14 1.0m/s 12 6.0 10 8 3.0 6 0.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0[m/s] [C] Available load current vs. ambient air temperature and airflow at VI = 53 V. See Thermal Consideration section. Output 1 Characteristics Output 1 Cross Regulation [A] IO 1 Thermal resistance vs. airspeed measured at the converter. Tested in wind tunnel with airflow and test conditions as per the Thermal consideration section. Output 2 Cross Regulation Output 2 Characteristics [A] IO 1 1.6 1.6 VI = 53 V VI = 53 V 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Output voltage vs. load current at Tref = +25C 1.6 [A] IO 2 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Output voltage vs. load current at Tref = +25C 2.0 [A] IO 2 Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference Start-up F (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB PKR 4128B SI Shut-down Top trace: output voltage 2 (2.0 V/div.). Mid trace: output voltage 1 (2.0 V/div.). Bottom trace: input voltage (20 V/div.). Time scale: (10 ms/div.). Output Ripple & Noise Output voltage ripple at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A resistive load. 16 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 +3.3V, 1.5A / +5V, 1.4A / 12W Dual, Typical Characteristics Start-up enabled by connecting VI at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A resistive load. 13 (14) No. Shut-down enabled by disconnecting VI at: Tref = +25C, VI = 53 V, IO1 = 1.5 A, IO2 = 1.4 A resistive load. Bottom trace: output voltage 2 (5.0 V/div.). Mid trace: output voltage 1 (2.0 V/div.). Top trace: input voltage (20 V/div.). Time scale: (100 ms/div.). Output Load Transient Response Top trace: output voltage 1 (2 mV/div.). Bottom trace: output voltage 2 (5 mV/div.). Time scale: (2 s/div.). Output voltage response to load current step-change, output 1 (0.375-1.125-0.375 A) at: Tref =+25C, VI = 53 V IO2 = 1.4 A. Top trace: output voltage 2 (200 mV/div.). Mid trace: output voltage 1 (200 mV/div.). Bottom trace: load current (1.0 A/div.). Time scale: (0.2 ms/div.). Output Voltage Adjust (see operating information) Passive adjust The resistor value for an adjusted output voltage is calculated by using the following equations: To adjust the output voltage upwards, a resistor is connected between pins 8 and 17. The output voltage increases when the resistance decreases. The resistance value is given by the equation: Rou= 4.14 x (1.28Vi -- Vo)/(Vo -- Vi),(kOhm); Vo is the desired output voltage and Vi is the initial output voltage. Active adjust To adjust the output voltage downwards, a current source is connected to pin 18. The output voltage decreases when the connected current into pin 8 increases. The current value is given by the equation: Iadj=943 x (1-(Vod/Voi))[uA]; Vi is the initial output voltage when pin 8 is disconnected, Vod is the desired voltage. Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 1 (5) No. ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 3/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference 17 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 C (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB EMC Specification Conducted EMI measured according to EN55022, CISPR 22 and FCC part 15J (see test set-up). See Design Note 009 for further information. The fundamental switching frequency is 305 kHz for PKR 4110B SI @ VI = 53 V, max IO. Conducted EMI Input terminal value (typ) Test set-up Layout recommendation The radiated EMI performance of the DC/DC converter will depend on the PCB layout and ground layer design. It is also important to consider the stand-off of the DC/DC converter. EMI without filter External filter (class B) Required external input filter in order to meet class B in EN 55022, CISPR 22 and FCC part 15J. Filter components: C1= 1F 100V C2= 10F 100V C3,C4= 2.2nF 1500Vdc L1= Pulse PO354 1.17mH A ground layer will increase the stray capacitance in the PCB and improve the high frequency EMC performance. Output ripple and noise Output ripple and noise measured according to figure below. Output ripple and noise test setup EMI with filter Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2 (5) No. 3/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Operating information Input Voltage The input voltage range 36...75Vdc meets the requirements of the European Telecom Standard ETS 300 132-2 for normal input voltage range in --48 and --60 Vdc systems, -40.5...-57.0 V and --50.0...-72 V respectively. At input voltages exceeding 75 V, the power loss will be higher than at normal input voltage and Tref must be limited to absolute max +95C. The absolute maximum continuous input voltage is 75 Vdc. Turn-off Input Voltage The converters monitor the input voltage and will turn on and turn off at predetermined levels. The minimum hysteresis between turn on and turn off input voltage is 1V. Remote Control (RC) The products are fitted with a remote control function referenced to the primary negative input connection (- In), and have positive logic. The RC function allows the converter to be turned on/off by an external device like a semiconductor or mechanical switch. The maximum required sink current is 1 mA. When the RC pin is left open, the voltage generated on the RC pin is <16 V. To ensure that the converter stays off the voltage must be below 1.0 V. Input and Output Impedance The impedance of both the input source and the load will interact with the impedance of the DC/DC converter. It is important that the input source has low characteristic impedance. The converters are designed for stable operation without external capacitors connected to the input or output. The performance in some applications can be enhanced by addition of external capacitance as described under External Decoupling Capacitors. If the input voltage source contains significant inductance, the addition of a 10 F capacitor across the input of the converter will ensure stable operation. The capacitor is not required when powering the DC/DC converter from an input source with an inductance below 10 H. External Decoupling Capacitors When powering loads with significant dynamic current requirements, the voltage regulation at the point of load can be improved by addition of decoupling capacitors at the load. The most effective technique is to locate low ESR ceramic and electrolytic capacitors as close to the load as possible by using several parallel capacitors to lower the effective ESR. The ceramic capacitors will handle high-frequency dynamic load changes while the electrolytic capacitors are used to Rev Reference 18 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 C (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB handle low frequency dynamic load changes. Ceramic capacitors will also reduce any high frequency noise at the load. It is equally important to use low resistance and low inductance PCB layouts and cabling. External decoupling capacitors will become part of the control loop of the DC/DC converter and may affect the stability margins. As a "rule of thumb", 100 F/A of output current can be added without any additional analysis. The recommended absolute maximum value of output capacitance is 10 000 F. For further information please contact your local Ericsson Power Modules representative. Output Voltage Adjust (Vadj) All converters have an Output Voltage Adjust pin (Vadj). This pin can be used to adjust the output voltage above or below Output voltage initial setting. At increased output voltages the maximum power rating of the converter remains the same, and the max output current must be decreased correspondingly. The output voltage can be increased or decreased by means of external resistors or other external circuitry. If other circuitry is used, the slew rate has to be limited to maximum 5V/ms. To increase the voltage the resistor should be connected between the Vadj pin and -IN. To decrease the output voltage, a current source is connected into Vadj pin. The resistor and current source value of the Output voltage adjust function is according to information given under the Output section for the respective product. Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 3 (5) No. 3/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date EZYPING 2007-8-24 Rev Reference 19 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 C DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Operating information continued Thermal Consideration Parallel Operation General It is not recommended to parallel the converters without using external current sharing circuits. The converters are designed to operate in different thermal environments and sufficient cooling must be provided to ensure reliable operation. Cooling is achieved mainly by conduction, from the pins to the PCB board, and convection, which is dependant on the airflow across the converter. Increased airflow enhances the cooling of the converter. Over Temperature Protection (OTP) The PKR 4000B Series DC/DC converters include an internal over temperature shutdown circuit. When the temperature exceeds 130C - 150C on the control circuit the converter will shut down. The DC/DC converter will make continuous attempts to start up (non-latching mode) and resume normal operation automatically when the temperature has dropped >15C below the temperature threshold. Over Current Protection (OCP) The converters include current limiting circuitry for protection at continuous overload. The output voltage will decrease towards zero for output currents in excess of max output current (max IO). The converter will resume normal operation after removal of the overload. The load distribution should be designed for the maximum output short circuit current specified. The Output Current Derating graph found in the Output section for each model provides the available output current vs. ambient air temperature and air velocity at Vin = 53 V. The converter is tested on a 254 x 254 mm, 35 m (1 oz), 8-layer test board mounted vertically in a wind tunnel with a cross-section of 305 x 305 mm. Proper cooling of the converter can be verified by measuring the temperature at position P1. The temperature at these positions should not exceed the max values provided in the table below. Note that the max value is the absolute maximum rating (non destruction) and that the electrical Output data is guaranteed up to Tref +95C. See Design Note 019 for further information. Position Device Designation max value P1 Transformer Tref 110 C P2 Mosfet P3 PCB P1 Air Flow Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) ESKEVIN Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 4 (5) No. 3/1301-BMR 640Technical 1421+ Uen Specification Checked Date Rev EZYPING 2007-8-24 20 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 C DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Thermal Consideration continued Reference (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Connections Definition of reference temperature (Tref) The reference temperature is used to monitor the temperature limits of the product. Temperatures above maximum Tref are not allowed and may cause degradation or permanent damage to the product. Tref is also used to define the temperature range for normal operating conditions. Tref is defined by the design and used to guarantee safety margins, proper operation and high reliability of the module. 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ambient Temperature Calculation By using the thermal resistance the maximum allowed ambient temperature can be calculated. 1. The power loss is calculated by using the formula ((1/) - 1) x output power = power losses (Pd). = efficiency of converter. E.g 86 % = 0.86 2. Find the thermal resistance (Rth) in the Thermal Resistance graph found in the Output section for each model. Calculate the temperature increase (T). T = Rth x Pd 3. Max allowed ambient temperature is: Max Tref - T. E.g PKR 4110B SI at 1m/s: Pin Designation Function 1 Out 1 Output 1 2 Rtn Output return 3 Out 1/ Out 2* Out 1/ Out 2* 4 NC Not connected 5 NC Not connected 6 NC Not connected 7 NC Not connected 8 Vadj Output voltage adjust 9 NC** Not connected** 10 NC Not connected 1. (( 1 ) - 1) x 14.85 W = 2.42 W 0.86 11 RC 2. 2.42 W x 10C/W = 24.2C 12 NC Remote control. Used to turnon/off output Not connected 13 NC Not connected 14 NC Not connected 15 NC Not connected 16 NC Not connected 17 - In Negative Input 18 + In Positive input 3. 110 C -- 24.2C = max ambient temperature is 85.8C The actual temperature will be dependent on several factors such as the PCB size, number of layers and direction of airflow. * Only for duals ** For the corresponding discontinued PKF 4000B series pin 8 and 9 had to be connected, this is not needed on the PKR 4000B series. Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPEC. MECHANICAL E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) MICKAOV Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 1 (4) No. 4/1301-BMR 6401 Uen Technical Specification Checked Date See 1 2007-10-08 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Mechanical Information -- Surface Mount Version Rev Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 E (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 21 Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPEC. MECHANICAL E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) MICKAOV Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2 (4) No. 4/1301-BMR 6401 Uen Technical Specification Checked Date See 1 2007-10-08 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Assembly Information -- Surface Mount Version Rev Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 E (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 22 Ericsson Internal PRODUCT SPEC. MECHANICAL E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) MICKAOV Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 3 (4) No. 4/1301-BMR 6401 Uen Technical Specification Checked Date See 1 2007-10-08 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Mechanical Information -- Hole Mount Version Rev Reference EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 E (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB 23 Ericsson Internal PROD. SPECIFICATION MECHANICAL E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 1 (5) No. MICKAOV Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 5/1301-BMR 6401 Uen Technical Specification Checked Date See 1 2007-10-08 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Soldering Information - Surface Mounting The surface mount version of the product is intended for convection reflow or vapor phase reflow in SnPb or Pb-free reflow processes. Mounting Options The surface mount version is available in two options, SnPb based or SnAgCu based (Pb-free) solder bumps. The SnPb solder bumps are intended for SnPb solder paste on the host board and to be reflowed in SnPb reflow process temperatures, typically +210 to +220C. The Pb-free solder bumps are intended for Pb-free solder paste on the host board and to be reflowed in Pb-free reflow process temperatures, typically +235 to +250C. Note that recommendations for minimum and maximum pin temperature -- and maximum peak product temperature -- are different depending on mounting option, reflow process type and if the dry packing of the products has been kept intact. General Reflow Profile Recommendations The reflow profile should be optimised to avoid excessive heating of the product. It is recommended to have a sufficiently extended preheat time to ensure an even temperature across the host PCB and to minimize the time in reflow. A no-clean flux is recommended to avoid entrapment of cleaning fluids in cavities inside the product or between the product and the host board, since cleaning residues may affect long time reliability and isolation voltage. Rev Reference 24 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 D (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Mixed Solder Process Recommendations When using products with Pb-free solder bumps and thereby mixing Pb-free solder with SnPb paste on the host board and reflowing at SnPb process temperatures (backwards compatibility), special recommendations apply. An extended preheat time between +170C and +180C for 60 to 90s and a pin reflow temperature (TPIN) between +220C and +225C for 30 to 60 s is recommended. The extended preheat and soak at reflow temperature will minimize temperature gradients and maximize the wetting and solder mixing in the final solder joints. The use of nitrogen reflow atmosphere will further improve the solder joint quality. Temperature Solder bump Profile 60-90 s 170C to 180C 30-60 s 221C to 225C Time Dry Pack Information Products intended for Pb-free reflow processes are delivered in standard moisture barrier bags according to IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-033 (Handling, packing, shipping and use of moisture/reflow sensitivity surface mount devices). The SnPb option of this product is also delivered in dry packing. Reflow process specifications1 SnPb eutectic Average ramp-up rate 3C/s max 3C/s max +183C +221C Using products in high temperature Pb-free soldering processes requires dry pack storage and handling. In case the products have been stored in an uncontrolled environment and no longer can be considered dry, the modules must be baked according to J-STD-033. Thermocoupler Attachment Typical solder melting (liquidus) temperature TL Minimum reflow time above TL Pb-free 30 s 30 s Minimum pin temperature TPIN +210C +235C Peak product temperature TPRODUCT +225C +260C 6C/s max 6C/s max Average ramp-down rate Maximum time 25C to peak 6 minutes 8 minutes 1 Note: for mixed SnPb / Pb-free soldering, special recommendations apply Top of PCB near pin 9 or pin 10 for measurement of maximum product temperature, TPRODUCT Temperature TPRODUCT maximum TPIN minimum Pin profile TL Product profile Time in reflow Pin 5 of pin 14 for measurement of minimum pin (solder joint) temperature, TPIN Time in preheat / soak zone Time 25C to peak Time Ericsson Internal PROD. SPECIFICATION MECHANICAL E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) MICKAOV Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 2 (5) No. 5/1301-BMR 6401 Uen Technical Specification Checked Date See 1 2007-10-08 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference 25 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 D (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Pin Temperature Recommendations Pin number 5 and 14 are chosen as reference locations for the minimum pin (solder joint) temperature recommendations since these will likely be the coolest solder joints during reflow Surface Mount Assembly and Repair SnPb Solder Processes Assembly Minimum pin temperature: for SnPb solder processes, a pin temperature (TPIN) in excess of the solder melting temperature, (TL, +183C for Sn63Pb37) for more than 30 seconds, and a peak temperature of +210C is recommended to ensure a reliable solder joint. Automatic pick and place equipment should be used to mount the product on the host board. The use of a vision system, utilizing the fiducials on the bottom side of the product, will ensure adequate accuracy. Manual mounting of solder bump products is not recommended. A maximum pin temperature of +225C should be sufficient for most applications but depending on type of solder paste and flux system used on the host board, up to a recommended maximum temperature of +245C could be used, provided that the products are kept in a controlled environment (dry pack handling and storage) prior to assembly. Note that the actual position of the pick up surface may vary between variants within the product program and is not necessarily in the center of the product outline. Pb-free Solder Processes Repair For Pb-free solder processes, a pin temperature (TPIN) in excess of the solder melting temperature (TL, +217 to +221 C for SnAgCu solder alloys) for more than 30 seconds, and a peak temperature of +235C on all solder joints is recommended to ensure a reliable solder joint. For a successful repair (removal and replacement) of a solder bump product, a dedicated rework system should be used. The rework system should preferably utilize a bottom side heater and a dedicated hot air nozzle to heat the solder bumps to reflow temperature. Maximum Product Temperature Requirements Top of the product PCB near pin 9 or 10 are chosen as reference locations for the maximum (peak) allowed product temperature (TPRODUCT), since these will likely be the warmest parts of the product during the reflow process. The product is an open frame design with a pick up surface on a large central component. This pick up surface can not be used for removal with a vacuum nozzle since the component solder joints may have melted during the removal reflow. SnPb Solder Processes For conventional SnPb solder processes, the product is qualified for MSL 1 according to IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-020C (no dry pack handling or controlled environment required) During reflow, TPRODUCT must not exceed +225 C at any time. If the products are handled as MSL 3 products, they can withstand up to +260C as in Pb-free solder processes. Pb-free Solder Processes For Pb-free solder processes, the product is qualified for MSL 3 according to IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-020C. The solder bumps of the product require particular care during assembly since the solder bumps are hidden between the host board and the product's PCB. Special procedures are required for successful rework of these products. If necessary, it is recommended to fine tune the solder print aperture size to optimize the amount of deposited solder with consideration to screen thickness and solder print capability. In order not to damage the product and nearby components during removal and replacement with a new product, it is recommended to use a double wall design of the hot air nozzle to direct the air flow only to the edges of the product, see `Assembly Information' in the mechanical drawing. Soldering Information -- Hole Mounting The hole mount version of the product is intended for manual or wave soldering in plated through holes on the host board. When wave soldering is used, the temperature on the pins is specified to maximum +270 C for maximum 10 seconds. A maximum preheat rate of 4C/s and a preheat temperature of max of +150C is suggested. When soldering by hand, care should be taken to avoid direct contact between the hot soldering iron tip and the pins for more than a few seconds in order to prevent overheating. During reflow, TPRODUCT must not exceed +260 C at any time. A no-clean flux is recommended to avoid entrapment of cleaning fluids in cavities inside the product or between the product and the host board. The cleaning residues may affect long time reliability and isolation voltage. Ericsson Internal PROD. SPECIFICATION MECHANICAL E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 3 (5) No. MICKAOV Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 5/1301-BMR 6401 Uen Technical Specification Checked Date See 1 2007-10-08 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference 26 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 D (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Delivery Package Information The surface mount version of the product is delivered in antistatic injection molded trays (Jedec design guide 4.10D standard) or in antistatic carrier tape (EIA 481 standard) Tray Specifications The hole mount version is delivered in antistatic tubes. Bakability Carrier Tape Specifications Material Polystyrene (PS), antistatic Surface resistivity < 107 Ohm/square Bakability The tape is not bakable Tape width 72 mm [2.835 inch] Pocket pitch 36 mm [1.417 inch] Pocket depth 9.2 mm [0.362 inch] Reel diameter 330 mm [13 inch] Reel capacity 150 products / reel Reel weight Approximately 2.5 kg / full reel Tape feed direction Material PPE, antistatic Surface resistance Tray capacity 105 < Ohm/square < 1012 The trays can be baked at maximum 125 C for maximum 48 hours 15 products / tray Box capacity 150 products (10 full trays / box) Tray weight 140 g empty, 320 g full tray maximum JEDEC standard tray Note: all tray dimensions refer to pocket center. Exact position of pickup point depends on the position of the pickup surface (top of main transformer) of the individual product variant Round holes Pin 1 Elongated holes Tube Specifications Material PVC, transparent with antistatic coating Surface resistance < 1011 Ohm/square Bakability The tubes are not bakable Tube capacity 10 products / tube Box capacity 100 products (10 full tubes / box) Tube weight Typical 160 g full tube Ericsson Internal PROD. SPECIFICATION MECHANICAL E Prepared (also subject responsible if other) 4 (5) No. MICKAOV Approved PKR 4000B series SEC/D (Julia You) 5/1301-BMR 6401 Uen Technical Specification Checked Date See 1 2007-10-08 DC/DC converters, Input 36-75 V, Output up to 5 A/15 W Rev Reference 27 EN/LZT 146 301 R6D September 2007 D (c) Ericsson Power Modules AB Product Qualification Specification Characteristics External visual inspection IPC-A-610 Operational life test MIL-STD-202G method 108A With power cycling Tref Load Duration According to Absolute maximum ratings Maximum output power 500 h Vibration, broad band random IEC 60068-2-64 Fh Frequency Acceleration spectral density Duration and directions 10 to 500 Hz 0.5 g2/Hz 10 min in each 3 perpendicular directions Vibration, sinusoidal IEC 68-2-64 Fc Frequency Amplitude Acceleration Sweep rate Duration 10 to 500 Hz 0.75 mm 10 g 1 octave/min 2 h in each 3 perpendicular directions Mechanical shock IEC 68-2-27 Ea Peak acceleration Duration Pulse shape Directions Number of pulses 100 g 6 ms Half sine 6 18 (3 + 3 in each perpendicular direction) Change of temperature (Temperature cycling) IEC 60068-2-14 Na Temperature range Number of cycles Dwell time -40 to +100C 300 30 min Robustness of terminations IEC 68-2-21 Ue1 Surface mount products All leads IEC 68-2-21 Ua1 IEC 68-2-21 Ub (5.2b) Through hole mount products All leads IEC 68-2-58 Td Temperature, SnPb Eutectic Temperature, Pb free Preconditioning 215 5C 245 5C 240 h in 85C/85%RH IEC 68-2-58 Ta Temperature, Pb free Solder immersion time Preconditioning 260 5C 5 0.5 s Steam ageing 8 h15 minutes Damp heat IEC 60068-2-67 Cy with bias Temperature Humidity Duration Preconditioning +85 C 85 % RH 500 hours Reflowed 3X according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C MSL3 at 260C Moisture reflow sensitivity classification J-STD-020C SnPb Eutectic Pb free MSL 1, peak reflow at 225C MSL 3, peak reflow at 260C Immersion in cleaning solvents IEC 68-2-45 XA Method 2 Water Isopropyl alcohol Glycol ether +55 5C +35 5C +35 5C Cold (in operation) IEC 68-2-1 Ad Temperature TA Duration -40C 72 h Solderability Surface mount version Solderability Hole mount version