High Voltage Leaded (CH Style)
Radial, Dual-in-Line & ‘L’ Lead SMT European Preferred Styles
330 pF to 2.7 µF
1kV to 5kV
-55ºC to +125ºC
1B/C0G and 2C1/X7R Dielectrics
This range of radial, dual-in-line for both through hole and
surface mount products is intended for use in high voltage
power supplies and voltage multiplier circuits. The multilayer
ceramic construction offers excellent volumetric efficiency
compared with other high voltage dielectrics. They are suitable
for both high reliability and industrial applications.
Temperature Coefficient CECC 30 000, (4.24.1)
1B/C0G: A Temperature Coefficient - 0 ± 30ppm/ºC
2C1/X7R: C Temperature Characteristic - ± 15% (0v dc)
Capacitance Test 25ºC
1B/C0G: Measured at 1 VRMS max at 1KHz (1MHz <100 pF)
2C1/X7R: Measured at 1 VRMS max at 1KHz
Dissipation Factor 25°C
1B/C0G: 0.15% max at 1KHz, 1 VRMS (1MHz for <100 pF)
2C1/X7R: 2.5% max at 1KHz, 1 VRMS
Insulation Resistance
1B/C0G & 2C1/X7R: 100K megohms or 1000 megohms-µF,
whichever is less
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 25°C
130% rated voltage for 5 seconds
Life Test (1000 hrs) CECC 30000 (4.23)
1B/C0G & 2C1/X7R: 120% rated voltage at +125ºC.
1B/C0G: Zero
2C1/X7R: 2.5%/decade hour
L max.
2.54 (0.100)
±0.5 (0.200)
13 (0.512)
±1.0 (0.039)
2.54 (0.100) ±0.5 (0.200)
2.54 (0.100) ±0.5 (0.200)
3.8 (0.149)
T max.
S ±0.5
S ±0.5 (0.020)
L2 L1
L2 L1
W max.W max.
No. of
Style Leads
(max) (max) (nom) per side
CH41 9.2 (0.362) 8.7 (0.342) 8.2 (0.323) 3
CH51 10.7 (0.421) 10.7 (0.421) 10.2 (0.400) 4
CH61 14.9 (0.587) 13.6 (0.535) 14.0 (0.551) 5
CH76 21.6 (0.850) 21.6 (0.850) 20.3* (0.800) 6
CH91 24.0 (0.944) 40.6 (1.598) 20.3* (0.800) 14
DIMENSIONS millimeters (inches)
*Tolerance ± 0.8
CH 41 A C 104 K A 8 0 A 7
Style Size Voltage Dielectric Capacitance Capacitance Specification Finish Lead Dia. Lead Space Lead Style
Code Code Code Code Code Tolerance Code Code Code Code Code
A = 1kV A = C0G (2 significant J = ±5% A = Non customized 8 = Varnish 0 = Standard A = Standard 0 = Dual in line
G = 2kV C = X7R digits + no. K = ±10% straight
H = 3kV of zeros) M = ±20% 7 = Dual in line
J = 4kV eg. 105 = 1 µF P = -0 +100% ‘L’ style
K = 5kV 106 = 10 µF
107 = 100 µF
Style Dia
(max) (max) (max) (nom) (nom)
CV41 10.6 (0.417) 8.70 (0.343) 3.80 (0.150) 8.20 (0.323) 0.70 (0.028)
CV51 11.9 (0.469) 10.7 (0.421) 3.80 (0.150) 10.2 (0.402) 0.90 (0.035)
CV61 16.5 (0.650) 13.6 (0.536) 3.80 (0.150) 15.2 (0.599) 0.90 (0.035)
CV76 22.7 (0.893) 16.6 (0.654) 3.80 (0.150) 21.2* (0.835) 0.90 (0.035)
CV91 22.7 (0.893) 40.6 (1.598) 3.80 (0.150) 21.2* (0.835) 1.20 (0.047)
Part Number format (CVxxxxxxxxxxxA2)
Typical Part Number CV51AC154MA80A2
High Voltage Leaded (CV Style)
Chip Assemblies European Preferred Styles
*Tolerance ± 0.8mm (0.031)
DIMENSIONS millimeters (inches)
T Max.
H Max.
25 (0.984)
±3 (0.118)
Lead Dia.
See Table
S ±0.5
L Max.
CV 51 A C 154 M A 8 0 A 2
Style Size Voltage Dielectric Capacitance Capacitance Specification Finish Lead Dia. Lead Space Lead Style
Code Code Code Code Code Tolerance Code Code Code Code Code
A = 1kV A = C0G (2 significant J = ±5% A = Non customized 8 = Varnish 0 = Standard A = Standard
G = 2kV C = X7R digits + no. K = ±10%
H = 3kV of zeros) M = ±20%
J = 4kV eg. 105 = 1 µF P = -0 +100%
K = 5kV 106 = 10 µF
107 = 100 µF
CV41-CH41 CV51-CH51 CV61-CH61 CV76-CH76 CV91-CH91
Styles Styles Styles Styles Styles
Cap pF
330 K
390 J K
470 J K
560 J K
680 J K
820 H J K
1000 H J K
1200 H J K
1500 H J K
1800 G H J K
2200 G H J K
2700 G H J K
3300 G G H J K
3900 G G H J K
4700 G G H J K
5600 A G H J K
6800 A G G H J K
8200 A G G H J K
10000 A G G H J K
12000 A A G H J K
15000 A A G G H J
18000 A G G H J
22000 A A G H
27000 A A G H
33000 A A G H
39000 A G G
47000 A A G
56000 A A G
68000 A A G
82000 AG
100000 AG
120000 A
150000 A
180000 A
220000 A
270000 A
330000 A
NB Figures in cells refer to size within ordering information
High Voltage Leaded (CH/CV Style)
Chip Assemblies European Preferred Styles
CV41-CH41 CV51-CH51 CV61-CH61 CV76-CH76 CV91-CH91
Styles Styles Styles Styles Styles
Cap nF
1.2 K
1.3 K
1.5 J K
2.2 J K
2.7 J K
3.3 J K
3.9 J K
4.7 H J J K
5.6 H J K
6.8 H J K
8.2 G H J K
10 G H J K
12 G H J K
15 G H J K
18 A G H H J K
22 A G H J K
27 A G H J K
33 A G H J K
39 A A G H J K
47 A A G H J K
56 A A G H J K
68 A A G H J
82 A A G G H J
100 A A A G H J
120 A A A G H J
150 A A G H
180 A A A G H
220 A A A G
270 A A A G
330 A A G
390 A A A
470 A A A
560 A A A
680 AA
820 AA
1000 AA
1200 A
1500 A
1800 A
2200 A
2700 A
NB Figures in cells refer to size within ordering information
High Voltage Leaded (CH/CV Style)
Chip Assemblies European Preferred Styles