RNATIONAL RIGHTS RESERVED. BY AMP INCORPORATED CCPYRIGHT 1998 ALL INT AMP QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT AMP* Shielded Cable Clamp Assemblies 501-80 Rev. 0 Product Specification: 108-40032, Rev. 0. CTL No.: 5741-002, 5741-005-004 Date: 9/6/88 Classification: Unrestricted Prepared By: Daniel McCLure Tested By: William Scharff & Emery Buziak *Trademark of AMP Incorporated L__ Corporate Test Laboratory Harrisburg, Pennsylvaniaee ed _ mo & eo On Ae whe nw fSWrNe RO RG Po RO BO PO RO RO Bo PO WW Ww Oo WwW oF Go to Ww iw m 1 OOS oo on em OW Mo ee $01-80, Rev. 0 Table of Contents Introduction. ...cccc cece rece ee teen renee eteenee Page PULPOSE.. cee cee eee cere eter e renee eee eet ee ees Page SCOPG. cee cece reece e eter teen nna n eee een ne nang Page CONCTUSION. .. ccc ce ee eee ee we eee eee ene ee nanee Page Product Description. ..... cc cee eee ere eee eee eee Page Test SampleS..... cece se eee e rt ee eens ren eeene neces Page Qualification Test Sequence........eeeeee eee erees Page Summary Of T@Sting...... ccc ere ee cece e reece ee eenes Page Examination of Product......-.ccsee eee eee reer neete Page Insulation Resistance... ... cece eee eee ee eee eee Page Dielectric Withstanding Voltage...........----- ee: Page Shielding Effectiveness. .... ences cere rene ee ceers Page Cable Pullout. ....... 02-00 - cee eee eee ee eee eneee Page Circular Jacket Cable Flexing........ se eee eee renee Page Industrial Mixed Flowing GaS...... eee eee er eee eee Page Vibration... ccc cc eee eee eee eee Page Physical SHOCK... 0 ccc cece cee e cece tenet rere enteene Page Thermal Shock. ........02-- 2c eee eee ee tee eee eens Page Test Methods...... 0... cc weer e eee nese ere esereeee Page Examination Of Product.........c cee eee eee erence Page Insulation Resistance........ ee ee eee ee ees Page Dielectric Withstanding Voltage........---.+++-+-- Page Shielding Effectiveness... ...scceeneseereeeeeeee Page Cable Pullout. ...... cc ce ccc eee eee ee teen en eee Page Circular Jacket Cable Flexing......-.-.seeeee recess Page Industrial Mixed Flowing GaS.....-e1- ee eee eee renee Page Vibration... .. cc cece ee ee eee tee ee eee teens Page Physical Shock. ....... 0 cece eee eee teen eee eteees Page Thermal Shock. .... ccc cece cee eee ee ete ene eens Page Validation. ccc cccc cect eee eect eee nen eee renee r ress Page R57410M MMR eee _ HAA A RM oi an moms PP W WWW oe Oo501-80, Rev. 0 AMP AMP INCORPORATED HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 17105 PHONE: 717-564-0100 TWX: 540-657-4110 CORPORATE TEST LABORATORY Qualification Test Report AMP Shielded Cable Clamp Assemblies Pin Part Numbers: 745496-2 & 207464-2 Shell Part Numbers: 745173-1, 745833-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction Purpose Testing was performed on the AMP Shielded Cable Clamp Assemblies to determine if it meets the requirements of AMP Specification 108-40032, Rev. 0. Scope This report covers the electrical, mechanical, and environmental performance of the AMP Shielded Cable Clamp Assemblies made by the Interconnection Components Division of the Interconnection & Component Products Group. Testing was performed between August 21, 1987 and August 31, 1988. Conciusion The AMP Shielded Cable Clamp Assemblies meet the electrical, mechanical, and environmental performance requirements of Product Specification 108-40032, Rev. 0.501-80, Page 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 Rev. 0 Product Description The AMP Shielded Cable Clamp Assembly and accessories are used with HDP-20 or HDE-20 connectors. The shielded cable clamps are available in thermoplastic, either fully or selectively plated, or zinc die cast, fully plated. Test Samples Al] test connectors were selected at random from current production. All test groups consisted of a minimum of six double ended cable assemblies with appropriate shielding hardware. The cable used was a single shielded jacketed cable with enough conductors that a minimum of 75% of the contacts in the connector were terminated. Test Group Quantity Part Number Description 1-3 N/A 745496-2 HDE Pin " N/A 207464 -2 HDP Pin " 2 745173-1 Zinc Die Cast Shell " 2 745833-1 Plated Plastic Shel} Qualification Test Sequence Test Groups Fest or Examinatton 1 2 3 Test Sequence (a) Dielectric Withstanding Voitage 3,8 Insulation Resistance 2,7 4,93 Examination of Product ] 1 7 t 1 Shielding Effectiveness : Vibration a Physical Shock 6 Cable Pullout 9 Thermal Shock 7 Circular Jacket Cable Flexing 6 Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas 3 (a} Numbers indicate sequence in which tests were performed.2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 501-80, Rev. 0 Page 3 Summary of Testing Examination of Product - Groups 1, 2, 3 All samples submitted for testing were selected from normal production lots. They were inspected and accepted by the Product Assurance Department of the Interconnection & Component Products Group. Insulation Resistance - Groups 1 & 3 All insulation resistance measurements were greater than the 5 X 10% megohm minimum initial requirement. All measurements were greater than the 5 X 10 megohm minimum final requirement after circular jacket cable flexing and thermal shock testing. Following are the minimum initial and final readings measured in each test group. Group } Initial. Min. IR Final Min. IR (megohms ) {megohms ) 3.6 X 10" 3.8 X 10" Group 3 Initial. Min. IR Final Min. IR (megohms ) (megohms ) 7.0 X 10 1.5 X 10 Dietectric Withstanding Voltage - Groups 1 & 3 There was no dielectric breakdown or flashover when the 1.0 kvac test voltage was applied between all adjacent contacts and the contacts and the shields of mated connector assemblies. Shielding Effectiveness - Groups 1, 2, 3 All samples met the shielding effectiveness requirements of 40 db minimum at 30-216 MHz and 20 db minimum at 216-1,000 MHz. Group 1 - Initial Group | - Final 30-216 MHz 216-1,000 MHz 30-216 MHz 216-1,000 MHz {db) (db) (db) (db) 47 (Min.) 28 (Min.) 45 (Min.) 28 (Min. } 57 (Max.) 49 (Max.) 49 (Max.) 39 (Max. ) 51 (Avg.) 39 (Avg.) 46 (Avg.) 36 (Avg. )501-80, Page 4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Rav. 0 Group 2 _- Initial Group 2 - Final 30-216 MHz 216-1,000 MHz 30-216 MHz 216-1,000 MHz (db) (db) (db) (db) 44 (Min.) 32 (Min.) 46 (Min.) 30 (Min.) 56 (Max. ) 48 (Max.) 57 (Max. ) 46 (Max.) 51 (Avg.) 41 (Avg.) 52 (Avg.) 38 (Avg.) Group 3 - Initial Group 3 - Final 30-216 MHz 216-1,000 MHz 30-216 MHz 216-1,000 MHz (db) (db} (db) (db) 47 (Min.) 34 (Min.) 39 (Min.) 24 (Min.) 58 (Max. ) 49 (Max.) 47 (Max. ) 40 (Max.) 52 (Avg.) 41 (Avg.) 45 (Avg.) 33 (Avg.) Cable Pullout - Group 1 During cable pullout testing, there were no electrical discontinuities of the contacts greater than 1.0 microsecond and no physical damage occurred. Circular Jacket Cable Flexing - Group 1 During circular jacket flex testing, there were no electrical discontinuities of the contacts greater than 1.0 microsecond and no physical damage occurred. Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas - Group 2 After Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas testing, there was no evidence of physical damage. The connectors were subjected to shielding effectiveness testing initially and after gas exposure. Vibration - Group 3 During vibration testing, there were no discontinuities of the contacts greater than one microsecond. Following vibration, there were no cracks, breaks or loose parts on the connector assemblies..10 501-80, Rev. 0 Page 5 Physical Shock - Group 3 During physical shock testing, there were no discontinuities of the contacts greater than one microsecond. Following physica shock testing, there were no cracks, breaks or loose parts on the connector assemblies. Thermal Shock - Group 3 During and after thermal shock the connectors remained mated, and there was no evidence of physical damage, cracking or chipping. Test Methods Examination of Product The product drawings and inspection plans were used to examine the samples. They were examined visually, dimensionally and functionally. Insulation Resistance Insulation resistance was measured between all adjacent contacts, and the contacts and the shields of the mated connector assemblies. A voltage of 500 VOC was applied for 2 minutes, and the insulation resistance was measured. The requirement was 5,000 megohms minimum. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage A test potential of 1,000 VAC rms was applied between all adjacent contacts and all contacts and shields of the mated connector assemblies for a duration of 1 minute. Leakage current detection was set at 1.0 milliampere maximum. Shielding Effectiveness The shielding effectiveness of single braid cable double ended with AMP Shielded Cable Assemblies was measured in accordance with AMP 109-90. Emission attenuation was measured at 30-216 MHz and at 216-1,000 MHz with requirements of 40 and 20 db respectively.501-80, Page 6 3.5 3.6 3.7 Rev. 0 Cable Pullout Connector assemblies were subjected to cable pullout testing in accordance with AMP 109-46, condition A. A 50.0 pound weight was gradually applied between the cable ends of each mated connector pair. With the cable free to move, the force was applied for a duration of 1 hour, during which the cable outer shields were monitored for electrical discontinuities, using a current of 100 milliamperes. Circular Jacket Cable Flexing All twelve cable assemblies were subjected to 100 cycles of cable flexing at a rate of 12 to 14 cycles per minute in accordance with AMP 109-20. Cable assemblies were placed in a fixture which allowed the assemblies to be flexed in a plane, thru 180 of arc, alternately from a position of 90 from the vertical on one side to a position 90 from the vertical on the other side. See figure 1. Assemblies were monitored for discontinuities greater than 1.0 microsecond. 2.5 LBS WEIGHT SUSPENDED Figure 1 Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas, Class III Mated connectors were exposed for 10 days in the industrial mixed flowing gas chamber. Class III exposure is defined as a temperature of 30C and a relative humidity of 75%. Pollutants are Ci: at 20 ppb, NO; at 200 ppb and H-.S at 100 ppb.3.8 3.9 501-80, Rev. 0 Page 7 Vibration Mated connectors were subjected to vibration having a simple harmonic motion. The amplitude was 0.06 inch, double amplitude (maximum total excursion). The vibration frequency was varied between the limits of 10 and 55 Hz and returned to 10 Hz in 1 minute. This motion was applied for a period of 2 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular axes, for a total of test time of 6 hours. Connectors were monitored for discontinuities greater than one microsecond, using a current of 100 milliamps in the monitoring circuit. Physical Shock Mated connectors were subjected to a physical shock having a sawtooth waveform of 100 gravity units and a duration of 6 milliseconds. Three shocks in each direction were applied along the three mutually perpendicular planes for a total of 18 shocks. The connectors were monitored for discontinuities greater than one microsecond, using a current of 106 milliamps in the monitoring circuit. Thermal Shock Mated connectors were subjected ta five cycles of thermal shock. The temperature extremes were -55C to 105C for zinc die cast samples and -55C to 85C for plated plastic samples. Each cycle consisted of 30 minutes at each temperature extreme. The transition time between temperatures was less than two minutes.501-80 Rev. 0 Page 8 4, Yalidation Prepared by: | a) : po. tf imps 77 . fk . : + ar i: ka sf . ILLS Sd Daniel . McClure Test Engineer Design Assurance Testing Corporate Test Laboratory Reviewed by: ! R. A. Groft Supervisor Design Assurance Testing Corporate Test Laboratory Approved by: Stn Bef poyjss.y 8s Edward Gill Supervisor, Design Assurance Engineering Interconnection Components Division