Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EP53x7xQI PowerSoC
Enpirion EP53x7xQI DC/DC Converter
Module Evaluation Boar d
Thank you for c hoosing Alte ra Enpirion power produc ts!
T his applicat ion not e describes how t o t est t he following EP53x7xQI convert ers using the
Altera Enpirion 3x3 Module EVAL BOARD shown in Fig. 1: EP 5367LQI, EP 5367HQI,
EP5387LQI, EP5387HQI, EP53A7LQI, and EP53A7HQI. In a ddition to this document
you will also ne ed the devic e da ta shee t.
T he EP53x7xQ I converters are part of a new cl ass o f DC/DC converter products, a
complet e power system on silicon:
• These devices are complete modules including magnetics, and re quire only
cer amic input and output capacit ors.
• T he evaluat ion board is designed to offer a wide range of engineering evaluation
cap abilities. This includes the base configur at ion of an 0603 input ca pac itor and
an 0805 output capacitor.
• Pads ar e available to add up t o one additional input capacit or and up t o two
addit ional out put capacit ors to allow f or evaluat ion of per formance over a wide
r ange of input / output capacitor combinat ions.
• Pads are available to populate an external divider if desired.
• E asy jumpers are provided for t he following signals:
o Adaptive-biased light load mode (LLM)
o Enable
o VS0-VS3 output voltage select
• Numer ous test point s are pr ovided as well as clip leads for input and out put
• T he board comes wit h input decoupling, and input reverse pol ari ty protecti on to
safeguard the devic e from common se tup mishaps.
Quick Start Guide
STEP 1: Se t the “ENA BLE” jumper to the Disable Position.
CAUTION: t he signal pins LLM, ENA, VS0, VS1, VS2, and
VS3 mus t be connected t o a logic “high”, jumper to t he lef t, or a
logic “low”, jumper to the right. If l eft fl oati n g th e state i s
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