ASIC TGC4000 Family
SGYV048A November 1998
As the complexity of desig ns continue to increase, it is im por tant to choose an ASI C
technology that will meet all t he design goals, not just t he gate count. TGC4000 was
especially developed to be one of the fastest 0. 35 µm ASIC technologies, and still provide a
very low power solution.
Technology Features:
0.35 µm CMOS Process
3.3-V Supply Voltag e
5.0-V tolerant and 3.6-V Failsafe I/O Interface Options
Quad Level Metallization
15 Arrays With up to 954,000 Available Gat es ( 636, 000 Usable)
Low Power Consumption (0.4 µ W/MHz/Gate)
Design Support for Synopsys™, Cadence™, and Mentor™ Tools
Support for Synopsys Primet im e Static T im ing Analysis
Memory Compiler for Custom Memory Configurations
Single Port RAMs
Dual Port RAMs
Two Port RAMs
Three Por t RAMs
Metallized or Embedded Memories Available
Full IEEE 1149.1 ( JTAG) Support
Clock Distr ibution Macros
Clock T ree Synthesis
TGC4000 Military CMOS Gate Arrays
Base Available QLM Usable Bond
Array Gates Gates Pads
TGC4950 954,200 636,500 528
TGC4830 831,500 562,900 496
TGC4720 723,000 497,400 464
TGC4580 581,800 406,100 416
TGC4530 527,300 368,100 396
TGC4430 427,700 302,800 356
TGC4340 345,400 248,300 320
TGC4260 268,300 195,600 284
TGC4200 189,700 149,100 244
TGC4170 171,400 128,500 228
TGC4140 167,000 104,200 204
TGC4110 109,700 84,600 184
TGC4080 82,600 64,500 160
TGC4050 51,000 39,800 128
TGC4030 31,400 24,600 100
All Standard Pack ages have Power and Ground Planes
Reduces Noise Created by Simult aneous Switching O utputs
Reduces Number of Power and Ground Pins Necessary
High Perform ance Cer a m ic PG A, QFP, BGA Packages
All Standard CQ FP Packages Ut ilize Non-Conductive-Tie-Bar s
Maintains Lead Coplanarity Throug hout Manuf act uring, Testing, and Shipping
Eliminates Need for Carriers
Bare Die
Production Processing:
MIL-PRF-38535 (QML)
DSCC SMD # 5962-96B04
Military Temperat ure (Pack aged)
Industrial Temperat ur e ( Packaged)
Military Temperat ure (Die)
Industr ial Tempert u r e (Die)
TI Military Homepage : http://www.ti.com/sc/docs/military
TI Military ASIC Homepage : http://www.ti.com/sc/docs/military/product/asic/asic.htm
Product Inform at ion Cent er ( PI C) 972- 644- 5580
Cadence is a trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Mentor is a trademark of Mentor Graphics Corporation.
Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys Inc.