•Supports all Members of ATF1500AS Family: 1502A, 1504AS, 1508AS, 1516AS,
1504ASV, 1508ASV
•MS-Windows-based ISP Software
•ISP Cable that Connects Between PC and Board
•ISP Software Supports Atmel-JTAG Programming Instruction Set
•Application Notes
– ISP with Atmel CPLDs
– ISP Board User’s Manual
•SVF Support
•5-volt or 3-volt
Atmel ISP Kit, ISP Board, Demo Board and the various Adaptor Boards listed below
are used to program various members of the ATF1500AS family of CPLDs. The ISP
kit consists of the Atmel ISP cable and software. The cable is used to connect a PC to
the ISP/Demo boar d v ia a 10 -pin he ade r lo ca ted on the boa rd . The ISP sof twar e r uns
on a PC using Windows, and can be used to implement ISP (In-System Programming)
on Atmel dev ices. The Demo boar d can be u sed for demo nstrati on purpos es to show
the ISP process. The ISP board with the appropriate adapter board is intended to be a
programming tool so customers can program the ATF1500AS family of devices before
inse rting th em in t heir ap plic ation. Exampl es a re inc luded on t he S/ W to dem onstrat e
the use o f the s oftware wi th the ISP/De mo Boa rd. The Adap tor Boar ds sit on top of a
set of c onnect or pin s locat ed on the ISP/De mo boa rd and ar e used to p rogram parts
other than the 84 PLCC package.
Please refer to the ISP an d De mo Bo ar d ma nua l a ppl ic ati on not es on how t o us e ISP
kits, boards and application examples (literature number 0929).
Parts List
•ATDH1150PC (ISP Cable, ISP Software, 5-volt only)
•ATDH1150VPC (ISP Cable, ISP Software, 5-volt or 3-volt)
•ATDH1160PC (ISP Board, 5-volt only)
•ATDH1160VPC (ISP Board, 5-volt or 3-volt)
•ATDH1161PC (44 PLCC Adaptor Board)
•ATDH1162PC (44TQFP Adaptor Board)
•ATDH1163PC (68 PLCC Adaptor Board)
•ATDH1164PC (100 PQFP Adaptor Board)
•ATDH1165PC (100 TQFP Adaptor Board)
•ATDH1166PC (160 PQFP Adaptor Board)
•ATDH1170PC (Demo Board)
–Atmel ISP Kit
–Atmel ISP Board
–Atmel Adaptor Board
For use with A TF1500AS
Family of CPLDs
Rev. 1031B–09/99