1.25VPrecision Adjustable Shunt Reference / Amplifier CORPORATION Preliminary Product Information CL432 DESCRIPTION FEATURES * * * * * * o Temperature-Compensated: 50ppm/ C Trimmed 0.5% Bandgap Reference Internal Amplifier with 150mA Capability Nominal Temperature Range Extended to 105oC Low Frequency Dynamic Output Impedance: < 150m Low Output Noise Calogic's CL432 is a 3-terminal Adjustable Shunt Regulator highly accurate 1.25V bandgap reference with a 0.5% tolerance. The device offers thermal stability, wide operating current (100mA) and an extended temperature range of 0o to 105oC for operation in power supply applications. The CL432 offers a wide operating voltage range of up to 18V and is an excellent choice for voltage reference requirements in an isolated feedback circuit for 3.0V to 3.3V switching mode power supplies. The tight tolerance guarantees a lower design cost for the power supply manufacturer by virtually eliminating the need for an extra power supply manufacturing process of the power supply. The device is housed in several package options to meet the designers criteria. ORDERING INFORMATION Part Package CL432LP CL432D CL432VS CL432S TO-92 8-Pin Plastic SOIC SOT-23 SOT-89 Temperature Range 0 to 105oC 0 to 105oC 0 to 105oC 0 to 105oC PIN CONFIGURATION (Top View) TO-92 (LP) SOIC (D) CATHODE CATHODE 1 8 REFERENCE ANODE 2 7 ANODE ANODE 3 6 ANODE N/C 4 5 N/C ANODE REFERENCE 1G-33 1G-34 SOT-89 (S) SOT-23 (VS) CATHODE ANODE CATHODE ANODE REFERENCE REFERENCE 1J-22 1G-35 CALOGIC CORPORATION, 237 Whitney Place, Fremont, California 94539, Telephone: 510-656-2900, FAX: 510-651-3025 CL432 CORPORATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SYMBOL PARAMETER RATING UNITS VKA Cathode-Anode Reverse Breakdown 18 V IAK Anode-Cathode Forward Current 1 A IKA Operating Cathode Current 100 mA IREF Reference Input Current 1 mA PD Continuous Power at 25 oC TO-92 8L SOIC SOT-23 SOT-89 775 750 1000 200 mW mW mW mW TJ Junction Temperature 150 o C TSTG Storage Temperature -65 to 150 o C 300 o C TL Lead Temperature, Soldering 10 Seconds Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS SYMBOL TYPICAL THERMAL RESISTANCES PARAMETER RATING UNIT PACKAGE JA JC TYPICAL DERATING VKA Cathode Voltage VREF to 18 V TO-92 160 oC/W 80 oC/W 6.3mW/oC IK Cathode Current 10 mA SOIC 175 oC/W 45 oC/W 5.7mW/oC SOT-23 575oC/W 150 oC/W 1.7mW/oC SOT-89 110oC/W 8oC/W 9.1mW/oC FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM CATHODE (K) + - REFERENCE (R) + - 1.25V ANODE (A) 1J-23 CALOGIC CORPORATION, 237 Whitney Place, Fremont, California 94539, Telephone: 510-656-2900, FAX: 510-651-3025 CL432 CORPORATION ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Electrical characteristics are guaranteed over full junction temperature range (0 to 105 oC). Ambient temperature must be derated based on power dissipation and package thermal characteristics. The conditions are: VKA = VREF and IK = 10mA unless otherwise stated. SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT 1.244 1.250 1.256 V TEST CONDITION IK = 10mA, T J = 25oC, VK = VREF VREF Output Voltage VREF Line Regulation 10 15 mV VK = 1.25 to 15V VREF Load Regulation 3 6 mV IK = 1 to 100mA VREF Temperature Deviation 2 6 mV 0 < TJ < 105 oC IREF Reference Input Current 3 6 A I REF Reference Input Current Temperature Coefficient 0.3 0.6 A IK(MIN) Min. Cathode Current for Regulation 0.6 1 mA IK(MIN) Off State Leakage 0.04 500 nA 0 < TJ < 105 oC VREF = 0V, VKA = 18V *Temperature deviation is defined as the maximum deviation of the reference over the given temperature range and does not imply an incremental deviation at any given temperature. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (Not available at time of publishing) Calogic reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products described herein to improve reliability, function, or design. Calogic does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights or the right of others. Calogic products are not authorized for use as components in life support devices or systems intended for surgical implant into the body or intended to support or sustain life. Buyer agrees to notify Calogic of any such intended end use whereupon Calogic will determine availability and suitability of its products for the intended use. Calogic and the Calogic logo are trademarks of Calogic. CALOGIC CORPORATION, 237 Whitney Place, Fremont, California 94539, Telephone: 510-656-2900, FAX: 510-651-3025 CL432 CORPORATION Information furnished by Calogic is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use: nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Calogic. CALOGIC CORPORATION, 237 Whitney Place, Fremont, California 94539, Telephone: 510-656-2900, FAX: 510-651-3025 CL432 CORPORATION TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES TEMPERATURE RANGE: -55 to 125C 700 600 500 400 125C 300 25C 200 -55C 100 0 -100 -200 -1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 VKA - CATHODE VOLTAGE (V) 1G-41 10 1 0.1 75 50 25 0 -25 -50 -75 -1 0 1 2 VKA - CATHODE VOLTAGE (V) 3 1G-42 VKA = VREF 2.53 I K = 10mA 2.52 2.51 2.50 VREF = 2.503V AT 25C 2.49 2.48 2.47 2.46 -60 1G-43 REFERENCE INPUT CURRENT 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 -10 1G-44 -55C 0C -20 25C 75C -30 125C -40 I K = 10mA -50 TEMPERATURE RANGE: -55 to 125C 0 1G-45 -30 0 30 60 90 120 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE REFERENCE VOLTAGE LINE REGULATION 0 R1 = 10k R2 = 2.5 I K = 10mA 0 0 30 60 90 120 -60 -30 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) 100 2.54 VKA = 36V VREF = 0V 3.0 VKA = VREF TEMPERATURE RANGE: -55 to 125C TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT AS A FUNCTION OF TRIM VALUE OFF STATE LEAKAGE 0.01 0 30 60 90 120 -60 -30 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) 125 HIGH CURRENT OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS -100 -2 VREF - REFERENCE VOLTAGE (V) I Z off - OFF STATE CATHODE CURRENT (nA) 100 I REF - REFERENCE INPUT CURRENT (A) 150 VKA = VREF I K - CATHODE CURRENT (mA) 800 VREF - CHANGE IN REFERENCE VOLTAGE (mV) I K - CATHODE CURRENT (A) 900 LOW CURRENT OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 VKA - CATHODE VOLTAGE (V) 1G-46 CALOGIC CORPORATION, 237 Whitney Place, Fremont, California 94539, Telephone: 510-656-2900, FAX: 510-651-3025 CL432 CORPORATION TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (continued) NOISE VOLTAGE 0.150 Z KA - DYNAMIC IMPEDANCE () NOISE VOLTAGE nV/ Hz 70 60 50 40 30 20 VKA = VREF 10 I K = 10mA TA = 25C 0 100 1k 10k 10 f - FREQUENCY (Hz) Z KA - DYNAMIC IMPEDANCE () A V - SMALL SIGNAL VOLTAGE GAIN (dB) VKA = VREF I KA = 1 TO 100mA f 1kHz 0.100 0.075 0.050 0.025 0.0 -60 1G-47 -30 0 30 60 90 120 TA - FREE AIR TEMPERATURE 1G-48 DYNAMIC OUTPUT IMPEDANCE TA = 25C I K = 1 TO 100mA 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 1k 70 0.125 100k 100 LOW FREQUENCY DYNAMIC OUTPUT IMPEDANCE 10k 100k 1M f - FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M 1G-49 SMALL SIGNAL GAIN vs FREQUENCY OUT 60 50 15k TA = 25C I K = 10mA 9F IK 230 40 30 8.25k GND 20 1H-01 10 0 1k 10k 100k 1M f - FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M 1G-50 CALOGIC CORPORATION, 237 Whitney Place, Fremont, California 94539, Telephone: 510-656-2900, FAX: 510-651-3025 CL432 CORPORATION INPUT AND OUTPUT VOLTAGES (V) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (continued) 6 PULSE RESPONSE INPUT INPUT MONITOR 5 220 OUT 4 3 OUTPUT 50 f P = 100kHz 2 1 GND 0 1H-03 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t - TIME (s) 1H-02 I K - CATHODE CURRENT (mA) 100 90 80 STABILITY BOUNDARY CONDITIONS A: VKA = VREF 150 B: VKA = 5V AT I K = 10mA C: VKA = 10V AT I K = 10mA D: VKA = 15V AT I K = 10mA IK 70 60 50 STABILITY REGION C 40 10k 30 A 20 10 CL B TA = 25C 1H-05 D 0 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 C L - LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF) 1H-04 CALOGIC CORPORATION, 237 Whitney Place, Fremont, California 94539, Telephone: 510-656-2900, FAX: 510-651-3025