Versatile Power Management
and Smar t C ard In t erface IC
Simplifying System Integration™ D ATA SH EET
DS_8009C_025 February 2010
Rev. 1.5 © 2010 Teridian Semiconductor C or por ati on 1
The Terid ian 73S8009C is a versati le power
management and single smart car d i nterface circuit
t hat is ideal ly suited for smart car d r eader pr oducts
t hat are battery an d/or U SB bus -power ed. In
addition to its EMV 4.1 and ISO-7816-3 compliant
smart card-to-h ost interface ci r cuitry; i t provides
control , conversion, and regul ation of pow er for a
companion host processor circuit and power for the
smart card. The 73S8009C can operate from a
si ngle 2. 7 V to 6.5 V so ur ce su ppl y, or a
combination of battery power (4.0 V to 6.5 V) and
USB power (4.4 V to 5.5 V).
The 73S 80 09C suppor ts 5 V, 3 V, and 1. 8 V smar t
cards. The smart card signals for RST, C LK, IO,
and au xil iary signals AU X1 and AUX2 are
level-shifted to the selected VCC value. A lth ough
t he host control l er is r equi r ed to handle the
det ai led si gnal timing for activation and de-
activation under normal co ndi ti ons, th e 73S8009C
blocks any spurious signals on CLK, RST and IO
dur ing power-up (as VCC rises) and pow er-down.
The 73S8009C contai ns two handshaking signals
for t he cont r oller: OFF i ndicates that a ca r d i s
prese nt, and RDY i ndicates that VCC is at an
accept able val ue. Th e 73S8009C will perform
emergency deactiva tion upon card removal,
voltage faults, or over-cu r r ent even ts
The power management circuitry of the 73S8009C
allows operation fr om a wide r ange of vo lt ages
from mul tiple sour ces. VPC is converted by using
an inducti ve, step-up power conver ter to the
intermedi ate voltage, VP. VP i s used by li near
vol tage regul ators and switc hes t o create th e
vol tages V DD and as requir ed, VCC. VDD is use d by
t he 73S8009C and is al so made availabl e for the
comp anion controll er cir cuit or other ext er nal
circuits. The VBAT and VBUS pins provide inputs
from alternate power source s as r equi r ed. An
internal switch in the 73S8009C acts as a
single-pole, double-throw switch that selects either
VBAT or VBUS to b e connected to VPC. When t he
vol tage on VBUS is zer o, VBAT i s connected t o VPC.
When volt age i s appli ed to VBUS, the sw i tch selects
VBUS as the so ur ce for power.
When power is supplied by VPC or V BAT, the
73S 8009C is cont r olled by the ON_OF F pin in the
manner of a “push-on/push-off” butt on action. The
O FF_R EQ and OFF_A C K signals provide
hand shaking and control of the power “of f”
f unct i o n by the co ntroller. A SPST momentary
switch to ground connected to O N _OFF is all that
is r equired for power control. Alternatively, the
“off” state can be in it i ated from the host controll er
t hr ough OFF_ACK. When the 73S8009C i s “off,”
the curren t is less than 1 µA.
When power is suppli ed via the VBUS pin, th e
73S8009C is unconditionally in the “power-on”
state regardl ess of the action of the ON/OFF
switch or OFF_ACK signal. Power supply current
operating from the VBUS p ower wh en VCC is off is
less than 500 µA to conform to USB “SUSPEND ”
• Handheld PINpad smart ca r d r eader s for
e-commerce, secur e log in, e-health, Gov’t ID
and loyalty
• P oint of Sales & Transacti on Termi nal s
• G ener al Pur pose Smart Card Readers
• Ideally suited to USB bus-powered
Ideal for combo bus -powered and/or
self-powered sy stems
Autom atic battery switchover in bus
powered systems
• Ve ry low-power mode (sub-µA) with
push-button ON/OFF switch input with
• P r ovides 3. 3 V / 40 mA pow er to external
circuitry (host processor or peripheral circuit s)
• The inductor-base d D C-DC co nverter provides
higher current and efficiency than usual
charge-pump capacitor-based converter s:
Ideal for battery-powered applications