chipKIT Max32 Reference Manual page 9 of 23
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UART port 2: Asynchronous serial port. Pin 17
(RX2), Pin 16 (TX2). This uses UART3A
(U3ARX, U3ATX) in the PIC32 microcontroller.
UART port 3: Asynchronous serial port. Pin 15
(RX3, Pin 14 (TX3). This uses UART3B
(U3BRX, U3BTx) in the PIC32 microcontroller.
SPI: Synchronous serial port. Pin 53 (SS), Pin
51 (MOSI), Pin 50 (MISO), Pin 52 (SCK).
These signals also appear on connector J13.
Jumpers JP3 and JP4 are used to select
whether the Max32 operates as a Master
(transmit on MOSI, receive on MISO) or a
Slave (transmit on MISO, receive on MOSI)
device. The shorting blocks on JP3 and JP4
are normally placed in the Master position for
the Max32 to function as an SPI master. This
uses SPI2A (SS2A, SDI2A, SDO2A, SCK2A)
in the PIC32 microcontroller.
C: Synchronous serial interface. Pin 21
(SCL), Pin 20 (SDA). This uses I2C1 (SDA1,
SCL1) in the PIC32 microcontroller.
Note: The I
C bus uses open collector drivers
to allow multiple devices to drive the bus
signals. This means that pull-up resistors must
be provided to supply the logic high state for
the signals. These pull-up resistors are not on
the Max32 board and must be provided
externally. The resistance of the pull-up
resistor to use depends on the total number of
devices on the bus, the length of wire, and the
clock speed being used. It essentially depends
on distributed capacitance on the bus. The
higher the distributed capacitance and the
faster the clock speed, the smaller the
resistance should be. Values typically used are
in the range of 2K to 10K ohms.
PWM: Pulse width modulated output. Pins 3
(OC1), 5 (OC2), 6 (OC3), 9 (OC4), and 10
External Interrupts: Pin 3 (INT0), Pin 2
(INT1), Pin 7 (INT2), Pin 21 (INT3), Pin 20
User LED: Pin 13 (LD4). Pin 13 is shared
between a connector pin and the LED. Driving
the pin high turns the LED on, driving it low
turns it off.
A/D Converter Reference: Labeled A, the left-
most outer pin on connector J3. This is used to
provide an external voltage reference to
determine the input voltage range of the
analog pins. The maximum voltage that can be
applied to this pin is 3.3V. Note that this signal
is duplicated on connector J8 and corresponds
to digital I/O pin 44. If the A pin is being used
as an analog reference, then pin 44 is not
RTCC: Real Time Clock Calendar. The PIC32
microcontroller contains an RTCC circuit that
can be used to maintain time and date
information. The operation of the RTCC
requires a 32.768Khz frequency source. Pin 75
(SOSCI) is the clock input for the RTCC. A
32.768Khz oscillator should be connected to
this pin to allow use of the RTCC.
RESET: A reset button is at the upper left
corner of the board. Pressing this button will
reset the PIC32 microcontroller.
Advanced Peripheral Devices
The PIC32MX795F512L microcontroller on the
Max32 board has several peripheral devices
for advanced communications capabilities.
These peripheral devices require additional
hardware that isn’t provided on the Max32
board in order to function. This additional
hardware must be provided by a shield board
(such as the Digilent chipKIT Network Shield)
connected to the Max32.
These advanced peripheral functions make
use of various I/O pins for their operation. Most
of the I/O pins used by the advanced
peripheral devices are located on connectors
J8 and J9. When these pins are being used by
the advanced peripheral functions they are not
available for other uses.