Pad Name Description
1 GND Power supply and signal ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
2 RSVD Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
3 RSVD Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
4 GPIO0 Configurable digital I/O port 0. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
5 UART_TX Serial data output from UART.
6 UART_RX Serial data input to UART.
7 GPIO4 Configurable digital I/O port 4. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
8 GPIO5 Configurable digital I/O port 5. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
9 PWMA Pulse-width modulated output A with internal low-pass filter. Provides a DAC function.
10 GPIO2 Configurable digital I/O port 2. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
11 GPIO1 Configurable digital I/O port 1. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
12 GPIO3 Configurable digital I/O port 3. When configured as an output, this high current port can sink up to 20 mA. The
power-on output state is also configurable.
13 PWMB Pulse-width modulated output B with internal low-pass filter. Provides a DAC function.
14 VCC Power supply input, +3.3 to +5.5 Vdc.
15 GND Power supply and signal grounds. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
16 GND Power supply and signal grounds. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
17 /RESET Active low module hardware reset. Hold this input low when the power supply input is less than 2.7 Vdc.
18 ADCX 7-bit to 12-bit ADC input 0. ADC full scale reading can be referenced to the module’s +3.3 V regulated supply or
to the ADC’s internal +2.5 V reference.
19 ADCY 7-bit to 12-bit ADC input 1. ADC full scale reading can be referenced to the module’s +3.3 V regulated supply or
to the ADC’s internal +2.5 V reference.
20 SPI_MISO SPI port data input.
21 SPI_MOSI SPI port data output.
22 SPI_EN Active-low enable output for SPI bus devices.
23 SPI_SCLK SPI port clock signal.
24 ADCZ 7-bit to 12-bit ADC input 2. ADC full scale reading can be referenced to the module’s +3.3 V regulated supply or
to the ADC’s internal +2.5 V reference.
25 ADC REF Module’s +3.3 V regulated supply, used for ratiometric ADC readings. Current drain on this output should be no
greater than 5 mA.
26 NC No connection.
27 NC No connection.
28 GND RF ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground plane, and to shield when using coaxial cable.
29 RFIO RF port. Connect the antenna to this port with a 50 Ωstripline or semi-rigid coaxial cable.
30 GND RF ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground plane, and to shield when using coaxial cable.
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©2008 by RF Monolithics, Inc. ZMN2430 - 5/20/08
ZMN2430 I/O Pad Descriptions