ZNO Sees RW les J fallZ Square Type [] 5.3mmX1.8mm 33 3Element Array Type No. Lighting Color LNO3202P -+-0 Red LNO3302P --+--se-o ee Green LNO3402P ----e Amber MEX ATEH Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25 C) 7X25-314,0F0.5 Unit: mm 4.0402 2.0402 7010.2 1e+0.2 f 4 Fo E oOo 0,.8+01_ ? sal Lighting Golor | Pp(mwW)| te(mA) |Ine(mA)*| Va(v) | Topr(*c) | Tstg("c) Red 70 25 150 4 25~+85 | 30~+100 ceMe Green % 30 150 4 25~+85 | -30~+100 pat Amber 90 30 150 4 | 25~+85 | 30~+100 Heer * Iep ORE ld, duty 10%, Pulse width 1 msec. The condition of Ifp is duty 10%, Pulse width 1 msec 1: Anode 2 : Cathode MAHAN Electro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25 C) Type No. Lighting Lens Color lo Ve ap AA Ir Typ. Min. \r Typ. Max. Typ. Typ. le Max. Vr LNO3202P Red Red Diffused 0.6 0.3 15 2. 2 2.8 700 100 20 5 4 LNO3302P Green | Green Diffused 1.5 0.4 20 2.2 2.8 565 30 20 10 4 LNO3402P Amber | Amber Diffused 1.5 0.6 20 2.2 2.8 590 30 20 10 4 - Unit mcd med mA v Vv nm nm mA uA Vv 8 3 g E Ss 2 we w 2 i= ae mE . Hs ws R23 = 3 & we fy a 2 ne ei wi $ xs x " 7s ze j 3 5 10 50 100 . . 2. 2.4 MA BK MAW RE Forward Current Ie (mA) Forward Voltage Ve (Vv) HA St See a AS AE I. ta Relative Luminous Intensity < F Wavelength Characteristics Ee S rool ono? Nod4d2P th al 4 te t ~ Directive Characteristics - me R 5 5 @3 Me fy ao RK a R23 . : ae =e R$ LES 1 3 SAND =e "eae | 700 800 6 60 00 5 a oH @ & i tenet dp (nm) Ambient Temperature Ta (C) Panasonic 251