DS9186A-14 November 2017 www.richtek.com
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Application Information
Capacitor Selection and Regulator Stability
Careful selection of the external capacitors for the RT9186A
is highly recommended in order to remain high stability
and performance.
Regarding the Input capacitor, connecting an X7R or X5R
ceramic capacitor which is ≥ 1μF between input and ground
is a must. Distance less than 1 cm between input pin and
ground of the RT9186A is recommended to avoid any
unstability. With larger value of capacitor adding on lower
ESR could result in better performance for both PSRR
and line transient response.
Regarding the output capacitor, connecting a10μF
capacitor between output and ground is a must. Any
capacitor is acceptable only with a highlight of relation
between ESR region and Load current, shown in below.
Output capacitor with larger capacitance can reduce noise
and improve load transient response, stability, and PSRR.
The same as Input capacitor, distance less than 1 cm
between output pin and ground of the RT9186A is
recommended to avoid any unstability.
Region of Stable COUT ESR vs. L o ad Curren t
0 100 200 300 400 500
Load Current (mA)
100 VIN = 3V
Input-Output (Dropout) Voltage
A regulator's minimum input-to-output voltage differential
(dropout voltage) determines the lowest usable supply
voltage. In battery-powered systems, this determines the
useful end-of-life battery voltage. Because the device uses
a P-MOSFET, its dropout voltage is a function of drain-to-
source on-resistance, RDS(ON), multiplied by the load
current :
Over-Current and Short-Circuit Protection
The RT9186A continuously monitors output current to
provide maximum safety. In the event of output over current
or short-circuit, over-current protection function will activate
and override the voltage regulation function to limit output
current at 1.4A typically. Large power dissipation at this
condition may cause chip temperature to raise and trigger
the over temperature protection if over-current or short-
circuit is not removed in a short time
Power Good
The power good is an open-drain output. Connect an
100kΩ pull up resistor to VOUT to obtain an output voltage.
The power good will output high immediately after the
output voltage arrives 80% of normal output voltage. See
Timing Diagram and Typical Operating Characteristics.
Adjustable Operation
The output voltage of the RT9186A is adjustable from 0.8V
to 4.5V by an external voltage divider as shown in Typical
Application Circuit Figure 2. The value of R2 should be
less than 80kΩ to ensure regulation.
Chip Enable Operation
Pull the EN pin low to drive the device into shutdown mode.
At the same time, pin 3 (PGOOD) is pulled low. During
shutdown mode, the standby current drops to 0.1μA (typ).
The output voltage decay rate is determined by the external
capacitor and load current. Drive the EN pin high to turn
on the device again.
Reverse Current Path