71M6543F/H and 71M6543G /GH Data Sheet
v1.2 © 2008–2011 Teridian Sem iconduc tor Corpor ation 81
3.3.2 IC Behavior at Low Battery Voltage
When syste m pow er is not pres en t , the 71M 6543 re lies on th e VBAT pin for power. If the VB A T voltage is
not sufficient to maintain VDD at 2.0 VDC or greater, the MPU cannot operate reliably. Low VBAT voltage
can occur while the part is operating in BRN mode, or while it is dorman t in SL P or LCD mode . Two cas es
can be di stinguished, dependi ng on M P U code:
• Case 1: System power is not pr esent, and the part is waking f r om SLP or LCD mode. In this case,
the hardware check s the value of VDD to determine if processor operation is possible. If it is not
possible, the part confi gur es itself for BRN operation, and holds the pr oc essor in reset (WAK E= 0) . In
this m ode, VBAT powers the 1. 0 VDC reference for the LCD system, the VDD regulator, the PLL, and
the fault comparator. The part remains i n this wait ing mod e unt il V DD become s high d ue to s ystem
power bei ng applied or the VBAT battery being r eplaced or recharged.
• Case 2: The part is operat ing under VBAT power an d VSTAT[2:0] (S FR 0xF9[2:0]) becomes 101,
indicating that VDD f alls bel ow 2.0 VDC. In this case, the firm ware has two choices:
1) One c hoice is to assert the SLEEP bit (I/ O RA M 0x28B 2[ 7]) immediate ly. This assertion preserves
the rem aining char ge in V BAT. Of course, if the batt ery voltage is not increased, t he 71M6543
enters Case 1 as soon as it tries to wake up.
2) The alternat ive choice is to enter the waiting mode described in Case 1 immediately. Specifically,
if the fir mware does not assert the SLEEP bit, the hardware resets the proces sor four CE32 clock
cycles (i.e. 122 µs) after VSTAT[2:0] bec om es 101 and, as descri bed in Case 1, it begins waiting
for VDD to become greater than 2.0 VDC. The MPU wakes up wh en sy st em po wer returns, or
when VDD becomes greater than 2. 0 VDC.
In either case, when VDD recovers, and when the MPU wakes up, the WF_BADVDD flag (I/O RAM 0x28B0[2])
can be read t o determine that the proc essor is recover ing from a bad VBAT conditi on. The WF_BADVDD
fla g remain s set until the next tim e WAKE f alls. This fl ag is i ndependent of the other WF flags.
In all cases, l ow VBAT volt age does not c or r upt RTC operat ion, the stat e of NV memory, o r the s tate of
non-volatile me mory. These circ uits depend on the VBAT_RTC pin f or power.
3.3.3 Reset Sequence
When the RESET pin is pulled high, all di gital activity i n the chip stops, with the ex c eption of the oscillator
and RTC. Additiona lly, a ll I/O RA M bits are f or c ed to t heir RST state. A reliable reset does not occ ur until
RESET has been high at least for 2 µs. Note that TMUX and the RTC are not reset unless the TEST pin
is pul led high while RESET i s hi gh.
The RESET control bit (I/ O RAM 0x 2200[3]) performs an identical r eset to the RESET pin except that a
significantly shorter r eset timer is used.
Once initiated, the reset sequence w aits until t he r eset timer times out. The time out occurs in 4100
CE32 cycles (125 ms), at wh ich time the MPU b egins execut ing its pre-boot and boot sequenc es from
address 0x0000. See for a detailed description of the pre-boot and boot sequences.
If system power i s not pr esent, the r eset timer duration is t wo CE32 cycles, at which time the MPU begins
ex ec uting in BRN m ode, starti ng at addres s 0x0000.
A softer form of reset is initiated whe n th e E_RST pin of the ICE interface is pulled low. This event causes
the MPU an d other registers in t he MPU core to be re s et but doe s not res et the remainder of t he
71M6543. It does not trigger the reset sequence. This type of reset i s intended to reset the MPU
program, but not t o make ot her changes to the c hip’s state.
3.3.4 Watchdog Tim er (WDT) Reset
The watchdog ti mer (WDT) is described in 2.5.13.
A status bit, WF_OVF (I/O RAM 0x28B0[4]) , i s s et when a WDT overflo w oc curs. Similar to the other wak e
flags, this b it is pow ered by the non-volatile supp ly and c an be read by the MPU to det er min e if th e pa rt is
initializing afte r a WD overflow eve nt or afte r a power-up. The WF_OVF bit is cleared by the RES ET pin.
There is no i nternal digital state t hat could deactiv ate the WDT. For debug purposes, however, the WDT
can be di sabl ed by r aisi ng the ICE_E pin to 3.3 V DC.