Specification 108-1228
17Feb06 Rev E
Connector, AMPLIMIT E*, Shielded, .050 Series
©2006 Tyco Electronics Corporation
Harrisburg, PA
All International Rights Reserved.
* Trademark
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1.1. Content
Thi s specifi c ation covers performance, tests and qualit y requirements for AMPLIMI TE* .050 series
product . This product c onsi sts of print ed c irc uit boar d mounted and cable appl ied pl ug and r ec eptacle
connectors, ex cludi ng S-Bus, ACTION PIN* connectors and product i ntended for termi nati on to .025
inc h c enterli ne r ibbon cable and surface mount product.
1.2. Qualification
When tests are performed on subj ec t product l ine, pr oc edur es specified i n Fi gur e 1 shal l be used. All
inspect ions shall be per form ed usi ng the appl icable inspection pl an and pr oduc t drawing.
The following Ty c o E lectronics documents form a par t of this specificati on to the extent specified|herei n. Unl ess otherwise specified, the l atest edi ti on of the document applies. In the event of confli c t
between the requirement s of t his specificati on and the product drawing, the product dr awing shal l t ak e
precedence. In the event of confli c t between the requirements of thi s specificati on and the referenc ed
documents, thi s specificati on shal l t ak e pr ec edenc e.
109-1: Test Specificati on ( General Requi r ements f or Test Specificat ions)|
109 Series: Test S pec ificati ons as indicat ed in F igure 1
114-40029: Appli cati on Specification (AMPLI MITE * . 050 Series Insulation Di spl acement and|Printed Circ uit B oar d Connec tors)|
501-155: Q uali ficat ion Test Report (Connector, AMPLI M ITE*, Shi elded, .050)|
3.1. Design and Constructi on
Product shall be of t he desi gn, construc ti on and phy si c al dimensions specified on the applicable
product dr awing.
3.2. Materials
Mater ials used i n the construc ti on of this product shall be as specified on the applicable product|drawing.|
3.3. Ratings
Vol tage: 30 vol ts AC per UL and CSA
Current : Signal applicat ion only, 1 amper e maximum at 50% ener gized, See F igure 2.
Temperature: - 55 to 105
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3.4. Perfor manc e and Test Descri pti on
Product i s designed t o meet the electrical, mec hanical and environmental per form anc e r equirement s
specified in Figure 1. Unl ess otherwise specified, all tests shall be performed at ambi ent environmental
condi ti ons per T est S pec ificati on 109- 1.|
3.5. Test Requirement s and Proc edur es Summary
Test Description Requir ement Procedur e
Exami nati on of product. Meets requirement s of produc t
drawing and Appli c ati on S pec 114-|40029.
Vi sual , di mensi onal and func ti onal
per appl icable quali ty inspection
Termination resistance. 25 milliohm s max im um. AMP Spec 109-6-1.
Subj ec t mated c ontact s assembl ed
in housi ng to 50 mv maximum
open ci r c uit at 100 ma maxi mum.
See Figure 5.
Insulat ion resistance. 1000 m egohms m inim um. AMP Spec 109-28-4.
Test bet ween adjac ent cont ac ts of
mated samples.
Dielect ric wit hstanding voltage. 500 v ac at sea level. AMP Spec 109-29-1.
Test bet ween adjac ent cont ac ts of
mated samples.
Capacitance. 3 picofarads maxi mum. AMP Spec 109-47,
Conditi on E .
Test bet ween adjac ent circuit s of
mated samples.
Vi br ati on, random. No discont inuities of 1 mi c r osecond
or l onger dur ati on.
See Note.
AMP Spec 109-21-5.
Subj ec t mated sampl es to 7.3 G' s
rms. 20 mi nutes in each of 3
m utual ly per pendicular planes.
See Figures 6 and 7.
Physic al shock. No discont inuities of 1 mi c r osecond
or l onger dur ati on.
See Note.
AMP Spec 109-26-1,
ex c ept 30 G' s.
Subj ec t mated sampl es to 30 G's
half-sine shock pul ses of 11
milliseconds dur ati on. 3 shocks in
each di r ec ti on applied al ong 3
m utual ly per pendicular planes, 18
total shocks.
See Figures 6 and 7.
Durability. See Note. AMP Spec 109-27.
Mate and unmate samples wi thout
locking l at c hes for 500 cycles at
m aximum rate of 800 cycl es per
Figure 1 (c onti nued)
Test Description Requir ement Procedur e
Rev E 3 of 7
Mating for c e. Connec tor Pounds
Position Max i mum
20 - 40 15
42 - 60 20
62 - 80 30
82 - 100 40
102 - 120 50
AMP Spec 109-42,
Conditi on A .
Measure force nec essary to mate
samples wit hout l oc k ing latc hes at
maximum rate of 1 inch per
Unm ati ng force. Connector P ounds
Position Mini mum
20 - 40 1.5
42 - 60 2.0
62 - 80 3.0
82 - 100 5.0
102 - 120 7.0
AMP Spec 109-42,
Conditi on A .
Measure force nec essary to
unm ate samples wi thout lock ing
latches at maximum rat e of 1 inch
per mi nute.
Housing l ock strengt h. 25 pounds minimum. AMP Spec 109-50.
Determine strength of housing
loc k ing mechanism .
Thermal shock. See Note. AMP Spec 109-22.
Subj ec t mated sampl es to 25
cycles between -55 and 105°C.
Hum idi t y-temperature cycling. See Note. AMP Spec 109-23-4,
Conditi on B .
Subj ec t mated sampl es to 10
cycles between 25 and 65°C at
95% RH.
Temperature life. See Note. AMP Spec 109-43.
Subj ec t mated sampl es to
temperature li fe at 105°C for 500
Mixed flowing gas. See Note. AMP Spec 109-85-3.
Subj ec t mated sampl es to
environmental class III for 20 days.
Shall meet v is ual r equir em ents, s how no phys ic al dam age and s hall m eet requirem ents of
additional t es ts as s pec ified in Tes t Sequence in Figure 3.
Figure 1 (end)
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Denotes energi z ed c irc uit
Figure 2
Current E ner gizing Circuit
3.6. Product Qualificat ion and Requali ficat ion T est S equenc e
Test or E xaminat ion
Test G r oup ( a)
Test Sequenc e ( b)
Exami nati on of product 1,9 1,5 1,5 1,9
Terminat ion resi stanc e 3,7 2,4 2,4
I nsulatio n r esistanc e 3,7
Dielectric wit hstanding voltage 4,8
Capacitance 2
Vibration 5
Physic al shock 6
Durability 4
Mating f orce 2
Unm ati ng force 8
Housing l oc k str ength 10
Thermal shock 5
Hum idity - temperat ur e c y c ling 6
Temperature li fe 3
Mi xed flowing gas 3(d)
(a) See par agr aph 4.1.A .
(b) Number s indic ate sequence in which test s ar e per formed.
(c) No wir es or pr inted circ uit boards us ed wit h test s equenc e 4.
(d) Precondition samples with 10 cycles durability.
Figure 3
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4.1. Quali ficati on Testi ng
A. Sample Selection
Sampl es shall be prepared in acc or danc e with appl icable I nstr uc ti on S heets and shall be selec ted
at random from c ur r ent producti on. All test groups shall c onsi st of number of sampl es specified i n
Figure 4. A ll connectors shall have gol d on c ontact int er fac e. Back shel ls where required shal l be
strai ght exi t. Cable shall be 28 AWG ( 7/32) t in pl ated copper wir e in acc or danc e with AMP
Specificat ion 114-40029. 30 random contact s shall be selected and i dentified, c ontact sel ec ti on
shall include ends of the c onnec tor. Unless otherwise specifi ed, these cont ac ts shal l be used for
all measurements.
Test G r oup Qt y Positi on Mal e Female Hardware Cable
5 120 Cable plug
with back shel l Boardmount Latches S hielded round
5 120 Cable plug
with back shel l Panel mount Latches Shi elded round
5 20 All pl astic plug Boardmount None Ribbon
25 50 All pl astic plug Boardmount None Ribbon
550 Cable plug
with back shel l Panel mount Latches Shield round
35 50 All pl astic plug Boardmount None Ribbon
550 Cable plug
with back shel l Panel mount Latches Shi elded round
4550 Cable plug
with back shel l Boardmount,
w/o board Latches None
550 Cable plug
with back shel l Panel mount Latches None
Figure 4
B. T est S equenc e
Quali ficati on inspection shall be verified by testi ng sampl es as specifi ed in F igure 3.
4.2. Requalificati on Testi ng
If c hanges significant ly aff ec ti ng for m, fit or function are made t o the product or manufacturing
process, product assurance shall coordinat e r equalificat ion t esting, c onsi sting of all or par t of t he
ori ginal testing sequence as determined by development/produc t, quality and r eliability engineering.
4.3. Acceptance
Acceptance is based on verificat ion t hat the pr oduc t meets the r equirements of Fi gur e 1. Fail ur es
att r ibut ed to equi pment, test setup or operator deficiencies shall not di squal ify the product. When
product failure occ ur s, c or r ec ti ve act ion shall be tak en and sampl es resubm it ted for qualificat ion.
Testing to c onfirm c or r ec ti ve action is requir ed before resubmit tal .
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Note: Volt age dr op due to “X” of wire is to be removed from all r eadings.
(Backshells not Il lustrated)
Figure 5
Terminat ion Resistanc e M easurement P oint s
4.4. Quali ty Confor manc e Inspection
The appli cable AMP quality i nspection plan will specify the sampling acceptable quality level to be
used. Dimensi onal and func ti onal requirements shall be in accor danc e with the applicable product
drawing and this specificati on.
4.5. Certification
Product has been recogni z ed under the Component Rec ognit ion Pr ogr am of Underwr it er s'
Laborator ies Inc., E lectrical File number E- 28476, and cert ified by Canadian Standards, F ile Number
Rev E 7 of 7
Right Angle Boardmount Recept ac le/ Cable Plug
Panel M ount Recept ac le/ Cable Plug Ver ti c al Boar dmount
Figure 6
Vi br ati on & P hy si c al Shoc k M ounti ng & Clamping Locat ion
Figure 7
Vi br ati on & P hy si c al Shoc k M ounti ng & Clamping Locat ion