Waveform measurements
Types Amplitude, Time
Measurements ΔT, 1/ΔT, ΔV
Automatic measurements Period, Frequency, Pos Width, Neg Width, Rise Time, Fall Time, Maximum , Minimum , Peak-Peak, Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS,
Cursor RMS, Phase, Pos Pulse Cnt, Neg Pulse Cnt, Rise Edge Cn, Fall Edge Cn, Pos Duty, Neg Duty, Amplitude, Cycle Mean,
Cursor Mean, Burst Width, Pos Overshoot, Neg Overshoot, Area, Cycle Area, High, Low, Delay RR, Delay RF, Delay FR, Delay
Waveform math
Arithmetic Add, Subtract, Multiply
Math functions FFT
FFT Windows: Hanning, Flat Top, Rectangular 2048 sample points
Sources Two channel models: CH1 - CH2, CH2 - CH1, CH1 + CH2, CH1 × CH2
Autoset menu Single-button, automatic setup of all channels for vertical, horizontal, and trigger systems, with undo Autoset
Square wave Single Cycle, Multicycle, Rising or Falling Edge
Sine wave Single Cycle, Multicycle, FFT Spectrum
Video (NTSC, PAL, SECAM) Field: All, Odd, or Even Line: All or Selectable Line Number
Automatically adjust vertical and/or horizontal oscilloscope settings when probe is moved from point to point, or when the signal
exhibits large changes.
Frequency counter
Resolution 6 digits
Accuracy (typical) + 51 parts per million including all frequency reference errors and +1 count errors
Frequency range AC coupled, 10 Hz minimum to rated bandwidth
Frequency counter signal source Pulse width or edge selected trigger source
Frequency counter measures selected trigger source at all times in pulse width and edge mode, including when the oscilloscope
acquisition is halted due to changes in run status, or acquisition of a single shot event has completed.
The frequency counter does not measure pulses that do not qualify as legitimate trigger events.
Pulse Width mode: Counts pulses of enough magnitude inside the 250 ms measurement window that qualify as triggerable events
(e.g. all narrow pulses in a PWM pulse train if set to "<" mode and the limit is set to a relatively small number).
Edge Trigger mode: Counts all pulses of enough magnitude.
Channels 2 channel
TBS1000B Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
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