M0072-E-03 2004/09
- 29 -
1) Pi n #1 i ndication
2) Dat e Code: XXXX XXX(7 dig its)
3) Mar kin g Code: AK4356VQ
4) Count ry of Or i gin
5) Asa h i Kasei Logo
• These products and thei r specif ications are subject to change w it hout noti ce. Before considering
any use or application, consul t the Asahi Kasei Microsystems Co., Ltd. (AKM) sales of f ice or
authorized dist ributor concerni ng their current status.
• AKM assumes no li abili ty f or inf ri ngement of any patent, intel lectual property, or other right i n the
appl ication or use of any inf ormation contai ned herein.
• A ny export o f these pro du cts, or de v ice s or s y ste ms con taining them, may req uire a n export licen se
or other off icial approval under the l aw and regulations of t he country of export pertaining to
cust oms and tarif fs, currenc y exchange, or strategi c materi al s.
• AKM products are neither intended nor authorized for use as cri tical components in any safety, life
support, or ot he r hazard related device or syst em, and AKM assumes no responsibili ty rel ati ng to
any such use, except wi th the express written consent of t he Representative Director of AKM. As
used here:
(a) A hazard related devi ce or system i s one designed or i ntended for li f e support or mai ntenance
of s afety o r for app lication s in medicine , aero spa ce , nuc le ar e ner gy, or oth er fields , in which its
failure to function or perform may reasonably be expected to result in loss of life or in significant
injury or damage to person or property.
(b) A critical compo ne nt is one whose failure to func tion or p erform may rea s o na bly be exp ected to
result, w hether directly or i ndi rectl y, in the loss of the saf ety or ef fecti veness of the device or
system c ontaining it, and which must therefore meet very hi gh standards of performance and
reli abili ty.
• It is the responsibility of the buyer or distributor of an AKM product who distributes, disposes of, or
otherwise places the product with a third party to notify that party in advance of the above content
and conditions, and the buyer or distributor agrees to assume any and all responsibility and liability
for and hol d AKM harml ess f rom any and al l claims arising f rom the use of said product in the
absence of such noti fic ation.