Product Specification
document version 0.0 23
G156XW01 V1
8.0 Reliability Test
Environment test conditions are listed as following table.
Items Required Condition Note
Temperature Humidity Bias (THB) Ta= 50
C, 80%RH, 300hours
High Temperature Operation (HTO)
Ta= 50 oC, 50%RH, 300hours
Low Temperature Operation (LTO) Ta= 0 oC, 300hours
High Temperature Storage (HTS) Ta= 60 oC, 300hours
Low Temperature Storage (LTS) Ta= -20 oC, 300hours
Vibration Test
Acceleration: 1.5 Grms
Wave: Random
Frequency: 10 - 200 Hz
Duration: 30 Minutes each Axis (X, Y, Z)
Shock Test
Acceleration: 50 G
Wave: Half-sine
Active Time: 20 ms
Direction: ±X, ±Y, ±Z (one time for each Axis)
Drop Test Height: 46 cm, package test
Thermal Shock Test (TST) -20 oC /30min, 60 oC /30min, 100 cycles 1
On/Off Test On/10sec, Off/10sec, 30,000 cycles
Contact Discharge: ± 8KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec,
15 points, 25 times/ point.
ESD (Electro Static Discharge)
Air Discharge: ± 15KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec
15 points, 25 times/ point.
Altitude Test Operation:10,000 ft
Non-Operation:30,000 ft
Note 1: The TFT-LCD module will not sustain damage after being subjected to 100 cycles of rapid
temperature change. A cycle of rapid temperature change consists of varying the temperature from
-20 oC to 60 oC, and back again. Power is not applied during the test. After temperature cycling, the
unit is placed in normal room ambient for at least 4 hours before power on.
Note 2: EN61000-4-2, ESD class B: Certain performance degradation allowed
No data lost
No hardware failures.