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UM WIM ssazdxa Yt z Noy sasodand GuynideynuLW ByL JO; pasn OVAIIED P1yy a AUB 40 BSA ayl JO) JBABOSIEYM Alm Aue Ul pasopISp 40 Ud % Paido> parnpada saya 3Q yeYys Aas Pry OD 2V199)/9 ang z oeThis material and the Information herein is the property of Fuji Elecine Co.Ltd They shalt be neither reproduced, copied lent. or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party.nor used for he manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co, Ltd i 3. an Absolute Maximum Ratings ( at Tc= 25C unless otherwise specified ) Items Symbols Conditions Raine Units Collector-Emitter voltage YCES 1200 V Gate-Emitter voltage YGES +20 vo Ic Continuous Te=25 300 Te=80T 200 Collector current Ic pulse Ims Te=25C 600 A Tc=80C 400 -le 200 -Ic pulse lms 400 Collector Power Dissipation Pe 1 device 1300 W Junction temperature Tj 150 c Storage temperature Tstg ~40~ +125 Cc Isolation voltage * Viso AC : lmin. 2500 V Mounting? 5 Screw Torque Terminals 4.5 Neo Terminals ? 1.7 (#1) All terminals should be connected together when isolation test will be done. (#2) Recommendable Value : 2.5~3.5 N-m (M5) or (M6) (#3) Recommendable Value : 3.5~4.5 N-m (M6) (#4) Recommendable Value : 1.3~1.7N-m (M4) 4. Electrical characteristics ( at Tj= 25 unless otherwise specified) Characteristics Items Symbols Conditions pin typ. | Max. {Units re ee vr age Ices |VGE= OV, VE= 1200 4.0 | mA Gate-Emitter leakage current IGES |VCE = OV, VGE= +20V 0. 8 uA i hecchald vol tage VoE(th) |VOE= 20V, Ic= 200m} 55] 72] 85 | Collector-Emitter VCE (sat) |VGE = lV Tj = 25 2.3 2.6 y saturation voltage Ic = 200 A Tj = 125 TC 2.8 Input capacitance Cies |VGE = QV 24000 Output capacitance Coes |VCE = 10 3000 pF Reverse transfer capacitance Cres |f{f = | MHz 4400 ton {ec = 600V 1.2 Turn-on time tr Te = 200 4 0.6 trey VGE = +15 V 6.1 LS Turn-off time toff |RG = 4.7 1.0 tf 0.08 | 0.3 Forward on voltage VF JIF = 200A [TI = 20T 24 | 3.3 Vv Ti = 125 2.0 Reverse recovery tine trr |IF = 200 A 0.35 | us . Thermal resistance characteristics Characteristics Items Symbols Conditions min. typ. | Max. |Units Thermal resistance Rth(j-c) | IGBT 0. 096 (1 device) FD 0. 260 |*C/W Contact Thermal resistance Rth(c-f) | with Thermal Compound *! 0.0125 *% This is the value which is defined mounting on the additional cooling fin with thermal compound. Note : This specification is only fer technical considerations, and not for contract. This specification is subject to be changed without notices. REVISIONS Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. MT 5 F9781 ay. iThis material and the information herein is (he property of Fuji Electne Co.Ltd. They shail be neither eeproduced, copied Jent, of disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use af any third party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co. Lid, [ pF ] Coes, Cres Cies, Capacitance Collector current vs. Coltector-Emiiter voliag e Tj= 257 (typ. ) 500 Y T t r T . T . po ! 400 = | 4 = 300 - L _-10V J 5 200 z | a = 100 1 . By Q : + : : : Q 1 2 3 4 5 Collector - Emitter vollage : WCE VJ Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage VGE=15V (typ. ) 500 St to Tie Bo Tis 1 409 2 | = 300 z L 4 = 200 S 100 0 1 1 L 0 1 Q 3 4 5 Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE < Jj Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ. ) VGE=0V, f= IMHz. Tj= 257 30000 T T T T T T 10000 5000 1000 f _ 500 i L l L ss 4. j 0 5 10 16 20 25 30 35 Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE 2 Vi Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Ti= 125 (typ. ) 500 EL SEA A r 4 ! 400 = { = 300 < L 2 = 200 S S . = S 100 i 0 1 2 3 4 5 Collector - Emitter voltage : YCE { VJ] Collector-Emiiter voltage vs. Gate-Emitter voltage Tye 25T (typ. ) 10 eo > af ! a of = r r ' . & | = r i q Ey = . ; L T Ic= 400A : I 5 of \ oS le= 200A = 4 Ie= 100A = a bh t ; Ob a 10 15 20 25 Gate - Emitter voltage : VGE ' VJ) Dynamic Gate charge (typ. ) Vec=600. [c=200A Tj= 25C 1000 r , 1 . r 25 . | ! | = 800 20 - 1 ~ 3 ~ 2 L ! 1 8 | : = , 600 15 = i | = | : 5 = } ' 4 = > , -_ 2 400 ie = : 2 a = | | | 3 = 200 5 2 = & & L i 4 0 i 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Gale charge : Qe [ aC J REVISIONS Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. WG.NO. MT5F 9781Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Vec=600V, VGE=+ 15V, Rg= 4.7Q , Ti= 26T Vec=600V, VGE=+ 15V, Re= 4.7Q . Tj= 1257 1000 r T . T + T r 1000 + T 7 + 7 + + ! eee ce teen Lo | & Er i | = r . = 500 500 Tait = ton 4 = r = tr J 3 L z 4 g a \ 1 : & = = 0h 1 we 100 f = . _ i 4 = L = L | 4 = L & L ! 4 a L. 50 i 4 1 1 4 ut 4. 50 1 4 1 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 Collector current : Ic [Ai Collector current : Ie [A! Switching time vs. Gate resistance (typ.) Switching loss vs. Collector current (typ. ) Vec=600V, [c=200A, VGE=+ 15, Tj= 250 Vec=600V, VGE=+ 15V, Re=4.7Q 5000 oy Set 50 . | 7 . r : 1 . ae vee 4 | Eon(125 ) be . . - . ee eee eee ae . ton _ -_ gs cos of . a +>: co a is SsUurs 2 ' i 283 = toff 2 -' oS t 2 L bosses 4 2 4 Roeze | t $ ) Ses a : a3 8 = roa L. vibe cece eee eee 4 ee og : e.s _- 1900 . . as ay = F 4 5 39 Z Eon(25T ) Esies r 7 = jEofh(i2s% ) BEges = 300 ae +f foc thee 4 a ge = r 4 a 2S35% = 2 x | Boll (2s) EBeEE y ] (125% 5a32 a fErr (125) T>arrs a L 4 a L 4 am <2 55 8 = 2 7206 _ = veges z 10 $3353 = 100 b t = Ernst) See =% > L . 4 = . BT : 4 suse 8 L SY " EHOaR I ra ao 50 4 1 pt 4 0 i i 1 i. 2s22 I 10 100 0 100 200 300 400 Gate resistance : Rg [Q 3 Collector current : Ie [A] Switching joss vs. Gate resistance (typ. ) Reverse bias safe operating area Vec=600V, [c=200A. VGE=+ 15V, Tj= 126C +VGE=15V, -VGES 15V, Re2 4.72 , TiS 1250 140 ee ee 500 : ; ' ; t : _ , Eon r : \ ! 4 = 120 } = po / J 400 > 1 = 100 | ' 4 | ' . L we ee eden Loe bocce eee el : | ! a | ~ 300 80 = / en be ee . wee . noe . A . - = be . e = 60 5 a = 200 : r os ~ eotr J = | 2 40 3 r 1 = = | ef | ee {F100 b- -__ = 3 ! | -* i oi Bo fo oo a er 4 | ! 0 pe lh Pr reerererer 0 i 1 L i 4 1 10 100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Gate resistance : Rg [Q ] Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE [VJ ii j SMTSF 9781 4y Fuji El Co.Ltd. S Ye REVISIONS uji ectric = 5 paoThis matorial and the information herein is the property of Fut Electac Co.Ltd They shall be neither reproduced, copied lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use af any third party.nor used for the manufac turing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co,, Ltd, 500 400 {al IF 300 200 Forward current 160 W ime ~ oe t oc 2 g &. 005 8. Forward current vs. Forward on voltage (typ. ) Reverse recovery characteristics (typ.) Vec=600V, VGE=+ 15V, Rg=4.70 + 1 : t : . 300 . ; : : ; , ! i | i po Ty125 | Tis28C a <a L. wee q- ee ee eee eee nee i nny 4 $s : Lirrazs% ) L i 4 trra2se ) = | : : | Lirr(2sw ) 5 L ' 7 o I - ; s= i ze 100 : : : | ! | z z bo Jo : 4 be ceeeee trees ptr ase ).-4 ve i : ee bo ., : : 4 os : 1 3S L 4 me oe + 4 1 50 1! . i 1 4 0 I _ 2 3 4 G 100 200 300 400 Forward on voltage : VF IV: Forward current IF [A] Transient therma! resistance a ry T rT Lo . . d b PY: 4 1GBT dette h + roe deh 4 declan ti 0.01 Pulse width : Pw Definitions of switching time REVISIONS Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. DWG.NO MT5F 97 81